Bestiary 4 Wish List

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Thanks for your answers SquirmWyrm and gluttony!

And already bought the Inner Sea Bestiary, but I meant other creatures like the Annihilator and the Android, those two are covered already but I really would like to see other robots like it in bestiary 4.

I agree with the people above about strange oozes that don't use acid, but are much like big humps of flesh that absorb more flesh to become biger and bigger!

I also want to thank many people in this thread for enhancing my knowledge on beasties and fantasy & mythology! So much information and so many nice, cute and awesome/strange creatures are made up from all sorts of cultures, i'm pretty sure that paizo has a long way from here to use them all one day.

One thing I wouldn't want to see is that paizo takes the road of Dungeons and Dragons, and start recycling all monsters in their book with different jobs, such as a hobgoblin fighter and hobgoblin rogue in bestiary 4, that would be a shame really, rather see some more numerian robots, or planar dragons, thorny plants, strange creepy oozes or cute fey.

Cheers Kelly

I don't know if anyone has played Dark Souls, but the really fleshy Phalanx would be a cool ooze to add. Essentially, an army of fleshy oozes joined together with large phalanx shields and spears protecting them. Would be neat.

I am all for cute fey and not so cute fey as well. I would actually like to see modern(tiny with wings) day fairies but with different types and power levels like a standard one that is a CR4-6 all the way up to a CR20 faerie queen(can change size from tiny to medium at will). I think they all should have natural invisibility as well. I would also like to see a lot more celtic type fey. Also why no fey from asian settings, I am still mad about Yuki-onna being undead instead of fey. I would like to see fey based on the four seasons(and maybe more if there from the first world) and other concepts not used for them such as ones with power over time, more powerful ones that can effect the environment in grander ways, etc.

Yeah...on a side tangent I would have preferred Kami as being a type of Fey. Never been a big fan of "local cosmology".

Yuki-onna as undead I am kind of okay with. Honestly the myths could go both ways.

Another cool idea for an ooze might be something that can take over people (Which I think Sirena hinted at). Something like the black oil from X-files or the "water" from the Dr. Who episode "The Waters of Mars"

Also I would really like the Sidhe statted up as high CR humanoid Fey. I know Paizo has said there are no Seelie/Unseelie courts of fey, but you could still have powerful Fey nobles without some sort of binary Fey court system.

Well Paizo said there is no Seelie and Unseelie courts in there would but that a flimsy excuse not to have for a world/setting neutral bestiary.

I wish Kami were fey as well, but they isn't going to happen now.

Well the myths for Yuki-onna made them out to be ether dangerous or friendly but you can't have non-evil undead unless they make them like ghosts who can be any alignment.

Well as I said, you could have noble Sidhe Fey without shoehorning them into two courts. Especially given that Fey are generally less evil and more blue/orange morality.

I mean, there are nobles throughout the Inner Sea, but they don't just belong to two courts.

I wouldn't mind having the Sidhe in general regardless if they are nobility or not.

I would also like to have the weaker version of the Hollowed serpant and the stronger version of the Cerberi. Wich is what I wish they used in the Bestiary 3 to begin with.

More centuaric(upper body human lower, body animal) creatures like human/tiger, pixie/deer(Hybsil), Locathah/squid, etc.

Aziza-helpful fey from african myth.
Alux-sprite like fey creature of Maya people of the Yukatan penisula.
Duende-fairy or goblin like fey creture of spain, portugal, and other latin countries.
Encantado-shapeshifting dolphin creature.
Erlking-evil fey that lures children away to kill them.
Jogah-evil spirits of Iroquois myth.
Menehune-three foot tall forest spirits(fey) that are almost never seen but child like laughter is heard, from Hawaiian myth.

Jogah-evil spirits of Iroquois myth.

Jogah are small spirit-folk (similar to faeries) in Iroquois mythology. They represent aspects of nature, and are split into various groups based on their relation to the world: the Gahonga are the jogah of rocks and rivers, the Gandayah make the Earth fertile and the Odhows control the spirits of the underworld, preventing them from rising to the surface of the Earth.

Do you mean these creatures? They aren't really evil are they.

And + 1 to the Erlking and Encantado

Shadow Lodge

I have a feeling that Bestiary 4 might end up being the "mythic" bestiary, since it will be following on the heels of the Mythic rules (presumably). As such, some of my request are straight from the Epic section of the SRD:

Clockwork Creature (template)
Demon, Golgothan Excremental [Dogma]
Demon, Candarian [The Evil Dead]
Grue [Zork]
Hunting Horror
Paragon Creature (template)
Pseudonatural Creature (template)
Shadow of the Void
Shape of Fire
Umbral Blot

Also, I figure they might as well finish off the SRD. Anything from the SRD that hasn't already been converted, add it on! (Excluding the Psionic section...let Dreamscarred Press handle those.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragon78 wrote:
Well Paizo said there is no Seelie and Unseelie courts in there would but that a flimsy excuse not to have for a world/setting neutral bestiary.

How about this explanation: Very few folks at Paizo find the seelie/unseelie elements of fey creatures to be interesting. Many of us feel that these concepts are overused/overplayed or just not all that interesting as a result. Golarion's version of the fey realm, the First World, has in it PLENTY of room for good fey and bad fey in a much more variable set of breakdowns that can align not to two "courts" but a pantheon of fey demigods—the Eldest. That's more interesting to us, and any fey we introduce into the game via the world neutral Bestiaries will, if they need any "world-neutral" flavor text to back them up, will have flavor text that works with the First World/Eldest, even if it doesn't use any proper nouns.

Shadow Lodge

Besides, isn't a seelie/unseelie court more of a setting question than a rules one? If you want your personal Golarion to have them, then *ta-da!* it does. I promise that James won't come to your house to tell you that you are having badwrongfun.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Exactly. And it's a mythological construct—it's not something Paizo has a lockdown on. In fact, I'd think that a book detailing the Seelie and Unseelie courts would be a GREAT topic for a 3rd party publisher to tackle.

Shadow Lodge

a full conversion of the entire Malleus Monstrorum

Ha! Just kidding...feel free to leave out Brian Lumley's "good twin" nonsense

I think you could have Fey nobility without a Seelie/Unseelie court. After all, pretty much most European folklore has some sort of Sidhe-like Fey, but as far as I know only Scotland really had the Seelie/Unseelie distinction.

Something that borrowed from the Irish Mythological cycles, with their Tuatha De Danaan, could totally work in the First World.

Brian Lumley is much better at doing parasite horror than he is Mythos.

