The Mind Mage: A Pathfinder Psionicist (Please Critique)


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Psionics. That single word makes more DMs cringe with fear and loathing than any other in the game system. Although an integral part of the game since the introduction of 1st Edition AD&D, in many ways the powers of the mind have been the red-headed step-child. Over the various editions and revisions and updates and overhauls, it seems that psionic powers—and those who use them—have never quite fit into the game. The mechanics have been different, and complex, sometimes overpowering, sometimes barely keeping up with more traditional forms of spellcasting. But psionics should be a part of the fantasy role-playing game experience. There are specific settings (such as Katherine Kurtz’s Deryni series) which highlight how these powers do fit into fantasy.

With the following class, I have taken as a theme the three most common psionic powers used in literature, film, and drama: pyrokinesis, telekinesis, and telepathy. The class that follows is built around using spells (not power points, but spells!) that focus on these three elements of traditional psionic myths and legends. The class also receives a number of extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities that augment those powers.

What I hope to do is to make a class that fits into the Pathfinder system and does not require a new set of rules to use. A class that integrates psionics into the existing framework of how the game works, and that does so in a way that does not overshadow the current classes, but remains true to the literary history and mythology of psionics. I don’t have all the answers, and many people who are used to the power point system of 3.5 and Dreamscarred Press will not particularly like my take on the concept. I realize that starting out. This idea is a starting point for a class and not a finished product. I would appreciate any advice, critiques, constructive criticisms, and suggestions that you may have to offer.

And thank you for bringing an open mind to this work.

Master Arminas

The Mind Mage
The mind is a powerful thing—as powerful for a select few as piety and study. The mind mage seeks to harness that power, to understand it, and through it to exert his influence on the world around him. For the most part, the mind mage is a subtle individual who gently nudges others into doing his will. But when angered, the mind mage is capable of terrible destruction with his command of fire and purely kinetic energies. A student of the ‘third’ domain of magic (Mentalism), mind mage’s are often mistaken for more common sorcerers, wizards, and magi—which is often how those who wield the power of the mind prefer it.

Role: The Mind Mage is a powerful full-level caster of magic, akin to the Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard. Although his skill list is not quite as versatile as that of the Sorcerer, the Mind Mage receives numerous special abilities that augment his powers and make him a force not to be taken lightly. Depending on the exact spell selection the character makes, the Mind Mage can carry out many different roles, from dealing damage to serving as the face of a party to using utility and transportation magic to move from one place to the next. This class, as much as any full-spellcaster, is one that demands an inventive and intelligent player to gain its fullest benefit.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d6

Base Attack Bonus: Low

Good Saving Throws: Will

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (any) Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The mind mage is proficient with all simple weapons. He is not proficient with any type of armor or with a shield of any kind. However, a mind mage’s spells are not subject to arcane spell failure and the mind mage may freely cast when wearing armor if he takes the appropriate feats.


Bonus Feats: A mind mage gains a bonus feat at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level which he may select from the following list: Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency; Martial Weapon Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, or any metamagic feat.

Spells: A mind mage casts mentalism spells drawn from the mind mage spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a mind mage must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a mind mage’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the mind mage’s Intelligence modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a mind mage can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is the same as that of the Sorcerer class. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score.
The mind mage’s selection of spells is extremely limited. A mind mage begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the mind mage’s choice from his spell list. At each new mind mage level, he gains one or more new spells, as per the Sorcerer’s spells known table. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a mind mage knows is not affected by his Intelligence score.)
Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered mind mage level after that (6th, 8th, and so on), a mind mage can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the mind mage “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level mind mage spell the mind mage can cast. A mind mage may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level.
A mind mage need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level.
A mind mage casts Mentalism spells. Mentalism spells are identical to their listed arcane and divine counterparts, except as listed here. Mentalism spells require no components (verbal, somatic, or material) or focus. They are not subject to arcane spell failure. Mentalism spells do provoke attacks of opportunity like all other spells when cast. Mentalism spells are not scribed on scrolls, but are instead recorded on power stones. Mechanically, this is identical to the cost and description of normal scrolls. Specific spells (such as restoration) that require costly material components or focuses still require that the mind mage possess those in order to cast that specific spell.

Talents (Su): Mind mages learn a number of talents, or 0-level spells, as noted under ‘Spells Known’. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

Telepath (Su): A mind mage gains telepathy out to 100 feet. He may communicate with another living creature that has a language, even if the mind mage and the creature do not share a language in common. A mind mage can only communicate with one creature in this fashion at a time.

Empathy (Ex): Starting at 2nd-level, a mind mage becomes able to read the emotional content of people near him. He gains a competence bonus equal to one-half his mind mage level on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks.

Greater Mage Hand (Sp): A mind mage of 4th-level may use mage hand, as per the spell, as a spell-like ability at will. This ability allows the mind mage to manipulate both mundane and magical objects weighing up to 5 lbs. per mind mage level.

Fire Resistance (Ex): A mind mage of 6th-level gains fire resistance 10. This protection increases to fire resistance 20 at 12th-level and fire resistance 30 at 18th-level.

Telekinetic Maneuver (Sp): At 8th-level, a mind mage may, as a standard action, invoke a telekinetic maneuver against a single creature within Medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level of the mind mage). He can perform a bull rush, a disarm, a grapple (including a pin), or a trip against the target of this ability. The mind mage resolves this maneuver as normal, except that the maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity, he uses his mind mage class level in place of his base attack bonus, and he uses his Intelligence modifier in place of his Strength or Dexterity modifier. A failed maneuver attempt does not result in the mind mage being disarmed or knocked prone (if he is attempting a disarm or trip). There is no saving throw against this ability, but spell resistance applies normally. The mind mage may maintain this ability by concentration, for up to 1 round/level. He may attempt one combat maneuver each round on his action.
At 8th-level a mind mage may use this ability twice per day. At 12th-level, and every four mind mage levels gained thereafter, the mind mage gains one additional daily use of this ability.

Greater Telekinesis (Su): At 10th-level, a mind mage who selects telekinesis as a spell known may hurl twice the weight normally allowed by the spell (50 lbs. per caster level rather than 25 lbs.) and the maximum weight allowed by the spell no longer caps at 15th level. If a mind mage does not select telekinesis as one of his spells known at 10th-level, but does select it at a later date, the mind mage instead gains greater telekinesis at that level.

Mind Probe (Sp): A 12th-level mind mage may, once per day, probe the mind of a living creature. This ability requires that the mind mage touch the creature and takes one minute of concentration to activate. Once activated, the mind mage may ask the creature one question per round. The creature gets a Will save (DC 10 + one-half the mind mage’s level + the mind mage’s Intelligence modifier) for each question. If the save is successful, the creature does not have to answer. If the creature fails the save, he must answer the question truthfully and to the best of his knowledge. The mind mage may repeat the same question in order to force an answer against which the creature has already saved once; each question allows a Will save on the part of the subject.
The mind mage may maintain his mind probe for two rounds per level. At the conclusion of this ability, the mind mage is fatigued for the next 10 minutes.
At 15th-level, and again at 18th-level, the mind mage gains one additional daily use of this ability.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 14th-level, a mind mage can react to danger before his senses would normally him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, even if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized, or if his opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.

Probability Travel (Su): At 16th-level, a mind mage using plane shift, teleport, or any other form of transportation magic that has a chance of arriving off target, reduces the percentile rolls for distance or mishap by his mind mage class level.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A mind mage of 18th-level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the mind mage by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the mind mage’s class level.

Psilord (Su): At 20th-level, a mind mage gains a +2 bonus to the DC of any spell mind-affecting, fire-based, or telekinetic spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability that he uses. This bonus stacks with those received from Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.
The mind mage also receives a +2 bonus on all caster level checks made to penetrate Spell Resistance when using a mind-affecting, fire-based, or telekinetic spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. This bonus stacks with those received from Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration.
When the mind mage casts the spell telekinesis, he may affect a single object weighing up to 2,000 lbs, regardless of the normal weight limits imposed by the spell. Multiple objects are still limited to the mind mage’s greater telekinesis.
When using his probability travel ability, the mind mage receives -30% on the mishap or mis-arrival roll.
The mind mage becomes immune to fire upon reaching this level.

