Yay Carrion Crown finally started (spoilers)

Carrion Crown

Scarab Sages

Hello Again

After months of delays, planning, cons and other interruptions my Carrion Crown adventure path has begun!
Now we only play twice a month so updates will not be horribly often...
To Begin lets Introduce My Players...

Olin - A mysteriously cloaked Magus/Cleric of Serenrae

Huntress - A mysterious young lass, who can employ ranger skills

Ananti - A summoner with mysterious Polychromatic eyes

Seskta - Fighter/Cleric of Serenrae

Pathian - Half Elven Magus of some renown

Fast Like Tree - Monk of the Living God


The game started out well enough everyone was there expect Fast Like Tree whom from now on I will refer to as Tree arrived in Ravengro for the funeral and served as pall bearers for Professor Lorrimor's funeral, with Seskta reciting some welcome praising words for the fallen professor. The funeral procession was halted by a group farmers lead by Gibs Hespestus who accused the Professor of having been a necromancer. Quick of tongue and spite Huntress verbally backed down the angry crowd and dispersed them into the day.

After the funeral the Will was read to the party asking them a favor of taking care of Kendra the Professor's daughter for 30 days and then deliver several Tomes to Lepistadt, 100 miles north of Ravengro. After discovering the Professor's note and journal, the party believed that the professor had been murdered most foul and that there was a faction called the Whispering Way involved. Also included was the description of a cache of items that they might find useful in a false crypt located near where the professor was interred. The party decided to rest for the evening and head back out to the Restlands, to pay their respects to professor and search for the false crypt.

The next morning they awoke to a large disturbance coming from outside, upon quick investigation they discovered that the Memorial to the Guardsmen when Harrowstone Prison was defaced with a bloody "V" smeared on its base. Quickly Ananti ran and grabbed a bucket, soapy water and a brush, while Huntress determined that it was rat's blood. When finished the group departed for the Restlands.

While search the crypts, Huntress stumbled upon a tombstone freshly engraved with the Lilandra Mordan, with the epitaph "Died In Vain" right next to the false crypt. Inside the crypt the group took care of some giant centipedes that had decided to make the crypt their home and claimed the cache of items for themselves. The group then began researching based on the Professor's notes, trying to glean information of a list of everyone who had died in harrowstone, whispering way and more while more strange occurrences happen to them,,,

To BE Continued

Now I know that more had happened to the but I really did not want to spoil it for those who read this and still wanted to play. Some side notes to above, Tree arrived shortly after the funeral. During a random zombie attack (Professor came home ;) ) Huntress showed some fangs and claws, Tree panicked yelled werewolf and grappled the ranger and attempted to force feed Wolfsbane. Tree then suffered two crits, one from Huntress that came close to killing him and was almost killed via nonlethal crit by Olin.

After the group decided that they should stop being so mysterious to each other, for situations like this. Ananti turned out to be a changeling summoner of Annis Hag descent, Huntress's real name is Lilandra Mordan and a descendant of werewolf (ranger shapeshifter archetype) and Olin was a dhampir.

The session had some of the best Role Playing I've seen in probably 6 years.

Until Next Time
Yours in Gaming
Fewmaster Jay

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