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Sweet! Awesome work with the Phoenix Down.
One magic item more that I don't need to think about ^^
I still have a bundle of them, some of them already exist with a different name or can be created by spells that already exists.
I still need to make the weapons, armor, shields + rest of potions xD
Will post the next skeleton in the list besides the Bonesnatch.
I might leave the rest of the Aeons as open for the GM's to design themselves, finish those that are only for FFT or make a supplement to this game manual with the rest of the aeons that also include those from other final fantasy games.
Medium Undead
HD: 9d8+45 (86hp)
Initiative: 9
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 29, Touch 15, Flat-footed 24 (+4 Armor, +2 shield)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +6/ +12/ 27
Attack: Scimitar +11/6 1d6+8 15-20x2
Special Attack: Thunder Anima, Ice Anima, Smite Good 1/day
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Natural Armor 8, Darkvision 60ft, Immunity to Cold, Undead Traits, Enduring Unlife, DR 5/Good, Resist Fire 10, Resist Acid 10, Resist Electric 10, SR 15
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +8
Str 22, Dex 21, Con -, Int 22, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills: Climb +10, Intimidate +12, Knowledge Arcana +10, Perception +10, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +10
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (Scimitar)
Equipment: Scimitar, chain shirt, heavy shield
Alignment: Always evil
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 10
The Skeletal Fiend caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice.
Enduring Unlife (Su): Once per day, a defeated Skeletal Fiend can come back to kill you when you least expect it. Skeletal Fiend can make Fortitude save DC 15 to cling to their mockery of life and continue to fight the living. If the save is successful a Skeletal Fiend can raise again in 1d4 rounds. When a Skeletal Fiend rises again, they calculate their HP by rolling 6d8+24.
Thunder Anima (Sp): As a standard action a Skeletal Fiend points at a single target within 40ft to send a lightning bolt from the tip of his hand to damage his target. The Skeletal Fiend target takes 1d6+1 of electrical damage per caster level (5d6+5). Targets can make a DC 18 Reflex save to reduce damage by half. Intelligence based save DC. The Skeletal Fiend can use this ability every 1d4 rounds.
Ice Anima (Sp): As a standard action a Skeletal Fiend looks at a single target within 40ft transforming the air above his enemy into an ice shard to fall upon him. The Skeletal Fiend target takes 1d6+1 of electrical damage per caster level (5d6+5). Targets can make a DC 18 Reflex save to reduce damage by half. Intelligence based save DC. The Skeletal Fiend can use this ability every 1d4 rounds.
Skeletal Fiend variants are represented by the two types of elemental attacks they have: Ice Anima, Thunder Anima, Acid Anima or Flaming Anima.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
Magic items are tough to price, Wondrous Items most of all. I took a stab at it for ya.
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Fantastic. Well explained as well. Consider that added to the campaign. The price is a bit more than I was hoping tbh, but honestly it was sort of expected considering it was emulating a couple 5th level spells that anyone could use. Maybe I could make it three rounds instead though...will have to think it over. Anyway, thanks so much that is a huge help!
Magic items I was having fun with actually. That one was giving me trouble, but I have an entire list of 10 to 20 per weapon type I'm including(including some artifacts and 'legacy' type items) for players to find based on the various FF games and also Tactics Ogre. My own custom loot table in essence. I do really need to expand armors and shields still though (only have a handful of each). Once I get them all stat-ed out with descriptions I'll share them here for feedback or at least the ones I'm wondering about.
Me'mori |
![Spindlelock Servant](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90121-Spindlelock_500.jpeg)
I'm still following this as well, though my time sadly leaves me bereft of surplus.. I'm keeping up with my games, and that's about it.
However, you do realize that if you ever want to beta-test on these forums, the amount of replies will make your head spin.
As for Ramuh --Glad to see Shiva got Diamond Dust-- would it be overkill to toss in a smattering of lightning spells as per an elemental wizard or somesuch?
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
Constantly – Fly, Shocking Grasp, Mage Armor
At-will: Lightning Bolt (DC 24), Lightning Ray (DC 24)
3/day: Chain Lightning (DC 24), Call Lightning Storm (DC 24)
Do you mean like those?
He can already do lightning bolt and lightning ray at will and 3/day chain lightning and lightning storm. I very much doubt he'd be able to chew through all those in a typical battle (not even counting his 1/day abilities).So yeah, adding more likely very much would be overkill imo. :)
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Onwards and upwards. Tiamat first:
Attack: Bite +14 (1d10 + 21). Tiamat has some mean jaws. Creatures with only one natural attack get to add +50% strength mod to their attacks. Attacks that you get to add +50% strength mod to get +50% more power attack damage. So that's +9 from strength and +12 from Power Attack. She takes the -4 to hit from Power Attack with a +12 BAB.
Special Attacks: Why pounce? Tiamat only has a bite to take advantage of, so technically, she full attacks any time she can take a standard action. Grab might make more sense, with her jaws of steel.
Special Qualities: Looks like you lifted this statblock right off of the hydra. Does Tiamat actually have Hydra Traits and the ability to regenerate what appears to be a single head?
Skills: Tiamat is more skilled than her limited intelligence would allow. She has 12 skill points from her HD. If you put 10 into perception, you could have +16 (10 ranks + 3 wis + 3 class skill), with two points left over for Climb and Swim. Climb and Swim would both be at +10 (1 rank + 6 strength + 3 class skill).
Breath Weapon: Tiamat's breath weapon looks a little underpowered. I'm guessing the cryohydra breath weapon is about half HD in d6s and that appears to be what you're basing Tiamat off of. So Tiamat's breath weapon should be about 6d6 damage, which for a CR13, isn't too bad. Average damage is about 21 (10 on a save). Also might want to remove those sentences about stopping regeneration of heads. Is Tiamat immune to cold and fire? If so, that should be included as part of the Special Qualities.
Dark Whisper: "...or suddenly collapse dead. Those that make a successful save must..." Edits mine. Just a run on sentence, needed some punctuation changes. Maybe add a caveat that creatures immune to death effects are immune to Dark Whisper?
AC: That's a lot of natural armor for a CR6. A 6th level fighter with weapon focus and 19 strength has a 30% chance to hit him. 3/4 BAB classes would be looking at about the same if they're optimized for combat. Much less if they're not. A monk with 16 strength would hit on 19-20 on a d20, as an example. Shave down the natural armor a few points (down to 2 or 3 at most). Shave down the Dex a few points. An AC of 21-23 will provide a challenge for a level 6 party.
Attack: Power Attack is -2/+4 since the Bonesnatch has a BAB of +4. You can't choose to take less on a Power Attack, so his attack with a scimitar looks like:
+6 scimitar (1d6+8/18-20x2)
Enduring Unlife: Rewrote for clarity. There's the question of what happens if you smash their remains, or if they're killed by a disruption weapon or disintegrate and their remains are dust. Also, is it intentional that a bonesnatch could potentially rise with more hit points than before? Because that's a little scary.
