The Shady Dragon Inn


Dark Archive

I have been converting some of the NPCs from the Shady Dragon Inn supplement to use in my campaign. I am sharing my work in case others want to use as well.

Warduke CR 7
Warduke is a muscular individual who dresses in fearsome looking armor and carries a shield emblazon with a symbol that looks like a demonic skull. He is never seen in public without his signature black winged helm that obscures his facial features.
Male Human Fighter 8
CE medium humanoid
Init: +4, Senses: Perception +1
AC: 25, Touch: 10, Flat Footed: 25 (+11 armor, +4 shield)
hp: 79 (8d10+32)
Fort: +9, Ref: +2, Will: +3, +5 vs. Fear
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: +2 flaming longsword +15 (1d8+5 plus 1d6 fire/19-20), mwk battleaxe +13 (1d8+3/x3), mwk dagger +12 (1d4+3/19-20)
Str: 17, Dex: 10, Con: 17, Int: 8, Wis: 12, Cha: 13
Base Atk: +8, CMB: +11, CMD: 21
Feats: Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Disruptive, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Stand Still, Vital Strike
Languages: Common
SQ: Weapon Training (Axes, Heavy Blades)
Combat Gear: Boots of Elvenkind, Cloak of Resistance +2, Ring of Feather Falling; Other Gear: +3 half plate, +2 heavy steel shield, +2 flaming longsword, mwk battleaxe, mwk dagger.

Warduke was once a force for good and right in the world. Then he was exposed to the Heartstone, which amplified the evil that hid at the core of his personality. His one time ally, Strongheart the Paladin, is now his greatest enemy. Warduke and his allies scheme to seize control of at least a small country to establish a base of operations for some greater plan.

Note: Warduke also has a Nightmare that he uses as a mount.

This represents Warduke at an early stage of his career as predented in "The Shady Dragon Inn."

Dark Archive

Skylla CR 5
Skylla is a slight, but attractive human woman. She has silvery blonde hair and dark gray eyes. She dresses in grey robes, a golden demonic headdress, and a golden demonic girdle.
Female human sorcerer 6 (Elemental (fire) bloodline)
NE medium humanoid
Init: +6, Senses: Darkvision 30 ft, Perception +0
AC: 16, Touch: 14, Flat Footed: 14 (+2 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex)
hp: 35 (6d6+12)
Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +5
Resist Fire 10
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: Unarmed +2 (1d3-1)
Special Attacks: Elemental Ray (1d6+3 fire, 6/day)
Spells Known (CL 6th)
3rd (4/day): Lightning Bolt
2nd ( 5/day): Blur, Scorching Ray, Stone Call
1st: (7/day): Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Shocking Grasp
0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue
Str: 8, Dex: 15, Con: 12, Int: 13, Wis: 10, Cha: 17
Base Atk: +3, CMB: +2, CMD: 14
Feats: Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Spell Penetration
Skills: Bluff +12, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +12
Languages: Common, Ignan
Combat Gear: Bracers of Armor +2, Ring of Protection +2, Wand of Suggestion

Skylla was once the student of the wizard Ringlerun. Because her arcane talent was inate, he spent most of his time trying to teach her the morality of magic. However, when she was exposed to the Heartstone she began to seek out dark and harmful magic and fled from her master's side. Now she uses magic as a means to gain personal wealth and power. She hates her former master and his "soft and weak" approach to magic.

Dark Archive

Raven CR 6
Raven has hair that is as dark as the feathers of her namesake. She has deep green eyes and is considered to be attractive by most people. She is easily recognized by her trademark winged headdress and dark cloak.
Female Human Cleric 7
CN Medium Humanoid
Init: +2, Senses: Perception +3
AC: 25, Touch 14, Flat Footed 23 (+5 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex, +4 shield)
hp: 56 (7d8+21)
Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will: +8
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: +2 warhammer +7 (1d8+2/x3), light mace +5 (1d6)
Special Attacks: Channel Negative Energy (4d6, Will DC 14, 6/day), Dazing Touch (6/day)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 7th)
6/day-Mirror Image
Spells Prepared (CL 7th)
4th-Confusion (DC 17) (d), Cure Deadly Wounds
3rd-Locate Object (2), Remove Disease, Suggestion (DC 16) (d)
2nd-Enthrall (DC 15), Hold Person (DC 15) (2), Invisibility (d), Resist Energy
1st-Cure Light Wounds (3), Disguise Self (d), Shield of Faith (2)
0-Bleed, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
d=Domain Spell; Domains: Lust, Trickery
Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 15, Int: 8, Wis: 16, Cha: 12
Base Atk: +5, CMB: +5, CMD: 17
Feats: Brew Potion, Channel Smite, Combat Casting, Control Undead, Extra Channeling
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) +9, Spellcraft +9
Languages: Common
SQ: Aura of Chaos, Orisons, Spontaneous Casting (Inflict spells)
Combat Gear: Ring of Protection +2; Other Gear: +2 studded leather, +2 heavy steel shield, +2 warhammer, light mace, 2 bottles of holy water, silver holy symbol

