Which AP would ignite your interest? At the moment I am running Legacy of Fire and a homebrew campaign - yet due to RL circumstances I find myself with a LOT more free time and can actually afford to run another AP. (or two.)
1)Rise of the Runelords
2)Legacy of Fire
3)Council of Thieves
4)Second Darkness
5)Jade Regent
1)Academy of Secrets
2)Tomb of the Iron Medusa
3)Carrion Hill
4)Godsmouth Heresy
5)Realm of the Fellnight Queen
6)And anything with a Kolbold (King) for aesthetic reasons.
Application Style: Simple and efficient one shot with a clear deadline.
Ranger, Oracle, Magus or something fresh and interesting.
I'd be interested in playing just about any AP except Carrion Crown (currently playing) and Rise of the Runelords (currently DMing). I'd be most interested in Kingmaker.
Dming CC currently and loving it. But I'd love to run RotRL, CoT or Serpent's Skull. I have a billion character ideas on the brain, so I'm good with just about any setting.
Well, I reckon I may start a recruitment topic or two during the course of the day - and while I see a lot of interest for Rise of the Runelords and Kingmaker, it is very likely to be Carrion Crown.
Interesting to note that nobody seems to want to play Curse of the Crimson Throne.
Well, I reckon I may start a recruitment topic or two during the course of the day - and while I see a lot of interest for Rise of the Runelords and Kingmaker, it is very likely to be Carrion Crown.
If it's okay to ask here, what format would this be? PBP, or OpenRPG/similar 'virtual tabletop'? The last group I found appears to be on indefinite hiatus, and if yours is a VTT setup I would be very interested in joining and even have mostly-ready sheets that just need a little tweaking to be valid for almost any AP. What little I know of each AP (from reading their marketing blurbs) indicates each one would be pretty interesting.
If it's okay to ask here, what format would this be? PBP, or OpenRPG/similar 'virtual tabletop'? The last group I found appears to be on indefinite hiatus, and if yours is a VTT setup I would be very interested in joining and even have mostly-ready sheets that just need a little tweaking to be valid for almost any AP. What little I know of each AP (from reading their marketing blurbs) indicates each one would be pretty interesting.
I realise I should have specificed. It would be PbP.