Question for the current open call

Society Scenario Submissions

I think I have a great idea for a module, but after discussing it with a friend I was wondering about the plot that connects the second part of it.

Playing Shards of Ice at Gen-Con gave me the idea for the proposal I'm working on, but I guess my question is: If a module has an event or something that happened in the first part that leads into the second module of the series, is that taboo?

The event won't prevent the first module from being completed, but its completion triggers the second. I'm setting it up so you don't have play them in order and that it can easily be explained, and make sense, once you sit down to hear what's happening. The idea is to keep the players from feeling like they have missed out on something, especially if it were to be run at a con, but still enjoy while giving them the desire of wanting to see what happened in the first part.

After playing so much PFS this past weekend i think I have a good breakdown of how each module runs as a basic outline. Even so, I still wanted to ask.

Liberty's Edge

Ravenwing011 wrote:

I think I have a great idea for a module, but after discussing it with a friend I was wondering about the plot that connects the second part of it.

Playing Shards of Ice at Gen-Con gave me the idea for the proposal I'm working on, but I guess my question is: If a module has an event or something that happened in the first part that leads into the second module of the series, is that taboo?

The event won't prevent the first module from being completed, but its completion triggers the second. I'm setting it up so you don't have play them in order and that it can easily be explained, and make sense, once you sit down to hear what's happening. The idea is to keep the players from feeling like they have missed out on something, especially if it were to be run at a con, but still enjoy while giving them the desire of wanting to see what happened in the first part.

After playing so much PFS this past weekend i think I have a good breakdown of how each module runs as a basic outline. Even so, I still wanted to ask.

Unless it has changed in the last couple days, the open call specifically says not to write a series of modules, but to write only a single idea.

Oops, sorry my apologies. That's an easy fix.

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