World War 1 Simplified.

Off-Topic Discussions

This is absolutely hilarious. Check it out. There is also a WW2 version, but I like the WW1 version better.

Vinland Forever wrote:
This is absolutely hilarious. Check it out. There is also a WW2 version, but I like the WW1 version better.

Really funny, thanks for sharing!

Would you also share the link for the WW2 strip?

CunningMongoose wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
This is absolutely hilarious. Check it out. There is also a WW2 version, but I like the WW1 version better.

Really funny, thanks for sharing!

Would you also share the link for the WW2 strip?

Here's the WW2 version.

What's your favorite part? I'm torn between Russia whacking Austria with a vodka bottle, England's reaction to Germany kicking Belgium, and the part where everybody gets helmets.

I'm conflicted as well. I love Austria-Hungary's running dependence on Germany, but Bulgaria's line of "Oh, I don't know what's going on" was also pretty great. And then of course there's the UK's war 'stache.

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