Innovative Quests & Interactions

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

Hi, I love Pathfinder... that being said here is what I hate:

Fallout: New Vegas it was incredible... until the Gun Runner's Arsenal, Every other DLC had new content and a REASON you got your STUFF! GRA just HANDED you items at start... I was let down by this decision, I'd rather have found a radio signal that lead me to a bunker with the stuff in it!

What does this have to do with PFO?

EVERYTHING! You see, I have played a lot of MMOs and I have NEVER been able to keep an interest in them because of the "hand me" attitude. DC Universe Online is an exception because of it's unique way of allowing constant character customization!

Here is what I need:

Constant Character customization (DC Universe Online)
A challenge (Dark Souls)
Quests to gain purchased MARKET items (NOT LIKE GRA From Fallout New Vegas)

Relevant Pathfinder Rulebook Quests: Meeting your Familiar? Do the ritual in the game... it would bring a huge level of depth to the game that crap MMOs just don't have!

Multi-Level Soundtracks (Rift MMO)

A way to interact with time meters to make them get over quicker... Nothing is as annoying as not being able to "play out" doing a task when it should help your character accomplish tasks faster because it would be less annoying than just waiting without doing anything until the bar fills up... why hasn't anyone done a hybrid God of War action button and MMO time meter for actions yet? Please be the first. Make it so you DON'T have to press the "action button" but it would speed up processes if you do!

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