Ainslan |

My group just started a new campaign. I decided to play a gunslinger (musket master archetype) and when most of my group opted to create some kind of "Iomedae's strike team", I agreed to join them with a common background and philosophy. I also tought of dipping a few levels of Inquisitor to increase the flavor factor and my overall utility.
But then while working on my build, I started to realize how much it would probably hurt my dps, given all the goodies gunslingers get each level, combined with the party setup. I'm coming here for advice as to how many levels of Inquisitor would be optimal to fit in (I was thinking 1 to 3, if any), and WHEN to take them?
Our party is composed of the following members:
-Gnome paladin of Iomedae, mounted fighter (dunno if he uses an archetype, don't think so)
-Human paladin of Iomedae, Divine Hunter archetype. Took money traits (rich parents?) so he could start of with a MW Composite bow set up to his strenght rating.
-Half-elf cleric of Iomedae, standard build from what I see. Took War and Heroism as his domains I believe.
-Half-elf rogue. High str&dex and favors throwing daggers when the ennemy is out of his reach.
We started gaming with AD&D 2e ed, and as such still favor rolling stats, in the open before everyone. While I'm generally quite unlucky, the gods of gaming really blessed me this time around, with an astounding array of 17, 18, 15, 15, 13, 13. So, without further ado here is my planned gunslinger build:
Cassiel, the tears of solitude
Human musket master 1, LN
Str: 13
Dex: 18 (+2 human = 20)
Con: 15
Int: 15
Wis: 17
Cha: 13
1.Point Blank Shot
(Bonus) Rapid Reload: Musket, Gunsmithing
(Human) Precise Shot
3. Rapid Shot
(Gains the Fast Musket deed, so I can reload as a free action with Paper cartridges)
4. Deadly Aim; +1 Dex
5. Weapon focus: Muskets
7. Snapshot
8. Improved critical: Muskets; +1 Dex
9. Improved snap shot
Now the questions is, when should I include Inquisitor in my build, and for how many levels? I initially wanted to take a dip as soon as level 2, to benefit from the huge front load the class has. But I also realize a gunslinger wants to get to level 5 ASAP to get Gun Training. I my case it will be devastating.
Also, while perusing the teamwork feats, I saw the Target of Opportunity feat, which becomes downright crazy if both the Holy Hunter and I take the feat (or if I take 3 levels of Inquisitor and take it with Solo Tactics). I just might take it at level 8 instead of Improved Critical.
I also wanted to fit in dodge/mobility/deft shootist somewhere in there, but I can hardly see where before level 13 and up.
Please note that I have no idea up to which level this campaign will take us. Hopefully past level 10.
The first Inquisitor level I would take would look something like that:
+0 BaB
-Gain class skills: Diplomacy, Knowledges (Dungeoneering, Religion, Nature, Planes), Sense motive, Spellcraft, Stealth
-Domain: tactics
-Judgment 1/day
-Monster lore
-Spells known (2 of either): Comprehend Languages, Deadeye's Lore, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Long Shot, Know the ennemy, True Strike
I initially planned to take only 2 levels of inquisitor, to get Detect Alignment and Cunning Initiative. The third level is also appealing for Solo Tactics. But it is clear that every level of inquisitor will greatly hamper my damage output.
Sorry for the long read. In any case, any opinion/advice is welcome. Thanks!