Is there a way to mark recruitment threads that have finished recruiting?

Website Feedback

Silver Crusade

As I sift through pbp recruitment threads looking for a game to join, i notice that a lot of them have served there purpose, yet they remain open. The games are filled.

Is it possible for people to re title these threads to let others no that their games are full? It would make things a lot easier.

Once a thread is underway, there is no way to change its name other than to petition a member of the Paizo staff to do so manually when they get around to it.

In general, if a recruitment thread is not within the top 10 to 15 in the list, it's safe to assume that the game has been filled. Open recruitment threads get a lot of activity.

I'm going to give this thread a bump, mainly for the title. There should be a way to mark threads that are still recruiting or that have finished. It would be of tremendous benefit!

Community & Digital Content Director

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You're right, that'd be an awesome feature! Adding to my PbP wishlist :)

Giving GM´s the option to lock/open those threads might be the simplest.
Right now one can already mention that at the end, though people are likely to comment afterwards.

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