World War 1 mod for Napoleon Total War!

Video Games

I just downloaded.

This looks unbelievably awesome. I'll be back with more info once I've tried it out.

Sounds awesome.

Freehold DM wrote:
Sounds awesome.

It is. So far my play has been limited to about an hour and a half of the British, and I am highly pleased with what I have so far seen.

You do not start out with any armies, but you do start out with your major cities (London and Edinburgh) well developed. You may train troops immediately, including conscript battalions, British infantry, Canadian infantry, Highland infantry, and Australian infantry. Some of the icons are from vanilla Total War, but that is to be expected. The menu has been restyled to look in place in WW1. I have not done any naval battles yet, but unit cards are WW1 style. A new line of technologies exists, including machine guns.

Also, be careful with cavalry. Infantry shoot very fast in this mod, and will cut them down. I assume machine guns would be even worse, but have not trained any yet. Then again, that is pretty realistic, so I'm not complaining.

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