New Archetype: Greenlord

Homebrew and House Rules

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


Just a quick summary of what this is: starting a campaign and my wife would like to play a plant-focused druid. My attempt at an archetype is very rough so my questions to you all are:

1) Is this balanced?

2) Would this be fun?

Here it is:

(FYI, the "plant companions" rule I'm referring to is from Dragon Magazine #357 Class Acts; Short summary is a 1HD plant creature that evolves with selected powers as the druid becomes more powerful, much like an animal companion)


Greenlords, or if they are female - Greenladys, are druids that prefer the comforting presence of plants to the unpredictable behaviors of animals. They believe their power comes from the vegetation that surrounds us all. The Greenlord has the following class abilities.

Nature Bond (Ex): Greenlords and ladies may not select a domain at first level and must choose to have a plant companion. This ability makes use of the plant companions rule.

Nature Sense (Ex): Greenlords gain a +4 on Knowledge(nature) and Survival checks when the check is made to identify navigate through or other situations regarding plants.

Plant Affinity (Ex): The greenlord gains Plant domain and all its granted abilities. This ability replaces Wild Empathy and the ability to spontaneously cast summon nature's ally spells.

Spontaneous Domain Casting: A greenlord druid can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. She can "lose" a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower.

Wild Shape (Su): The greenlord gains this ability at 6th level. The greenlord or lady may not use this ability to transform into an animal shape, but can assume the shape of a plant the same level she gains this ability. At 18th level, the druid can change shape into that of a Gargantuan plant. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you assume those abilities: Damage Reduction, regeneration 10, trample.

Gargantuan plant: If the form you take is that of a Gargantuan plant, you gain a +16 size bonus to Strength, a -4 size penalty to Dexterity, a +8 bonus to your Constitution and +8 natural armor bonus +8.

Awakening (Sp): At 13th level, you may cast the awaken spell as a druid of your level once per week on a plant target only.

This casting is slightly different than the spell, as follows:

1) The plants are under no obligation to serve you in any way and have their own free will to do as they choose. 2) The disposition of the plant when awakened is left up to the DM based on several factors like environment and recent events that have occurred around the plants home.

For example, a tree that has witnessed a humanoid starting a destructive forest fire recently might react with hostility towards a greenlord or may react with friendliness and a sense of unified vengeance upon those who harmed its kin.

This ability also requires a small amount of upkeep. Each month, during the new moon, you must be able to call and hold a meeting - called a moot - with your awakened plant friends. As they have their own free will they are under no obligation to you to answer the call. The physical location of the moot is unimportant, though it is best to hold it in a natural surrounding.

If a plant agrees to become a bonded partner with the greenlord it provides the druid with a faint sensory connection with each plant you awaken in this fashion. You may not have more awakened plants bound to you in this way than half your greenlord level at any one time.

The sensory connection conveys upon the druid a 360-degree sight and sound upon concentrating on a particular awakened friend's life force. The plant is aware of the "intrusion" and can allow or deny the druid to access this ability as it wills. The ability works as long as the druid is on the same plane as the plant in question and the plant is standing on a natural earthen surface (rocks of any kind will forfeit this ability working).

This replaces the thousand faces ability

Any comments and criticisms welcome.

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