Enduring Unlife(Su): Once per day, upon being reduced to 0 hit points, a bonesnatch may attempt a DC15 fortitude save. If successful, they cling to their mockery of life and rise in 1d4 rounds. A bonesnatch that rises rolls 6d8+24 to determine its current hit points. If the bonesnatch's remains are destroyed in any way, this ability does not function.
Speed: Does Shiva have a Fly speed? If it's as the spell that's 60ft (Good).
Attack: Slams for a large sized creature are 1d6. She could have a Slam of 1d8 with Improved Natural Weapon(Slam) though.
Special Attacks: Snowstorm doesn't appear in the description of abilities. Is Freezing Entombment the same thing?
Skills: Bluff +24, Fly +22, Intimidate +21, Knowledge(Arcana) +21, Knowledge(The Planes) +21, Perception +23, Sense Motive +23, Stealth +21
Looks like you didn't factor in the class skill bonus for some skills. Also, Shiva is Large so she takes a -4 size penalty to stealth. Also, Shiva gets 11 skill points a level. You haven't spent 39 of them by my count. I'd suggest maxing Spellcraft, Diplomacy, and Acrobatics.
Neat thing I never noticed before, Outsiders get 4 floating class skills you can assign based on their nature. I'd suggest Diplomacy, Intimidate, Fly, and maybe Spellcraft as her unique class skills. Essentially, pick 4 skills you think fit her theme (that aren't already on the Outsider list) and add 3 to each.
Feats: Shiva's missing about 4 feats from her HD. Suggested feats: Power Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus(Slam), Improved Natural Weapon(Slam), Flyby Attack, Hover, Wingover
Heavenly Strike: I like the descriptive text, but it's best to minimize that so people don't lose track of what's fluff and what's crunch. Pinned and prone seemed a little extreme. You'd also need to provide DCs for escaping the pinned condition. I'm always in favour of streamlining down to fewer rolls and less conditions to track.
Heavenly Strike (Sp): Three times per day, Shiva can call into existence a massive block of ice over any one target within 100ft and bring that block down with crushing force. The target creature takes 5d6 cold damage and is knocked prone. A DC24 Reflex save negates the damage and the prone condition. The DC for Heavenly Strike is Charisma based.
Freezing Entombment: I like the descriptive text again. I remember watching these cutscenes endlessly, so I can entirely picture what's happening. Still, need to keep from overloading abilities with fluff. Also, pinned doesn't quite fit what's happening here. They're completely entombed and immobile for one round. That's probably a paralysis effect, although you could probably just create the "entombed" status on the fly within the description of the ability. The difficult terrain effect also feels a little out of place. You just shattered ice into thousands of explosively propelled flechettes. The victims are likely to be harmed by that.
Freezing Entombment (Sp): Once per day, Shiva can unleash a blast of pure frigid might against her enemies in a 60ft cone. Creatures in the area of effect are quickly entombed in ice, becoming paralyzed and taking 10d6 cold damage. Creatures that pass a DC24 Reflex save avoid the paralysis and taking half damage. Entombed creatures are paralyzed until the end of Shiva's next round. As a standard action, Shiva can snap her fingers and shatter the ice surrounding creatures entombed by this ability, dealing half the damage previously taken. The DC for Freezing Entombment is Charisma based.
Diamond Dust: Not much to say about this one! I made some changes so it made more sense grammatically, but otherwise a straightforward and dangerous ability. I made an assumption that the DC was for half damage.
Diamond Dust (Sp): Once per day, Shiva can whirl on the spot, sending motes of blue snow scattering across the battlefield in a 100ft radius, centred on herself. Where they land, the snowflakes instantly grow a hundredfold, hardening into cruel spikes of ice that freeze and pierce with impunity, dealing 13d6 points of cold damage to all creatures within the area of effect. A DC26 Reflex save halves the damage taken. The DC for Diamond Dust is Charisma based.
And I'm spent for now. Ramuh, Titan, and the creatures that follow can wait for another day.
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Tiamat does regenerate a single head and has the hydra traits and added your changes ^^.
Yes bonesnatch can potentially rise stronger or weaker, since you are not meant to linger for long after you kill one they will be usually guardians of some area or powerful undead and the Skeletal Fiend is just the strongest version of the bonesnatch. I will have to add something that if they are killed with a disruption weapon or disintegrate they cannot use Enduring Unlife.
Shiva: I had a typo with the snowstorm thing and added the Fly speed for ramuh also since he has fly constantly too. I gave her Dodge, Windstance and lightning Stance and Fly-by Attack.
Me'mori I was planning on that and I know I will have more than a headache! hahahaha but it will be worth it to get this done and playtested to tweak it for everyone to use ^^
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This is the fluff to accompany the Aeons in the bestiary since they are not random encounters they are more like side quest/bosses for the player that would like to go and face incredible creatures of great power for treasure. In fact the treasure would be a magicite most probably that each aeon will live behind with certain properties. Ramuh might give +2 caster levels and lightning burst to a weapon as a natural effect instead of magical so it would still work. it's just some ideas of what the magicite would do but it would be left open so each GM would make their treasure out of it, since each character might want a different effect or you can leave it as a standard effect just switch the +2 caster level for a +1 weapon and lightning burst for more martial characters. That would make a strong staff for a wizards or a weapon for a fighter or even a magus.
This is just an example since it could just give some spell-like abilities that Ramuh has or permanent +2 Int each GM can work his own effect ^^.
Now I'm still in need of some more traits if someone has suggestions and well down to the last chapter of the manual... Magic Items... The book so far is 240pgs long if you are all wondering it ^^.
So for the druid to be playable in FF I will rename them Blue Mages I suppose, since there is really no druid jobs O.o and Blue Mage is the "closest" thing to it.
Throughout the extensive history of Ikkoku, numerous gods, outsiders, powerful creatures, and tragic or heroic mortals have fallen out of memory. For a variety of reasons: curses, banishment, the dissolution of a faith, or magical imprisonment; these beings have been forsaken, abandoned by the world as forgotten relics of a former age. These aeons no longer truly exist, instead inhabiting a realm that can be accessed by none. Somehow, through accident, quirk of fate, or sheer force of will, some find a foothold in Ikkoku.
Encountering an aeon can be peaceful or violent thing, this depends on many factors and each aeon is different; some will ask for gifts, others will be outright violent if you are intruding on their territory or might be friendly and diplomatic. Aeon encounters are so rare that it is a treasure upon itself just to find one. Some people search all their lives for them in the hopes of defeating them for what mighty treasure they could be guarding.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
I love the idea for Aeon's becoming magicite. I hadn't considered something like this, but it still gives a party that doesn't have a summoner a reason to seek them out and defeat them. Brilliant!
I haven't given traits a lot of thought yet, but I'll do that and see if I can't come up with a couple.
Druids are the ones I made geomancers myself. The whole connection to nature and the land. Blue mages were to be a bloodline for sorcs but I realized it made more sense for them to be synthesist summoners for what I wanted to do with them. Most Summoners are esper binders, the blue mages become the monster themselves and may trade out their spellslots for uses of monster spell-like abilities that can be activated while in their synthesist form. Happy with the result now.
Lastly, love the Aeon lore you added. Doesn't mesh entirely with what I'm doing with Espers myself (they are to be more astral plane like entities called forth from the Spirit Plane) but it looks great still. The part about outsiders, heroes, and similar though does mesh and reflect what I was going with myself.
