Bring me your Native American lore, all ye helpful friends.

Off-Topic Discussions

My Pathfinder campaign setting takes place in an analogue of colonized North America, but with a larger indigenous population thanks to divine magic being able to help fight off disease. What would be useful for this is Native American lore. I have some good sources on this already, so I'm not asking for lore in general. I've got plenty of that. I'm asking for lore that could be used as inspiration for homebrewing adventure hooks, new races or monsters, magical artifacts, new spells, new class archetypes, and the like. If you guys have any Native American lore that could serve as inspiration for making homebrew materiel, I'd love to see it. I'm interested in stuff from any North American tribe. This includes Mexico, Central America, and the Carribean, and nations such as the Aztec and Maya.

according to the DK book 'weapon', which is about the evolution of weapons and armour throughout history, the native americans sometimes combined their war-axes with their peace pipes. i consider this ironic.

see example here

FuelDrop wrote:

according to the DK book 'weapon', which is about the evolution of weapons and armour throughout history, the native americans sometimes combined their war-axes with their peace pipes. i consider this ironic.

see example here

I own a copy of this book :D

Hmm. Magical peace pipe. What should it do when inhaled?

Edit: Gives an individual a divine favor bonus to rolls for a period after inhalation.

Also, it isn't really ironic, as peace pipe is a western term based off of one specific type of ceremonial pipe.

A.P.P.L.E. wrote:

I own a copy of this book :D

Hmm. Magical peace pipe. What should it do when inhaled?

Edit: Gives an individual a divine favor bonus to rolls for a period after inhalation.

everyone should own a copy of weapon. as for the bonus... maybe have it based on what you put in the pipe. you know, one plant gives bless, another gives aid, ect. might even replace potions for that character.

one of my friends has done something similar with his dwarf, only his waraxe has a tankard on the back.

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