Pathfinder RPG Picture

Product Discussion

I like the picture on page 14 of the core Pathfinder rulebook about the example of play crossing the bridge and getting attacked by the undead and the Undead knight leading them.
What product was that picture used in?

Thanks in advance...............

Chris Wojcik wrote:

I like the picture on page 14 of the core Pathfinder rulebook about the example of play crossing the bridge and getting attacked by the undead and the Undead knight leading them.

What product was that picture used in?

Thanks in advance...............

The Core rule Book (i.e. The Players core HandBook)

AP 11, Skeletons of Scarwall cover art.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's from Skeletons of Scarwall, the 5th adventure in Curse of the Crimson Throne AP.

Yes that's it!
Number 11 and I stopped at #9, crud!

Thanks for the quick response people.

Now off to debate about getting it :)

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