Mind Mage Spell List

0-level Spells: Bleed; Daze; Detect Magic; Detect Poison; Guidance; Know Direction; Mage Hand; Mending; Message; Open/Close; Prestidigitation; Read Magic; Stabilize

1st-level Spells: Burning Hands; Calm Animals; Charm Animal; Charm Person; Command; Comprehend Languages; Confusion, Lesser; Endure Elements; Expeditious Retreat; Feather Fall; Grease; Hold Portal; Identify; Jump; Mage Armor; Mind Thrust*; Produce Flame; Shield; Sleep

2nd-level Spells: Animal Affinity*; Calm Emotions; Chill Metal; Cure Light Wounds; Darkvision; Daze Monster; Delay Poison; Detect Thoughts; Ego Whip*; Flame Blade; Heat Metal; Hold Animal; Invisibility; Knock; Levitate; Locate Object; Make Whole; Protection from Arrows; Pyrotechnics; Scorching Ray; See Invisibility; Spider Climb; Touch of Idiocy; Undetectable Alignment

3rd-level Spells: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance; Cure Moderate Wounds; Delay Poison; Deep Slumber; Discern Lies; Dispel Magic; Dominate Animal; Fireball; Glibness; Hold Person; Nondetection; Psionic Blast*; Protection from Energy; Quench; Restoration, Lesser; Scrying; Suggestion; Tongues; Water Breathing

4th-level Spells: Charm Monster; Confusion; Crushing Despair; Cure Serious Wounds; Detect Scrying; Dimension Door; Fire Shield (warm only); Freedom of Movement; Geas, Lesser; Globe of Invulnerability, Intellect Fortress*; Lesser; Invisibility, Greater; Locate Creature; Phantasmal Killer; Remove Disease; Wall of Fire

5th-level Spells: Break Enchantment; Command, Greater; Cure Critical Wounds; Dominate Person; Dream; Feeblemind; Hold Monster; Interposing Hand; Magic Jar; Modify Memory; Nightmare; Neutralize Poison; Passwall; Permanency; Restoration; Rusting Grasp; Sending; Telekinesis; Telepathic Bond; Teleport; Tower of Iron Will*

6th-level Spells: Air Walk; Antimagic Field; Contingency; Disintegrate; Dispel Magic, Greater; Forceful Hand; Geas/Quest; Globe of Invulnerability; Plane Shift; Scrying, Greater; Suggestion, Mass; True Seeing

7th-level Spells: Delayed Blast Fireball; Ethereal Jaunt; Fire Storm; Grasping Hand; Hold Person, Mass; Insanity; Spell Turning; Teleport, Greater

8th-level Spells: Charm Monster, Mass; Clenched Fist; Clone; Irresistible Dance; Moment of Prescience; Regenerate

9th-level Spells: Astral Projection; Crushing Hand; Dominate Monster; Etherealness; Foresight; Freedom; Hold Monster, Mass; Mage’s Disjunction; Meteor Swarm

*New spell, see below for details.

New Mind Mage Spells

Animal Affinity
Level: Mind Mage 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level
You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to a single ability score of your choice. Select Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma when you cast this spell. You may take a standard action at any point during the spell’s duration to switch the enhancement bonus to another ability score of your choice. You may only have one animal affinity spell in effect on your person at any one time. Casting the spell a second time automatically dispels the first casting and resets the duration.

Ego Whip
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You unleash a powerful bolt of mental energy that strikes a single target. You must make a ranged touch attack; if you are successful, the target suffers 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 5d8) and is staggered for one round. A successful Will saving throw negates the staggered condition.

Intellect Fortress
Level: Mind Mage 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 20 feet
Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
You generate a fortress of thought so strong that it offers protection to you and everyone around you. You and all allies within the area of this spell’s effect gain spell resistance equal to 12 + your caster level. If an ally leaves the area of effect, they lose the protection offered by this spell. If the spell’s duration is still active and they return to within 20-feet of you, they once again receive the benefits.

Mind Thrust
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You project a bolt of mental force that stabs into your target’s mind, causing intense pain and damage. You inflict 1d8 points of damage for every two caster levels you possess (maximum of 5d8 at 9th-level). The target can make a Will saving throw to reduce the damage that he suffers by one-half.

Psionic Blast
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped burst extended out to 60 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You project a wave of mental energy that inflicts 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Will saving throw will reduce the damage taken by one-half.

Tower of Iron Will
Level: Mind Mage 5
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: 20 feet
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
You encase yourself and your allies in a shimmering bastion of telekinetic force. The tower of iron will can sustain 10 points of damage per caster level (maximum of 150 points) before it collapses. Those within the tower suffer no damage from attacks initiating outside the tower until the duration expires or the tower suffers sufficient damage to collapse. Those inside the tower can freely exit, but any creatures outside the area of effect (hostile or allied) cannot enter the area until the duration expires or the tower has been breached by sufficient damage.

really nice work, but a bit on the strong side it seems at first glance, altough the restricted spelllist might make up for it.
Needs some playtesting perhaps, but for now I cannot see any great holes.
What do you do against something immune to fire and mind-effects?

Pray? Teleport away? Use telekinesis?

Take your pick. lol

Thank you for taking a look, Richard. I have struggled with this class for weeks, but the other day I was going back through some old posts here on these boards and I found a comment by James Jacobs. It indicated that if Pathfinder was going to redo psionics, it would be moving away from the old power point based system and more towards the current spell slots.

So, I started taking a look at that . . . and it works. Not perfectly, and I imagine that a lot of people won't be happy with it, but it works. I picture this a starting point, a place to begin discussion, so I am open for any suggestions or advice that you (and others) might have.

Master Arminas

A few comments here, to let you my thoughts behind the design of this class.

You will notice there are no (zero, zip, zilch) summoning spells on the list. 3.5 went a little too far in that direction, with the shaper being able to make Astral Constructs customized. In fact, they went overboard with the whole ecto-thing! It doesn't fit into the theme of psionics (in my opinion) and I just winced everytime I saw a shaper. I wanted to back off from that take and go with a more tradtional look to the class.

In a similar vein, I got rid of most of the transmutation aspects. Shape-shifting seems (to me, at least) to be an arcane discipline, not a psionic one. Contorting your jaws to gain a bite attack, or growing claws, or physically altering your form just doesn't fit. Although, I nearly made a spell that duplicated the old 1st edition body weaponry, but then I decided against it.

And I am sure that some are asking the question: why fire? It is the most common resistance out there? Can't we have electrokinesis, or acedokinesis (however you spell it), or cyrokinesis? Let's face it, folks, Wizards just made those up pretty much from whole cloth. Fire, on the other hand, is something that is very much associated with psionics in traditional literature (ala Stephen King's Firestarter and to a lesser degree Carrie). Sure, it is not the most mechanically advantageous, but it fits.

Telepathy and telekinesis are the two main powers that people think of when they see psionics, mind-mages, Jedi, what-have-you. That's why these powers consitute much of the spell list (with things like suggestion and charm and dominate and the specific mind mage spells at the end of the list). And it is also why so many of the special abilities the class gets concentrate on those areas. The hand spells (interposing hand, grasping hand, etc) were included because once you strip away the description of a giant 10-foot hand floating in the air, these spells are basically different forms of telekinesis.

Psychoportation is a more recent addition to the psionic regime. But it has a been a large part of D&D psionics (and Traveler) since the first books were printed. From simple levitation (always associated with psionics) to the old probability travel to astral projection and teleport, these fit the theme perfectly. Which is why they are present, just not in the extreme amounts that many might want to see them.

Which brings us to the question about why are all those darn clerical healing spells on the list? Psionics is about knowing ones body and mind; and in myth and legend powerful users of the mind are often able to purge their body of disease and poisons and heal wounds. They can't do it as effectively as a cleric, but they can still do it. And so, I added them. Pretty much three levels after a cleric gets them, but they have them.

But why then mage armor and shield? And jump, for god's sake?

I see mage armor and shield as manifestations of protective telekinetic force--and hence very much in character for this class. Jump (and animal affinity and others) are here because we all grew up watching Star Wars, and if a Jedi isn't psionic, then I don't know what psionics are!

