Holy Avenger in the Inner Seas

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

The standard Holy Avenger in the PFCRB is a cold iron sword. I am curious if there is a campaign setting version for Sarenrae. A scimitar based Holy Avenger would be more fitting.


I've always assumed that the power set can be slapped on any blade.

One of my high level players is packing a Holy Avenger Greatsword.

Silver Crusade

imagines a Holy Avenger khopesh


wants to play an Osirioni paladin so much right now

When given access to a Harrow Deck of Many things, the paladin in our group at the time (a scimitar-using follower of Sarenrae) drew the Paladin card, granting her a Holy Avenger. One of the other players drew The Forge and re-made the sword as a scimitar with the same powers.

Probably the most fortuitous combination of drawings from the Deck I've ever seen.

Greetings, fellow travellers.

There has been a similar thread floating around - asking whether a dwarven paladin could be granted an axe with the holy avenger "quality".

Consensus was, that there is nothing in the rules, which forbids or contradicts giving any other type of weapon the same gadgets as the iconical (and I think that's what it boils down to) holy avenger longsword.


Long sword is the most common blade, so it stands to reason that would be the most common Holy avenger form. But it would not be the only form, just the one most often used.

The form it takes does not matter, it could be anything from a short sword to a halberd.

The Holy Avenger power set is pretty much usable on any weapon. I've played a character in the past that got one as a Serren longbow (material from Book of Exalted Deeds, grants Ghost Touch to arrows fired from bows made of it).

Honestly, the only thing I WOULDN'T allow the Holy Avenger abilities to be added to would be a siege weapon. Unless it was crewed by a bunch of paladins.

Sajuuk wrote:

Honestly, the only thing I WOULDN'T allow the Holy Avenger abilities to be added to would be a siege weapon. Unless it was crewed by a bunch of paladins.

I now must place such a holy relic somewhere.

yeh... that broken up Taladan world breaker siege engine....

but yeah, it was always my opinion too that any enchantment either the holy avenger types or the flaming type could be on any weapon...

Steelfiredragon wrote:

yeh... that broken up Taladan world breaker siege engine....

Now that sir, is an keen Idea.

Steelfiredragon wrote:

but yeah, it was always my opinion too that any enchantment either the holy avenger types or the flaming type could be on any weapon...

I wouldn't go so far as to say any pre-existing magic weapon could be re-weaponed into another type. One weapon I would stay away from doing that with would be the Scorpion Kama from Magic Item Compendium. Re-weaponing that can get pretty broken when you make it into a weapon with a high crit range.

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