Blue Rose Recruitment

Gamer Connection

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Another question for you, Stardust, while we wait. Summon elemental's description only provides for the standard elements (earth, air, fire, water). Would you allow the feat to work with plant shaping to summon something akin to treants or ents, depending on the level of the being summoned? Also, do you think it would be possible to use plant shaping to achieve something like trackless step, with a concentration-based duration?

Liberty's Edge

Plant shaping to summon... sure.

Trackless step arcana... No. But you can use Plant Shaping to hide where you have been as a standard use as limited by the shaping ability.

I might allow you to take a Feat that would give you Trackless Step ability.

My mistake, I got confused by something else. I don't mean hide physical tracks in the ground, I meant something more like move impeding undergrowth out of the way so that you don't have hampered movement in forest or jungle, etc.

Liberty's Edge

No, but you could use Plant Shaping to move hampering elements of the landscape out of your way. :)

So when we start...will there be some sort of posting requirement/schedule/etc? Once a day? Per two days? Scranford, did you die?

Liberty's Edge

If we can get this game off the ground, I imagine we will be posting every two days or so... As long as we're having fun, we'll just post as we're able to.

Regretfully, without Scranford, I may have to scrap the game. So we're waiting on him at the moment.

Sorry guys. I guess I was waiting for Stardust to put together a character for me. I'm on a long business trip, and didn't bring my game book. What do you need from me in order to get the character rolling?

Liberty's Edge

Just a detailed character concept, as detailed as you can make it... I'll put the character together from that... :)

Liberty's Edge

As to posting, I drop by the Paizo board daily.

And, Stardust, anyone who says 'rules are not nearly as important as character and roleplaying' is someone after my own heart :)

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