GM Credit Prestige award

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 1/5

Is there a way to edit the prestige award for GM credit? I ran Master of the Fallen Fortress and it is automatically awarding my character 2 prestige points in the character tracker, even though the adventure awards none.

The Exchange 2/5

Bampf wrote:

Is there a way to edit the prestige award for GM credit? I ran Master of the Fallen Fortress and it is automatically awarding my character 2 prestige points in the character tracker, even though the adventure awards none.

The sanctioned modules are all kind of weird that way. I think they just have the system programmed to give the GM character 2, assuming that's full prestiege. It'll do the same to you on the other modules, give you 2 instead of 4. The only way I've found to correct is to NOT list your character number at the top with the GM entry and list your character number down at the bottom with the correct prestiege. (like we used to have to do in the old system before they programmed the GM character # credit at the top.) You still get your credit for GM stars, but the prestiege shows up correctly that way. If you've already entered it the other way, you'll probably have to delete and rekey the session to get it to work correctly, though. (I did.)

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