Grease is definately something that may not fit. But I think it can, if you look at as the removal of friction from a surface. Still, it can be removed with little loss to the class as a whole. Chill metal and heat metal (with chill metal being the only cold spell on the entire list) are a nod to the old molecular agitation power from 1st edition.

I kept the BAB and saving throws the same as the Wizard and Sorcerer because it seemed to fit. Likewise, with Intelligence as a controlling attribute for their magic, 2 skill ranks per level is more than enough. The class skills were chosen to reflect knowledge and (for want of a better term) 'attitude adjustment', which is an area where a psionicist should excel (and the assistance of his empthy ability, the mind mage does).

That pretty much leaves Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge as the outliers. But let's take a look at their descriptions. It is all about being able to react to danger before he even consciously senses it. THAT, my friends, is what psionics is all about. Still, the class gets these ability very, very late in the game (ten levels after a rogue!), so they should not be too game-breaking.

I do hope that you enjoy my work, and continue to give your ideas and advice on how to make this class fit into the Pathfinder setting. And Merry Christmas everyone.

Master Arminas

I like the rationale for the spell list, I like the class abilities, I like the overall fell of the class except for the reliance on spell slots (though I recognize the design choice as an attempt to comply with Paizo's tentative and limited statement of potential intent). While I feel that, along the same lines as the justification for the inclusion of "clericy" spells...

Which brings us to the question about why are all those darn clerical healing spells on the list? Psionics is about knowing ones body and mind; and in myth and legend powerful users of the mind are often able to purge their body of disease and poisons and heal wounds. They can't do it as effectively as a cleric, but they can still do it. And so, I added them. Pretty much three levels after a cleric gets them, but they have them.

To me, the implementation of a less restrictive casting mechanic for Psionics directly ties into this concept as well - the ability to use one's available mental power as a Psion to cast whatever combination of spells one finds necessary (as opposed to the spell-slot system as it stands which implements severe limits on the ability to cast higher level spells while lower level spells are progressively less restricted) seems to me to be a primary feature intrinsic to the degree of self-knowledge that has thematically been associated with Psionicists heretofore.

If a class feature was included for this class that allowed two or more lower-level spell slots to be merged and allowed to fuel additional castings of higher-level spells, that would go a long way towards addressing my perception of the thematic nature of the Psion. I should say, however, that such a system would almost certainly either be incredibly wasteful of resources (spell slots) or fairly complex, if not both. >.>

I like the majority of the class concepts and structure; if a less restrictive daily use mechanic were included I would be seriously pleased. As it stands, in the abstract, I would play this class happily.

Thank you, DS. It is a far less flexible system than the use of power points . . . and some folks ain't gonna like that. But it is really no different than a Wizard or Sorcerer of the same level in a actual play. I mean, how often did a 3.5 psion actually cast a boatload of higher level powers? It was more likely that he fully augmented lower level stuff. And he had to, because there was no auto-scaling of damage for manifester level.

That is now changed (and you noticed I capped the 'traditional' psionic attack power/spells). Plus, by the time you top out each spell level, you've got six + spells per day of each level. That should be more than plenty, if seeing the Sorcerer in play is any guide.

Anyway, I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas!

Master Arminas

Should I have added more 'multiple choice' abilities, ala the barbarian's rage or the paladin's mercy or the rogue's talents? I was lamblasted over on EN World because the class didn't seem 'Pathfindery' enough.

What do you folks think?

Master Arminas

Ok, I have gone back and cut down on some of the powers. Empathy is no longer available, nor is uncanny dodge or improved uncanny dodge. I have also rearranged some of the other powers to make it more akin to the Sorcerer-class blood-line progression. I believe that this should correct the impression that it is too powerful, but I would still like your opinions.

Master Arminas

The Mind Mage, Take 2
The mind is a powerful thing—as powerful for a select few as piety and study. The mind mage seeks to harness that power, to understand it, and through it to exert his influence on the world around him. For the most part, the mind mage is a subtle individual who gently nudges others into doing his will. But when angered, the mind mage is capable of terrible destruction with his command of fire and purely kinetic energies. A student of the ‘third’ domain of magic (Mentalism), mind mage’s are often mistaken for more common sorcerers, wizards, and magi—which is often how those who wield the power of the mind prefer it.

Role: The Mind Mage is a powerful full-level caster of magic, akin to the Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard. Although his skill list is not quite as broad as that of the Sorcerer or Wizard, the Ming Mage receives a number of special abilities that augment his powers and make him a force not to be taken lightly. Depending on the exact spell selection the character makes, the Mind Mage can carry out many different roles, from dealing damage to serving as the face of a party to using utility and transportation magic to move from one place to the next. This class, as much as any full-spellcaster, is one that demands an inventive and intelligent player to gain its fullest benefit.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d6

Base Attack Bonus: Low

Good Saving Throws: Will

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (any) Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The mind mage is proficient with all simple weapons. He is not proficient with any type of armor or with a shield of any kind. However, a mind mage’s spells are not subject to arcane spell failure and the mind mage may freely cast when wearing armor or using a shield.


Bonus Feats: A mind mage gains a bonus feat at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level which he may select from the following list: Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency; Martial Weapon Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, or any metamagic feat. The mind mage must meet all of the listed prerequisites of the feat chosen.

Spells: A mind mage casts mentalism spells drawn from the mind mage spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a mind mage must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a mind mage’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the mind mage’s Intelligence modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a mind mage can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is the same as that of the Sorcerer class. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score.
The mind mage’s selection of spells is extremely limited. A mind mage begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the mind mage’s choice. At each new mind mage level, he gains one or more new spells, as per the Sorcerer’s spells known table. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a mind mage knows is not affected by his Intelligence score.)
Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered mind mage level after that (6th, 8th, and so on), a mind mage can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the mind mage “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level mind mage spell the mind mage can cast. A mind mage may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level.
A mind mage need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level.
A mind mage casts spells from the mentalism list. Mentalism spells are identical to their listed arcane and divine counterparts, except as listed here. Mentalism spells normally require no components (verbal, somatic, or material). Expensive material components or focuses (those exceeding 1 gp in value) must still be obtained in order to cast spells that require them. Mentalism spells are not subject to arcane spell failure. Mentalism spells provoke attacks of opportunity like all other spells when cast.

Talents (Su): Mind mages learn a number of talents, or 0-level spells, as noted under ‘Spells Known’. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

Telepath (Su): A mind mage gains telepathy out to 100 feet. He may communicate with another living creature that has a language, even if the mind mage and the creature do not share a language in common. A mind mage can only communicate with one creature in this fashion at a time.

Greater Mage Hand (Sp): A mind mage of 3rd-level may use mage hand, as per the spell, as a spell-like ability at will. This ability allows the mind mage to manipulate both mundane and magical objects weighing up to 5 lbs. per mind mage level.

Greater Telekinesis (Su): At 10th-level, a mind mage gains telekinesis as a bonus spell known. The mind mage may manipulate a greater amount of weight than other casters with this spell (50 lbs. per caster level rather than the listed 25 lbs) and the cap on maximum weight allowed is extended to 20th level, rather than 15th. When using telekinesis to perform a combat maneuver, a mind mage gains a +4 bonus on his roll.

Mind Probe (Sp): A 13th-level mind mage may, once per day, probe the mind of a living creature. This ability requires that the mind mage touch the creature and takes one minute of concentration to activate. Once activated, the mind mage may ask the creature one question per round. The creature gets a Will save (DC 10 + one-half the mind mage’s level + the mind mage’s Intelligence modifier) for each question. If the save is successful, the creature does not have to answer. If the creature fails the save, he must answer the question truthfully and to the best of his knowledge. The mind mage may repeat the same question in order to force an answer against which the creature has already saved once; each question allows a Will save on the part of the subject.
The mind mage may maintain his mind probe for two rounds per level. At the conclusion of this ability, the mind mage is fatigued for the next 10 minutes.
At 16th-level, and again at 19th-level, the mind mage gains one additional daily use of this ability.

Probability Travel (Su): At 13th-level, a mind mage using plane shift, teleport, or any other form of transportation magic that has a chance of arriving off target, reduces the percentile rolls for distance or mishap by his mind mage class level. For example, a 13th-level mind mage casts plane shift. Normally a character would roll 5d% for the distance in miles from his designated targeted; the mind mage, however, would apply a modifier of -65 to that roll (5 x 13), with any result of 0 or less allowing for the mind mage to arrive precisely where he intended.

