Voyager - Take your game beyond the middle ages.

Homebrew and House Rules

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So, I've posted a couple threads asking for, namely, some tech ideas for Voyager, and there is a playtest for some of it's mechanics, but Voyager lacks an all encompassing thread.

Voyager is a set of alternate tech levels for Pathfinder. It's not that I don't like the medieval era, I just don't want all, or even most, of my Pathfinder games to take place there. Voyager aims to take Pathfinder beyond the medieval era by adding in rules for several new eras to play in ranging from the 1500s to the modern day.

There is something I want to make clear from the get go. Voyager is not Pathfinder Modern. At all. It may bring the game into much higher technology eras than vanilla Pathfinder, but it still assumes the common existence of magic, non-human races, and other fantasy tropes at every level. Even when the PCs are decked out with lots of high tech, this is still very much a fantasy RPG.

Furthermore, Voyager doesn't even try to paint a realistic picture of it's tech levels. Pathfinder doesn't do so with medieval technology (the Pathfinder tech level is a chaotic mash-up going from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance). Instead of strict dedication to it's tech levels, Voyager brings in LOTS of speculative technology at every level. I believe I shall let TV Tropes do the explaining of these tech levels (Be cautious. TV Tropes is awesome, and it WILL devour your day if you let it. It does it to me all the time.)

Dungeonpunk/Magitek I always liked the idea of Eberron, but never read much about it or any of the books. I am doing my own take on the basic idea for Voyager.

Clockpunk - Roughly 1500 to 1800

Steampunk - Roughly 1800 to 1920

Dieselpunk - Roughly 1920 to 1950

I also have an unnamed tech level taking something roughly similar to Dieselpunk from 1950 to the modern day. A possible name for this is Jetpunk.

Cyberpunk and Post Cyberpunk may also be included if demand is high enough.

Voyager also offers Biopunk, but not as a stand alone tech level. I think it works better as an add-on to other tech levels, as I can see it fitting well in a variety of settings.

Each tech level has a massive influx of new technology, including weapons, gear, vehicles, and such. Voyager also has plenty of class archetypes to bring the core and base classes into the modern day (Expect Cavalier fighter pilots. It WILL happen.), plus new skills, skill uses, feats, and combat mechanics, including rules for air and naval combat.

Voyager also has a Superhero system (which I think would be cool in anything from 1920 on), but it is strictly optional. If you as a GM don't want your players shooting laser beams out of their eyes, don't allow the system. That goes for pretty much everything in Voyager. There will be much more stuff when finished than can or should be used in one game, and not everything in Voyager will fit every setting.

So, that's what Voyager is. Thoughts? Questions? Suggestions?

I'm working on a Google Sites Wiki for Voyager now.

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