Harrowstone with no Channel Energy

Carrion Crown

Sovereign Court

I have eight players itching to play in my Carrion Crown campaign and not a single one has chosen a class that can channel energy. I have a feeling that even with a double party Haunts will be problematic for them.

Party Breakdown:

*m half orc Inquisitor of Pharasma (Lt. Worf from TNG)
*m half elf Alchemist w/ Bbn level dip to Master Chymist (Jekyll/Hyde)
*m dhampir Ninja
*f changeling Sorcerer (Protean bloodline, green widow/gnome)
*m elf Ranger (ranged)
*m kellid Barbarian (superstitious ?)
*m orc Order of the Lion Cavalier from Lastwall
*m ? Summoner

--I wanna Vrock... VROCK!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That can actually be easily handled by making Holy Water do damage to Haunts. There is a ton of Holy Water in the treasure drops and they can easily buy more.

Normally I wouldn't allow Holy Water to damage Haunts since they are more like spell effects rather than true "monsters", but in this case you might want to bend the rules.

I would also make it that the Holy Water strikes the Haunt as incorporeal and only does half damage, otherwise Holy Water is way OP.

Sovereign Court

Good point about the holy water, though I believe it still does 2d4 even against Incorporeal undead you just have to be up close and personal with it. Hmm? The Alchemist will be pretty effective with this tactic...

Though with a haunt up close and personal is tricky as they manifest in a area of effect rather than in a space like normal creatues. Better go back to the Haunt threads and reread up on them. I'll probably have to upgrade the Haunts CR wise anyway to provide a little more challenge and XP for the larger group.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
King of Vrock wrote:

Good point about the holy water, though I believe it still does 2d4 even against Incorporeal undead you just have to be up close and personal with it. Hmm? The Alchemist will be pretty effective with this tactic...

Well a Haunt isn't incorporeal really. In fact, only some DMs say that Holy Water can even damage a Haunt. I just make it do half damage because 2d4 is a ton of damage against most Haunts.

Remember that most Haunts are really just spell effects so there is nothing to really "hit" in most cases. Even if something is attacking you, like a sword or something, it's just a spell effect controlling the sword so attacking the sword won't really do anything (in theory).

Then again, everyone plays/pictures how Haunts work slightly differently so you can do it however you want!

Shadow Lodge

My group of five has a similar issue. I'm thinking of adding in an item or two to the trove the group will discover to assist with haunts. How would such an item function? [This would have been an excellent idea for a wondrous item in RPG Superstar I think - I can't remember anyone making one though.]

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Without a channeler, yes it could be rough with RAW in the AP. However, I've read alot of posts where GMs were houseruling in holy water being able to damage haunts. You definitely may want to consider that or come up with another method of damaging them.

Sovereign Court

You might be thinking of the candle of viscous ephemera...

Grummik wrote:
Without a channeler, yes it could be rough with RAW in the AP. However, I've read alot of posts where GMs were houseruling in holy water being able to damage haunts. You definitely may want to consider that or come up with another method of damaging them.

+1, this AP will make one totally reevaluate the utility of channel energy, the cleric has been invaluable in the campaign I'm GM'ing

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I up front told them that not having a int based caster and a channeling divine class would make areas of this campaign rough. They took that to heart. I'm now sporting a team of

Human Alchemist - Int Caster/knowledge monkey
Changeling Inquisitor of Desna - Survival/Bluff/relevent knowledges
Human Urban Ranger - Undead hunter
Halfling Cavalier - Diplomacy/knight etc.
Human Cleric of Pharasma - healing & water.

Actually off topic question: Why does Pharasma have water in her domain selection. Seems kind of out of place.

ThornDJL7 wrote:

Actually off topic question: Why does Pharasma have water in her domain selection. Seems kind of out of place.

Water is life.

ThornDJL7 wrote:

I up front told them that not having a int based caster and a channeling divine class would make areas of this campaign rough. They took that to heart. I'm now sporting a team of

Human Alchemist - Int Caster/knowledge monkey
Changeling Inquisitor of Desna - Survival/Bluff/relevent knowledges
Human Urban Ranger - Undead hunter
Halfling Cavalier - Diplomacy/knight etc.
Human Cleric of Pharasma - healing & water.

Actually off topic question: Why does Pharasma have water in her domain selection. Seems kind of out of place.

My group ended up going

Chelaxian Paladin of Iomedae
Ulfen Battle Cleric of Gorum
Varisian Rogue
Varisian Wizard

They've been doing rather well thus far, about 3/4 of the way through Harrostone.

Our group now consists of:

Human Paladin of Iomedae
Half-Elf Celestial Sorceress
Human Bard (Whip / Net)
Human Flame Oracle

Despite there being no Channel Energy in the beginning levels, all Characters are mostly Charisma based and there is no Character with WIS above 12. Do you think thats a problem in the long run? All perception and other WIS based skills are bad. There are many humans so they can increase with skill points.

What do you think about this setup? Should i take to the Oracle player if he could switch to a cleric? Or is the setup good?

Thank you!

Scarab Sages

The PC that can cast cure light wounds can damage haunts aswell as a cleric using channel positive energi.

so if you want around the rules about holy water just let the Pc buy wands with less charges (15 gp per charge in a wand) from merchants or scrolls, then All divine spellcasters can cast cure light wounds even the paladin in lvl 1 and other classes with use magic device can then also damage haunts.

problem sloved :D

The Disrupt Undead cantrip works as well, it is positive energy.

Dark Archive

I also recommend the holy water house rule. It's been working well so far. We have a cleric but she only channels negative energy.

It's a good thing I'm DM and not a player in this one otherwise I'd be sorely tempted to take a Pump Water Canister (Armory p.7) and walk around all ghostbusters/exterminator style.
"Yep, look right here. Miss I'm afraid you've got an infestation of haunts. We're gonna have to spray the entire structure with holy water and hope they don't come back."

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