You know, actually Golarion could use a few more neat parasite monsters

Other thoughts, RE:Sidhe,

Another reason why it might be nice to have Tuatha De Danaan/Sidhe/Corrigans/Tyweth Teg/etc statted up is at the moment, if someone did want to play around with a court idea, or even just a heavy First World themed game, there are not really any good Fey creatures to adapt for the role. The closest are maybe the Norns; most of the high CR first world creatures are Tane or Linnorms, or creatures like the Nuckelavee that seem better suited as wild monsters or enforcers.

A race of humanoid, non tiny powerful Fey could be very useful

I use fey creature elves for that purpose.

Silver Crusade

I suspect one reason some folks are hungry for a Seelie court is that the First World doesn't really have goodly fey supported quite like the evil or super capricious fey, at least when looking at the Eldest, but that's less of an individual creature thing and more cosmology support.

I have to admit, I wind up looking to the azatas more and more for that specific flavor.

Well so far we have:
Gremlin, Jinkin(CE)(CR1)
Gremlin, Nuglub(CE)(CR2)
Gremlin, Pugwampi(NE)(CR1/2)
Gremlin, Vexgit(LE)(CR1)
Lurker in the light(NE)(CR5)
Cold Rider(CE)(CR8)
Fey Creature template, Giant Toad(CN)(CR3)
Gremlin, Fuath(CE)(CR1)
Nixie, Bog(NE)(CR3)
Fey Animal(Wolverine)(CN)(CR3)
Mocking Fey(CN)(CR1)
Thin Man(N)(CR4)
Spring-heeled Jack(CE)(CR3)

So I might be missing a few but that is about all of them.


James, what would make you come to my house and declare I'm having badwrongfun?

I'd probably be too busy trying to get you to sign my Pathfinder books to mind - heck, there'd probably be some mugs of hot cocoa (for drinking) involved too. ;)

Dark Archive

Seems to me like, with the 'umbral fey' references in Nidalese lore, and the Shadow Plane Wayang 'anti-gnomes' in the Dragon Empires, that Golarion already kind of has a Seelie / Unseelie divide, only it's a divide between the fey of the First World and the fey of the Plane of Shadow.

It's less a 'good fey' and 'bad fey,' and more a 'cruel and capricious fey tricksters' and 'actual bad-guys,' but that's Golarion for ya.

The Great Beyond [page 52] already has sidhe. Also in mythology sidhe aren't a part of the Unseelie/Seelie courts, those are the sith.

Is this the reason there aren't Leanan Sidhe, Cat Sith and Cu Sith?
Are they banned because there won't be unseelie/seelie courts? I sure hope not Leanan Sidhe are so sweet and cute!

Seen this series called the Lost Girl (about a succubus girl) and there are actually many fae in that series that some people on this forum wished for.
Numerian, Dragon79 and Sincubus in general wished for Leanan Sidhe, Djienen Spider (sorry don't know how you spell that), Serufe and Batibat are just a few names that are used in that series, so maybe a idea for them to watch that show?

I really liked the fae in the show too, so I wouldn't mind seeing those in the next monster manual.

Lets add:
Baobhan Sith(CE)(CR6)
Frosty Chiseler(CE)(CR4)
Skin Stealer(CE)(CR2)

new tally

Sovereign Court Contributor

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F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
And I will send a free... something... to anyone who can sell me on a new family of five logically related dragons. New colors need not apply. Mythical creatures preferred. One head only please.

I had a fit of creativity...

Five Mythic Tree Dragons for Bestiary 4… all having a strong connection to food, foliage and water. Here is a really interesting tree for them (the Dragon’s Blood tree)… There is also the sacred Naga Tree of India. (And, let’s not forget the Peridexion Tree, of medieval bestiaries, which kills dragons with its shadow).

The Rainbow Serpent-dragon, the Dragon of the Leaves. This is the dragon of rain – an amalgam of the Aboriginal myth with the Vritra serpent or dragon of drought. Here’s a pic. It must be treated with respect, or the life-giving waters are withheld, or slain, and its blood washed into the ground. Interestingly, the African version of this creature lives in trees and can possess worshippers, who then scale the nearest tree. This is the dragon in the top of the tree. This dragon signifies the immensity of nature. It is ethereal, ancient, slow, and sudden. I call this dragon the Canopy or Dream Dragon.

The Dragon of the Fruit and Flower. The Dragon-flower (Longhua) tree is a Bodhi Tree, and in Chinese Buddhist legend is associated with millenialist fervor, funerals, renunciation and austerity. The dragon of the Fruit and Flower demands sacrifice and obedience, but offers enlightenment. Actual or symbolic death, including abandonment of all attachments and loves, however, may be impossible requirements for many.
This dragon is marked with many pictograms, and sheds light like a lantern at Yuanxiao. I call this dragon the Riddle Dragon, or the Petal Dragon.

The Dragon of the Branch, the Dragon of the Blood-sap, is a crimson serpentine dragon whose blood offers healing and mystic secrets. It is associated with incense, perfume, and alchemy. It’s scales are like lacquered wood, and its breath is intoxicating. It is very still, and lies in its tree like a slumbering lizard in the sun. Its scales are covered with branch-like horns, and swirls like the patterns of wood cover its forms. This is the Blood Dragon, or the Ramus Dragon.

Next we have the Trunk Dragon; i.e., the Greek Ladon, or guardian dragon. Exist in a symbiotic relationship with the huge tree they dwell in/around. The tree itself is sentient and bears wishing fruit, or the fruit of immortality, or can see the future (or all three). This dragon entwines the center of the tree. It is like Pytho: inscrutable, gnomic, but its voice is as much poison as its great fangs. This is the Coiling Dragon, or the Axis Dragon.

The Gnawing Dragon, or Dragon of the Root, a different take on Nidhoggr, exemplifies the dragon that eats at the root of life, entropy, and the tangled hollows at the base of the trunk. It represents rot, but also the breaking down of static reality and rebirth of the universe. It is fungoid, slimy, knotted, bent. It is madness and deathlessness, birthed from a buried bulb. This is the Deep Dragon, or the Rhizomic Wyrm.

Those are brilliant. I keep meaning to try to sketch out my idea for NA dragons...but never seem to have the time to properly do so. Maybe over break.

Ok, one last time because I know they are really working on Bestairy 4, and I still have lots of wishes.

