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Well, if any of you have seen my other posts about Milton Bradley's game "Dark Tower", you know that I have been attempting to create a role playing campaign based on it. While d20 seems the easiest route to go, I was searching for other systems because of my belief that the Vancian system of magic wouldn't fit in the campaign world I was creating. I wanted to create a campaign where arcane magic was plausible, and common in places, but potentially dangerous for the mind.
Anyway, my design philosophy is this. Start with the fluff! The story is what drives the campaign. Start with the feeling behind it. The atmosphere that one is trying to capture. High Magic? Low Magic? High Fantasy? Low Fantasy? Or some peculiar combination of all of the above.
That last one is correct. Anyway, on to the design. I had written a document over a year or so describing this world and some of the new rules I had come up with, but I'd like to run them by others here and get some opinions.
Here's the hook I wrote about the game some time ago.
Enter a land ruled by a ruthless and evil power. The massive Dark Tower shadows over all the land of ancient Huredain, and the undead brigands that swarm from its gates threaten the remnants of the Four Kingdoms. But there is yet hope. Stand against this darkness, and you will find those who would aid you. Or seek out power, riches, and glory for yourself from the ancient ruins of Huredain.
So this is the core of the game I am attempting to create. Everything else, from rules onward, is based on the above text. It is Rule #3. (Following 1)Have Fun, and 2)The DM is always right, except when not.)
So in my philosophy of game design, I start with this core element, then dream, design, and return. Create more fluff, does it fit the core? Yes, carry on. Create some crunch. Does it fit the core? Yes, carry on. Modify the crunch? Still fitting the core? Carry on. :)
So, I have attempted to create in any event. I am still working on it.

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Well, if any of you have seen my other posts about Milton Bradley's game "Dark Tower", you know that I have been attempting to create a role playing campaign based on it. While d20 seems the easiest route to go, I was searching for other systems because of my belief that the Vancian system of magic wouldn't fit in the campaign world I was creating. I wanted to create a campaign where arcane magic was plausible, and common in places, but potentially dangerous for the mind.
Anyway, my design philosophy is this. Start with the fluff! The story is what drives the campaign. Start with the feeling behind it. The atmosphere that one is trying to capture. High Magic? Low Magic? High Fantasy? Low Fantasy? Or some peculiar combination of all of the above.
That last one is correct. Anyway, on to the design. I had written a document over a year or so describing this world and some of the new rules I had come up with, but I'd like to run them by others here and get some opinions.
Here's the hook I wrote about the game some time ago.
Enter a land ruled by a ruthless and evil power. The massive Dark Tower shadows over all the land of ancient Huredain, and the undead brigands that swarm from its gates threaten the remnants of the Four Kingdoms. But there is yet hope. Stand against this darkness, and you will find those who would aid you. Or seek out power, riches, and glory for yourself from the ancient ruins of Huredain.
So this is the core of the game I am attempting to create. Everything else, from rules onward, is based on the above text. It is Rule #3. (Following 1)Have Fun, and 2)The DM is always right, except when not.)
So in my philosophy of game design, I start with this core element, then dream, design, and return. Create more fluff, does it fit the core? Yes, carry on. Create some crunch. Does it fit the core? Yes, carry on. Modify the crunch? Still fitting the core? Carry on. :)
So, I have attempted to create in any event. I am still working on it.
I may have skimmed too quickly, but the feeling of the setting will probably determine the best(one that requires the least reworking) base system. From there tweak it to fit what you want.
The willingness of players to learn a new system is also a factor if they have never used it before.

