Christmas Gift Ideas

Pathfinder Player Companion

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I was thinking of getting my current players some Player Companions for Christmas. Since our conversion to Pathfinder almost 2 years ago, they've only bought the corebook so I want to expose them more to the world of Golarion since I'll be running a majority of my campaigns there. I always GM lately, so I'm unfamiliar with the Player's Companion line and was looking for books that would useful/informative for the following classes:
Human cleric (Sarenrae)
Halfling fighter
Human wizard
Human oracle

I'm roughly thinking "Faiths of Purity" for the cleric and "Halflings of Golarion" for the fighter, but I'm not sure about the wizard and oracle. I want to get them each a different one, so I'm thinking maybe the "Inner Sea World Primer" and maybe "Humans of Golarion." I've noticed the "Humans" book didn't get the most glowing of reviews with people saying a lot of it was a rehash, but to my players it would basically be all new stuff. Currently, we are playing Kingmaker. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks.

What a nice GM!

If all I had was the CRB, any of those books would be a nice enhancement to the playing experience. Anything that inspires a little imagining of the world adds to the game, IMO.

Silver Crusade

This is a very cool idea. The only suggestion I have is "Inner Sea Magic" for either the oracle or wizard. There's lots of options for casters in the book and can give some flavour to the magic in Golarion.

You could also get "Gods & Magic" from their 3.5 material in case your players want to know more about their deities. The Faith book may be enough, though.

Sovereign Court

Inner Sea Magic is one of the best Paizo books, in my humble...

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