Ladon - The plant/tree dragon (much like zomok but wingless and more snake like)
Empusa - Fiery overused succubus or cool half mantis half demon.
Alastor - Sword spirit or vengeance spirit.
Argus - Eye giant.
Kampe - Female dragon, much like Vouivre, but more with a wyvern upper body and the female part growing from the tail.
Kerkopes - Twin spider monkey extreme thieves.
Carcinos - Giant blue crab monsters.
Maenad - Beautiful nymphs that turn into monsters when they get alcohol.
Cacus - Fire giant breed.
Makhai - War Daemons, two or three torso's growing from one set of legs.
Symplegades - Two Dunkleosteus made from living stone that crush ships between the two of them, in the real myth they are two clashing rocks.
Anteros - Anti Cupido, the child-like angel of hate, much like a gothic black cupido who brings hate with its arrows.
Myrmidon - Giant magical ants.
Pyrausta - Insect dragons.
Antaeus - Troll variant that can't be killed as long its on earth.
Teumessian Fox - Very agile fox.
Nemean Lion - Very tough skinned lion monster.
Gold Digger Ant - Golden ants that collect gold and which are very protective of it.
Lelaps - Very good hunting dog.
Erymanthian Boar - Large snow-based monster boar.
Echidna - Mother of monsters, deepspawn like creature.
Graeae - Hags that share one eye, can also be just eyeless witches like the stygira.
Chrysaor - Monstrous pegasus or winged red centaur monster with fiery whip.

Vrykolakas - AP
Aspidochelone - I like zaratan to be the giant island turtle, this one can be a large mata mata with plants and rocks growing from its shield.
Cephalophore - AP
Keres - AP

Nekomata - The two tailed monster shapeshifter cat, much like Julajimus.
Jubokko - Vampire trees with red leaves.
Kumiho - Evil kitsunes that can't turn back into humanoid form and are trapped in their silver 9-tailed fox forms.
Chan - Giant clams that use illusions to catch prey in their huge maws.
Omukade - Marilith like creature, but instead of snake features, it has centipede features.
Kekkai - Blood demons, entirely made from blood, can possess corpses.
Namazu - Earthquake catfish.
Akaname - Filth Licker, cockroach/humanoid monster with very long tongue with acid on it.
Kamaitachi - Sickle Weasel, very very very fast weasel creature with blades growing from its body.
Bisan - Giant parasite wasp demon with female features.
Nuppeppo - Flesh creature that steals bodyparts and places them on its own body.
Tesso - Ever seen the movie Split Second? That monster from that movie is called a tesso, a rat monster with iron claws and a hunger for hearts.
Hyakume - A beholder-like monster but much better and from real myth.
Heikegani - A samurai that is deformed and has crab features, like one arm is formed into a crab arm and its face is also crab-like.

Ningyo - AP
Kijimuna - AP
Raiju - AP
Gashadokuro - AP
Jinmenju - AP
Rokurokubi - AP
Bakekujira - AP

Morrigan - Evil sorceresses, same as Greek Lampade.
Afanc - Half beaver/crocodile monster that is very creative and can build good traps.
Alp Luachra - Fey of greed that steals the food from your stumic.
Dobhar-Chu - Otter monster.
Bloody Bones - From the terrifying tales, a water bogeyman that looks like a legg-less crawling skinned grendel.
Clurichaun - A red-wearing nasty, greedy leprechaun variant.
Phooka - The moon horses, black horses with silver manes, steeds of important evil fey.
Buggane - Mole monsters, mole-fey giants.
Boobrie - Giant crane monsters, very nasty.
Sianach - Giant elks that look like monstrous Megaloceros with skulls hanging from their huge antlers and green fire comes from their eyes and hooves.
Asrai - Fey made entirely from water.
Fetch - Mirror monsters that act like doppelgangers but which hunt from their mirror.
Jack-in-Irons - or Iron Giants, they are maybe a species of kyton?
Wizard Shackle - Giant leeches that block magical powers and hunt for mages.
Lavellan - Giant rat monsters with extreme dangerous poisons.
Puck - A jester like goblins species which makes people laugh but drains their humor and happiness at the same time.
Shellycoat - a lake monster dressed in shells, using them as weapons and shields as well.
Leanan Sidhe - A vampire nymph which feeds on inspiration, creativity and succes.
Fear Gorta - An undead fey which brings famine, growing from Hunger Grass patches.
Cu Sith - Green monstrous dog creatures.
Cat Sith - Cat monster, also known as Greymalkin.

Springheel Jack - AP
Fachen - AP
Ankou - More like the real myth in a chariot.
Jack-o-Lantern - More like a plant creature, not an animate object.

Ahool - Giant monstrous bats.
Veo - Giant crystal pangolins that roll over you.
El Cuero - black n white lake-ray monsters.
Kasai Rex - Giant black/red tiger print tyrannosaurs maybe with some magical abilities.
Cactus Cat - A mobile cactus in the form of a bobcat.
Deathcrawler - Giant nasty centipedes.
Mapinguari - A megatherium which is grown over by green algae, and which as a second maw in its belly.
Calopus - Horned wolves.
Lou Carcolh - Giant snail monsters.
Sewer Alligator - Albino, intelligent alligators who hunt humans in their own environment.
Maltese Tiger - Blue tigers which bring luck and happiness but still kill you for food.
Revolving Beast - Mimic species which can turn into almost any creature it desires.
Ropen - Much like kongomato, but with lights covering its body.
Emela-Ntouka - Very agressive rhinoceros-monster which kills everything in its area.
Minhocao - Giant jungle-based worm monsters.
Mad Gasser - Undead which uses deadly gasses to kill its victims.
Rat King - Mutant giant rat, other rats grow from its body.

Wolpertinger - AP
Lusca - Seen it somewhere can't remember where.
Chickcharney - Seen it somewhere can't remember where.

Rompo - A strange boney creature that can shapeshift, much and much better than the Krenshar, which was made after this creature.
Adze - Monstrous insect vampires which feed on body warmth, look like mutant fire flies.
Yale - A strange antilope/horse like creature with two horns which it can bend in any direction it desires.
Mamlambo - Brain eating Goliath Tiger fishes.

Inkanyamba - AP
Mokele-Mbembe - AP
Biloko - AP
Obambo - AP
Impundulu - AP
Umdhlebi - AP

Skinwalker - Humans which can shift into anything they desire by wearing the skin of other creatures.
Aniwye - Giant monstrous skunk monsters with very deadly gas attacks.
Djieien - Giant Solifigud spiders which poison makes other creatures very negative, they burry their own heart in other creatures and can't die unless the heart is destroyed.
Gaasyendietha - The meteor dragon, flies like a living meteor/comet.

Mahaha - A ice demon/devil which tickles its victims to death with long, sharp nails.