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I knew that if I was going to base this game on the d20 mechanic, I would have to change the world substantially so it did not seem like the original Dungeons and Dragons (or Pathfinder) game. I wanted it to be different enough that the experience was new and exciting for even long time gamers such as myself.
So, I began to ask myself. IF there is something familiar, what is it?
Obviously, I wanted the players to relate emotionally (if not psychically) to the history I had created for the rising of the Dark Tower and the fall of Huredain. So I decided to keep humans as the most proliferant race. The other races of the campaign are remarkably different (for the most part) from other d20 games.
The humans of Huredain reside in a type of dark age, perhaps near the beginning of the Iron Age if using modern terminology. Bronze is still considered a valuable metal, and weapons and armor of bronze are somewhat weaker than other weapons and armor. The rarest of weapons and armor will include iron, or at least some iron.
Humans throughout the four kingdoms have different belief systems and honor different things.
In the kingdom of Arisilon, might and leadership make right, and the wealth of gold is a powerful and prestigious thing.
In the kingdom of Zenon, the people honor the wisdom of the forests and delight in exploring nature. In Brynthia, seamanship is honored, but perhaps more important is the desire of Brynthians to uncover the truth. In Durnin, magic and creativity are highly praised, and those who can exhibit such are treated perhaps royally.
Other than that, the humans of Huredain are exactly as described in the Pathfinder Core book.
Eldarith are ancient, beautiful, and wise. Heightwise, they are generally a half-head taller than humans. Most live to be 1000 years or more. Among the Eldarith, females are much more respected than men and that is not unusualy since only the female can be imbued with the Lunar Presence and become a Priestess. The Priestesses serve the High Princess in the Palace of the Moon, though they have ventured out from time to time to battle the darkness encroaching on the forests of their homeland. The Sanctuary of the Moon in the kingdom of Zenon is a branch of these Priestesses, acting for Zenonian interests as well as their own.
I was having some difficulty coming up with further information for the Eldarith, but that is perhaps because I see the main conflict in the campaign between the humans and the darkened tower. However, the humans will need allies. The Eldarith might be considered an Elf like race, but I never stated them out until recently. (Thank you Advanced Race Guide Playtest!) (Upcoming Attraction)
The Jinn are an ancient and powerful race, nearly as powerful as the Wizards of the Four Kingdoms. However, they are limited to only basic eldritch arts and cannot comprehend the Truest Forms which only the Wizards can master. Nevertheless, the Jinn remain a powerful race that most other races have a problem contending with. The Deserts of Sorcielle were formed by a massive civil war between some orders of the Jinn. Though they have been at peace for nearly 1,000 years, they are reluctant to interact with other races, or even with other tribes, except in the Al'Hadim'Tirma.
While I did attempt to stat these up, this race was a grossly powerful race, possibly unsuited to player characters. Even in the Advanced Race Guide version, they came out at 29 points, while I had been able to get the other races to 10. I may modify their ability scores again, as I think the Jinn are noticably proud about their magical prowess and have a Wisdom penalty from that.
These small humanoids once roamed the Four Kingdoms freely. Many thought their faerie luck would rub off on others. After the rising of the Dark Tower, the Minluin were forced into hiding. Most can be found in the mountainous regions of Portharon and Thaurenon. In the deeper caves, the Minluin have found close bonds to the Faerie Realm, one of the sources of magic in the cosmology of the campaign.
While I am not entirely certain what the Minluin look like, other than their small size, I know that the race was once beloved by the Faerie Court.
The angelic race of humans (similar to Aasimar) reside in the heights of Thaurenon and are usually an active part of the Auroran Way of Celestia (one of the primary religions of the campaign). Templars keep to themselves, since most other races find them aloof and distant.
I haven't stated up this race yet, but likely will soon.
I think this gives a good sampling of abilities and racial abilities, so this is where I ended my races for the campaign. If anyone has suggestions for another race that fits the core, let me know.

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On to another d20 core mechanic I thought needed to leave to make the game fresh. I decided to remove the alignment system altogether, but kept auras around. There are some elements of thought and belief that have a physical, supernatural manifestation, but one's devotion to society, self, good, or evil should not be among them (At least for this campaign).
Another thing that removing the alignment system accomplishes is that it forces a player to actually describe his or her character's motives, rather than just saying, "Oh he's lawful good."
Since I knew I would eventually be changing the magic system, I decided to remove all of the classes altogether and start over from scratch there. However, some class names will sound familiar to you, try to reimagine them.
Barbarian -> Savage
Bard -> Enchanter
Cleric -> Seeker or Lunar Priestess
Druid -> Landwalker
Fighter -> Marshal
Monk -> Seeker or Solar Brother
Paladin -> Crusader
Ranger -> Mystic Guardian
Rogue -> Specialist
Sorcerer -> Sorcerer
Wizard -> Savant
In this rearranging of classes, some things were drastically changed, but done so to maintain the fluff (rule 3), rather than balance, so perhaps those things need to be looked at (Upcoming Attraction)