Great work and looking forward to the finished work!
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Well I'm looking at the Espers for being only the 12 zodiac "Lucavi" and calling Aeons all the other creatures of power.
Druids already take different shapes like elementals or Dire animals.
Remember in Final Fantasy Tactis there are still fantasy creatures but they are not common, except for the beastmen: orc, giants, gnolls, goblins, sahuagin (hopefully got it right), werewolf and such creatures, but Chimeras and manticores are VERY rare will dragons are just uncommon and hydras also, so Druid itself fits Blue mage pretty fine for this setting, at least for my points of view.
Yeah a Summoner might be able to get a "Ramuh" eidolon with Ramuh magicite for a price besides his eidolon it would just be a very toned down version you can make for the summoner, with bunch of spell-like abilities and the same level as his current eidolon making him give only 50% exp to his Ramuh version since it's free anyway and will be less strong than his regular eidolon in the end, unless he takes the archetype that makes his eidolon already weaker, synthesist or broodmaster than this is not an option. The other way to it is give his eidolon some free evolution like elemental attacks and a little extra in his mental abilities as a bonus for consuming Ramuh magicite, etc... just some examples but I will leave it open for all GM's to think about it and come up with their own prize.
Now I need help creating magic items will post some weapons
Blind Knife (Cost +1)
This +1 dagger is quenched in an insidious poison that robs its victim of sight. It allows the wielder to use a blinded effect (Fortitude save DC 15), upon a creature struck by the blade once per day. The wielder can decide to use the power after he has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the poison effect must be invoked in the same round that the dagger strikes. The Blinded lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d4+1.
Mage Masher (Cost +2)
This +2 dagger created especially for the purpose of fighting mages, this knife has the power to silence its target. It allows the wielder to use a Silenced effect (Fortitude save DC 18), upon a creature struck by the blade once per day. The wielder can decide to use the power after he has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the effect must be invoked in the same round that the dagger strikes. The Silence lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d4+2.
Blood Sword (Cost +3)
This +2 Bastard Sword blade is a deep crimson, as if it were drenched in blood. It is cruelly sharp, this sword allows the wielder to steal the hit points out of his enemies and regain the wielders own hit points. You gain hit points equal to the amount of damage dealt when wielding a Blood Sword. You can’t gain more than the opponent’s current hit points + its Constitution score. This sword also grants its power to a Dark Knight using Sanguine Sword ability as if he had made a successful melee attack with the weapon.
Sleep Blade (Cost +2)
A wide-bladed long sword with a midnight blue handle. This sword has the power to put its target to sleep. It allows the wielder to use a Sleep effect (Will save DC 18), upon a creature struck by the blade once per day. The wielder can decide to use the power after he has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the effect must be invoked in the same round that the dagger strikes. The sleep lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d4+1
Now I need to know if I'm right in the value and how do you actually create them or rather the cost for creating them, since like I said I kinda suck at this part.
Also added this new evolution for Summoner with medium or small eidolons:
Elite (4 pts): The eidolon gains the advanced simple template (+4 to all ability scores, +2 to natural armor). This evolution may only be selected by small or medium eidolons, and only after the summoner has reached 8th level.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
As for Aeon vs Lucavi vs Esper it's just a naming thing, I'm using different terminology.
As I'm going purely off the game FFT there was no orcs, giants, suhagin, werewolf, etc. Goblins, yeah, but you don't see the others or have them mentioned generally. Again, it comes to what we are using for background and setting, not a huge deal.
I'm sort of in the same boat for you on weapons/items, still learning the rules and the more I look at them the more I'm starting to think the rules are needlessly complex lol. As for the items you've made, so far so good! The costs you've given should be fairly close based on what they do I think though I suspect shiverscar will have better input than myself!
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Oh god. Magic item pricing. Urgggh. I'll take a look at the weapons, but I may procrastinate on it.
CMD: Should be 37.
Attacks: Huh. The Universal Monster Rules say that Slams for large sized creatures are 1d6. But a large sized giant in the bestiary slams as 1d8 without Improved Natural Attack. Soooo... basically what I'm saying is I see nothing wrong with Titan's slam. Maybe ignore my comment about Shiva's slam too.
Special Attacks: Is Rock Throw = Rock Throwing(Ex) from the Bestiary? If so you need to include a range (120ft seems common) and damage as part of a Ranged Attack description. I looked at a Hill Giant in the Bestiary for comparison.
Saves: Your saves look a little off. I'm guessing his base saves are Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +4. Fort is good, but Reflex is 1 too low (should be +13) and Will is one too high (should be +9).
Stats: Not a correction or a criticism exactly, but dang Titan is nimble! 20 Dex!
Skills: Acrobatics +18, Bluff +18, Climb +21, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (Planes) +17, Perception +21, Sense Motive +21.
Titan, like Shiva, has 4 class skills he can assign based on his theme (according to the Outsider creature type description). You can potentially increase Acrobatics, Climb, and Intimidate by another +3 by making them class skills.
Feats: Titan is missing 3 feats. I'd suggest this combo Power Attack -> Improved Bull Rush -> Awesome Blow. Seems to fit Titan's image as a hulking brute.
Spell-Like Abilities: Where are Acid Hands and Earth Shard Strike found? Couldn't find them anywhere in the PRD. Also, I don't think you can make a spell with a duration of Instantaneous constant. Force Punch might just have to be At Will.
Earthen Shards: I might turn this into a 100ft (or longer) line attack, rather than a cone, but that's just a suggestion. Shorten the range if you'd prefer it as a cone. Even CR20 dragons have a 60ft cone for breath weapons.
Anger of the Land: Ha! Nice! A Smite attack! Should note the bonus type. Maybe "Titan gains a morale bonus equal to his Constitution modifier to attack and damage rolls...". Morale, competance, or intuition bonuses would all make sense. I suggest morale first since barbarian bonuses tend to be morale based.
Earthen Fury: How far can Titan leap? How often can he use this ability? Quick rewrite for clarification. I'm prone to swinging the nerf bat around and I really wanted to hit the 60ft radius, but I'm leaving it as it is. I gave the leap a distance of 100ft to keep in line with most aeon abilities to this point.
Earthen Fury (Sp): Once per day, Titan can leap up to 100ft into an unoccupied space and slam his incredible fists into the ground as he lands. The resulting impact buckles the earth and creates a devastating shockwave in a 60 ft radius, dealing 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage to creatures in the area of effect and knocking them prone. Creatures within the area of effect that succeed on a DC23 Reflex save take half damage and are not knocked prone.
AC: Should be 32 AC, 27 flat-footed to factor in constant Mage Armor.
CMD: Should be 34.
Skills: Ramuh doesn't have enough skill points for all those skills. There are 10 knowledge skills in the game. Ramuh gets 14 skill points per HD. He can max out all knowledge skills plus 4 others. Maybe drop bluff and intimidate? It also looks like Ramuh's got all knowledge skills as class skills too. While not strictly by the book, that makes far too much sense to argue with, so I wouldn't change it. Crazy old lightning man gets to be as wise as he looks.