Qalupalik - AP
Saumen Kar - AP

Batibat - Very fat and ugly tree nymphs.
Tikbalang - Much like a minotaur but with horse features.
Tiyanak - Undead babies that were born death.
Aswang - A monster which creates wood duplicates from its victims and which can detach every bodypart to become its own monster.

Kapre - AP

Deep One

Colour out of Space

Plague Locusts - A swarm of nasty locusts that devour everything in their path.
Lilim - Succubi like creatuers.
Myrmecoleon - Very monstrous giant ant lions.

Peluda - AP

Domovoi - Nasty brownies, house spirits covered in blue fur.
Kikimora - Female house spirits, turn house owners mad and control vermin.
Rarog - Meteor fey, travel in the form of a large fireball.
Aitvaras - Cockatrice-dragons which turn into different creatures when they enter houses.

Hala - AP
Polevik - AP

Fafnir - Fiery Dragons.
Berserker (Einherjar) - Monstrous humanoid warriors that can become bigger and stronger when they are wounded and turn into spirit warriors when killed.
Land Wight - Very powerful plants that control the corpses that they kill or which die on their lands.
Hel - Monstrous sorceresses.
Fossegrim - Waterfall spirits playing the violin.
Fenris - Giant ice-covered winter wolves.

Ammit - Crocodile monsters with hippopotamus and lion parts, if they eat you your soul is lost forever.
Uraeus - Giant spitting cobras which acid/poison creates carnivorous plant growth and can also spit exploding acid bombs.
Ouroboros - Much like a dragon version of the Amphisbaena.
Ichneumon - A mangoose based monster which is an expert dragon slayer.

Scarab - AP

Erlkonig - A forest bogeyman that loves to kidnap children and turn them into other Erlkonigs.
Wild Hunt - A mass collection of spirits, everything they kill will join the hunt.
Gulon - A very gluttonous wolverine beast, never stops eating.
Nachtkrapp - A collection of monstrous ravens/crows which can turn into one big raven/crow monster.

Lorelei - AP

Barbegazi - Giant white furballs, that cause avalances and which can also kill you Ascomoid style.
Otso - Spiritual bears which wear armor.

Acheri - Little girl undead which bring diseases.
Echeneis - Remora fish with strange magnetic powers.
Karkadan - Desert Unicorns that are brown coloured, they aren't kind hearted like other unicorns.

Hadhayosh - AP

Cherufe - Vulcanic monster, please dont turn this monster into a lizard-creature! It deserves better.

Chon Chon - AP

Drop Bear - Look cute, but are very deadly, look like teddy bears that drop from trees.
Tiddalik - Giant frog monsters that drain water much like the Grodair.
Mokoi - Much like Baykok, but hunt magic-users instead.
Yara-Ma-Yha-Who - Red monsters that lives in trees and falls ontop of creatures to suck their blood through their scary fingers.

Sandwalker - Giant desert crabs.
Asag - Rock demons.
Miraj - Unicorn rabbits with a nasty temper and great hunger.

Encantado - Sound controlling pink dolphin creatures.
Aatxe - Monstrous, demonic minotaurs.
Ramidreju - Long, green weasel creatures that can stretch like mr.fantastic.

Itzpapalotl - They resemble skeletal creatures with the wings of beautiful butterflies, they stand for the beauty of death.
Camazotz - Dragon bats.

Tsemaus - Land based fish monster with huge dorsal fins which cut through anything, they can be ice or desert based fish.
Goat Rider - Demonic bandits riding demonic goats and work for a demon or devil lord.
Chagrin - Little yellow hedgehog creatures that cause bad mischief.
Abaia - A giant moray eel which invades lakes and which controlls water.
Bauk - A black hole that can appear on objects which holds a shadow creature in it, a form of bogeyman. Acts much like Spot from Spiderman.
Tooth Fairy - Nasty little faeries with huge maws and teeth.
Barometz - A Jinmenju variant, it uses its leaves to create herbivore creatures such as sheep and rabbits and lures predators to eat.
Sarlacc - Some land version of Charybdis.
Jack Frost - Can shift ice into anything it likes.
Grendel - From the stories

Grim Reaper - AP (but less cartoony)
Ukobach - AP

Keep posting Sincubus...this thread is far too quiet without you :P

And Merry Christmas everyone!

Going through the list right now.

I wondering if Otso would be a good replacement for a bear agathion, what with ursinal under copyright

Sarlac is definitely a Star Wars critter, and would risk the wrath of Lucas to do anything with it.


@Sincubus: The Colour Out of Space appears in the Wake of the Watches AP. There is also a Starspawn of Cthulhu monster, which is the only non-mythic Cthulhoid monster we're bound to see. Doubly so since Cthulhu is conformed to reside on Earth in Golarion's universe.

There are tons of AP monsters in that list... but I want them in the Bestiary, that's why they are in that list.

I also do hope one day Bestiary 1 will receive a total remake, but this time the book will be PAIZO style, not D&D style.

The art of many bestiary 1 monsters could be much better, and they should all be paizonized, I don't like D&D copies, but I do like Behir, Howler, Derro an many others more in 4th edition D&D because they were very different from previous D&D versions of them. I wish that Paizo will do something with them so I won't recognize the D&D roots anymore, D&D was mostly very plain with their monsters, so it won't be that difficult.

Derghodaemon, the MIsfit monsters and some others are all proof that it is possible to change the D&D-only monsters into something different.

Minotaur, Medusa and all other Real-mythology monsters used by D&D should be more like their realmythology version and much less D&D.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, there's a suggestion thread! Lemme just put in my suggestions:

-A species of Aberration/Constructs analogous to the EVA from Evangelion, IE, bio-organic sorta-mecha with elements of cosmic and psychological horror , whose pilots must have deep psychological issues.

-A species analogous to the Daleks in that they are organic beings trapped in deadly mechanical shells who are essentially NAZIS IN SPAAAAACE!

-More friendly Aberrant races like the Flumph, including one (Or a few) with PC stats. Hell, let's just put "PC Stats For The Flumph" here while we're at it.

-Since the Thin Man was inspired by Slenderman, why not make more Creepypasta-based creatures, such as one based on Smiledog, or an undead with truly insidious illusion/enchantment powers known as a Skintaker.

-Members of The Dominion of the Black, sort of serving the same function of Nascent Demon Lords.

-A template for creatures infected with horrifying parasites like Los Plagas from Resident Evil, the titular creatures from the manga Parasyte or the real-life parasites Sacculina, Riberoa and Leucochloridium

-Several space-themed Golems, such as a meteor golem, a comet golem, golems made from the gas of Liavara and Bretheda, golems made from the crystals of Dykon, golems made from the twisted meat and slime from Aucturn's Gravid Mound, and so on.

