Gen Con Society Experience

Pathfinder Society

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The Exchange 1/5

Recommendations: players self muster into parties of 6 like minded levels. That way friends are most likely guaranteed to play with friends and you are more likely to end up with balanced parties. After a party of six has "self mustered" one person can go to the muster location and ask for a table. Generics (if there are empty tables) can do the same.

I still dont have my voice.but I had lots of wife was a nice helper for HQ.. yes?

Partitions may help but make general announcements problematic. Although I LIKE the idea since for the life of me, I still cant find the other two octaves of my voice
I don't know what these four modules you speak of... I had two. The special and one I had to do seven times. But who's counting. Had to explain the faction three times because five times my tables were pregens. Others had characters but didn't have the level required.

The Boons were really cool...keep them coming.

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