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Now for some new things. Since I wanted this campaign to feel a little bit grittier, I came up with this method of ability score generation.
Roll 4d6, discard the lowest die, six times, and place in order.
A player may roll choose to roll twice for a single ability, and take the highest roll. But if he does so, he must also choose a second ability to roll twice for and take the lowest roll for that ability. Customizable, but not powerful. Characters generated with this system have average abilities scores of 13 or 14 in most of their abilities.
A New Skill: Meditation. Since I knew that magic and rituals carried some importance in this campaign, I created a skill that would augment inner knowing, potentially facilitating magic, combat, and more.
I restored Concentration as a skill. It has more uses now, and similar to Meditation.
I introduced several new Feats called Bloodline Feats. These are feats that can only be taken at 1st level and they basically refer to an ancestry of special heritage that has some powerful benefit. Each character can only have one bloodline feat, and a bloodline feat can only be chosen at 1st level.
There are also Arcane Feats which allow powerful casters access to even greater powers and abilities. Arcane Architecture, Arcane Power, Arcane Reach are some examples.
Other new feats include Oaths, Gifts of the Arcane Collective, and Weapon Training Techniques.
But until recently the greatest mystery that eluded me was the Magic in the campaign. If the Vancian system does not fit. If magical knowledge is so restricted that even knowledge of a single spell is a life altering event. What system will?

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This is what I know about Magic in the "Dark Tower Campaign"
1) It is extremely difficult to come by.
2) It is relatively easy, but taxing to use.
3) It requires moving energy through alien realms and planes.
4) It requires symbols, either mental or real, that evade standard thought processes.
5) It can be deadly for the user.
6) If it doesn't kill the user, it may eventually make them insane.
7) Even the process of reading an ancient tome of magic which might grant some access to spells is mentally harrowing. Concepts discussed in such books are alien to standard thought processes.
The Cosmology of the Campaign.
The Faerie Realm This is a realm that exists coterminously with the physical plane. Faerie creatures have spell like abilities, common magic, and can craft magic items easily. It is extremely difficult (but not impossible) to access the Faerie Realm from the physical plane.
The Eldritch Plane This is a maddening powerful plane of magical and elemental energies swirling together and is likely the original plane of the Jinn race. Using any type of magic requires opening mental or psychic portals to this realm to draw the energies out and form them according to prescribed rules and alien patterns.
The Realm of the Arcane Collective Somewhere beyond the Eldritch Plane is a realm of great astral significance. The Great Wizards of Huredain send their consciousnesses to this plane when they are ready to depart their bodies. From here they can grant spells and powers to their followers, their replacements, and others.
The Heavens of Light A heavenly plane where metallic dragons and other celestials originate.
The Darkness between the Stars A strange plane of frightening and obscure realities that spawn monsters and hideous presences intent on destroying all life and light.
The Hells of the Earth A dark elemental plane of earth and fire where the dragons of old were born. Unlike the Darkness between the Stars, this plane is easier to access.
It was not until recently, when I picked up the Call of Cthulhu d20 book, that I began to piece together a magic system I felt fit. The Sanity point system presented in the Call of Cthulhu d20 fit perfectly. The Cthulhu mythos didn't completely fit, but elements of it did. And for this reason, I adopted the system mainly as was. Sanity and Magic rules from the Call of Cthulhu had made it into the campaign, and it felt good. So they are currently there, and they fill all of the campaign information I already had about magic.