-A Wicker Man construct with the ability to set itself ablaze and control swarms of BEEEEEEEES to boot.

-More robots than just the ones introduced in the Inner Sea Bestiary.

-A template for creatures that have had various magical items grafted to them to increase their abilities.

-More ridiculous "An insane wizard did it!" magical beasts that sound like they should have their own SyFy Channel original movie. Like the Bearachnid, the Sharkano, the ChainSawfish, the Glowwyrm, the Lobsturret, ect.

-A carrion-eating, intelligent, powerful magical beast that's actually Chaotic Good. Because I am sick of the whole "Scavengers are evil" trope.

-A space-based and burrowing based Behemoth-type, alogn wit hthe others mentioned in the Behemoth entry. They wouldn't have a mythological basis like the other three, but on the other hand SPACE BEHEMOTH!

-A race of Frog-headed Fae servants based on the frog-man from Forbidden Zone (Because the inhabitants of the Sixth Dimension are fae if I've ever seen 'em)

-A fae race based on Dr. Frank N. Furter. Because his personality seems a good template for a Fae race, and I will be very disappointed if it doesn't have any attacks Titled "Time Warp," "Antimatter Ray" and "Shock Treatment".

- A race of Fae based on the Goblins from Troll 2, with their plant-based polymorph abilities and hatred of humanity. Maybe call 'em Nilbogs (Yes I know there's a previous monster with that name, but nobody likes it anyway)

-Actual monster stats/PC stats for the Sarcesians, the ellicoths; grub colonies and glass serpents, the Triaxians, the Vercitesthe various arthropods of Nchak, the Urogs, the Maraquoi, the Kalo, and the other alien creatures from "Distant Worlds" that didn't get stats.

-An ooze race with PC stats, like the Gahanadauan or Slyth from Wizards' D&D or the Slime from Dragon Quest.

-Taking a bit from Mortasheen (Which is awesome and you should all check it out), how about Positive-Energy-undead who, while never evil and likely good would be far more horrifying, constantly rotting and regenerating, with a propensity towards randomly mutating due to said cycle of rot and renewal.

-A Secondary race of more whimsical, goofy Seussian/Woverton-ian Chaotic Good Outsiders to go alongside the Azatas/Not-Eladrin. Because the Evil alignments shouldn't have a monopoly on good creature design, and the Azatas are kind of bland.

-A template for Celestials that turn Evil and Fiends that turn Good. Because who hasn't wanted to run a Fallen Archon or a Risen Demon?

-Some sort of Mount from one of the Lower Planes based on the elephants from Dali's "The Temptation Of Saint Anthony". And on the note of Surrealism, more Fiends based on Bosch's works as well,

-More Kytons, Inevitables, Proteans and Agathions, because there aren't enough of those.

-An insectioid humanoid race with PC stats, analogous to D&D's Thri-Keen

Since the Pathfinder staff is looking at this thread, I'd like to ask a question out of curiosity: Which of these suggestions would be likely to actually get made if they catch your fancies, and which of those would be extremely unlikely?

Liberty's Edge

Oh, and by the way, given Pathfinder's pulp-y tone, I'm surprised that they haven't mined from the well of Public Domain Superheroes for their inspiration, specifically theMonster Characters. I mean, on that wiki alone, I can see that Detective Eye, The Heap, Mirror Man, Horrible Hand, the Deaglos, Creature, and The Fisherman of Space would all work very well as creatures in Pathfinder.

Another vote for the bonnacon!

"The bonnacon is a creature resembling a bull with two inward-curving horns. These are useless for self-defense, but it’s cool because the bonnacon has a back-up: projectile dung that can reach distances up to two acres (or three furlongs, according to Pliny the Elder) and burns anything it touches. ”In this way,” states the author of the Aberdeen Bestiary, “it drives off its pursuers with its harmful excrement.” To say the least." --Jennifer Jordan

"The Fisherman of Space"

You've got to be kiddin me!
Ok, you can shoot me now... Please do.

Well its not just pulp Paizo is interested in, but rather iconic pulp. So stuff like Tarzan, Barsoom, Lovecraft, etc. I honestly have never even remotely heard of some of those public domain superheroes, and I suspect most of the Paizo staff hasn't heard of them either. And a good portion of those kind of look like rip-offs of DC/Marvel characters, although I suspect in some cases its the reverse

So statting up Mi-go I going to give people the warm fuzzies. Statting the others up might just result in blank stares.

Also +1 to the Bonnacon, although I think some of the Paizo people don't like it because a flaming diarhea monster is considered too silly :(

I think the Invunche would make an awesome new type of abberation, especially since it comes packaged with it's own set of minions


Liberty's Edge

MMCJawa wrote:

Well its not just pulp Paizo is interested in, but rather iconic pulp. So stuff like Tarzan, Barsoom, Lovecraft, etc. I honestly have never even remotely heard of some of those public domain superheroes, and I suspect most of the Paizo staff hasn't heard of them either. And a good portion of those kind of look like rip-offs of DC/Marvel characters, although I suspect in some cases its the reverse

So statting up Mi-go I going to give people the warm fuzzies. Statting the others up might just result in blank stares.

Also +1 to the Bonnacon, although I think some of the Paizo people don't like it because a flaming diarhea monster is considered too silly :(

This is true, but I do think the Heap is pretty iconic, given that he was likely the inspiration for both Swamp Thing and Man Thing. And while we kind of have the Shambling Mound and Sargassum Fiend i nthat nitche, I do think a race of Chaotic Good Heap-Spawn would be neat, especially if they had PC stats.

And I thought Detective Eye was pretty iconic amongst Golden Age superheroes for his sheer WTF-ness. I think an Aberration species based of him would work great as, say, the Flumph's patrons.

Also, what do you folks think of the ideas in my earlier post, with the more Pop-culture-y suggestions?

Also, what do you folks think of the ideas in my earlier post, with the more Pop-culture-y suggestions?

I think a lot of the ideas are interesting. PLease read the following critique with the obvious disclaimer that this is all IMHO.


"Friendly" Abberant creatures; although I actually would prefer more neutral ones

Creepypasta stuff

Parasite critters

Wickerman construct

More robots

Good carrion-eaters (maybe a agathion based on hyena or vulture?)

New Behemoths

Ooze race

More things based on Bosch/Surreal stuff

More outsiders of non demon/devil/daemon flavor

More insectoids

I suspect a lot of the "Distant Worlds" stuff work better in a softcover distant worlds bestiary (or a hardcover general distant worlds book). Same with Dominion of the Black, etc

Stuff I don't see Paizo ever printing:
Good positive energy undead...James Jacob prefers all undead with only a few unique exceptions to be evil.