Spell-Like Abilities: Like Force Punch, shocking grasp is instantaneous. I think this excludes it from being constant. I may be wrong though. Is Lightning Ray basically scorching ray with an energy substitution? The DCs are off too. I think I might have missed this for Shiva as well. DCs for SLAs are 10 + spell level + CHA mod.
Lightning Bolt (DC21)
Lightning Ray (DC20)
Chain Lightning (DC24)
Call Lightning Storm (DC23)
Languages: Maybe give aeons truespeech like angels get? Just replace the word "angel" with "aeon" and make it a part of the aeon subtype and you're good to go.
Truespeech (Su) All angels can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level equal to angel's Hit Dice). This ability is always active.
Shock Strike: This ability needs some clarification... see my changes for suggestions. It's generally bad form to make a no save ability. Making it a ranged touch attack per bolt makes it more reasonable, especially since that means he can split the damage however pleases.
Shock Strike (Sp): Once per day, Ramuh can call down the force of a lightning bolt into his upraised staff. He can then unleash that energy as ten rays of eletrical energy at any target within 100ft. Each ray requires a ranged touch attack and deals 1d6+1 electricity damage. The rays may be fired at the same or different targets, but all rays must be aimed at targets within 30 feet of each other and fired simultaneously.
Judgment Bolt: Might be clearer to state it's a 30ft radius centred on Ramuh.
Judgment Staff: This ability is extremely similar to Judgment Bolt, with the added fact that it can dish out a whopping 130d6 damage with zero concentration from Ramuh required to maintain it once it's active. I'd scale the damage down to a few d6 and keep the duration if you're happy with the effects as they are. I had an idea while reading it that I figured I'd suggest. It may not fit as well so feel free to not use it.
Judgement Staff (Sp): Once per day, Ramuh can hurl his staff up to 100ft away. Where it lands, it calls down a merciless barrage of bolts in a 20ft radius. Creatures caught in the area take 5d6 points of electricity damage every round and are paralyzed for 1 round by the lightning coursing through them. A successful DC26 Reflex save halves the damage and negates the paralysis, but creatures that remain in the field on Ramuh's next turn will continue to take damage and must make a new save. The lightning field remains for as long as Ramuh maintains concentration, plus an additional two rounds after he ceases concentrating.
The ability is still deadly. People caught in the field may get stuck and die in it. The downside is that Ramuh has to maintain concentration on it, so anyone that breaks free can attempt to break his concentration and save their allies. If he doesn't concentrate, that's still 3 rounds (and potentially 15d6 lightning damage).
AC: AC still seems a little high. Average AC for a CR10 is 24. Stick this guy in fullplate and he's nigh unhittable and still effectively a CR10. I think that's what worries me about these guys. Variable equipment really cranks their effectiveness. It's not unheard of for a CR10 to wield a +1 weapon or wear +2 armor. Still, that's me just worrying. Let it go to playtest as it is and that might give more telling results than my kneejerk reaction.
Special Qualities: I think you combine the DR into one stat. So "DR 5/Bludgeoning or Good" in this case.
Saves: All three saves are one point too low. Should be +10, +8, +9 respectively.
Skills: Climb +16, Intimidate +17, Knowledge(Arcana) +18, Perception +15, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +15
You still have 36 skill points kicking around from high Int. They don't have to be spent, of course, but they're there.
Feats: Skeletal Fiend doesn't qualify for Imp. Critical. BAB +8 is a prerequisite and he's only at +6. Maybe swap out Cleave, pick up Combat Expertise and take a combat maneuver? A skeleton with Improved Disarm would be a mean fight. Regardless, Imp. Crit can't be taken, so you'll need to pick a different one.
Assuming you haven't changed anything from the Bonesnatch, you've got my feedback on his other abilities.
I was kind of distracted while working on this, so forgive any grammatical errors! I'll double check it when I'm a little less tired and make sure it makes sense :)
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I may procrastinate on it.
That is what I have been doing so far but I only have 2 things to do before to go into full playtest hahahaha finish all the aeons and magic items..........
I'm not thrilled with any of them since I was thinking it was going to be easy task to do the aeons but they are not so simple and I have like 10 more to do... but might leave them as open for the time being and just do some of the most iconic magic items maybe not sure but rest of it is ready for play 230+ pages of the book.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
I admit I've started the items a bit and yeah, I'm starting to understand why you were procrastinating on it. Something that seems like it should be relatively simple...but it's really a pain. I may just end up half guessing and estimating on some of these for my own sanity's sake.
On a bit of a different note, wouldn't mind getting some opinions on the bloodlines I created. They are essentially to tailor the Sorc class a bit more toward the various abilities a magi would have in the setting.
I think Time Magic is pretty good (it's based on a lot of other abilities that exist) but White Magic has me wondering a lot. Though as far as a sorc with the flavour of a white mage goes I think it works pretty well...but I strongly suspect it requires a lot in the way of balance. Plus I'm positive there are things I missed, errors, and exploits...heh.
Anyway, any help would be appreciated!
Time Mages focus on the magic controlling the temporal flow. They can alter this flow to aid themselves and their allies or hinder their enemies. Most Time Mages tend to be peculiar in nature and dress in odd ways. Their view, unlike most, is not in the present but the future, past, and present all at once.
Class Skill: Sense Motive
Bonus Spells: Expedious Retreat (3rd), Slow (5th), Haste (7th), Modify Memory (9th), Teleport (11th), Contingency (13th), Walk Through Time (as Walk Through Space) (15th), Temporal Statis (17th), Timestop (19th).
Bonus Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Extend Spell, Quicken Spell, Fleet, Lingering Spell, Iron Will
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with a range of personal, your movement speed for the round increases by 10 feet.
Bloodline Powers: Time to you is but a string on a harp, yours to pluck and play as you wish.
Hasten (Sp): At 1st level, you can touch a weapon or up to 50 pieces of ammunition as a standard action, giving it the speed property for a number of rounds equal to ½ your sorcerer level (minimum 1). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Combat Precognition (Su): Your insight into the future grants you an advantage in combat. At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a +1 insight bonus on initiative checks.
Time Weaving (Su): At 9th level, you may apply the quicken spell feat to any spell you cast 1/day as a swift action without increasing the casting time. At 17th level you can use this ability twice per day, and at 20th, three times per day.
Foresee Death (Su): At 15th level, a Time Mage can obtain visions of the near future before it happens, something which might save their life. Reacting in that split second, they are able to cause a small time fluxuation to carry them away to safety. Once per day, when an attack or spell would result in your death, you may attempt a DC 20 Will save. If successful, you are instead reduced to 1 hp and may cast the Dimension Door spell as a free action.
Chronomancer (Su): At 20th level, your mastery of the magic of time is unparalleled. You may alter your age (younger or older) as you wish, though you do not age naturally. This is considered a move action. You are immune to the effects of the time stop spell. You may double or halve the duration of any spell you cast without altering the casting time (quadruple the time of the spell if you apply the extend spell metamagic).
White mages focus on the mastery of white magic, that which includes healing, revivification, and holy damaging spells. Most White Mages are kind and caring people, wishing to administer their arts to the benefit of others and make the world a better place to live.