Psilord (Su): At 20th-level, a mind mage gains a +2 bonus to the DC of any spell mind-affecting, fire-based, or telekinetic spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability that he uses. This bonus stacks with those received from Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.
The mind mage also receives a +2 bonus on all caster level checks made to penetrate Spell Resistance when using a mind-affecting, fire-based, or telekinetic spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. This bonus stacks with those received from Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration.
When the mind mage casts the spell telekinesis, he may affect a single object weighing up to 2,000 lbs, regardless of the normal weight limits imposed by the spell. Multiple objects are still restricted to the weight limits given in the mind mage’s greater telekinesis ability.
When using his probability travel ability, the mind mage reduces the distance from his designated target or the mishap chance by one-and-a-half times his class level, applied to each percentile roll (see above).

Mind Mage Spell List

0-level Spells: Bleed; Daze; Detect Magic; Detect Poison; Guidance; Know Direction; Mage Hand; Mending; Message; Open/Close; Prestidigitation; Read Magic; Stabilize

1st-level Spells: Burning Hands; Calm Animals; Charm Animal; Charm Person; Command; Comprehend Languages; Confusion, Lesser; Elfsight*; Endure Elements; Expeditious Retreat; Feather Fall; Grease; Hold Portal; Identify; Jump; Mage Armor; Mind Thrust*; Produce Flame; Shield; Sleep

2nd-level Spells: Animal Affinity*; Calm Emotions; Chill Metal; Cure Light Wounds; Darkvision; Daze Monster; Delay Poison; Detect Thoughts; Ego Whip*; Flame Blade; Heat Metal; Hold Animal; Invisibility; Knock; Levitate; Locate Object; Make Whole; Protection from Arrows; Pyrotechnics; Scorching Ray; See Invisibility; Spider Climb; Touch of Idiocy; Undetectable Alignment

3rd-level Spells: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance; Cure Moderate Wounds; Delay Poison; Deep Slumber; Discern Lies; Dispel Magic; Dominate Animal; Fireball; Glibness; Hold Person; Nondetection; Psionic Blast*; Protection from Energy; Quench; Restoration, Lesser; Scrying; Suggestion; Tongues; Water Breathing

4th-level Spells: Charm Monster; Confusion; Crushing Despair; Cure Serious Wounds; Detect Scrying; Dimension Door; Fire Shield (warm only); Freedom of Movement; Geas, Lesser; Globe of Invulnerability, Intellect Fortress*; Lesser; Invisibility, Greater; Locate Creature; Phantasmal Killer; Remove Disease; Wall of Fire

5th-level Spells: Break Enchantment; Command, Greater; Cone of Fire (as Cone of Cold, but fire damage); Cure Critical Wounds; Dominate Person; Dream; Feeblemind; Hold Monster; Interposing Hand; Magic Jar; Modify Memory; Nightmare; Neutralize Poison; Passwall; Permanency; Restoration; Rusting Grasp; Sending; Telekinesis; Telepathic Bond; Teleport; Tower of Iron Will*

6th-level Spells: Air Walk; Antimagic Field; Contingency; Disintegrate; Dispel Magic, Greater; Forceful Hand; Geas/Quest; Globe of Invulnerability; Plane Shift; Psychic Crush*; Scrying, Greater; Suggestion, Mass; True Seeing

7th-level Spells: Delayed Blast Fireball; Ethereal Jaunt; Fire Storm; Grasping Hand; Hold Person, Mass; Insanity; Shatter Mind Blank*; Spell Turning; Teleport, Greater

8th-level Spells: Charm Monster, Mass; Clenched Fist; Clone; Irresistible Dance; Moment of Prescience; Regenerate

9th-level Spells: Astral Projection; Crushing Hand; Dominate Monster; Etherealness; Foresight; Freedom; Hold Monster, Mass; Mage’s Disjunction; Meteor Swarm

*New spell, see below for details.

New Mind Mage Spells

Animal Affinity
Level: Mind Mage 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 min./level
You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to a single ability score of your choice. Select Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma when you cast this spell. You may take a standard action at any point during the spell’s duration to switch the enhancement bonus to another ability score of your choice. You may only have one animal affinity spell in effect on your person at any one time. Casting the spell a second time automatically dispels the first casting and resets the duration.

Ego Whip
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You unleash a powerful bolt of mental energy that strikes a single target. You must make a ranged touch attack; if you are successful, the target suffers 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 5d8) and is staggered for one round. A successful Will saving throw negates the staggered condition. The caster can choose to deal either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell.

Level: Mind Mage 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level
You gain low-light vision (as an elf) for the duration of the spell, as well as a +2 bonus on vision-based Perception checks.

Intellect Fortress
Level: Mind Mage 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 20 feet
Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
You generate a fortress of thought so strong that it offers protection to you and everyone around you. You and all allies within the area of this spell’s effect gain spell resistance equal to 12 + your caster level. If an ally leaves the area of effect, they lose the protection offered by this spell. If the spell’s duration is still active and they return to within 20-feet of you, they once again receive the benefits.

Mind Thrust
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You project a bolt of mental force that stabs into your target’s mind, causing intense pain and damage. You inflict 1d8 points of damage for every two caster levels you possess (maximum of 5d8 at 9th-level). The target can make a Will saving throw to reduce the damage that he suffers by one-half. The caster can chose to deal either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell.

Psionic Blast
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped burst extended out to 60 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You project a wave of mental energy that inflicts 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Will saving throw will reduce the damage taken by one-half. The caster can choose to deal either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell.

Psychic Crush
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 20-ft. radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You project a wave of mental energy that inflicts 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Will saving throw will reduce the damage taken by one-half. The caster can choose to inflict either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell.

Shatter Mind Blank
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 7
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature protected by mind blank
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
You negate a creature’s defenses against your mind-affecting spells when you cast this spell. If the creature is currently under the effects of a mind blank spell, that spell immediately ends (as if its duration has elapsed) without the need for a dispel check.

Tower of Iron Will
Level: Mind Mage 5
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: 20 feet
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
You encase yourself and your allies in a shimmering bastion of telekinetic force. The tower of iron will can sustain 10 points of damage per caster level (maximum of 150 points) before it collapses. Those within the tower suffer no damage from attacks initiating outside the tower until the duration expires or the tower suffers sufficient damage to collapse. Those inside the tower can freely exit, but any creatures outside the area of effect (hostile or allied) cannot enter the area until the duration expires or the tower has been breached by sufficient damage.

No thoughts on the new configuration at all?

I am shocked, SHOCKED, that there is gambling in this casino! lol

Master Arminas

Silver Crusade

Interesting. I'm currently playing in games, not running them so long as I'm trying to survive college after 40, but it looks okay at first glance. I'll point it out to the resident rules-monkeys that I game with.

Finn K,

You ever form any conclusions?

Master Arminas

Silver Crusade

master arminas wrote:

Finn K,

You ever form any conclusions?

Master Arminas

Still working on it. General consensus from last weekend's brief look is it seems balanced, but I'm gonna nail down some more detailed evaluations of it soon. Sorry I didn't get that interim bit back to you sooner-- but I haven't forgotten this project. :)

So, anyone have any comments?


Silver Crusade

master arminas wrote:

So, anyone have any comments?


Discussed fairly heavily with the game group-- I'm going to assimilate the comments and have it back to you NLT Tuesday night (gotta finish some school assignments tonight and Monday first). A couple of concerns about the custom spells, and maybe move telepathy from 1st level to a couple levels up, but other than that, it does look balanced. More details when I'm done with the school stuff and back to a gaming break. :)

Silver Crusade

Decided to take a break from essay-writing and get back with you sooner... :)

Overall, looks pretty good. Don't know that we'd actually try playing it in a game anytime soon (no need for new characters at the moment, and there is a bit of reluctance on the part of the two people GM'ing to try a custom class right now-- I'm just playing at the moment, not running a game).

Specific Comments:

Seems like Sorcerers are the baseline comparison class, so my group and I were (after some initial discussion) using the Sorcerer for comparison of power level.