Stuff I don't get
I have no idea what the frog-headed creatures are, or the Evangelion references

Stuff I question:
Daleks: I love them, but you would have to revise the fluff/description so much that they wouldn't be daleks. I would rather not have them then have poor imitations.

Magic item grafting templates. I would like a cyborg template, but it seems the almost infinite number of magical items would make this a very very difficult template to create

Ok I want the Bearachnid (with a different name), if only because I have seen that photoshop picture a billion times. But I kind of don't want to see too many weird wizard did it critters. Most of the time they fall flat, can easily come off as unoriginal, and just strike me as bland. IF there is a cool idea for the hybrid, than by all means do so, but would prefer it to be cooler than "What if a pig was crossed with a turkey".

Nilbog: Kind of indifferent. Could be cool, but would rather not make it an obvous tie in to Troll 2

Dr. Frank N. Furter. Not a Rocky Horror fan, and I think some sort of fae based on the concept would be more weird and cheesy than awesome

I am cool with more outsiders, but don't think the azatas are bland. They just need to be developed more

Risen template: "falling" and "Rising" are rare events that would more likely result in a unique creature IMHO than something you can duplicate with a template

Playable 0HD races that are fey, plants, monstrous humaniods, Ooze, and Aberrations.

Creatures that use art as a weapon or they are artworlk like living paintings.

More Robots

More Linnorms, drakes, tiny familiar dragons, and true dragons

More fey, at least 20 this time, and a fey that is CR20. particularly some celtic ones, Jack Frost, Jack'o lantern, etc.

More elementals, at least a CR20 one, maybe that combines all four elements.

living weapons, living armor, symbiots, etc.

Greys, smalll alien humaniods with telepathy and telekinetic abilities.

More non demons, devils, daemons type outiders particularly Aeons, Proteons, Angels, Oni, Azura, Azatas ,Agithions, and Qlippths.

More Titans, especially the cyclops based one.

Dragon blooded 0HD race like Daenerys from game of thrones, looks human for the most part but like Aasimar or tiefling is only part human.

Some more non evil Aberrations.

More non-humaniod undead.

Playable 0HD giant blooded race.

More plant creatures like the rest of the Leshy, giant sundew, giant pitcher plant, cacti themed plants, more humaniod shaped ones some playable, some not.

Oni based on catfolk, cyclopes, merfolk(mermaid), ratfolk, goblins, Trolls, and dwarves.

More giants like Mountain, Fog/Mist, Ocean/Lake, Verdant(plant like), etc., more types of Trolls, and a giant based on the Lashunta.

More types of Lamia.

The various mounts that the Lashunta use.

Monsters that use light, sound, and/or gravity.

Some good aligned light themed creatures.

More Golems like Origami/Paper, plant/living wood, Mud, plus more sky metal based ones.

More asian myth creatures like the Nekomata, bakeneko, etc.

More creatures from literature like the Cheshire Cat and flying monkeys.

Also the rest of the misfits from misfit mosnters redeemed.

Monsters that use mirrors.

The Almiraj, Ravid, Drop Bear, and Eye of Deep.

Flying eyeball monsters some undead, some aberation, and some that are outsiders.

Some more native american myth creatures.

Playable 0HD wolf/dog race.

More creatures from the positive energy plane.

Time based creatures and creatures from the plane of time.

Creatures from the plane of dreams mostly good and neutral ones.

Playable 0HD planetouched races for law, chaos, and the positive energy plane.

Bonnacon and Cretan Bull can both be tracked down in the Hadhayosh, they can be even other names for it, so some people call it Bonnacon and others Hadhayosh. They are all big bull monsters with fiery abilities. Or they can be smaller cousins to the Hadhayosh, but without the fiery droppings.

Well the thing about Bonnacon isn't the fiery ability, but the flaming poo. So you would pretty much need to include that bit of detail for it to be relevant.

Although Paizo kind of doesn't like non-serious monsters, So I doubt we will ever see Bonnacon unless it shows up in a 3rd party product.

The Nekomata would make a good Catfolk oni, and you could use the Tesso for the Ratfolk oni

No, Nekomatas, or "forked cat", are more powerful versions of Bakeneko, they have two tails and a pension for necromancy, and are a lot meaner then Bakeneko. So I would like them to be magical beast.

Bakeneko, or "monster cat", said to have supernatural abilities akin to the Kitsune and Tanooki.

Maneki Neko, or "Beckoning cat", are a type of Nekomata that grants good luck.

Bakenekos are said too...
speak human languages.
animate a corpse it has jumped over.
walk on it's hind legs.
take human form.
create ghostly fireballs.
fly at will.
menace(or even eat) sleeping people.


MMCJawa wrote:
"Friendly" Aberrant creatures; although I actually would prefer more neutral ones

The flumphs fall into this category. I think Neutral is more likely than Good; its sort of hard to meet the humanoid expectations of good when you're alien to humanoid ways.

MMCJawa wrote:
Creepypasta stuff

Depends on how its handled. I did a conversion of Slender Man and it seemed to go over pretty well with people, but I think that there's a very thin line with this sort of stuff. For example, the new Thin Man monster goes out of its way to show that it is partially Slender Man inspired without going far enough to be satisfying. (At least to me, anyway.)

MMCJawa wrote:
Parasite critters

In my humble opinion, I've seen these handled best as a type of disease.

MMCJawa wrote:
Wickerman construct

What makes a wickerman different from a scarecrow golem?

MMCJawa wrote:
More robots

Si senor.

MMCJawa wrote:
Good carrion-eaters (maybe a agathion based on hyena or vulture?)

Carrion-eating agathions are not going to happen. Their description in Bestiary 2 specifically says that agathions never manifest as carrion eaters among other things. It has to do with the animal possessing unsavory symbolism to humanoids that carries over when they die. Agathions are basically furry souls after all. :) Unless you're a catfolk who turns into a leonal or a sylvanshee or a kitsune who turns into a vulpinal, I guess.

MMCJawa wrote:
New Behemoths

It'd be sweet, but I think Kaiju are more likely at this point considering A) how much James Jacobs wants them to exist and B) how often people ask for them.

MMCJawa wrote:
Ooze race

I feel like being an ooze would be super expensive in terms of Race Building. Don't know if its going to happen, and don't know if I want to see it happen.

MMCJawa wrote:
More things based on Bosch/Surreal stuff

Don't know what this is.