Raven is not evil herself but she does love the evil Warduke and loyally follows him. She knows that he is greedy and power hungry but she will still do anything to help him. She was not exposed to the Heartstone, instead her true nature was suppressed by her love for Warduke. She was once good friends with Mercion, but now has a hatred for the good cleric because Mercion condemns Warduke.

Dark Archive

AHHH, good ole Shady Dragon inn.I love that book, mainly for all the pictures of th NPC's

Dark Archive

Fox Fingers CR 5
Fox is a very nondescript individual with red hair and brown eyes.
Male Human Rogue 6
NE medium humanoid
Init: +6, Senses: Perception +10
AC: 19 , Touch 15, Flat Footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp: 48 (6d8+18)
Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: +2 dagger +10 (1d4+2/19-20), +1 short sword +9 (1d6+2/19-20), dagger +8 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged: mwk light crossbow +9 (1d8/19-20), dagger +8 (1d4+1/19-20)
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +3d6
Spell-like abilities (CL 6th)
3/day: Ray of Frost
2/day: Magic Missile
Str: 12, Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis 13, Cha: 8
Base Atk: +4, CMB: +5, CMD: 19
Feats: Blind Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Iron Will, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Acrobatics: +13, Disable Device +13, Escape Artist +13, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +9
Languages: Common
SQ: Evasion, Trap Sense +2, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge
Combat Gear: Cloak of Resistance +1, Potion of Cure Light Wounds; Other Gear: +2 leather armor, +2 dagger, +1 short sword, mwk light crossbow w/10 bolts, 4 daggers, gear and coins worth 136 gp

Fox Fingers is such a good thief that he could steal the ring off a newlywed's finger without the person realizing it. He carries a magical dagger that he stole from a wizard in the southern desert and four other daggers in various places as backups. He also carries a magical sword that was given to him by Warduke. When he was exposed to the Heartstone he became ashamed of his crimes and vowed to kill everyone who knows he is a thief. For now he works with Warduke to achieve that goal, but he knows one day he will have to kill Warduke and his companions as well.

Dark Archive

Zarak CR 7
Zarak is a half-orc, but resembles a full orc. He has long black hair that he wears in a braided ponytail and crafty blue eyes. He wears dark clothing and a dark blue cloak to hide his actions.
Male half-orc rogue 5/ assassin 3
NE medium humanoid
Init: +4, Sense: Darkvision 60 ft, Perception + 17
AC: 19, Touch: 14, Flat Footed: 15
hp: 68 (8d8+21)
Fort: +4, +5 vs poison, Ref: +10, Will: +4
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: +2 short sword +8 (1d6+2 plus poison/19-20)
Ranged: hand crossbow +9 (1d4 plus poison/19-20)
Special Attacks: Bleeding Attack (5 points/round), Death Attack (DC 18), Sneak Attack +5d6
Str: 12, Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 14, Cha: 8
Base Atk: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 20
Feats: Alertness, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Toughness
Skills: Climb +12, Craft (Poison) +11, Disable Device +15, Intimidate +12, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Stealth +15, Use Magic Device +10
Languages: Common, Orc
SQ: Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Orc Ferocity, Poison Use, Trap Sense +2, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge
Combat Gear: Large Scorpion Poison (2 doses); Other Gear: +3 improved shadow leather armor, +2 short sword, hand crossbow w/ 10 bolts, gear and coins worth 50 gp

Zarak was once known as "Elf Friend" for his relationship with the elf wizard Peralay. However, during the quest for the Heartstone both of them were exposed to the magic pf the stone. It brought out Zarak's cruel and violent nature and he tried to steal the Heartstone, only to be stopped by Peralay. As a result Zarak swore vengeance against his former friend and joined Warduke's band as means to achieve this revenge.

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