Telepathy (or at least, the speak to and understand any creature, regardless of language difficulties)-- maybe save that for later than 1st level. Maybe consider that this does stay an ability immediately gained at 1st, in lieu of the Sorcerer's bloodline attack power.

Mind Probe (innate ability gained at 13th level): go with 1 rd per level rather 2 per level. Also, 1 use, gets 2nd use at 17th or 18th level, doesn't get 3rd use (or gets it at 20th).

Less bonus feats: Although the Mind Mage doesn't get 'bloodline' spells, using Sorcerer as the comparison, the innate powers a Mind-Mage gets are at least as strong as a Sorcerer's bloodline powers, and the spell-list has versatility all its own, since you give Mind Mages the opportunity to dish out damage, do battlefield control, AND heal as well. General opinion from my group-- they probably don't need more bonus feats than the sorcerer gets on top of that. The ability to wear armor (once the Mind-mage gets the appropriate proficiencies) and still have no spell failure % also really evens up the balance of power between this class and the sorcerer without the extra bonus feats.

Consider plugging in a 0-lvl damage spell (like the Wizard/Sorcerer cantrips for 1d3 ranged touch, only themed to the Mind-mage... although the Mind-mage can wear armor, since it's still a poor-BAB class, give him a perpetually usable low-grade 'touch attack' damage option.

Spell list for existing spells looks reasonably balanced and good-- Custom spells are the one major problem with the class as written:

Elfsight: Is essentially the Druid spell Keen Senses-- and is likewise 1st level. Reduce spell duration to 1 minute/level, same as Keen Senses.

Mindthrust: Opinion was that Mind Mage shouldn't outdamage Wizard/Sorcerer of same level. Compare this spell with Ear-Piercing Scream-- the lethal/non-lethal option compensates for not dazing target. Damage should be 1d6 per 2 lvls, cap at 5d6, rather than d8s.

Animal Affinity: 2nd Lvl spell Stat boosts for all other classes are 1 min/lvl. Should change this spell's duration to 1 min/lvl standard affecting all other comparable/same-lvl spells.

Ego Whip: not quite sure what the correct damage should be, but it seems over-powered for a 2nd level spell (although no-one thinks it's game-breaking, it's still more impact for its level than it should be).

Psionic Blast: the first serious damage cone spell for other classes doesn't show up until lvl 5 spells, it's vs Reflex, and it's lethal only. Psionic Blast as written should be at least a 5th level spell as written; and 6th lvl if damage goes to 15d6 with the inherent lethal/non-lethal choice on casting. Otherwise, it's way overpowered.

Intellect Fortress: Really overpowered for a 4th level spell. Needs to be up quite a few levels (note that the Cleric, one of the masters of Abjuration/Protection magic, can only give SR to 1 creature at a time with a 5th level spell. Yes, the duration is 1/10 the 1 minute/lvl of the Cleric spell, but the area is a bit much for its level.

Tower of Iron Will: ? No-one's quite sure how this one works out. Should probably be higher level, have longer duration, and NOT be an immediate action. Possibly acceptable to have it cast as an interrupting action, but the Mindmage should have to ready an action to do that, rather than have an interrupting, nearly-invincible defense on tap as long as he's got 5th lvl or higher spell slots left.

Psychic Crush is pretty brutal, but probably on par for damage/impact with other spells its level. Only point of concern, although it does clearly go with the class, is the "vs Will" save (that negates all those 'evasion' types out there-- the classic limit on the Wizard/Sorcerer's badass similar spells).

Shatter Mind Blank: ? Not sure whether this spell is about right, or an obnoxious loop-hole that can be exploited to break the game. I'd suspect this one would have to be tried out in play for an extended period to really see how much of an effect it has, and presuming it doesn't break the game, if it's at the right spell level.

Okay, there's the comments (so far). BTW-- you really should add the 6th level Wizard/Sorcerer spell "Enemy Hammer" to the Mind Mage's list (grab a creature with telekinesis and use it as a telekinetic bludgeoning weapon)

Looks like an interesting class, just have a small comment.

I think Greater Telekinesis might be a little too strong, if you don't want it to outdo sorcerors and wizards. Doubling the weight limit means that it can do twice as much damage with Violent Thrust (2d6/level ).

That's of course assuming they have access to an object with the appropriate weight, but that's not terribly difficult since it's pretty easy to get access to Shrink Item. So it's 2d6 damage/level with no save and no SR. Drawback is, of course, that it's a regular attack roll and not a touch attack, so that might be sufficent to balance it.

Got to go over it and will get back with you Finn.

Corlindale: I want the mind-mage to be the masters of TK, better than sorcerers and wizards in this area. They are still limited to one object per caster level, so the weight limit really only applies to sustained force and not violent thrust. After all, you already throw up to 15 huge greatswords with regular TK. Not that I would, you understand, but you can.

Master Arminas

Silver Crusade


Corlindale does raise a good point about the damage issue on 'Greater TK'-- my group thought that it was reasonable for Mind Mages to be the superior Telekinetics, but did have the concern about Mind Mages being superior damage dealers to Sorcerers and Wizards (dealing equal levels of damage was okay), but there probably should be a note about not applying that weight-limit boost to increased damage on "violent thrust" (or at least, not a full-doubling increase). Or perhaps, for a fully-reasonable way to do it-- make it 1.5x the normal weight/power/etc of Telekinesis for all effects related to the spell (essentially, the Mind Mage gets to apply "empower spell" to Telekinesis for free, every time he casts TK-- without using a higher level slot to throw it-- both reasonable and completely explainable in related mechanics already in the game).

Remember that weight does not determine damage with all aspects of violent thrust. If you use weapons, it inflicts the damage for that weapon--and it remains limited to one object per caster level (max 15 for sorcerers and wizards, max of 20 for mind mages). That is why all the tricked out applications of TK concentrate around using huge greatswords for maximum damage potential, but you could just as easily use fifteen small daggers. If you aren't using weapons, then your damage is varies from 1 point per 25 lbs to 1d6 per 25 lbs, per object. But you are still limited to one object per caster level.

So, let's say you are in a foundry and there are three 75-lb anvils, an open 150-lb barrel of nails, several dozen tongs and hammers and files, and a couple of hundred pounds of wood or coal. Each anvil would inflict 3d6 points of damage, the entire barrel would probably be 6d4 (since it is liable to be spilling nails the entire way), each tool around a 1d4, and each piece of wood or coal-stone 1 point. He might be able to (as a 15th level caster) lift 750 lbs rather than 375 lbs, but he still only gets 15 objects--objects that are already there. Yes, if he walks into a room with fifteen 50-lb lead weights, he's going to inflict more damage than a sorcerer or wizard. How likely is that?

Master Arminas

Okay, let’s go through this, shall we?

Seems like Sorcerers are the baseline comparison class, so my group and I were (after some initial discussion) using the Sorcerer for comparison of power level.

Yep. Same spells per day and spells known as a Sorcerer (minus the bloodline).

Telepathy (or at least, the speak to and understand any creature, regardless of language difficulties)-- maybe save that for later than 1st level. Maybe consider that this does stay an ability immediately gained at 1st, in lieu of the Sorcerer's bloodline attack power.

Remember it is only one creature at a time, who must also be within 100 feet of the mind-mage. Of all the abilities, I would have thought this one would not have garnered any comments, lol.

Mind Probe (innate ability gained at 13th level): go with 1 rd per level rather 2 per level. Also, 1 use, gets 2nd use at 17th or 18th level, doesn't get 3rd use (or gets it at 20th).

Wouldn’t have a problem cutting it to 1 round/level. It is primarily an ‘out-of-combat’ flavor ability, so I think will keep it at 1/day at 13th, 2/day at 16th, and 3/day at 19th. (I like things being smooth and even across levels.)

Less bonus feats: Although the Mind Mage doesn't get 'bloodline' spells, using Sorcerer as the comparison, the innate powers a Mind-Mage gets are at least as strong as a Sorcerer's bloodline powers, and the spell-list has versatility all its own, since you give Mind Mages the opportunity to dish out damage, do battlefield control, AND heal as well. General opinion from my group-- they probably don't need more bonus feats than the sorcerer gets on top of that. The ability to wear armor (once the Mind-mage gets the appropriate proficiencies) and still have no spell failure % also really evens up the balance of power between this class and the sorcerer without the extra bonus feats.