Class Skill: Heal
Bonus Spells: Cure Light Wounds (3rd), Cure Moderate Wounds (5th), Cure Serious Wounds (7th), Cure Critical Wounds (9th), Breath of Life (11th), Heal (13th), Ressurection (15th), Holy* (17th), Mass Heal (19th).
*See below
Bonus Feats: Allied Spellcaster, Arcane Shield, Brew Potion, Extra Channel, Improved Counterspell, Iron Will, Selective Channeling, Selective Spell, Self Sufficient, Skill Focus (Knowledge [Religion])
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the healing descriptor you may add half your sorcerer level to the amount healed.
Bloodline Powers: Your magic is meant to heal the sick, protect the weak, and sometimes even slay dark foes with holy power.
Channel Holy Light (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can summon forth a burst of holy light as a standard action. This ability is identical to the cleric’s ability to channel positive energy, except you need not present a holy symbol to do so. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your charisma modifier.
Aura of Salvation (Su): At 3rd level as a swift action you can surround yourself in a protective aura. This aura affects all allies (excluding you) within 30 feet and grants them a +1 sacred bonus to AC and saving throws. At 9th level, the bonus to AC and saving throws increases to +2. At 15th level, the bonus to AC and saving throws increases to +3. The aura may deactivated with a free action.
Purity (Su): At 9th level, you gain resistance to darkness (negative energy) damage of /5. At 15th level this improves to /10.
Aegis (Su): At 15th level, you can surround yourself or an ally in a protective barrier for a number of rounds each day up to your magi level as a swift action. This barrier provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and damage reduction of 10/evil. These rounds need not be consecutive and the Aegis may be dismissed as a free action.
White Archmagus (Su): At 20th level, your mastery of white magic has reached its pinnacle. Any Healing spell you cast is automatically maximized. The bonus of Aura of Salvation increases to +4 for AC and saving throws. Aura of Salvation also grants anyone under its effect fast healing of 1.
Special: White Magi cannot learn or use spells (even from scrolls) from the Necromancy (Exceptions: Disrupt Undead and Undeath to Death) and Evocation (Exceptions: Dancing Light, Daylight, and Sunburst) schools. In exchange the following spells may be learned (these count toward one of the spells known at that level on the Sorcerer spells known chart):
0: Guidance, Stabilize, Virtue
1st: Bless, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith
2nd: Consecrate, Remove Paralysis, Lesser Restoration
3rd: Searing Light, Remove Curse, Remove Disease
4th: Holy Smite, Neutralize Poison, Restoration
5th: Cure Mass Light Wounds, Hallow, Raise Dead
6th: Cure Mass Moderate Wounds, Heroes’ Feast, Regenerate
7th: Cure Mass Serious Wounds, Holy Word, Greater Restoration
8th: Cure Mass Critical Wounds, Holy Aura
9th: True Ressurection
*edit - Almost missed adding this*
School: Conjuration
Level: White Mage 8 (or 9?)
Component: V, S
Casting Time: Full Round
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Area: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half; Spell Resistance: Yes
The strongest white magic spell, Holy summons six shimmering white comets that instantly streak toward the designated target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike the target. This powerful magic deals 10 points of holy damage per caster level (maximum 200 points). The target is allowed a fortitude save for half damage to withstand the divine powers assailing their body.
It has some pretty uber powers and could replace a cleric, hence losing access to a couple spell schools outside select spells. Why I'm so wary of it at the moment.
For the curious, I'm using Starsoul for Astrologers ('Astral Magi') and a combination of the three elemental ones for Black Magi since it has been done and saves me some work.
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Great idea on the Astrologer, totally forgot about him hahahaha.
Yes magic items are a pain.
I might implement a special way of creating items like The Black Company books but not that big just more simple.
Modify memory I don't agree with, as the spell for that level I'm sure there is another movement spell,you also need to create the meteor spells which can be a 5d6 magic damage spell that I was working on and meteor storm also kinda falls into his spell list (videogame wise)
Hasten is too strong IMHO at level one giving a player haste is too much. You might make it as a once per day maybe or change it to an ability that gives other bonuses like initiative and land speed or something of the sorts that still is within the "Time" altering theme.
Time Weaving is a decent ability not that... overpowered for those levels I suppose.
I think foreseen Death is too strong the Dimension door effect plus being saved is too much, maybe base it in one of the abilities I have for another classes that is the same thing basically but with a fortitude save, and you end staggered.
example. Round 1 8 kobolds vs. 5 players, Fighter power attack+cleave+haste 3 dead kobolds 1 round no sweat.
Post more in a second home duties call
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
Hasten for the time mage I thought might be a bit much myself. It was the one thing I felt rather leery of. Wasn't sure of a better option though. Perhaps as you say some sort of increased speed/initiative instead.
Modify Memory I couldn't find a better option for, any suggestions? Same for Forsee Death, it was based loosely off another classes's ability and just altered some. Would just adding staggered make it alright or does it need more altering than that?
...I had completely forgot Time Mages learn meteor. My bad. I'll be swapping that for Time Stop.
Holy I based off of the Harm/Heal spells with an increased level. Same damage but allows a ranged touch with save for half damage. I'd probably remove the save for half damage if the damage was knocked down to d6s. Thoughts?
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Check to the Dragoon class and it has a very similar ability to avoid death that you might base it up on.
Your level 20 ability should just say it works like timeless body from the monk and the ability to ad the Quickened metamagic feat to your spells cast and maybe something like a 1/4 caster level as a bonus on saves vs. transmutation spells that is basically all time altering spells (haste & slow)
You also need the Gravity Spells ^^ those are trademark spells of the time mage I think.
Holy you can basically make a almost direct transformation from Heal/Harm just make it like JMD031 suggest make it d6 and keep the reflex save for half, makes a lot of sense and it's damage is Positive energy (nothing can resist that. Just add that undead/evil outsiders take more damage maybe +50% more or change the damage dice to d10 maybe like searing light does it. This spell would also heal good outsiders (angels)
I was about to start doing holy/unholy myself hahahahaha last spell I need to get done and meteor spells, since meteor swarm susbtitutes well enough the time mage Meteor spell that takes 1 billions turns to land in the target location.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
Signed up for playtest, totally interested! Never done one before though, but more than willing to learn and I generally have lots of time to be online and do posts if you run it that way.
Revised Time Mage taking suggestions into account:
-Modify Memory became Gravity (used your version Deiros)
-Contingency became Greater Gravity (used your version Deiros)
-Time Stop became Meteor Swarm
-Hasten was changed to a standard action that grants an ally/yourself a 10 foot movement speed increase and +1 bonus to initiative (initiative bonus increases +1 per five levels for +5 bonus at 20) for 1 round per 2 magi levels duration
-Foresee Death nerfed a bit. Only allows the time mage to teleport up to 30 feet and they are now staggered (may switch to stunned) for one turn after. Still only able to be used once per day.
-Chronomancer wording changed to simplify and clarify as per Timeless Body of the monk.
The Holy spell was also altered to 1d6 per level (capping at 20d6) with 1d10 vs evil outsiders and undead (20d10 cap).
