Top 10 Scary Movies


What are your top 10 scary movie?

1. The Shining
2. The Exorcist
3. Jaws
4. The Ring
5. Event Horizon
6. Alien
7. Blair Witch Project
8. Changling
9. Halloween
10. John Carpenter's The Thing

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1. Armageddon. It's so scary I can't watch it.

Dark Archive

1. Alien
2. The Exorcist
3. John Carpenter's The Thing
4. Of Unknown Origin
5. American Werwolf in London
6. The Shining
7. VideoDrome
8. Audition
9. Wolfen

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, I can't pick just 10...

Scary Showdowns:
1. Dinocroc vs Supergator
2. Mega Python vs Gateroid

Horrific Hybrids:
3. Mansquito
4. Sharktopus
5. Dinoshark

Angst-Inducing Uber-Animals:
6. Mega Snake
7. Mega Piranha

Diabolic (and Superlative) Disasters:
8. Super Eruption
9. Megafault
10. Magma: Volcanic Disaster
11. NYC: Tornado Terror
12. Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York

Chilling Colon-Emphasized Animal Attacks:
13. Bats: Human Harvest
14. Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep
15. Anacondas: Trail of Blood
16. Locusts: The 8th Plague

Dishonorable Mentions:
17. Man with the Screaming Brain
18. Carny

I'd like to thank Syfy Channel for creating all these cinematic scream-fests... and not because the movies themselves were frightening.

Scarab Sages

1. John Carpenter's Halloween

I highly recommend "Insidious" which came out on DVD/Blu Ray recently.

Also, I enjoyed "The Crazies"

The Ring. Holy poop, the Ring!

This may have to do with the fact that I was in college at the time, working as a security guard over the summer, and watched it on shift from like 2am-4am.

My stupid friends who were also on Campus Security knew this in advance and purchased a garden gnome from AC Moore and a long black wig and old sun dress from Salvation Army. They then dressed the gnome in the dress and wig, snuck out of their dorm sometime after 1am, and set it on the edge of the corn field behind the 80 year old creepy athletic complex that was on the far edge of college property.

One of the scariest patrols of my life.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Exorcist III.

By the time this popcorn moment has occured. The tensions are pretty high making it very effective.

Also it; much like Raimi's Evil Dead I & II for its day showcases a lot of cinematography techniques that become commonplace for the next decade +.

Carpenter's Prince of Darkness
Carpenter's remake of The Thing
Legend of Hell House

The Keep- granted the graphic novel series is better.

I'm not a fan of scary movies but here would be my shortlist:

1. Audition - Hands down has some of the creepiest scenes ever filmed

2. The Shining

3. The Exorcist

4. Alien

5. Aliens - scary in a different way

Dragonsong wrote:

Carpenter's Prince of Darkness

Wow! I always felt the same way about this movie. It seemed so real and/or possible. It totally messed with your head. I haven't seen it in nearly 20 years. I will have to watch it again and see if it holds up.

Exorcism of Emily Rose
Exorcist the Beginning
The Entity
Blood Tide
Curse of the Demon
Salems Lot
Blood Moon
Night of the Living Dead

stormraven wrote:

Oh, I can't pick just 10...

Scary Showdowns:
1. Dinocroc vs Supergator
2. Mega Python vs Gateroid

and other Sci-Fi channel films

To be fair, all NBC/Universal did was realize that they could get a slice of advertising revenue before these movies went straight to video/ straight to streaming as they were going to do otherwise.

I also remember being terrified after watching What Lies Beneath.

And as a kid, I had nightmares for weeks after watching The Neverending Story - from the part near the end where Gmork lurks in the shadows and nearly kills Atreyu. /shudder

Dragonsong wrote:
stormraven wrote:

Oh, I can't pick just 10...

Scary Showdowns:
1. Dinocroc vs Supergator
2. Mega Python vs Gateroid

and other Sci-Fi channel films

To be fair, all NBC/Universal did was realize that they could get a slice of advertising revenue before these movies went straight to video/ straight to streaming as they were going to do otherwise.

Maybe. I don't work at Syfy or NBC so I don't know their business model. However, I do know that all of the movies I listed are on the SyFy Channel site under their 'Original Movies' section. I believe in personal responsibility and accountability. If the SyFy channel puts their name on it - they own it as far as I'm concerned.

Having said that, I like the SyFy channel a lot. I think they put on some great and enjoyable programs. Given how good some of their series are, it makes the crappy stuff really stand out. And there is no bigger exception in my mind to their quality programming than the 'Original Movies'. They range from 'Meh' to 'Who Managed to Sell this POS Script?'

Sorry for the tangent. You may continue with the thread.

Dark Archive

I really have never been truly scared by many movies but creeped out by a few.They are all kind of the same theme.

Rosemary's Baby
The Wicker Man
The Exorcist
The Exorcist II
The Exorcist III
Exorcist: The Beginning
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (same movie as above just recut differently)
The Ninth Gate
The Omen (original)
The Amityville Horror(original)
Donnie Darko

Dark Archive

Thought i would add the Paranormal Activities line in the mix seeing how part 3 is in theaters now.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

These movies scared me as a kid. In no particular order:
1. The Omega Man
2. Devil Dog, Hound of Hell
3. Manitou
4. Fright Night (The Origional)
5. Creature from the Black Lagoon
6. Phantasm
7. Bug
8. Demon Seed
9. Embryo
10. The Howling
11. Kingdom of the Spiders
12. The Swarm

my 10 favorite scary movies,

in no order:

1. Jaws
2. The Shining
3. Poltergeist
4. JC's The Thing
5. The Ring
6. REC.
7. The Exorcist
8. Psycho
9. Alien
10. 28 Days Later*

*I reserve the right to substitute out my 10 spot.

Sovereign Court

Also in no particular order:

Prince of Darkness
The Thing (Carpenter's version of course)
The Ring
The Grudge
Night of the Living Dead
The Hills Have Eyes
Nightmare on Elm Street (the original version)
In the Mouth of Madness
Splinter (the only decent movie Syfy has ever made)
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
13 Ghosts
The Ruins

Nightmare on Elm Street(1st original one)
The Fly(Jeff Goldblum)
Poltergeist I & II
Terminator(first one)
The Exorcist
From Dusk Till Dawn(1st one)

The Sound of Music
Peter Pan
It's a Wonderfull Life
Mary Poppins
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Forrest Gump
Miracle on 34th Street
The Wizard of Oz

....all scare the hell out of me

Now for some good family viewing -

The Exorcist
The Omen (1976)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
The Changeling
The Exorcist III (everything but the last 10 min)*
The Legend of Hell House
The Wicker Man (original)
Halloween (JC version)
The Shining

Honorable Mention -
Twilight Zone/Night Gallery TV shows - Selected Episodes (Not a movie,
I know)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Zombie (Lucio Fulchi)
Night Of the Demon (1957)

and too many others to mention here...

Scarab Sages

Dragonsong wrote:

The Keep- granted the graphic novel series is better.

You know that The Keep was originally written by F. Paul Wilson and is much, much better than the movie. In fact, the movie was why FPW didn't allow any of his stories to be filmed for a long time.

Scarab Sages

JC The Thing
JC Halloween
JC In The Mouth of Madness
Jaws (Made my dad take me to it when I was 3)
The Changeling (George C. Scott. ONLY movie I watch with all the lights on and with a couple of smoke breaks.)

I see JC's The Prince of Darkness mentioned a lot. I think it's the weakest of The Apocalypse Trilogy. Really good ideas but poor executiion. One of the very few films I think should be remade. By John Carpenter with a bigger budget.

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