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Treant lore tells their forefather escaped the Green Mother's clutches and fled from the First World to Golarion. Called only Father Tree, his first sentient creations were made using corpses he had slain. He stripped the flesh from the dead to feed his fledgling groves and used fey magic to animate the skeletons. He named them the Viridi and he had them gather more flesh to feed the forests. Man prayed to Erastil to protect them from the depredations of the Viridi. He answered by binding Father Tree to the earth. Erastil then created the treants using seeds from the Father Tree and tasked them to tame the Viridi.
The secret to creating Viridi is known only to few of their elders, treants, and Erastil. A seed from a Viridi must be planted within a skeleton, awakened with a necromantic ritual, and nurtured to grow. All Viridi have the same lifespan from the time the seed is awakened, but the larger a skeleton is, the longer it takes for the Viridi to gain sentience.
There are many types of Viridi, each resembling a different type of tree. The 3 most common are the oak, willow, and yew.
Viridi's size is based on the skeleton they were grown in. They look humanoid since the plant material grows around the bones. Their color is based on the bark of the tree they resemble. Leaves grow on their head, back, and arms.
Viridi normally live alone until they grow older, then they gather in groves they call alda. History is not important to them, only what they accomplish personally. Viridi grow gardens within the forests they dwell in. Most races can not appreciate what they have wrought.
Viridi shun races that do not respect the forest. They call upon druids of other races when their forests are endangered. Elves are often respected, gnomes shunned due to their ties to the First World, dwarves are often ignored, halflings are spied upon to witness their joy, and humans are feared due to harvesting trees.
Most Viridi are neutral, but some different types have certain leanings. Oaks have lawful leanings, willows tend towards chaos, and the yews evil nature yearns to harvest flesh once again.
Most Viridi that set out as adventurers do so to gather new plants for their gardens. Bringing a new or rare species to the alda is a mark of greatness.
Viridi names almost universally contain the type of tree they resemble: Oakheart, Talloak, Willowfingers, Freewillow, Darkyew, Yewgrim, etc.
Viridi Racial Traits
Yew Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity
Oak Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Willow Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength
Varied Size:
- Viridi planted in a small skeleton count as a Small creature and gain a +1 size bonus to AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
- Viridi planted in a medium skeleton count as a Medium creature
Plants: Viridi count as plants for all spells and effects.
Varied Speeds:
- Oaks have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
- Yews have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Willows have a base speed of 40 feet, their speed is reduced to 30 feet and run speed is reduced to a x3 in medium armor or at medium encumbrance, and their speed is reduced to 20 feet and can not run in heavy armor or at heavy encumbrance.
Low-Light Vision: Viridi can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Wood Camo: Viridi have a +2 to stealth checks to hide in woods.
Necromacy Resistance: Viridi get a +2 racial bonus on saves against necromancy spells and effects.
Plant Sense: Viridi can use the detect animal or plant spell at will, but can only detect plants.
Wood Dart: As a standard action, the Viridi can throw a wood dart that deals 1d3 damage for a small Viridi or 1d4 damage for a medium Viridi. The range is 20 ft. This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to the Viridi's Constitution modifier (min 1).
Wood Affinity: Viridi reduce the Armor Check Penalty of wooden armor and shields by 1.
Languages: Viridi begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Viridi with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Gnome, and Orc.
Small Viridi begin play at 15 +1d4 years old and medium Viridi begin play at 25 +1d6 years old. This is due to time it takes the seed to fully bond to the skeleton.
Middle Age - 40 years
Old Age - 60 years
Venerable Age - 80 years
Maximum Age - 80 +2d20 years
A Viridi can be planted in a Large skeleton and begin at 35 +1d8 years due to growth taking longer.
Base Height – as skeleton used to create the Viridi
Base Weight – multiply the height by 2 lbs per inch
Oak modifier – 2d4 (weight x10)
Willow modifier – 2d4 (weight x2)
Yew modifier – 2d4 (weight x5)
Your mastery of wood craftsmanship can harden wooden items you create.
Prerequisite: Viridi, Master Craftsman and 12 ranks in any wood-crafting skill or Innate Shaper
Benefit: Choose any Craft skill in which you have 12 ranks and is affected by the Master Craftsman feat or the Innate Shaper feat. You can craft one wood item a day and have it affected as by the ironwood spell permanently. The caster level is equal to the Viridi's level. Doing so consumes rare materials costing 10 gp per lb of wood affected.
A Viridi can easily form wood and affect plants.
Prerequisite: Viridi, Knowledge(nature) 5 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell that creates or effects plants or items from plants, add +1 to the caster level. Viridi with a Charisma score of 11 or higher can cast wood shape 1/day. The caster level is equal to the Viridi's level. The DC is equal to 12 + Charisma modifier.

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Love it! I like the flavor and I really like having different tree types. Only problem I have is the Willow Viridi is overpowered with a 40 foot base speed. They need a bigger penalty to even that out.
I had thought of further penalizing by have the willow fatigue easier, but decided against it.
What I think determines the power of the 40 ft movement is ability score generation and track encumbrance. There are numerous threads on ability generation (so please don't discuss here), but I use the 25 point buy from the CRB. Add the willow's penalty of -2 Strength and the encumbrance is reduced further, making the reduced speeds come into effect easier. If the character doesn't spend a single point, a Str 8 means they can carry less than 27 lbs. Besides a monk, most other characters are going to easily pass that number with a few simple weapons and light armor. To increase weight carried, they must add points and a non-melee character is less likely to spend too many points. A monk benefits the most and a barbarian second and the extra movement has proved game breaking since they both take Str hits which they need for melee.

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Clarified iron shaper prereqs and removed the minimum number of wooddarts.
Prerequisite:Viridi, Innate Shaper or Master Craftsman with 12 ranks in any wood related crafting skill
Wood Dart: As a standard action, the Viridi can throw a wood dart that deals 1d3 damage for a small Viridi or 1d4 damage for a medium Viridi. The range is 20 ft. This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to the Viridi's Constitution modifier.
New Viridi The new Viridi all have 30 foot movements and use the Yew height and weight.
Ability Score: +2 Constitution or Wisdom
Arid Growth: Mesquites are immune to nonlethal damage due to heat. They can go three times as long without water.
Ability Score: +2 Stength or Intelligence
Frostline Growth: Pines are immune to nonlethal damage due to cold. They can move across icy surfaces without penalty to Acrobatics checks.
Ability Score: +2 Constitution or Charisma
Fragrant Scent (Ex): A Cedar Viridi has a pleasant aroma that grants a +2 on all Diplomacy and Bluff skill checks. This smell grants any creature trying to track a Cedar Viridi by scent a +2 on the skill check.
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity or Intelligence
Noxious Stench (Ex): stench 1/day (DC = 10 + Constitution modifier, 3 rounds). The Tambuti's smell grants any creature trying to track it by scent a +2 on the skill check.