Did anyone have any further suggestions/ideas for the White Magic 'bloodline' outside those?
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Here are the spells as I see them Aleron and as how I plan to use them, just waiting for shiverscar to tell me if I didn't went over board with my descriptive text hahahahahaha or to strong of a spell ^^ I just couldn't have don't it this far with out ya shiverscar XD yer amazing.
School Evocation Level White Mage 8
Component V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Medium (100 ft + 10ft/ level)
Target One creature
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half Spell Resistance Yes
A sudden beam of light from the heavens strikes the ground beneath your foe, followed by small particles of light that go into the ground causing a blinding flash of light that engulfs your enemy leaving him blind for 1d4 rounds, as the light strikes him six times from underneath as it returns to the heavens dealing 1d6 points of positive energy damage per caster level (maximum 5d6 per strike). A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the blind condition. If the target is an evil outsider or undead they take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 8d8). Constructs or inanimate objects take only 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 3d6).
If you channel negative energy, you deal negative energy damage instead of positive. If the target is a good outsider they take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 8d8). Constructs or inanimate objects take only 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 3d6). Undead targeted heal damage.
School Evocation Level Black Mage 5
Component V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Long (400 ft + 40ft/ level)
Area 40 ft radius
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw None or Reflex half; see text Spell Resistance Yes
Meteor is a very powerful spell that is similar to fireball in many aspects. When you cast it a single 2 ft diameter sphere springs from your outstretched hand and streak in a straight line to the selected area. The meteor sphere leaves a fiery trail of sparks.
If you aim a sphere to a specific creature, you may make a ranged touch attack to strike the target with the meteor. Any creature struck by the sphere takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6)(no save) and takes a -4 penalty on saving throws against the sphere fire damage. If the sphere misses its target it simply explodes at the nearest corner of the target space.
Once a sphere reaches destination, it explodes in a 40 ft. radius spread, dealing 5d6 points of fire damage to each creature in the area. If a creature is within the area they can attempt a Reflex saving throw.
Reis |
The Lion War was sparked shortly after the death of King Ondoria. With his only son two years old at the time, the two princes: Larg of Gallionne and Goltanna of Zeltennia found themselves competing over who would become the guardian of the prince. Prince Larg was favored by Queen Louvelia while Goltanna had the support of the nobles. The resulting war lasted two years and begins with the abduction of Princess Ovelia by the Order of the Southern Sky.
Prince Goltanna would later expose to the other nobles that Queen Louvelia was responsible for princess' kidnapping. Soon following were several bloody battles, all of which cumulated in the Order of the Northern Sky’s attack on the Fort Besselat. During the attack, many of the Order of the Northern Sky were poisoned through the use of a poisonous spore. But more devastating to either side was the deaths of both Larg and Goltanna.
It was discovered that Goltanna was murdered by Orlandeau who was then killed by a young knight named Delita Heiral. With the death of their leaders, the Lion Wars soon grinded to a halt. Princess Ovelia several months later took the throne with Delita as King. A week later the queen's body was found in her garden apparently killed by an assassin.
I'm assuming this part of the history is purposely wrong to reflect the fact the campaign takes place during the war?
After Ramza etc recover the Germonique scriptures they discover that the entire story of St. Ajora's life was a fraud and that he was really the Lucavi's leader, the High Seraph Altima(Ultima?). Ramza etc then repeat the Zodiac Brave story by traveling to the hidden ruins under Murond (Death city/Necrohol of Mullonde?) where they defeat Altima after he is resurrected in the body of Ramza's sister by Vormav at the Graveyard of Airships, possibly themselves dying in the process.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
Yes, but that IS what history says to the be truth. In the epilogue it mentions that no one else ever finds out the truth behind it and that the story as Deiros put it is what probably 99% of the population would know and believe to be fact. Only the highest ranking Church officials knew the truth and most of them end up...well you know.
As this is a campaign taking place in that world it only makes sense not to hand your players a bunch of information they almost certainly would have NO clue about, circumstances barring perhaps a very, very rare exception.
JMD031 |
![Count Haserton Lowis IV](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9231-Hasteron.jpg)
Here are the spells as I see them Aleron and as how I plan to use them, just waiting for shiverscar to tell me if I didn't went over board with my descriptive text hahahahahaha or to strong of a spell ^^ I just couldn't have don't it this far with out ya shiverscar XD yer amazing.
Holy/Unholy** spoiler omitted **
Meteor** spoiler omitted **...
Your version of these spells appears to be like Holy/Unholy word, except more complicated. Might I suggest just increasing the damage/damage cap on those spells.
Meteor appears to be just another Fireball with a minor extra effect. I think Meteor Swarm works well as is as Meteor is meant to be an "ultimate" spell in most FF games.
BTW I haven't really looked over everything, but so far I want to applaud your effort in accomplishing this. You might want to roll everything up into a word or PDF document so it can be referenced easier.
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Deiros wrote:Here are the spells as I see them Aleron and as how I plan to use them, just waiting for shiverscar to tell me if I didn't went over board with my descriptive text hahahahahaha or to strong of a spell ^^ I just couldn't have don't it this far with out ya shiverscar XD yer amazing.
Holy/Unholy** spoiler omitted **
Meteor** spoiler omitted **...
Your version of these spells appears to be like Holy/Unholy word, except more complicated. Might I suggest just increasing the damage/damage cap on those spells.
Meteor appears to be just another Fireball with a minor extra effect. I think Meteor Swarm works well as is as Meteor is meant to be an "ultimate" spell in most FF games.
BTW I haven't really looked over everything, but so far I want to applaud your effort in accomplishing this. You might want to roll everything up into a word or PDF document so it can be referenced easier.
Well holy/unholy do the same and look the same way except one is negative energy and work similar to searing light to certain extent. Meteor swarm is like fireball spell and meteor is just the smaller version of meteor swarm making it a single meteor instead of 4 I think its the meteor swarm.
I have it compiled in a single .doc its +230 pages long and I still need to add 1 more chapter to it that is magic items.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
I've been working on pricing the weapons you posted when I have some downtime at work and it's... it's just awful. Not your weapons, but the pricing. I'm trying to use existing weapons from various sourcebooks as a reference, but it's all so arbitrary. Sometimes they use the rules for wondrous items, sometimes they use the rules as though a special ability were an enhancement bonus. It's so random at times.
Take your blind knife for example. It's based on the dagger of venom by the looks of it, and the dagger of venom is priced exactly as though it were a +2 dagger. That implies that someone, somewhere thought that the "on strike" 4th level spell was equivalent to a +1 enhancement bonus. So what's the price of blindness/deafness (a 2nd level spell)? +.5 enhancement bonus? >_<
Trying to find a consistent way of judging and pricing magic items is just plain hard.
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yes I know... >_< I tried to find some sort of "consistency" in the pricing of magic items and it was neigh impossible for me. That's why I just priced the Blind knife as a +2 since it's like the venom dagger so I based it like that and just didn't care lol, just pretended the caster casted it like a 4th level spell for the blind knife and gave it appropriate save DC I think.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
yes I know... >_< I tried to find some sort of "consistency" in the pricing of magic items and it was neigh impossible for me. That's why I just priced the Blind knife as a +2 since it's like the venom dagger so I based it like that and just didn't care lol, just pretended the caster casted it like a 4th level spell for the blind knife and gave it appropriate save DC I think.
