New character edits reverting after 6 hours

Website Feedback

I just started editing a new alias for a new PbP game, and I noticed after a couple of days that I had text missing. I distinctly remember putting the new text into the character's main profile box, but the changes had reverted to the previous day's text.

So I tested this on 02 Dec 2011 by using cut-and-paste into Notepad as a backup. Sure enough, the next day I had lost all of my previous night's edits. It is happening to two of my latest aliases, so I am having to use cut-and-paste into the clipboard as a backup. The reverting appears to happen 6 to 8 hours after the initial edit. It is only on the character alias or profile page, not the PbP posts. One is an established character in a new game; the other is only in the Recruitment section.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

I just got talked to by a PBP GM about some changes I had to make to my character that I know I made that weren't appearing on my character sheet.

Yes, this happened to me as well with this ALIAS.

Checking the alias now it seems to be saving the changes...for now, he he.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I am having a hard time picturing a series of events that could actually cause this to happen. If you see it happen again please let me know ASAP with as many details as possible.

Gary it happened again with this Alias It reverted to changes prior to those I made appx. 18 hours ago.

I cannot remember anything unusual I did about the changes (adding a spoiler, and editing the stats). It seems to hold the updates fine.

EDIT: I am checking into another Alias I modified aapx. 8 hours ago. I will let you know if it reverts as well.

Thanks for helping out here.

I noticed it happened as well with this alias as well as another. I do recall that both times I had multiple copies of the Paizo website up at that time and assumed that had something to do with it. And by multiple, just to clarify, 4 tabs on one instance of internet explorer, as well as two alias on two different instances of it.

Having the Pazio messageboards up on two computers at the same time may be the culprit. I have been careful, however, to not update an alias profile page on one computer while having it open on another laptop, for instance. The fact that the page reverts several hours later is what makes the "you had the page open on two computers at once" theory invalid.

I am still seeing the problem, but making a cut-and-paste backup copy and doing the edit AGAIN after the first time I notice the problem keeps it from happening again.

jhpace1 wrote:

Having the Pazio messageboards up on two computers at the same time may be the culprit. I have been careful, however, to not update an alias profile page on one computer while having it open on another laptop, for instance. The fact that the page reverts several hours later is what makes the "you had the page open on two computers at once" theory invalid.

I am still seeing the problem, but making a cut-and-paste backup copy and doing the edit AGAIN after the first time I notice the problem keeps it from happening again.

I am pretty sure I had the messageboards open on 2 computers at the time, but I have done that before and it did not seem to affect my other aliases.

I will keep an eye on it though.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Ah, interesting. If it's multiple simultaneous sessions then that gives me a clue.

Wow I thought I was going crazy... This has happened to me also.

What is going on? I made a new character and it converted to the copied template from 9 hours ago. Should I even bother to do remake the character or are they continuing to do upgrades which cause some problem with the alias database? I used one computer and the changes were fine this morning. I wake up, my character is completely reverted to the old character on the template I copied and changed.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Which alias was this, Maddigan?

Xavian Graves. I've spent some time fixing him now. Hopefully the changes stick.

I understand this stuff happens when doing upgrades. Sometimes information is lost. I'd hope the upgrades are stable enough now that no database losses will occur from here on out.

This happened to me several times, mostly with this alias but also with a few others. Previously I wrote it off as an accident caused by editing too many things in too many tabs at once, but other people in games I'm playing in have reported it too.

It just happened to me again with this character...

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