Brekkil |
Hey guys,
Headless Hydra Games just released another pdf, this one detailing the Clockworker, a new PFRPG base class! With the upcoming release of the new Mor Aldenn Setting Guide, we introduce clockworks into the City of Mages. However, this pdf is very generic and can be used for any pathfinder game, especially the one you are playing right now!
Here's the general description of the Clockworker:
The art of clockwork has been around for a long time, artisans creating complex timepieces and locks with elegant machinery. So too has the mystic work of golemcraft been done by wizards for untold ages.
Though a recent development, the clockworker is an innovator that fuses the mechanical science with magic, to create a complex and capable clockwork servant and many more mechanical wonders.
Clockworkers explore the science of golemcraft as they adventure, using their mechanical companion in dangerous situations not only to overcome these obstacles but to observe the machine's performance and know how to improve it. While not as powerful a spellcaster as a wizard, the clockworker and companion are a team that can accomplish much together.
You can buy the Clockworker pdf from, but as soon as it is made available on, I will let you know!
- Axel
Charles Evans 25 |
Umm, sorry to bring this up here, but I sent an email a couple of days ago regarding the Campaign Setting but I don't seem to have had a reply yet. :-?
On another note, as Headless Hydra Games look here for the long haul, is it possible for the nice people at Paizo to add a (Headless Hydra Games) tag to your main messageboard alias? (It should help keep things clear with posting to answer questions about products.) :)
Charles Evans [25].
Back on topic, this [the clockworker] is partially related to the Iron Mill stuff?