Maybe removed the 1st level bonus feat, but keep the remainder?

Consider plugging in a 0-lvl damage spell (like the Wizard/Sorcerer cantrips for 1d3 ranged touch, only themed to the Mind-mage... although the Mind-mage can wear armor, since it's still a poor-BAB class, give him a perpetually usable low-grade 'touch attack' damage option.

It would be nice, but I didn’t see a 0-lvl damage spell that I liked.

Elfsight: Is essentially the Druid spell Keen Senses-- and is likewise 1st level. Reduce spell duration to 1 minute/level, same as Keen Senses.

Must be a new spell, since it isn’t in the Core Book. Maybe 10 min./level?

Mindthrust: Opinion was that Mind Mage shouldn't outdamage Wizard/Sorcerer of same level. Compare this spell with Ear-Piercing Scream-- the lethal/non-lethal option compensates for not dazing target. Damage should be 1d6 per 2 lvls, cap at 5d6, rather than d8s.
It is also mind-affecting—which is perhaps the easiest spell to completely shut down. The original psion did d12 damage with this ability, with no damage cap (other than manifester level).
Animal Affinity: 2nd Lvl spell Stat boosts for all other classes are 1 min/lvl. Should change this spell's duration to 1 min/lvl standard affecting all other comparable/same-lvl spells.

Duh! I thought it fixed that. It is supposed to be 1 min./level.

Ego Whip: not quite sure what the correct damage should be, but it seems over-powered for a 2nd level spell (although no-one thinks it's game-breaking, it's still more impact for its level than it should be).

True, because frankly there are not that many GOOD 2nd level attack spells, scorching ray being a notable exception. And this spell is weaker than scorching ray across the board.

Psionic Blast: the first serious damage cone spell for other classes doesn't show up until lvl 5 spells, it's vs. Reflex, and it's lethal only. Psionic Blast as written should be at least a 5th level spell as written; and 6th lvl if damage goes to 15d6 with the inherent lethal/non-lethal choice on casting. Otherwise, it's way overpowered.

Not sure about the overpowered nature here. First, it is mind-affecting. Second, it does the same damage as fireball or lightning bolt. Third it only reaches out to 60 ft. Yes, it a cone spell that a mind-mage can get before a sorcerer/wizard can pick up cone of cold. All three (fireball, lightning bolt, and psionic blast) offer saves for half, the only difference is which save. Makes it really good to use against rogues and others with evasion, but doesn’t really affect other classes that much.

Intellect Fortress: Really overpowered for a 4th level spell. Needs to be up quite a few levels (note that the Cleric, one of the masters of Abjuration/Protection magic, can only give SR to 1 creature at a time with a 5th level spell. Yes, the duration is 1/10 the 1 minute/lvl of the Cleric spell, but the area is a bit much for its level.

And it is an emanation, meaning affected critters have to stay within 20 feet of the mind-mage to keep that spell resistance. Leave the area of effect and you lose the protection. Still, this was one that I was concerned about.

Tower of Iron Will: ? No-one's quite sure how this one works out. Should probably be higher level, have longer duration, and NOT be an immediate action. Possibly acceptable to have it cast as an interrupting action, but the Mindmage should have to ready an action to do that, rather than have an interrupting, nearly-invincible defense on tap as long as he's got 5th lvl or higher spell slots left.

Basically, it is a telekinetic force-field that englobes everyone clustered around the mind-mage (friend and foe alike). It is defensive spell that only lasts for 1 round, and can be cast in reaction to an attack. Not nearly invincible, not by far. Sure, against one creature, it’s great. But you can’t attack from inside the globe either. To attack, you have to exit—and you can’t just five-foot step back in, because once you are outside, the barrier stops you. Might have to reduce the amount of damage that the spell can block, but I think it would be overpowered with a longer duration.

Psychic Crush is pretty brutal, but probably on par for damage/impact with other spells its level. Only point of concern, although it does clearly go with the class, is the "vs Will" save (that negates all those 'evasion' types out there-- the classic limit on the Wizard/Sorcerer's badass similar spells).

Poor, poor rogues. Tackling a mind-mage is NOT the same as tackling a sorcerer or wizard or witch, even if they cast many of the same spells. Look at it like this; it is delayed blast fireball, at the same spell level, without the delay, with a quarter of the range, for the same damage. Only other difference? This one is mind-affecting and saves vs. will, and can do non-lethal damage, where DBF deals fire damage and saves vs. reflex.

Shatter Mind Blank: ? Not sure whether this spell is about right, or an obnoxious loop-hole that can be exploited to break the game. I'd suspect this one would have to be tried out in play for an extended period to really see how much of an effect it has, and presuming it doesn't break the game, if it's at the right spell level.

The original shatter mind blank was quite simply useless. Literally. It had less use than greater dispel magic. My only fix was to remove the need for a dispel check, but remember a mind-mage has to select this as one of his (very few) seventh-level spells known.

Okay, there's the comments (so far). BTW-- you really should add the 6th level Wizard/Sorcerer spell "Enemy Hammer" to the Mind Mage's list (grab a creature with telekinesis and use it as a telekinetic bludgeoning weapon).

Am not familiar with the spell, but I will take a look. Thanks, Finn!

Silver Crusade

Further comments (following your reply):

Sorcerers-- the base line-- get Bloodline powers at 1st, 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 20th; get a bloodline spell every other level starting at 3rd; get a "bloodline arcana" cookie at 1st level; gets bonus feats at 7th, 13th, and 19th levels. Plus get a bonus skill from their bloodline. So, there's part of the balance considerations.

For Skills: I think I'd drop 'Ride' from the Mind-Mage list-- Sorcerers, Wizards, and Clerics don't get it. There's no special reason why a Mind-Mage should be an excellent horseman. Getting all knowledge skills is potent, but fits the class-flavor. Linguistics-- not necessary when you read minds, but reasonable to presume that the guy who knows how the mind works, can figure out languages really well. The extra skills balance out for the bloodline skill and the couple of Sorcerer skills you dropped off the Mind-Mage list.

Referring to powers, spells and feats, Mind Mages (as written-- going with version 2 posted above) essentially get:

5 Feats (at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th)-- vs. a Sorcerer's 3 Feats at 7th, 13th, 19th. 1st level feat should be dropped-- faster bonus feat progression may be otherwise justified by Mind-Mage's lack of "bloodline" bonus spells-- however, this (among other things) is made up for by not having an arcane spell failure chance when wearing armor. My recommendation would be to go with the Sorcerer's bonus feat progression.

Mind-Mages get 6 powers (at 1st, 3rd, 10th, 13th/13th, and 20th), two of which essentially contain "bonus spells" within them; plus the Mind-Mage gets the afore mentioned ability to wear armor and use shields while still being able to cast spells nomrally-- compared with the Sorcerer's 1st, 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 20th lvl powers-- however, at least a few of the bloodlines notably "double-up" on abilities gained at a particular level.

1st lvl + bloodline arcana equivalent = telepathy; no spell failure chance (potent, but it balances)

3rd lvl = Greater Mage Hand. Quite reasonable.

10th lvl (would be 9th lvl, but for the need to be able to cast 5th lvl spells) = Master of Telekinesis, plus 'TK' as bonus spell. Maybe throw in 'Probability Travel' at this level too.

15th lvl = Maybe move 'Mind Probe' to here, to mesh with Sorcerer's progression. Actually, considering that the 'Mind Probe' is touch range (and probably requires a willing or restrained target-- otherwise the Mind-Mage tries it and has a fight on his hands)-- okay, this isn't overpowered. Still recommend 1 rd/lvl, whether it starts at 15th lvl, or stays at 13th.

master arminas wrote:


Telepathy (or at least, the speak to and understand any creature, regardless of language difficulties)-- maybe save that for later than 1st level. Maybe consider that this does stay an ability immediately gained at 1st, in lieu of the Sorcerer's bloodline attack power.

Remember it is only one creature at a time, who must also be within 100 feet of the mind-mage. Of all the abilities, I would have thought this one would not have garnered any comments, lol.

