Paedur |
In case any of the 4E crowd on Paizo boards is interested, Bladesinger class preview from Gencon.
Download PDF here.
I actually like it, kind of fixes implement as weapon. I do like they are not adding classes just variants off the chassis of main classes.
High AC and basically reminds me of a BECMI elf, with modern mechanics. Does not look very wizard-ey though as does extra damage on each hit.
Be interesting to see the book for steely retort and arcane strike.
Never had a swordmage in the group so no argghh this is stepping on that classes toes. Just have to finish off Runelords or have a fatality so someone can "character build" one up :)
Jeremy Mac Donald |
Never had a swordmage in the group so no argghh this is stepping on that classes toes. Just have to finish off Runelords or have a fatality so someone can "character build" one up :)
You could probably build it to act sort of like a Swordmage and there is certianly some toe stepping but it looks reasonably different. Its drawing on wizard encounter powers and using them as dailies, the sword mage is designed as a defender/controller while this looks more like a striker/controller. However the base mechanics, how we get from A to B are reasonably different with the Swordmage getting more powers but being forced to use them all as dailies. An interesting class but one, like all 4E classes made by 3PPs, that suffers from not being in the DDI and therefore not likely to see all that much play.
Paedur |
An interesting class but one, like all 4E classes made by 3PPs, that suffers from not being in the DDI and therefore not likely to see all that much play.
I think from reading the WOTC forums, entry on Gencon download page and Neverwinter campaign guide "blurb" that this is an official WOTC class, to be included in the Neverwinter campaign setting. So should go in the character builder. That is my understanding anywho.
I like it a lot, although looks like a striker with control secondary, rather than a straight controller. With the Dex add on to at wills, which can be used on a primary or secondary target. Is a preview so could change a bit, although Neverwinter must be sitting in a warehouse so not much if at all.
It might make me buy Neverwinter, which I was not going to, either that or wait for it to hit DDI. I do like full write ups though.
Jeremy Mac Donald |
It's not 3PP; this will appear in the Neverwinter book when that comes out, and DDI later.
I'm not quite sure what to make of the class. I want to see one in play, but I think it's going to be hard to make one that works well.
Oops - guess it was the website which was carrying the download did not look like official WotC so I assumed that it was 3PP.
Diffan |
My initial reaction was WTF?! NOT A SWORDMAGE SUBCLASS!!!! ARGH!! But as I read the PDF, I realized that I'm glad it's not a Swordmage, that way I can now pilfer useful powers from that class willy-nilly and no one will be the wiser ;).
Here are some of the reasons why I think I'll enjoy this class:
I think my only concern is it's Encounter powers as Dailies. Daily wizard spells often hold the true might of the class and the Bladesinger is really being left out, so I hope this doesn't really alter the playability of the class at late Paragon an Epic levels where Dailies can easily swing a battle in the party's favor.