Converting World Of Warcraft to Pathfinder


Dark Archive

I am building my own campaign setting and I have ran across some NPCs from WoW that I would like to use in my world. However, not being familiar with WoW at all I am not sure how to convert levels from that game to Pathfinder. For example, how would a level 43 or 61 character in Wow convert to Pathfinder's 20 level system. I appreciate any help that you can give me. Thank's in advance.

David Fryer wrote:
I am building my own campaign setting and I have ran across some NPCs from WoW that I would like to use in my world. However, not being familiar with WoW at all I am not sure how to convert levels from that game to Pathfinder. For example, how would a level 43 or 61 character in Wow convert to Pathfinder's 20 level system. I appreciate any help that you can give me. Thank's in advance.

I'm not sure if level conversion from an MMO to Pathfinder is very viable, or even necessary. I would say it mostly depends on what you're gonna use the NPC's for.

Dark Archive

Kriss wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I am building my own campaign setting and I have ran across some NPCs from WoW that I would like to use in my world. However, not being familiar with WoW at all I am not sure how to convert levels from that game to Pathfinder. For example, how would a level 43 or 61 character in Wow convert to Pathfinder's 20 level system. I appreciate any help that you can give me. Thank's in advance.
I'm not sure if level conversion from an MMO to Pathfinder is very viable, or even necessary. I would say it mostly depends on what you're gonna use the NPC's for.

Of the two that I am looking at right now, I plan on using one as a mentor like character for the PCs, while the other is going to be the ruler of an evil empire that has a strong necromantic tradition.

David Fryer wrote:
Kriss wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I am building my own campaign setting and I have ran across some NPCs from WoW that I would like to use in my world. However, not being familiar with WoW at all I am not sure how to convert levels from that game to Pathfinder. For example, how would a level 43 or 61 character in Wow convert to Pathfinder's 20 level system. I appreciate any help that you can give me. Thank's in advance.
I'm not sure if level conversion from an MMO to Pathfinder is very viable, or even necessary. I would say it mostly depends on what you're gonna use the NPC's for.
Of the two that I am looking at right now, I plan on using one as a mentor like character for the PCs, while the other is going to be the ruler of an evil empire that has a strong necromantic tradition.

You won't be able to convert WoW to PF directly. You can approximate, though. What class and specs are you trying to get versions of? Maybe those of us with more knowledge of WoW can help. :)

If you don't plan to use the mentor character in encounters, I would say a statblock for him is optional. I usually won't do complete statblocks for the mentors I use, unless I perceive they might end up in an encounter sooner or later.

As for the other one, if you plan on using him as the antagonist for your campaign, it depends on what level your PC's will be when they face him. I'd start by figuring out what class and some basic stats like ability scores etc, and work my way up from there.

(Not sure if any of this is a big help, as I'm quite new to PF.)

Dark Archive

Foghammer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Kriss wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I am building my own campaign setting and I have ran across some NPCs from WoW that I would like to use in my world. However, not being familiar with WoW at all I am not sure how to convert levels from that game to Pathfinder. For example, how would a level 43 or 61 character in Wow convert to Pathfinder's 20 level system. I appreciate any help that you can give me. Thank's in advance.
I'm not sure if level conversion from an MMO to Pathfinder is very viable, or even necessary. I would say it mostly depends on what you're gonna use the NPC's for.
Of the two that I am looking at right now, I plan on using one as a mentor like character for the PCs, while the other is going to be the ruler of an evil empire that has a strong necromantic tradition.
You won't be able to convert WoW to PF directly. You can approximate, though. What class and specs are you trying to get versions of? Maybe those of us with more knowledge of WoW can help. :)

The mentor character is a level 61 elite warrior, the other is a level 61 elite warlock. Not sure if that helps, I am just working off of the WoWWiki for my information.

A link could help. NPCs will be considerably harder to figure up, but easily approximated.

Dark Archive


They are meant to be easter eggs for the one other player in my group who is old enough to get the reference.

David Fryer wrote:



They are meant to be easter eggs for the one other player in my group who is old enough to get the reference.

Rofl Why didn't you just say He-Man and Skeletor? If the reference is what you're going for, you probably won't want to use WoW statistics as a benchmark. Try finding 3.5 stats for He-Man and Skeletor. I am not as familiar with those characters as I am with Pre-Wrath WoW.

Dark Archive

I am pretty sure that at least He-Man would be too powerful. As I understand it Adam Eternum should be on par with others of his class and level. Skeletor was always a lame name if you ask me, sin he seems more like a skull faced litch to me.

I converted a character of mine into pathfinder and used the formula of wow lvl/3 to get d20 level.

Well, you could use the actual World of Warcraft pen and paper rpg as a guideline. It is a d20 system game after all.

Nefarian is listed as a CR 31 in the Monster Guide. This was his original version, from vanilla WoW. Since that one was designed for level 60 characters, that appears to 1 level for every 2 WoW character levels.

Thermaplugg is CR 12, and was a level 28 elite in the game. So again, about 1 level for every 2.3 WoW levels.

Onxyia was origionally a level 60 dungeon, and her CR is given at 25. About 2.4 Wow levels per level.

Kel'thuzad, CR 38, gives about 1.5 WoW levels per level.

General Drakkisath at CR 20 gives about 3 WoW levels per Pathfinder level.

Averaging all those, you get about 2 WoW levels for every Pathfinder level.

(For comparison, Elune ((yes, that Elune)) is a level 85 character in the pen and paper game, which would make her about a level 170 elite if she should ever be included in WoW...)

Real problem with converting is that the levels in the computer game make no real sense. Like level 85 guards. Where the hell where they when you were running around the Barrens chasing raptors and zevras? Just make the characters whatever level suits your game.

As has been mentioned, an actual stat block is unnecessary unless the character will either fight alongside the PCs, or be fought by the PCs.

Silver Crusade

one real difference between Pathfinder and Wow, is that in Pathfinder, as you advance in level, you encounter and fight different monsters.

For the most part (barring class levels ) Kobolds are monsters an adventurer would face at 1st level. Perhaps minotaurs at 4th level, Giants 8-10 level, so on and so forth.

In Wow, it is the region not the monster that is tied to level. So you can find Kobolts in Elwyn forrest, and you have to face them on your first quest. "no take my candle". However my 80 level gnome mage was gathering herbs in the Storm Peaks, and he got jumped by a 78 level Kobold.

yeah to an old time gamer like myself, when i see something like that on Wow, i think its rediculous. But the assumptions are different. I am sure it is much easier to have kobolds to face in every realm at every level. Also, Wow often "reskins" monsters. but i have rambled

Pathfinder monsters tied to level

Wow Realm/ Zone / Area are tied to leve, so a wolf will have a variable level, and adjective, depending on what area you find him in.

Why is a wolf levlel 1 in Elywn forrest and level 80 in the Storm wind peaks? well they are different games.

But yeah, a mentor you don't have to worry too much about, stating up, and the evil war lord, you only need to stat up down the road when the PCs are going to start dismantling his evil empire.

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