MMCJawa wrote:
More outsiders of non demon/devil/daemon flavor

Depends. I'm kind of sick of Evil Outsiders. I'd like to see more Proteans, Inevitables, and similar Chaotic / Lawful outsiders. I also would like to see more Angels, Agathions, Azata, and Archons.

MMCJawa wrote:
More insectoids

Formians are at the top of my Bestiary 4 Wish List; especially since they're one of the only TSR Open Content Monsters that Paizo's done nothing with yet.

MMCJawa wrote:
I suspect a lot of the "Distant Worlds" stuff work better in a softcover distant worlds bestiary (or a hardcover general distant worlds book). Same with Dominion of the Black, etc

Dominion of the Black IS Distant Worlds stuff. They're specifically mentioned there. It also depends whether or not they feel that the alien monsters are better for the general line or the Golarion line. Traditionally Paizo's general line has stuck true with D&D's high fantasy roots while Golarion is the one that scrambles genres a bit more. Except Lovecraft monsters, of course.

MMCJawa wrote:

Stuff I don't see Paizo ever printing:

Good positive energy undead...James Jacob prefers all undead with only a few unique exceptions to be evil.

He has specifically said that, but James isn't in charge of the Core Rulebook line. He's very influential throughout Pathfinder's lines, but it is certainly possible that Jason or Sean could sneak a few non-evil Undead into a Bestiary somewhere someday; stuff has been printed in the Core line before that James has come out and said he didn't agree with, but for the most part they're all pretty well in sync. I like to imagine that Jason and Sean would stop and think, "Does this make sense in Golarion?" and if they weren't sure answer it, they'd go Jamestopia.


Dragon78 wrote:
Playable 0HD races that are fey, plants, monstrous humaniods, Ooze, and Aberrations.

Can you imagine how A) high their RP costs would be or B) how many drawbacks they'd need to have to make the concept work? Except for fey, I think you're more likely to see half-type races. Also, they just added that new plant race in Inner Sea Bestiary, didn't they?

Creatures that use art as a weapon or they are artworlk like living paintings.

Pretty neat stuff.

More Robots

I think we're more likely to see this in the Golarion line. Traditionally, the Core Rulebook line is very High Fantasy while Golarion tends to mesh genres. Exception: Cosmic Horror is a big theme in Core Rulebook Pathfinder.

More Linnorms, drakes, tiny familiar dragons, and true dragons

I don't know, I feel like we're quickly reaching a plateau with true dragons. I mean, dem boys are big! How can you justify many of them in a campaign world?

More fey, at least 20 this time, and a fey that is CR20. particularly some celtic ones, Jack Frost, Jack'o lantern, etc.

Jack Frost could be sweet and I do love me some more Gremlins. I don't know what a Jack'o Lantern's going to have that'll interest me, though. Why the push for so many fey? That'd probably bring their total up higher than Outsiders.

More elementals, at least a CR20 one, maybe that combines all four elements.

What would that look like? A blob? I liked the dual-element elementals, however. We could still use Steam (Water / Fire), and Sand (Earth / Wind). Then we could move onto things like Positive / Negative energy elementals and the dreaded TIME ELEMENTAL! Oh yes, ELEMENTAL TIME PLEASE!

living weapons, living armor, symbiots, etc.

So ... you want stats for a bunch of animate objects? I don't think we'll get any of these as monsters, it seems more like crazy equipment.

Greys, smalll alien humaniods with telepathy and telekinetic abilities.

I think James Jacobs said that the Derro are supposed to be the Greys of Pathfinder. That said, I don't know how much psychic stuff we'll get until Psychic Magic becomes a thing.

More non demons, devils, daemons type outiders particularly Aeons, Proteons, Angels, Oni, Azura, Azatas ,Agithions, and Qlippths.

I'm pretty sick of Evil Outsiders. The Agathions really intrigue me; there's the potential for there to be a LOT of them.

More Titans, especially the cyclops based one.

Gotta love Greek Mythology!

Dragon blooded 0HD race like Daenerys from game of thrones, looks human for the most part but like Aasimar or tiefling is only part human.

So ... the dragonborn from 3.5? I don't know if we'll ever see anything like that. I don't think the boys and girls over at Paizo are very into the idea that dragons are hormone-crazed monsters that procreate with everything that moves.

Some more non evil Aberrations.


Nah, I'm teasing. More weird stuff is good. Especially when its Lovecraftian.

More non-humaniod undead.

I don't know, I feel like humanoids are the only creatures that are so over the top emotional, power-hungry, and populous for there to be tons of undead of them. If the concept was cool, I could get behind it. Maybe a small splat book filled with pre-built zombies and skeletons and grave knights. That's be sweet.

Playable 0HD giant blooded race.

Dreamscarred Press has the Half-Giant. Don't know how much Paizo is going to go into this, considering that a Blood of Giants book wouldn't have a very strong alignment theme to it. (Think how the Aasimar book is handled, but worse in every way. "They have big bodies, aspects like their parents, and vary greatly.")

More plant creatures like the rest of the Leshy, giant sundew, giant pitcher plant, cacti themed plants, more humaniod shaped ones some playable, some not.

"Rest" of the leshy? Does that imply that there are already more of them?

Oni based on catfolk, cyclopes, merfolk(mermaid), ratfolk, goblins, Trolls, and dwarves.

Why those specific races?

More giants like Mountain, Fog/Mist, Ocean/Lake, Verdant(plant like), etc., more types of Trolls, and a giant based on the Lashunta.

Why do we need a giant lashunta? Aren't they from another planet?

More types of Lamia.

Mythologically speaking, are there more types of lamia?

The various mounts that the Lashunta use.

That'd be cook.

Monsters that use light, sound, and/or gravity.

That's pretty vague. :O

Some good aligned light themed creatures.

Like every angel ever? Usually we see people wanting, "Light is bad, dark is good" themes.

More Golems like Origami/Paper, plant/living wood, Mud, plus more sky metal based ones.

I love the idea of an origama golem, but I think that being made of "living" wood defeats the theme of being a golem. I don't even think most of the sky metals have been stated up in Pathfinder yet.

More asian myth creatures like the Nekomata, bakeneko, etc.

After Bestiary 3, my gut tells me that Paizo will go on an Asian cooldown for at least one book.

More creatures from literature like the Cheshire Cat and flying monkeys.

I feel like both of those examples are so iconic to their literature that they wouldn't be touched.

Also the rest of the misfits from misfit mosnters redeemed.

How about, "EVERY MONSTER EVER THAT IS STILL INCONVENIENTLY PLACED IN AN AP." I'd totally buy a book like that.

Monsters that use mirrors.

