Character Creation Question: Demon Worshipping Characters?

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/55/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So riddle me this - is it PFS-legal to create a demon-worshiping character? This is going to be strictly fluff - a Half-Orc Cross- and Wild-Blooded Sorceror, taking the Primal (Fire) and the Brutal bloodlines to create a fire-blasting damage-dealer of a sorceror. In terms of fluff, he's going to be created post-version 3 rules, so he can be a Varisian enforcer/thug joined the pathfinders for his own personal gain. He'll claim (with no evidence or reason, beyond his own vanity) that his fiery abyssal powers comes straight from a powerful Balor Lord. I think, for flavor's sake, I'd have him worship Flauros, the Flaming Maw.

Thoughts? What rules are restricting me? Since I'm not a cleric, does it matter?

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Two rules could get in your way. Avoid these pitfalls and there are no problems with this character concept.

1. You cannot be of evil alignment. This character concept would pretty much require you to be Chaotic Neutral. Just avoid the pitfall of playing CN as CE except "nobody notices I'm actually evil" and there is technically no problem with the concept. You can perform "evil" acts, but act "too" evil and eventually a GM could come down on you.

2. Which brings us to the biggest rule of them all. "Don't be a jerk." This means following the golden rule of PFS "Explore, Report, Cooperate." If you can't follow this rule, make a new concept.

Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/55/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh, of course. I picture the character as self-involved and selfish, his demon-worship more of a self-congratulating slap on the back for having demonic powers than an excuse for evil. I picture him as a brute and thug, but not a monster. Thanks for the clarification!

Dark Archive

Jelloarm wrote:
Oh, of course. I picture the character as self-involved and selfish, his demon-worship more of a self-congratulating slap on the back for having demonic powers than an excuse for evil. I picture him as a brute and thug, but not a monster. Thanks for the clarification!

I play a Devil Worshiper (Zon_Kuthon), which is perfectly legal, specially in good ol' Cheliax. I am not sure what faction would worship demons though. There is some new ones comeing out that might fit.

It is hard to really role play this character to the extent I would like too, without getting the party into trouble or at the very least a moral dilema, but I do enjoy it. I play a LN inquisitor and I try to stay on the "Lawful" side of things, but the ends do justify the means(at least within exceptable bounds of PFS).

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