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Terrastria Laminus
Female human sorcerer 1
Medium humanoid (human)
Init -1; Senses Perception +0
Age 19; Height 5'9", Weight 100 lbs
Hair Blond, Eyes Green
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, -1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
Speed 30 feet
Melee bronze scimitar +1 (1d6+1, crit. 18-20.x2)
Ranged wand of sorcery +0 (1d6 eldritch, 30 ft range increment, costs 1 sanity)
Special Attacks bleeding attack (weapon training)
Str 13, Con 13, Dex 9, Wis 10, Int 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +0, CMB +1, CMD 10
Starting Sanity 36
Maximum Sanity 98
Feats Alertness (familiar), Noble, Weapon Training of the Zenon Citadel
Skills Bluff +6, Concentration +5, Knowledge (arcane) +6, Meditation +4, Mythos +4
Languages Arcane, Common Huredain (Zenon dialect), Faerie
Gear green robes, bronze scimitar, torch, flintstones, trail rations (4), rope 50 ft.
Alertness (Feat) While holding or wearing her familiar in its cabochon form, Terrastria gains +2 to Perception and Sense Motive skill checks.
Familiar (Ex) Terrastria has a small earth elemental familiar with whom she has an empathic link (up to one mile), and which can take the shape of a malachite cabochon.
Mythos (Ex) As a sorcerer, Terrastria's mind is opened to the vast and terrible spaces between the planes of existence. She can place ranks in Mythos skill as a normal class skill. Sorcerers begin play with an amount less starting sanity equal to Charisma score. Sorcerers begin play with either a faerie orb or a wand of sorcery.
Noble (Feat) Terrastria has a great desire to see good done, and is willing to make huge sacrifices to end the reign of evil. So long as she remains true to these values, she gains a divine bonus to her saving throws equal to her Charisma modifier. Once per day, Terrastria can call on the power of this ability to gain a +4 divine bonus to her AC for 2 rounds.
Spell Knowledge (Ex) Sorcerers can attempt to meditate to communicate with the arcane collective and learn spells. They can add 1d6 to such Meditation checks, but take the same amount of sanity damage. If the check is successful, the sorcerer learns 1d4 spells. These checks must be performed in special ritual locations, and only once per location and once per month.
Weapon Training of Citadel of Zenon (Feat) Terrastria gains proficiency with the scimitar and leather armor. Once per day, when attacking with a scimitar, she can make a combat maneuver with +2 bonus and no attack of opportunity to cause an additional 1d6 precision damage and 1 bleed damage. This extra precision and bleed damage can only be healed by the Hadachm'yna feat.
Candle Communication (1 Sanity)
Communicate with another spellcaster who casts this spell at the same time at a distance of up to 5 miles
per level of the casters.
Grasp of Earthen Forces (2 Strength damage and 1d6 Sanity)
For one round per level, you can summon forth magical energies to grasp a subject within 110 ft. and hold it helpless.
The subject takes 2d6 subdual damage each round. The target is allowed a Reflex save to escape the spell when it is first cast.

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New Races (thanks to Advanced Race Guide Playtest)
- +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +4 Dex, -2 Str
- Medium
- Normal Speed
- Low-light Vision
- Eternal Hope (Ex) Eldarith have a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear and despair. Once per day, an Eldarith can reroll a natural one rolled on a d20.
- Dreamspeaker (Sp) Eldarith gain +1 racial bonus to saving throw DC of divining spells and spells that produce sleep effects. If the Eldarith Charisma is 15 or higher, the Eldarith may cast dream once per day as a spell-like ability.
- Nimble Attack (Ex) Eldarith have Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
- Glowing Eyes (Sp) Once per day, an Eldarith can use luminous gaze as a spell-like ability.
- Languages: Eldarith begin play speaking Eldarith. Eldarith with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Ancient Huredain, Common Huredain, Tradetongue, and Seatrade.
- +2 Dex, +2 Wis
- Small
- Slow speed
- Darkvision, 60 ft.
- Faerie Luck (Ex): Once per day, a Minluin may roll a Reflex saving throw twice and take the better result.
- Fortunate (Ex): Minluin have a +2 racial bonus to all saving throws.
- Languages: Minluin begin play speaking Faerie and Common Huredain. Minluin with high intelligence scores can choose any language except Druidic or other secret languages.
- +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Cha, -2 Wis
- Medium outsider (native)
- Normal speed
- Darkvision, 60 ft.
- Being of Magic (Ex) Jinn have Spell Resistance equal to level +6.
- Born of Flame (Ex) Jinn are vulnerable to fire.
- Servants of Air (Sp) Jinn can use unseen servant three times per day as a spell-like ability. A Jinn who becomes a sorcerer can take an elemental Gen as a familiar instead of a small elemental.
- Words of Power (Sp) Jinn gain a +1 bonus to the DC of spells
they cast with the language-dependent descriptor or those
that create glyphs, symbols, or other magical writings.
They also gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against
such spells. If a Jinn has a Charisma of 11
or higher, they also gain the following spell-like abilities:
1/day—arcane mark, comprehend languages, message, read
magic. The caster level for these effects is equal to the
user’s character level.
- Languages: Jinn begin play speaking Jinn. Jinn with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Arcane, Common Huredain, Tradetongue, and Seatrade.
- +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Dex
- Medium outsider (native)
- Normal speed.
- Darkvision, 60 ft.
- Against the Dark (Ex) Templars have a +2 dodge bonus to AC and +2 racial bonus to combat maneuvers against aberrations.
- Celestial Resistance (Ex) Templars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
- Auric Sight (Sp) Templars can use See Aura as a spell-like ability three times per day.
- Languages:Templars begin play speaking Celestial. Templars with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common Huredain, Draconic, Tradetongue, Seatrade.