The DC confuses me too! The dagger of venom has a DC14, which means that the caster had a +0 mod to their caster stat. Poison is a 4th level spell, which means you need at least 14 wisdom for a cleric to cast it (+2 mod), which should mean a DC16... Unless you don't factor in the caster's primary stat? So the blind knife would be a DC12 by proxy...
But a blinding shield has a DC of 14 as well. >_< Brain hurt!
Okay, just set the DC to whatever you want. DC15 sounds reasonable. +2 dagger price sounds fine.
Mage Masher, lower the DC a bit (16 maybe?) and it should be fine as a +3 dagger. Caster types will have trouble passing Fort saves most of the time anyway
Blood sword is just a tad on the broken side. Imagine the sheer amount of healing a straight up fighter could do for himself with it. Here's my idea for a revision:
The blade of this cruelly sharp +2 bastard sword is a deep crimson, as if it were drenched in blood. On successful critical hit, the sword deals an additional 2d6 points of damage. The wielder gains temporary hit points equal to the additional damage dealt. This ability otherwise functions exactly as the vampiric touch spell (CL5). Special: A Dark Knight wielding a blood sword adds +2d6 additional damage (and healing) to his Sanguine Sword dark sword skill.
Price for the blood sword... 42,335gp. 32,000gp for a +4 weapon (gauging the vampiric touch on crit as a +2 bonus), +10,000gp for the nifty always-on-for-Dark-Knights ability, and 335gp for a mw bastard sword. It's an expensive sword for sure, but it's pretty awesome in the hands of a skilled melee fighter. And unlike the blood sword in FFT, you're less likely to replace it as new equipment become available.
The sleep sword is a +1 sword I guess? The big thing to remember is that someone blinded or poisoned isn't helpless. Someone asleep is. This sword is part of a one-two combo to coup-de-grace someone. That should scale up the price significantly. Drop the DC as well, because this is a very effective way to essentially one shot someone with a low Will save. Maybe DC14 or 15, tops. I'd price this somewhere around 20,000gp, give or take a thousand. Plus the cost of a mw longsword (315gp).
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Well yes the weapons won't be things you discard like in the game that cannot be changed but they are extremely rare for a reason. The problems is the majority of magic weapons are swords maybe 1 or 2 axes same for flails and other weapons.
I think I have this swords decently enough I hope:
Rune Blade (Cost +3)
A +1 long sword inscribed with ancient runes known to increase the power of mages. This sword has the power to increase the casting capabilities of the person who wields it. Treat your caster level as being two higher for all spell effects.
Ancient Sword (Cost +2)
This +1 long sword was constructed using ancient techniques that have long since perished from the world. This sword allows the wielder to use a entangled effect (Reflex save DC 16), upon a creature struck by the blade once per day. The wielder can decide to sue this power after he has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the entangled effect must be invoked in the same round that the sword strikes. The entangled effect last for a number of rounds equal to 1d4+1.
Will try to work the rest since I also added a new spell Detect Zodiac Sign.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
TL;DR: Rune Blade needs to be rebalanced; Ancient Sword is OK!
Yikes! More than +3! By a longshot! An orange prism ioun stone increases your caster level by +1 and it's 30,000gp. So, you've got a few options here.
You can knock the CL increase to +1 and add the cost of the ioun stone into the sword, for a final cost of 32,315gp.
OR, you can try and extrapolate the price of the +2 CL ioun stone. Unfortunately, you can't just double the price of the ioun stone. Wondrous items scale up in price more dramatically then that. You're probably looking at around 75,000gp to 90,000gp for an item that occupies no slot and grants +2 CL. The sword rockets up to 77,315 to 92,315gp. Not a cheap sword, at all.
Last option is to, instead of boosting CL, have the sword actively boost the primary caster stat of the wielder. The Rune Blade increased your MA by +2 right? So have the PF Rune Blade do the same.
This +1 long sword is inscribed with ancient runes of eldritch origin, known to amplify the power of any spellcaster that wields it. The rune blade grants a +2 enhancement bonus to the Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma to its possessor. Treat the bonus as temporary for the first 24 hours the rune blade is carried. The increase to Intelligence does not grant any additional skill ranks. Price: 34,315gp
I believe that the individual who makes an item can set the DC for it during the creating process and by having it be a lower level than their current save DC will lower the cost to make said item. However, I wouldn't quote me on that and I'm too lazy to get my book to check.
I couldn't find anything in the magic item creation rules to support that. Only thing I could find was this from the PRD:
Magic items produce spells or spell-like effects. For a saving throw against a spell or spell-like effect from a magic item, the DC is 10 + the level of the spell or effect + the ability modifier of the minimum ability score needed to cast that level of spell.
Most item descriptions give saving throw DCs for various effects, particularly when the effect has no exact spell equivalent (making its level otherwise difficult to determine quickly).
Which is basically "If the effect is made up, make up a DC too!"
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Yes it's true you can just give whatever DC since it's a made up effect but it hast to compare to something similar so most weapons are based of other magical item already existing except for the blood sword and some other ones around there, but the majority all have some Condition type effect so they would be priced similarly and the DC as well or at least that is how I'm doing it, to finally end this magical item chapter and the focus on the aeon which would be the completion of this work xD
Made the Ancient Sword DC 15 so it's still decent and at the same power level as other items of that price.
Rune Blade, i think would be easier if I just say to the primary stat used for spellcasting? This way I don't add unnecessary bonuses to the other stats. After the effect is temporary it becomes permanently attuned to it's wielder?
Remind me of the ring of sustenance somehow xD
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Rune Blade, i think would be easier if I just say to the primary stat used for spellcasting? This way I don't add unnecessary bonuses to the other stats. After the effect is temporary it becomes permanently attuned to it's wielder?
See, that's what I was thinking at first. But then I got kind of frustrated trying to figure out how to phrase that. What happens with multiclass casters? If you have an Int based caster class and a Wisdom based caster class, which is your primary stat? Is it your higher level class? What about if they're even? What if you're a wizard 3/cleric 3/mystic theurge 4? Your highest level is mystic theurge and both Int and Wis are primary caster stats for that class (given the source classes) so which one gets the bonus. These are corner cases, yes, but I've come to expect players to bring issues like these up.
Stapling a headband of +2 to all mental stats to the sword was the simplest solution I could come to. At worst, you're granting the possessor a +1 to wisdom, charisma, and intelligence based skills and +1 to will saves. Spell casters get +1 to spell DCs, and maybe an extra spell per day. That's reasonable for the price tag. On top of that, the enhancement bonus from the sword won't stack with benefits from headbands, and single stat headbands will, on the whole, be cheaper for better benefits. The advantage is that you don't need a slot for the sword. So long as it's in your possession, you gain the benefits. Oh and even if you pick up a single stat headband, the other two stats continue to gain the benefit of the sword.
