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So we ran the bridge last night and hilarity ensued.
So the PCs came up with the idea to force Gogomurt say he "captured" the PCs and is taking them in (I don't know why they thought this was a good idea but they did). In the last session one of the PCs went out on the bridge and got himself killed. The PCs tried to cross the bridge and the minute the second PCs steps on the bridge the trap is sprung. The PCs thought that the goblins would disarm the trap but the goblins (as they are wont to do) forgot all about it. The Hellknight and the Magus both fail their reflex rolls and fall into the water (Gorgomurt saves and starts trying to use the rope to get to the other side) The rest of the PCs, seeing their top two melee fighters fall decide to retreat. The Hellknight and Magus make their way to the Howling Hole and fight the Bunyip. The Magus fails the Bunyips roar but the Hellknight rolls magnificently and finish off the Bunyip and starts looting the pool. The retreating PCs hear the Magus (an Elf) scream and use a rope to climb down the hole to reunite the party. The PCs don't let the Elf hear the end of that. The Goblins reset the bridge and charge forth to find the PCs and run right pass the Hole. The PCs decide to climb up, run across the bridge and trigger it on the far side leaving the goblins trapped on the mainland. This is were thinks get interesting...
The PCs assumed the Goblins disarmed the trap, not yet realizing its weight sensitive. They rush across the bridge and trigger the trap a SECOND time. The Magus and Rogue both fail their saves while the Hellknight saves. The Magus starts thinging it's Elf sensitive since he was the trigger person both times. The Magus and Rogue swim to the hole to regroup. The Hellknight shimmys his way across but has no ranks in Disable Device and can't figure out how to work the bridge. The Barbarian climbs over, leaving the Witch and Cleric behind. The Goblins return to the bridge, forcing the Witch and Cleric to quickly climb across the ropes. The Witch botches and falls into the water but the Cleric makes it across. By this time the Magus and Rogue had climbed up and snuck up on the goblins, backstabed a few and entered into melee with the rest. They expected the PCs on the island to lend supporting cover but the Goblin Commandos in the watch tower heard what was going on and launched arrows at them. By the time they dispatched the Commandos the Magus and Rogue had been incapacitated (but they both succeed their first stabilizing roll). The Goblins dragged them off, and they returned with out their bodies trying to figure out how they will get across. Knowing they would have to act fast the Hellknight tied a smoke bomb to one of the Cleric's arrows and they used that to smoke out the far side of the bridge so that the Barbarian and Hellknight could use the ropes to climb back over without fear of the goblins launching arrows at them. Alas it didn't matter as the the Hellknight botches and falls below to the sea.
This is where things started to get better for our poor PCs. The Goblins had thrown what they though to be the dead bodies of the Magus and Rogue down the Hole. The Witch had swam over to the cave but was stranded there cause she had know way up. She pulls both of the out and used her healing Hex on them. She then gives them both two gold coins and tells them it's for the ferryman as she "Won't be able to do that again for the rest of the day so don't get killed". The Hellknight shows up and tells them of his plan and they all climb up and pincher the goblins and eviscerate them (literally). They then tie a rope to the Rogue who tries to cross using the ropes and promptly botches, crashing into the cliff side. They pull him up and he tries again, makes it across and easily resets the bridge and disarms the trap. The party makes it across finally and they bashed down the door, where we ended our game.
I think I'm going to have Gogomurt wait in the Throne Room and be part of that encounter.