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Some notes about Terrastria.
Terrastria is wearing robes, which I've introduced as the standard armor of most spellcasters, although with the sanity magic system, a spellcaster can wear armor without suffering arcane spell failure.
However, armor does have an armor check penalty which also applies to meditation and concentration skill checks, so it might make losing sanity easier and recovering it more difficult.
Terrastria also begins play with a wand of sorcery as part of her arcane training. This is a ranged weapon that has a range increment of 30 feet, that causes 1d6 eldritch damage. On a critical hit (a natural roll of 20 to hit), eldritch damage also causes the loss of 1d6 Sanity. The wand is only a focus for its wielder, who must still channel eldritch energy through the wand to use it (and thus lose 1 Sanity) every time the wand is used.
Terrastria has three new skills: Concentration, Meditation, and Mythos.
Concentration represents Terrastria's ability to remain convicted in her beliefs about her self, her magical prowess, and her ability to control the arcane eldritch energies from the Planes of Power. Concentration must be used in the places where it was normally used in the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and may optionally be used when casting spells or glimpsing planes of impossible reality to ignore or mitigate Sanity loss. On a successful Concentration check whenever Sanity is lost with a DC equal to 15 + amount of Sanity lost, the amount of Sanity is reduced by the amount the check is beat by. So, if for example, Terrastria casts Grasp of Earthen Forces and loses 1d6 ⇒ 2 sanity, she can make a concentration check 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 to attempt to reduce this sanity loss. In this case, she misses the DC by 1 and loses 2 sanity as the spell is cast.
Meditation is a skill that can be used to restore small amounts of sanity, though it is not as powerful as diving healing magic for that purpose. A DC 20 Meditation check, requiring 1 hour of Meditation, restores 1 point of Sanity, plus the amount the check is beat by.
Mythos represents the stange and bizarre knowledge that comes from peering into the spaces between dimensions, something that sorcerers are born to do. Knowledge in Mythos reduces sanity at the same rate it is acquired.

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Robes (mundane)
+1 armor AC
+8 max Dex bonus to AC
0 armor check penalty
10 lbs, hardness 1
5 gp
Robes (masterwork)
+1 to Concentration and Meditation skill checks.
155 gp
Eldritch Robes (magic)
+5 armor AC
+1 to Concentration and Meditation skill checks.
+8 max Dex bonus to AC
0 armor check penalty
10 lbs, hardness 5
1000 gp, cost to create 500 gp