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That is true but I would give the bonus to those 3 stats then and add notes that it will not grant will saves either only bonus to skills and the spellcasting part.
Some more weapons I worked on very tough one was durandal it's a toned down holy avenger.
Balmung (Cost: 50350 gil)
A sword said to have been wielded by a hero from the north. A blue jewel is embedded in its broad handle. This +1 unholy great sword allows the wielder to use a Paralysis effect (Fortitude save DC 16), upon a creature struck by the blade once per day. The wielder can decide to use the power after he has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the effect must be invoked in the same round that the sword strikes. The paralysis lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d4. Dark Knights can use this sword as the focus for their abilities.
Chaosbringer (Cost 72,350 gil)
The wielder of this sword bears the sins of his previous lives, robbing him or her of all hope. This +2 unholy great sword allows the wielder to use a Blinding effect (Fortitude save DC 16), upon a creature struck by the blade once per day. The wielder can decide to use the power after he has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the effect must be invoked in the same round that the sword strikes. The blinding lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d4. Dark Knights can use this sword as the focus for their abilities.
Deathbringer (Cost 8350 gil)
It is said that a witch bestowed this sword to a knight who died an unnatural death. This is +1 unholy great sword. Dark Knights can use this sword as the focus for their abilities.
Durandal (90,835)
A holy knight's sword said to have been forged by spirits. This +4 holy bastard sword in the hands of a knight grants it’s wielder a +4 deflection bonus to AC. It also provides spell resistance of 5 + character level to the knight that wields it.
Excalibur (68,335)
It is said that only the true heir to the throne can wield this legendary knight's sword. This +3 holy bastard sword grants the knight that wields it, to act as though affected by a haste spell for up to 10 rounds each day. The haste effect’s duration need not be consecutive rounds.
Now I reworked the Defending magic weapon quality to work like a shield of Faith so it gives you a +bonus to deflection equal to your weapon bonus without taking it away I think this works fine for the "protect" magic thing from some swords like save the queen and stuff.
JMD031 |
![Count Haserton Lowis IV](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9231-Hasteron.jpg)
One big issue with items are the DC's. As the DC's are static those abilities become less useful as the player progresses in the game. With a spell or an ability tied to a stat, you can always increase the DC by increasing your stats. I do hope that they come up with an alternative way for item creation when the Equipment book comes out.
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One big issue with items are the DC's. As the DC's are static those abilities become less useful as the player progresses in the game. With a spell or an ability tied to a stat, you can always increase the DC by increasing your stats. I do hope that they come up with an alternative way for item creation when the Equipment book comes out.
I know it makes no sense if you are level 10+ the DC you get for some weapons is so low it just doesn't work.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
Maybe just me, but Excalibur (-the- Excalibur) should have a bit more oomph to it. Perhaps empower holy knight skills so they something like adding another di of damage to their skills or something?
It's a sword in the game that despite getting fairly early remains not just useful but immensely powerful right through to the end.
The rest look awesome, nice work!
JMD031 |
![Count Haserton Lowis IV](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9231-Hasteron.jpg)
Some items have less of an oomph in their conversion to pathfinder like excalibur and other like the bloodsword are more powerful or useful.
I cannot make excalibur any stronger than it already is I think, with out being ridiculously expensive (more than it already is)
Considering you are likely not to be able to purchase excalibur I don't think that will be an issue. It's not like the entire party should be running around with one of these swords waving it at every enemy they come across. It should be a rare and one of a kind sword...which is currently being weilded by T.G. Cid.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
I was thinking more along the lines of what JMD031 said myself...Excalibur at least would be one of a kind and probably a relic/artifact.
It was one of three artifacts for bastard swords I had planned in my game, hence I wasn't even going to give it a price since...well one of a kind artifact generally you'll never be able to sell them for the price they are worth. No one has that kind of gold and it probably wouldn't be something you would want to chance slipping into an enemy's hands.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
So I've been trying to give Bards/Dancers a couple of weapons only their class could use that fit the aesthetic of the class and made them somewhat viable in combat.
One I picked is basically straight from the Ult. Combat book and called it the war fan. Essentially a steel fan wielded in a single hand (can be dualwielded if desired) that is light and able to distract foes. See below:
---War Fan---
1d4 Piercing or Slashing /x3
Special: Light
Special: Distracting
Price: 5 gp (305 MW)
The other I want to add is the fabric-like item Dancers use. I imagine this as a sash with a weighted end used to strike at a distance. The more expensive and well made ones might have very light threads of mythril or similar woven through it to be stronger. Having some trouble stating it out.
It should have reach for sure and likely the disarm ability I imagine (wrapping it around someone's weapon and yanking it away). It should probably be used in two hands...though finessable like a whip. The more I thought about it, should I just use similar stats for a whip but with two hands and bludgeoning damage (maybe a bit higher damage)? Thoughts?
JMD031 |
![Count Haserton Lowis IV](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9231-Hasteron.jpg)
So I've been trying to give Bards/Dancers a couple of weapons only their class could use that fit the aesthetic of the class and made them somewhat viable in combat.
One I picked is basically straight from the Ult. Combat book and called it the war fan. Essentially a steel fan wielded in a single hand (can be dualwielded if desired) that is light and able to distract foes. See below:
---War Fan---
1d4 Piercing or Slashing /x3
Special: Light
Special: Distracting
Price: 5 gp (305 MW)The other I want to add is the fabric-like item Dancers use. I imagine this as a sash with a weighted end used to strike at a distance. The more expensive and well made ones might have very light threads of mythril or similar woven through it to be stronger. Having some trouble stating it out.
It should have reach for sure and likely the disarm ability I imagine (wrapping it around someone's weapon and yanking it away). It should probably be used in two hands...though finessable like a whip. The more I thought about it, should I just use similar stats for a whip but with two hands and bludgeoning damage (maybe a bit higher damage)? Thoughts?
Look at the spiked chain and maybe have the cloth be one step down in damage (1d8 perhaps?). Also make the damage type be versatile from B to S. Just a few thoughts.
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Warfan is nice, just basically a renamed weapon.
The dancer weapon didn't had reach I think, but it would be an exotic weapon. While bards used instruments to do their damage which is complicated to do in pathfinder since instruments don't do such things.
There already is a weapon like that mate, the Bladed Scarf.
Scarf, Bladed 12gp, 1d6 dmg, 2lbs, disarm trip, slashing
Description: If you are proficient with a bladed scarf, you deal 1d4 points of slashing damage to any creature that makes a successful grapple check against you.
You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with a bladed scarf sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon for you.
The skill required in using such scarves effectively and not revealing their deadly nature makes them exotic weapons. If you are proficient with a bladed scarf, you deal 1d4 points of slashing damage to any creature that makes a successful grapple check against you while you wield the scarf. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with a bladed scarf sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon.
Aleron |
![Demon Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DemonHunter_90.jpeg)
Holy crud that is nearly exactly what I was looking for...where did you find the bladed scarf? I can't remember seeing it in any of the books I read (though I may have just missed it). Thanks for the input guys, this is a huge help!
The sash/fabric in tactics allowed you to attack up to two squares away, hence why I figured it would have reach. Though the above works pretty much perfect for what I'm after in any case.