Does Anyone Else Find This Disconcerting?

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

Maybe, it's just me, but a threatened attack on the NYSE, posted all over YouTube, might be cause for concern.

I truly hope it's just some punk kid who saw Fight Club and V is for Vendetta a few too many times.

Wow. Computer voice and everything. I'm shaking!

2 to 1 odd some lemond markus intern whipped this up on his lunch break to discredit the protest.

The use of "will never be forgot" instead of "forgotten" evokes Guy Fawkes/ V for Vendetta.

I'm sure it's possible. Anything's possible.
So when the Guy Fawkes mask pops up on all the computer monitors at (insert your investment brokerage firm here) and says, "BITE ME, WALLSTREET!!!" in an Elmo voice over and over again, they just close the trading floor for the rest of the afternoon while the computer guys fix Anon's hijinx, and everybody goes and partys in the limos with the high dolla hookers and blow at 3:30 instead of 5.

I'm more worried wall street will shut itself down than something else will shut down wall street.

Wall Street's been shut down often enough the last few years for bad trading days, I don't think a brief shutdown would do any lasting harm.

I think you're right that it's more likely to be a "false flag" operation, either by a Wall Street flunky or some more organized group. In which case nothing will happen.

Anonymous has already denounced it, in the linked video in fact.
That doesn't mean someone else within Anonymous isn't organizing it, that's the beauty and problem with leaderless organizations.

Still, it doesn't feel right for anon.

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