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Greliana Lun'tel
Female eldarith lunar priestess 1
Medium humanoid (eldarith)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +1
Aura Moonlit
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 armor)
hp 10 (1d8+1+1 favored)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1 (+2 vs fear and despair)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee lunaki +2 (1d8, crit 20/x2)
Str 11, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 17
Base Atk +0, CMB +0, CMD 12
Starting Sanity 65
Maximum Sanity 99
Feats Lunar Bloodline, Weapon Finesse
Skills Craft (Jewelry) +5, Concentration +5, Diplomacy +7, Heal +4, Knowledge (history) +5
Languages Eldarith, Common Huredain (Zenon Dialect)
Gear lunaki, leather armor, healer's kit, adventuring kit
Aura (Su) Greliana has an aura of pearly white energy that is visible to those who can detect such things.
Dreamspeaker (Ex) Greliana's spell spells have +1 DC to resist. Once per day, she can cast the spell dream as a spell-like ability.
Eternal Hope (Ex) Greliana has a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair. Once per day, she can reroll a d20 roll that resulted in a natural 1.
Eyes of Silver Light (Sp) Greliana can cast the spell luminous gaze once per day as a spell-like ability.
Lunar Bloodline (Bloodline Feat) In direct moonlight, Greliana has a +2 divine bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma, and her melee attacks deal an additional 1d8 lunar damage. She also gains fast healing 1 while in direct moonlight. In direct sunlight, Greliana is dazzled, and takes 1d4 fire damage every hour of exposure.
Moontouched (Ex) As a lunar priestess, Greliana can access the powers of lunar light to heal others. By channeling lunar power through her body, she loses 1d6 Sanity, but channels positive energy (as a Pathfinder cleric). This ability is not limited, but requires a special moonstone focus (500 gp value), or any level of moonlight. The moonstone focus is altered in such a way, that anyone else touching the moonstone loses 1d6 Sanity from strange psychic visions and impressions.
Spell Knowledge (Ex) A lunar priestess can concentrate on the full moon to commune with it in a four hour ritual (concentration check). She can add 1d6 to this roll by losing the same amount of Sanity. If this concentration check is successful, she learns 1 spell of a healing or divination nature.
Spray of Shooting Stars (Ex) As a standard action, Greliana can unleash a ball of energy that explodes with a 5 foot radius inflicting 1d4 fire damage per level. Reflex save DC 13 halves this damage. This attack has a range of 60 feet and can be used once per day.
Weapon Finesse (Feat) With a light weapon, or a variety of weapons made to be used with this feat, Greliana can use her dexterity modifier instead of her strength modifier on attack rolls. If she carries a shield, its armor check penalty applies to her attack rolls.
-Dream (1/day as racial ability)
You or a touched creature can impart a message in a dream to any other sleeping character known. This
message can be of any length and the recipient remembers it perfectly upon waking. If you impart
the dream message, you can restore 1d4 Sanity points to the receiver of the message. Alternately, you
can cause the receiver to lose 1d4 Sanity points with this dream message.
-Luminous Gaze (1/day as racial ability)
For 1 round/level, your eyes gleam with unearthly radiance, providing light as the light spell. All creatures
within 10 feet radius must make a saving throw each round at the beginning of their turn. Unsuccessful,
the creature is dazzled for the remainder of the spell's duration. As a standard ray attack, you may
concentrate your gaze on a single creature within 60 feet. If this attack is successful, that creature is then
dazzled for the remainder of the spell's duration.
-Locate Object (2 Wis damage and 1d6 Sanity)
For one minute per level, you can sense the direction of a well-known or clearly visualized object within
440 feet. This spell is blocked by lead and cannot detect creatures.

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Notes about Greliana.
Dreamspeaker That should say, Greliana's sleep spells have +1 DC to resist.
lunaki (light melee weapon)
The lunaki is the favored weapon of the Eldarith. It is little more than a round crescent moon shape of wood with a handle, but a blade has been attached to the curve and alchemically silvered. A lunaki counts as a silver weapon.

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Angdramoss Dimhaven
Male minluin specialist 1
Small humanoid (minluin)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., perception +1
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 size, +1 Dex)
hp 5 (1d6-1)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3
Speed 20 ft.
Melee layered gold long dagger +5 (1d4+3, crit. 18-20/x3)
Special Attacks sense faerie 100 ft, precise strike +1d6
Str 16, Con 8, Dex 12, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +0, CMB +2, CMD 11
Starting Sanity 70
Maximum Sanity 99
Feats Faerie Bloodline
Skills Climb +7, Knowledge (local: Zenon) +5, Knowledge (faerie) +5, Linguistics +5, Swim +7; Skill Modifiers +1 Knowledge (local: Zenon), +1 Knowledge (faerie), +1 Linguistics, +4 Stealth
Languages Common Huredain (Zenon dialect), Faerie.
Gear layered gold long dagger, leather armor, adventuring kit
Faerie Bloodline (Feat) Angdramoss has a faerie bloodline, which allows him to sense faeries within 100 feet. Once per week, he can attempt to summon a lesser megaron with 50% success. However megarons are always summoned in bizarre psychadelic experiences. And each successful summoning requires a sanity check 1/1d6. Megarons can be asked for information or for gifts or for spell knowledge. Information is always given, but as powerful psychic visions that take 1d6 Sanity. Gifts are only given 50% of the time and Spell knowledge is rarely imparted (10% chance.) These percentages can be increased by providing gifts of mushroom liquor for the megaron.
Faerie Luck (Ex) Once per day, Andramoss can roll a Reflex saving throw twice and take the better result.
Precise Strike (Ex) The specialist's attack deals extra damage when his target is denied a Dexterity bonus to AC. If Angdramoss scores a critical hit with this attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Skill Specialization (Ex) Angdramoss counts his Intelligence bonus score twice for modifiers to Intelligence skill checks.
Weapon Specialization (Ex) Angdramoss attacks with a long dagger at +1 to hit and +2 damage.

