Thread error / deletion?: Independent research (creating spells)

Website Feedback

I had a thread titled something to the effect of "Independent research (creating spells)" in the Rules messageboard. Posted it a day or two ago with a few replies, the most recent ones today, but now I can't seem to find the thread anywhere on the messageboard.

Dark Archive

reefwood wrote:
I had a thread titled something to the effect of "Independent research (creating spells)" in the Rules messageboard. Posted it a day or two ago with a few replies, the most recent ones today, but now I can't seem to find the thread anywhere on the messageboard.

It got moved to the Advice section, here.

The easiest way to keep track of stuff like that is to click on your name (above your Avatar, on any post), and then click on Recent Posts.

You can totally cyberstalk yourself. It's way cool.

Set wrote:

It got moved to the Advice section, here.

The easiest way to keep track of stuff like that is to click on your name (above your Avatar, on any post), and then click on Recent Posts.

You can totally cyberstalk yourself. It's way cool.

Thanks! I thought it may have been moved, but the last time this happened to one of my threads, it got moved to the Homebrew section. I didn't even know there was an Advice section.

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