I think the comment was something like "At 1st lvl, somebody gets 'Tongues' for free..." Yes, it's only one target at a time, but it's a pretty damn potent ability, so it got noticed. Although-- it's not the kind of thing that's game-breaking, it's just really useful. I'd agree this one's okay.

master arminas wrote:


Consider plugging in a 0-lvl damage spell (like the Wizard/Sorcerer cantrips for 1d3 ranged touch, only themed to the Mind-mage... although the Mind-mage can wear armor, since it's still a poor-BAB class, give him a perpetually usable low-grade 'touch attack' damage option.

It would be nice, but I didn’t see a 0-lvl damage spell that I liked.

Make one up that fits? 1d3 damage, range close, touch attack-- mind-spark, or somethin'.

master arminas wrote:


Elfsight: Is essentially the Druid spell Keen Senses-- and is likewise 1st level. Reduce spell duration to 1 minute/level, same as Keen Senses.

Must be a new spell, since it isn’t in the Core Book. Maybe 10 min./level?

Check the PRD-- it's in there. And it's 1 min/lvl-- Druids have every right to claim primacy on enhancing the senses as mind-mages do, since they are supposed to be in tune with the natural world. So-- that's the consensus assumption from my group, that 'Elfsight' could match the Druid spell, but shouldn't exceed it, unless it was a higher level spell (BTW-- the "Enemy Hammer" spell I mentioned is also in the PRD).

master arminas wrote:


Mindthrust: Opinion was that Mind Mage shouldn't outdamage Wizard/Sorcerer of same level. Compare this spell with Ear-Piercing Scream-- the lethal/non-lethal option compensates for not dazing target. Damage should be 1d6 per 2 lvls, cap at 5d6, rather than d8s.

It is also mind-affecting—which is perhaps the easiest spell to completely shut down. The original psion did d12 damage with this ability, with no damage cap (other than manifester level).

It's also still a 1st lvl spell that auto-hits (save for half-damage), and allows an evasion-proof saving throw (which makes up a little bit for the "mind-affecting" part). The original psion also had balance issues...

Regarding the 'Ego Whip' comments-- group consensus when I discussed with my usual gaming group, was that 'Ego Whip' was a little bit too 'kickass'-- admittedly in part from the assumption that the 'Mind-Mage' should have cookies of his own (master of mental spells) but shouldn't be quite the overwhelming damage dealer that wizards and sorcerers are. 'Ego Whip' is more potent than Scorching Ray, from the time you get it until 7th/8th level, when you finally get that 2nd ray... and it has the 'staggered' effect as well. Granted, it should be more powerful than 'Cleric' 2nd level attack spells (which are 1d8 per 2 lvls, caps at 5d8-- also part of the reason why people looked askance at 'Mindthrust' though-- a 2nd lvl spell should beat the Cleric's/Oracle's 2nd level spell, but not a 1st level spell). I think this is another one that should probably be d6's rather than d8's.

master arminas wrote:


Psionic Blast: the first serious damage cone spell for other classes doesn't show up until lvl 5 spells, it's vs. Reflex, and it's lethal only. Psionic Blast as written should be at least a 5th level spell as written; and 6th lvl if damage goes to 15d6 with the inherent lethal/non-lethal choice on casting. Otherwise, it's way overpowered.

Not sure about the overpowered nature here. First, it is mind-affecting. Second, it does the same damage as fireball or lightning bolt. Third it only reaches out to 60 ft. Yes, it a cone spell that a mind-mage can get before a sorcerer/wizard can pick up cone of cold. All three (fireball, lightning bolt, and psionic blast) offer saves for half, the only difference is which save. Makes it really good to use against rogues and others with evasion, but doesn’t really affect other classes that much.

I get the impression, from the way 'cone spells' are delayed, that a cone shape is considered a much more potent spell, even though it has limitations (as well as advantages) in tactical use, than a line or sphere. A 60 ft cone actually covers a lot more area than a 20 ft radius sphere, too. So.... you want the cone spell at 3rd lvl spells-- make it a 30 ft cone; and include a 6th lvl "Greater Psionic Blast" for the 60 ft cone-- and it would probably be considered reasonable by my group.

On "Intellect Fortress"-- yes, it's an emanation, but still... if a Cleric can only give 1 person SR of 12+CL, with a 5th lvl spell-- "Intellect Fortress" should be 6th lvl or higher.

The problem with "Tower of Iron Will" is you've made it an immediate action-- it's not so much anything else about it, as that-- so long as the mind-mage has 5th lvl spells left, it's a 'sucker play' to get the BBEG to waste everything he has-- or, if you use a mind-mage against the party... it's a sucker-play to run them dry of every big attack they've got. (yeah, usually won't play down that way-- but the fact that it's easily possible, makes it a concern). Basically, for such a potent defense-- make it something that you have to ready an action for, instead of an immediate action-- or make it a higher level spell maybe, and it wouldn't draw the same negative attention as it does in its present form from my group. It could even have a longer duration and it wouldn't cause as much of a concern-- the immediate action component makes it really really potent.

Psychic Crush-- yes, probably okay. Shatter Mind Blank-- still probably okay, but my group would want to see it in play for a while before passing final verdict on that spell.

Devouring knowledge. Will reply when digested.


about mindthrust:
Keep in mind the original (XPH) mindthrust was save for NO damage.

That combined with the mind-affecting meant that there was a possible chance that your action would simply be for naught.

Adding that back in and keeping the damage on the higher side will help seperate this spell from others and will prevent it from being over powering.

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The Mind Mage, Take III

The mind is a powerful thing: as powerful for a select few as piety and study. The mind mage seeks to harness that power, to understand it, and through it to exert his influence on the world around him. For the most part, the mind mage is a subtle individual who gently nudges others into doing his will. But when angered, the mind mage is capable of terrible destruction with his command of fire and purely kinetic energies. A student of the ‘third’ domain of magic (Mentalism), mind mage’s are often mistaken for more common sorcerers, wizards, and magi—which is often how those who wield the power of the mind prefer it.

Role: The Mind Mage is a powerful full-level caster of magic, akin to the Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard. Although his skill list is not quite as broad as that of the Sorcerer or Wizard, the Ming Mage receives a number of special abilities that augment his powers and make him a force not to be taken lightly. Depending on the exact spell selection the character makes, the Mind Mage can carry out many different roles, from dealing damage to serving as the face of a party to using utility and transportation magic to move from one place to the next. This class, as much as any full-spellcaster, is one that demands an inventive and intelligent player to gain its fullest benefit.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d6

Base Attack Bonus: Low

Good Saving Throws: Will

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (any) Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The mind mage is proficient with all simple weapons. He is not proficient with any type of armor or with a shield of any kind. However, a mind mage’s spells are not subject to arcane spell failure and the mind mage may freely cast when wearing armor if he takes the appropriate feats.


Spells: A mind mage casts mentalism spells drawn from the mind mage spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a mind mage must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a mind mage’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the mind mage’s Intelligence modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a mind mage can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is the same as that of the Sorcerer class. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score.
The mind mage’s selection of spells is extremely limited. A mind mage begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the mind mage’s choice. At each new mind mage level, he gains one or more new spells, as per the Sorcerer’s spells known table. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a mind mage knows is not affected by his Intelligence score.)
Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered mind mage level after that (6th, 8th, and so on), a mind mage can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the mind mage “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level mind mage spell the mind mage can cast. A mind mage may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level.
A mind mage need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level.
Mentalism spells are identical to their listed arcane and divine counterparts, except as listed here. Mentalism spells require no components (verbal, somatic, or material) or focus. If a spell on the mentalism list requires expensive or unique components or focuses (in excess of 1 gp) a mind mage must possess those specific components or focuses to cast the spell. Mentalism spells are not subject to arcane spell failure. Mentalism spells do provoke attacks of opportunity like all other spells when cast.

Talents (Su): Mind mages learn a number of talents, or 0-level spells, as noted under ‘Spells Known’. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

Telepath (Su): A mind mage gains telepathy out to 10 feet, plus an additional 10 feet for each mind-mage level gained thereafter. He may communicate with another living creature that has a language, even if the mind mage and the creature do not share a language in common. A mind mage can only communicate with one creature in this fashion at a time. Using telepathy requires concentration on the part of the mind mage and thus requires a standard action each round.