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Notes about Angdramoss Dimhaven.
Angdramoss has a layered gold long dagger. The long dagger is a new weapon, somewhere between a dagger and a short sword in length.
Light Melee Weapons
brass long dagger
10 gp__1d4/1d4+1__crit. 19-20/x2__2 lb__P
layered copper long dagger
15 gp__1d4/1d4+1__crit. 18-20/x2__2 lb__P
layered silver long dagger
20 gp__1d4+1/1d4+2__crit. 18-20/x2__2 lb__P (Silver)
layered gold long dagger
25 gp__1d4+1/1d4+2__crit. 18-20/x3__2 lb__P (Gold)
This should update Angdramoss's damage to 1d4+6 with Strength and specialist bonuses.

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Alqim Estu'logan
Male jinn mystic guardian 1
Medium outsider (jinn, native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft, Perception +5
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+2+1 favored)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 (+2 vs words of power)
Special Defenses[b] SR 7
[b]Vulnerable Fire
Speed 30 ft.
Melee brass arduroc't +1 (1d8+1, crit. 20/x2)
Ranged eldritch blast +3 (1d6 eldritch, 30 range increment, costs 1 Sanity)
Str 10, Con 15, Dex 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +1, CMB +1, CMD 12
Starting Sanity 60
Maximum Sanity 99
Feats Arcane Bloodline
Skills Climb +4, Heal +5, Meditation +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +5, Survival +5
Languages Jinn, Common Huredain (Durnin dialect)
Gear leather armor, brass arduroc't, wooden buckler
Arcane Bloodline (Feat) Alqim can learn arcane feats as general feats. He may channel eldritch blasts through his hand as though using a wand of sorcery, making a ranged attack with a range increment of 30 ft, and inflicting 1d6 eldritch damage at the cost of 1 Sanity per attack.
Being of Magic (Ex) As a jinn, Alqim has SR 7.
Born of Flame (Ex) As a jinn, Alqim is vulnerable to fire.
Focus (Ex) Once per day as a full round action, Alqim can focus his skill and knowledge into the current encounter. This requires a successful sanity check. While the focus is in effect, Alqim adds his intelligence bonus to hit and damage rolls, and to all saving throws made until the combat ends, at which point all the bonuses immediately end. At 1st level, Alqim can use this ability once per day. At 4th level, and every three levels thereafter, the mystic guardian can use this ability an additional time per day.
Servants of Air (Sp) Three times per day, Alqim can cast unseen servant.
Wild Empathy (Ex) As a mystic guardian, Alqim has a special relationship with natural animals. He can attempt to improve the initial attitude of neutral and hostile animals, just as a diplomacy check would improve the attitude of a person. He rolls 1d20 to determine the check result. He can also influence magical beasts with an intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a -4 penalty to the check.
Words of Power (Ex) As a jinn, Alqim casts spells with language-dependent descriptors, glyphs, symbols, and magical writings at +1 DC to resist. He also has a +2 racial saving throw bonus against such spells. Once per day, as a spell-like ability, Alqim can cast the spells arcane mark, comprehend languages, message and read magic.
Arcane Mark (1/day as racial ability)
You can place a mark of arcane energy on any material other than a living being, either visible or invisible. If it is invisible, it can be seen by those who have second sight or the ability to see auras, but not necessarily understood if the marks have any meaning. The arcane mark fills a space of less than 1 sq. ft.
Comprehend Languages (1/day as racial ability)
For 10 minutes per level, you can understand the spoken words of creatures and read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. You cannot speak or read foreign words, but you do understand
Message (1/day as racial ability)
For 10 minutes per level, you can whisper messages to someone within 110 feet and hear their replies. Those nearby can hear the messages with a DC 25 Perception skill check.
Read Magic (1/day as racial ability)
For 10 minutes per level, you can decipher magical inscriptions on books, scrolls, weapons, and the like, that would otherwise be unintelligible. You can identify glyphs and symbols with this spell active.
Unseen Servant (3/day as racial ability)
For one hour per level, you control an invisible, shapeless force of magic energy that performs simple tasks at your command. It has an effective Strength of 2, cannot fly, climb, or even swim and has a base speed of 15 feet. The unseen servant cannot attack in any way, but dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from an area attack. An unseen servant must remain within 30 feet or dissipates.