If this was a genie's wish, I'd give you mirror goblins. Or rather, goblins who use mirrors to apply war paint before battle. And then smash players in the face with the mirrors. And then use the shards to gouge out their eyeballs. And eat them. With spaghetti.

The Almiraj, Ravid, Drop Bear, and Eye of Deep.

Don't know what those are.

Flying eyeball monsters some undead, some aberation, and some that are outsiders.

I feel like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest have the market cornered on flying eyeballs.

Some more native american myth...

Would be nice.

Playable 0HD wolf/dog race.

And then Dragon78's plan to run a game of Tom and Jerry would be complete.

More creatures from the positive energy plane.

Agreed. That place must be so lonely with only storks flying around there.

Time based creatures and creatures from the plane of time.


Creatures from the plane of dreams mostly good and neutral ones.

But everyone knows that Lovecraft says dreams are wicked and evil and you are lucky that they don't devour you whole while you sleep!

Playable 0HD planetouched races for law, chaos, and the positive energy plane.

Considering we only have one lawful outsider race and one chaotic outsider race and the Proteans have almost nothing in common and the Inevitables are living robot things, I think those planestouch would end up in the reject bin.

Whew! You know what I got from commenting on all of this, Dragon? You basically want more of every monster in the game from every piece of literature and gaming lore ever made ... except more Evil Outsiders. xD

I only like to see the mirror and plant monsters from that list of Dragon78, and more asian monsters, because the more interesting monsters (Tesso, Nekomata, Kamaitachi/sickle weasel, Akaname/Filth Licker, Hyakume and a non shapeshifting kitsune fox are all not used before, I would rather see those than the Asian Reaper for example, the Shinigami can be replaced by the Grim Reaper/Ankou but all the monsters I meantioned don't have other world-mythology counterparts.

Also the more interesting monsters from greek mythology are always ignored, I hope Paizo finally breaks this habit. Everybody knows about griffons, chimera and centaurs now its time for some less known creatures to shine.

Eye of the Deep- is a aquatic relative of the beholder that is open content.

Ravid- one of the very very few creatures from the positive energy plane that is snake like with one clawed arm that can animate objects at random.

Drop Bear-evil flesh eating Kaola that drops from trees to attack it's victoms.

Almiraj-evil one horned golden rabbit.

What I mean by a light based creature is not a celestial but a creature that is made of light or has many light based powers.

Dragonborn look like lizard men that is not what I am talking about. dragon blooded race I was thinking about would be able to pass for human except they might have some patches of scales, have strange looking eyes, etc.

Momstrous humaniods, fey, and aberration based races would not have that high of a RP cost.

If I was designing a plant(or any creature type immune to mind-affecting effects) race I would make it so mind-affecting effects would work on it.

No they would stat up the Cheshire Cat it just wouldn't be a Tane.

Not every aspect of this game is Lovecraft's so you can have non evil creatures from a world of dreams besides Leng is the place were nightmares are.

Yes, but none of the video game companies own the rights to all the eyeball monsters.

They might go on a asian cool down but that doesn't mean there will be no asian myth monsters.

Monsters that use mirrors to attack, travel like a teleport, come from a mirror dimension, or that can animate/control mirrors, or are just made out of them like a golem.

Leshy types mentioned but not stated up yet:1)Cactus 2)flytrap 3)snapdragon 4)lotus

Organic living weapons and armor, symbiotic creatures that can be used as weapons, armor, tools, etc.

The most famous mirror doppelganger is called Fetch and is an actual myth, then you have the purple mirror, bloody mary and some oni/yokai asian demon that uses mirrors to kill women, most people know there is such a creature but none can name the creature, they all refer to it as mirror demon.

All this eyeball monster talk makes me dizzy, there are hyakume's and argus monsters in real mythology so beholders and all those final fantasy bullcr8b can be ignored.

Also its a real shame everybody wants less japanese monsters in Bestiary 4, not only were there many cool japanese monsters in the AP (Bakekujira/ROkurokubi/gashadokuro) but there are also lots of interesting monsters not done at all.

I'd actually like to see the positive energy 'undead' from Eberron. I always thought the Undying Court was awesome.

Silver Crusade

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:

Because it's almost certainly too late for Bestiary 3. :)

-- The woodwose.

Although I'd like to see the Gobi Death Worm (it resembles the worms of dune).

Liberty's Edge

Alexander Augunas wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
"Friendly" Aberrant creatures; although I actually would prefer more neutral ones
The flumphs fall into this category. I think Neutral is more likely than Good; its sort of hard to meet the humanoid expectations of good when you're alien to humanoid ways.

Well, I can see "Alien but good" working. Like the schtick of WotC's Sithillar as freaky transhumanists who believe in consent. Or my idea for a vaguely humanoid formation of tentacles colored like a starry sky, with little tenticluar wings and three eyes in the middle of their "chest". That also happen to be a race of Space Jesuses.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Wickerman construct
What makes a wickerman different from a scarecrow golem?

The sacrifical aspect. Also THE BEEEEEEEEEEES.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Ooze race
I feel like being an ooze would be super expensive in terms of Race Building. Don't know if its going to happen, and don't know if I want to see it happen.

I was thinking something like those "goo girls" that have become popular as of late.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
More things based on Bosch/Surreal stuff
Don't know what this is.

Heironymous Bosch was an artist renowned for his weird and bizarre paintings of demons. You can find out a bit more about him here, here and here.

MMCJawa wrote:

Stuff I don't get

I have no idea what the frog-headed creatures are, or the Evangelion references

Well, the Frog-servant is based on a character by the name of Bust Rod from the awesome film Forbidden Zone, a servant to the Royal Family of the Sixth Dimension, who pretty much all act like your typical "fickle and capricious fey" mixed with the weirdness of old Betty Boop cartoons.

Here's one of the film's better songs to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about and why I want this film tattooed on my face. And Here's another one. With Danny Elfman as the Devil. (Warning NSFW)

As for what I was referencing with the "Eva-Analogue," here's TVTrope's explanation from the character page


The Evangelions are biomechanical mecha designed by GEHIRN, and later by NERV, as a means of fighting the Angels. Their effectiveness against the Angels* is based on their ability to generate an AT field, the same form of defense that the Angels use.

It's eventually revealed that the Evas are actually cloned Angels, all based on Adam except for Unit 01, which was derived from Lilith. The Evas have human souls bonded to them, and are piloted by select 14-year-old teenagers** who can synchronize with those souls; in the case of Units 01 and 02, those teens happen to be the children of the women who were bonded to those Evas.

* Think Lovecraftian/Freuidian Kaiju.

** Who have deep, deep psychological issues, mostly due to parental abandonment.

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