Greater Mage Hand (Sp): A mind mage of 3rd-level may use mage hand, as per the spell, as a spell-like ability at will. This ability allows the mind mage to manipulate both mundane and magical objects weighing up to 5 lbs. per mind mage level.

Bonus Feats: At the listed levels (7th, 13th, and 19th) a mind mage gains a bonus feat, which he may select from the following list: Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency; Martial Weapon Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, or any metamagic feat.

Greater Telekinesis (Su): At 10th-level, a mind mage gains telekinesis as a bonus spell known. The mind mage may manipulate a greater amount of weight than other casters with this spell (50 lbs. per caster level rather than the listed 25 lbs) and the cap on maximum weight allowed is extended to 20th level, rather than 15th. A mind mage is still restricted to manipulating a maximum of fifteen objects (at 15th level and higher) when using this greater telekinesis. When using greater telekinesis to perform a combat maneuver, a mind mage gains a +4 bonus on his roll.

Mind Probe (Sp): A 13th-level mind mage may, once per day, probe the mind of a living creature. This ability requires that the mind mage touch the creature and takes one minute of concentration to activate. Once activated, the mind mage may ask the creature one question per round. The creature gets a Will save (DC 10 + one-half the mind mage’s level + the mind mage’s Intelligence modifier) for each question. If the save is successful, the creature does not have to answer. If the creature fails the save, he must answer the question truthfully and to the best of his knowledge. The mind mage may repeat the same question in order to force an answer against which the creature has already saved once; each question allows a Will save on the part of the subject.
The mind mage may maintain his mind probe for one rounds per level. At the conclusion of this ability, the mind mage is fatigued for the next 10 minutes.
At 15th-level, and again at 18th-level, the mind mage gains one additional daily use of this ability.

Psilord (Su): At 20th-level, a mind mage gains a +2 bonus to the DC of any mind-affecting, fire-based, or telekinetic spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability that he uses. This bonus stacks with those received from Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.
The mind mage also receives a +2 bonus on all caster level checks made to penetrate Spell Resistance when using a mind-affecting, fire-based, or telekinetic spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. This bonus stacks with those received from Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration.
In addition, a mind mage who attains this level no longer needs to concentrate to use his telepathy ability and may communicate with up to five creatures within range simultaneously.

Mind Mage Spell List

0-level Spells: Bleed; Daze; Detect Magic; Detect Poison; Guidance; Know Direction; Mage Hand; Mending; Message; Open/Close; Prestidigitation; Read Magic; Slap*; Stabilize

1st-level Spells: Burning Hands; Calm Animals; Charm Animal; Charm Person; Command; Comprehend Languages; Confusion, Lesser; Elfsight*; Endure Elements; Expeditious Retreat; Feather Fall; Grease; Hold Portal; Identify; Jump; Mage Armor; Mind Thrust*; Produce Flame; Shield; Sleep

2nd-level Spells: Animal Affinity*; Calm Emotions; Chill Metal; Cure Light Wounds; Darkvision; Daze Monster; Delay Poison; Detect Thoughts; Ego Whip*; Flame Blade; Heat Metal; Hold Animal; Invisibility; Knock; Levitate; Locate Object; Make Whole; Protection from Arrows; Pyrotechnics; Scorching Ray; See Invisibility; Spider Climb; Touch of Idiocy; Undetectable Alignment

3rd-level Spells: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance; Cure Moderate Wounds; Delay Poison; Deep Slumber; Discern Lies; Dispel Magic; Dominate Animal; Fireball; Glibness; Hold Person; Nondetection; Psionic Blast*; Protection from Energy; Quench; Restoration, Lesser; Scrying; Suggestion; Tongues; Water Breathing

4th-level Spells: Charm Monster; Confusion; Crushing Despair; Cure Serious Wounds; Detect Scrying; Dimension Door; Fire Shield (warm only); Freedom of Movement; Geas, Lesser; Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser; Id Insinuation*; Invisibility, Greater; Locate Creature; Phantasmal Killer; Remove Disease; Wall of Fire

5th-level Spells: Break Enchantment; Command, Greater; Cone of Fire (as Cone of Cold, but fire damage); Cure Critical Wounds; Dominate Person; Dream; Feeblemind; Hold Monster; Interposing Hand; Magic Jar; Modify Memory; Nightmare; Neutralize Poison; Passwall; Permanency; Psychic Crush*; Restoration; Sending; Telekinesis; Telepathic Bond; Teleport

6th-level Spells: Air Walk; Antimagic Field; Contingency; Disintegrate; Dispel Magic, Greater; Forceful Hand; Geas/Quest; Globe of Invulnerability; Plane Shift; Scrying, Greater; Suggestion, Mass; True Seeing; Wall of Force

7th-level Spells: Delayed Blast Fireball; Ethereal Jaunt; Fire Storm; Grasping Hand; Hold Person, Mass; Insanity; Spell Turning; Teleport, Greater

8th-level Spells: Charm Monster, Mass; Clenched Fist; Clone; Irresistible Dance; Moment of Prescience; Regenerate

9th-level Spells: Astral Projection; Crushing Hand; Dominate Monster; Etherealness; Foresight; Freedom; Hold Monster, Mass; Mage’s Disjunction; Meteor Swarm

*New spell, see below for details.

New Mind Mage Spells

Animal Affinity
Level: Mind Mage 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level
You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to a single ability score of your choice. Select Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma when you cast this spell. You may take a standard action at any point during the spell’s duration to switch the enhancement bonus to another ability score of your choice. You may only have one animal affinity spell in effect on your person at any one time. Casting the spell a second time automatically dispels the first casting and resets the duration.

Ego Whip
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You unleash a powerful bolt of mental energy that strikes a single target. You must make a ranged touch attack; if you are successful, the target suffers 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 5d6) and is staggered for one round. A successful Will saving throw negates the staggered condition and cuts the damage inflicted by one-half. The mind mage may deal either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell. He makes this decision at the time the spell is cast.

Level: Mind Mage 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level
You gain low-light vision (as an elf) for the duration of the spell, as well as a +2 bonus on vision-based Perception checks.

Id Insinuation
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round per 2 levels
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You cause the target to doubt himself, to question his own actions and motivations by partitioning a portion of his unconscious self that struggles against his will. If the target fails a Will save against this spell, he suffers a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, his movement rate is halved, and he has a 20% chance of spell failure if he attempts to cast spells (regardless of whether he is casting arcane, divine, or mentalism spells). A successful save negates the effects of this spell.

Mind Thrust
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You project a bolt of mental force that stabs into your target’s mind, causing intense pain and damage. You inflict 1d6 points of damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every two caster levels you possess (maximum of 5d6 at 9th-level). The target can make a Will saving throw to reduce the damage that he suffers by one-half. The mind mage may deal either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell. He makes this decision at the time the spell is cast.

Psionic Blast
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped burst extended out to 30 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You project a wave of mental energy that inflicts 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Will saving throw will reduce the damage taken by one-half. The mind mage may deal either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell. He makes this decision at the time the spell is cast.

Psionic Crush
Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 20 ft.
Area: 20-ft spread centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You project a wave of mental energy that inflicts 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Will saving throw will reduce the damage taken by one-half. The mind mage may deal either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell. He makes this decision at the time the spell is cast.

Enchantment [Mind-affecting]
Level: Mind Mage 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You concentrate on a target and deliver a stinging telekinetic slap that deals 1d3 points of damage. The mind mage may deal either lethal or non-lethal damage with this spell. He makes this decision at the time the spell is cast.

Updated to incorporate your suggestions and advice. Enjoy!


No thoughts on the updated version?


Create a Synaptic Static conversion and I'll say that I love it! ^_^

After seeing the Intellect Fortress gone, I think your class is pretty cool. I mean, no sci-fi, no crystal, and things like that. I really like this.

Maybe I'm not exactly fine with random class features "for da coolz", but that's Pathfinder RPG standard, not 3.5.


I'd keep the Intellect Fortress, but would have a duration of "concentration, up to 1 round/level".

Very good work!
Any chances that you could add (or replace with) some ki features on the class?

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