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Meaningless? As a student of linguistics, I can tell you that most apostrophes are not meaningless, particularly in fantasy names. Well, perhaps by people who don't know what they're doing.
In the Jinn language, apostrophes denote separations between the adjective and noun part of the name, and those with shared adjective names or noun names often are part of the same or similar organizations.
In Eldarith, the apostrophe is used in names to separate the family name from the lunar word, usually Lun, but sometimes Deran, Argent, or Silb.
Silb'veran, Silb'teras, Silb'qualin (For example) could be used interchangably with Lun'veran. Lun'teras, and Lun'qualin, but the primary lunar word is determined by the formality of address, or the position of the Eldarith. Lunar priestesses almost always have the Lun' title.
I suppose a hyphen would have worked, but the apostrophe is much more elegant in my opinion.

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Notes about Alqim. (Moving on from the unproductive argument over linguistic variations and how best to represent them with or without certain punctuation.)
The arduroc't (pronounced with the guttural KH and glottal stop) is the favored weapon of most Jinn, and is similar in appearance to a scimitar, though long curved blades extend from both sides of the pommel, and also includes a sweeping angular blade in front of the pommel itself. It is a highly artistic one handed martial weapon with the finesse ability.
The driqa't (pronounced with a glottal stop) is another Jinn weapon. It has a long smooth shaft like a quarterstaff but curved blades extend from its sides. It is a two handed simple weapon with the finesse ability.

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And the last member of our hearty troupe. =)
Huremon Caithalan
Male templar seeker of the Auroran Way of Celestia (Beauty) 1
Medium outsider (templar, native)
Init +2, Senses darkvision 60 ft, perception +2
Aura beauty
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5
Resist Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +3 (1d6+3)
Str 16, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 17
Base Atk +0, CMB +3, CMD 15
Starting Sanity 70
Maximum Sanity 99
Feats Skill Focus (Heal)
Skills Appraise +5, Diplomacy +7, Heal +9
Languages Celestial, Common Huredain (Arisilonian dialect)
Gear quarterstaff, robes, silver and glass rose (holy symbol)
Adoration (Su) 5 times per day, Huremon can attempt to use his aura of beauty to thwart a melee or ranged attack. The attacking creature has a Will save (DC 13) to resist the compulsion to not attack. If a creature has more than one attack, this only affects one attack.
Against the Dark (Ex) Huremon has a +2 dodge bonus to AC and +2 CMB bonus against aberrations.
Aura (Su) Huremon has a rosy pink aura associated with his devotion to the ideals of beauty in the Auroran Way of Celestia that is visible to those who can detect such things.
Inner Seeking (Ex) A seeker can meditate for one hour at a designated time according to his or her faith (dawn) to gain knowledge of a single spell. This requires a successful meditation skill check and the seeker may add 1d6 to this check but loses the same amount of sanity. A seeker may only know a number of spells equal to her level at any time, but spells can be replaced with a new meditation check at the designated time.
Object of Focus (Ex) Huremon has a special holy object, a silver and glass rose, which acts as a symbol for his faith. It is required as a special material focus for all spells, and provides a +1 morale bonus to Concentration and Meditation skill checks and will saves while it is held.
Rapturous Touch (Su) 5 times per day, Huremon can touch a creature as a standard action and grant them +2 to one Perform check for one round.
Skill Focus (Heal) (Feat) Huremon has a +3 bonus to heal skill checks.
Touch of Healing (Su) As a seeker, Huremon can channel energy through himself to effect healing. On a succesful sanity check, Huremon can restore 1d6 hitpoints and 1d4 sanity by touch.
See Aura (3/day as racial ability)
You can sense auras for 10 minutes per level, as you concentrate. You know the number of auras within a 60 ft. cone, and can determine their general type and and the power of the most potent aura within the area after concentrating for 2 rounds. If this aure is overwhelming and the HD of the aura's source is at least twice your character level, you are stunned for one round and the spell ends.
Mind Transfer (4 Str damage and 1d10 Sanity)
You can switch your mind with someone else within 30 ft, forcing the mind of the creature into your body as you take over its. The target is allowed a will save to resist this effect. (Successful Resisting or voluntarily recasting the spell causes another 4 Str damage and 1d10 Sanity points). Each mind keeps its Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, spells, and mental abilities. Each body retains its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, natural abilities, and physical extraordinary abilities. (Extraordinary abilities that rely on character knowledge are retained by the mind).