Aftercon game, 2011: I3 - Pharaoh

PaizoCon General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Last year Eric Tilleman ran Tracy and Laura Hickman's classic 2nd Edition module Pharaoh, from the mega-adventure Desert of Desolation. This year I'm going to keep the tradition alive! The game starts on Sunday at 2 pm and will run till approximately midnight, with a 5 player table.

Unlike last year, where Eric started everyone at level 5, I'm going to juice the starting level to level 7; players will level up about halfway through the session. It's a 20 point buy, 23,500 to spend on equipment (with a max of 10k to spend on any one single item). You can use any content that Paizo has published for the Pathfinder rule set. I'd like to have the character sheet at least two weeks prior to paizocon.

Sign-up is not first-come-first-serve - the gang over at paizo chat get first dibbs! One seat is already taken.

Grand Lodge

I would love to be part of this event and I also have a friend who would love to play.

Dark Archive

I am so glad that this tradition is going to continue. That game last year was a blast!

Grand Lodge

Ok, Triskaidek, you and your +1 are in! That makes three players, and I'm saving the fourth seat for Dave Gross, so I have room for one more.

Before you start rolling up characters note that I might be taking the starting level back to 5th - I'm still doing the PF conversion. I'll know more in a week or two.


If there's still a spot open, I'd love to play, it sounds like a lot of fun!

Grand Lodge

Hey Jeremy,

You're in!

Everyone else - if you want to sign up as an alt, feel free to post below - Dave Gross, I'm saving the 5th seat for you!

Dark Archive Contributor

sozin wrote:
Dave Gross, I'm saving the 5th seat for you!

I sure appreciate your saving a seat for me, but now that I can see the film festival schedule, I know I can't make it for a Sunday afternoon game. I hope we see an after-action report and some photos!

Scarab Sages

If you still need a 5th I'm hanging around an extra day.

Grand Lodge

You're in!

Scarab Sages

Hey Sozin,
I'm about to be gone for about 2 weeks give or take a week which might interfere with me having my character to you 2 weeks prior to the Con. I'm strongly leaning towards an alchemist (possibly one of the archetypes from Ultimate Magic).

If the rest have their guys done before mine, I'll see what the party needs and go with that.


Grand Lodge

No problem, thanks for the update. I'll post the starting level sorted by next Monday (these 2nd ed modules tend to jump around a lot in terms of monster difficulty!)

Grand Lodge

Ok: after doing some conversions I've concluded that Eric was right all along and 5th level is the right starting level for I3.

20 point buy, everyone starts out with 10,500 gold pieces. We'll role hit points on Sunday afternoon for levels 2-5. The max you can spend on any one single item is 6k. Feel free to post questions below, and please have your character sheet mailed to sozinsky at gmail dot com one week prior to paizocon!


So there is an Alchemist. Does anyone else have a preferred class for this? I was thinking some type of rogue, because I haven't played one in ages.



I don't have a strong preference, but I only have access to the core rulebook, so I'll probably make something pretty basic.

Scarab Sages

Dave Gross wrote:
sozin wrote:
Dave Gross, I'm saving the 5th seat for you!
I sure appreciate your saving a seat for me, but now that I can see the film festival schedule, I know I can't make it for a Sunday afternoon game. I hope we see an after-action report and some photos!


I've been considering hitting up the film festival too.

What movies are you considering seeing, and would you be up for some company?


I shall make a rogue then. :)

Grand Lodge

When would you like characters?

Scarab Sages

Just sent in my alchemist for Sozin to take a look at (just in case there are any issues... :)

Basically: Scarlet Kralle, female changeling (AP #43) alchemist 5 (chirurgen/vivisectionist), she is a close range fury of claws (and sometimes teeth), with some backup healing ability.

Grand Lodge

W. John Hare, I got it, looks awesome, thank you!

Triskaidek, sometime within the next 8 days please

Grand Lodge

Hey John, I just re-read your sheet - I don't include changeling as a playable PC race. The dark vision, natural armor, claws, hag traits, and +2 WIS/+2 CON seem overpowered to me. Sorry! Can you pick one of the core races instead? My mistake, I hope this doesn't mess up your character concept. If you want to keep the claws part, I'll give that to whatever race you want as a free mutation (some kind of devil/demon blood way back in the family tree or something).

Scarab Sages

sozin wrote:
Hey John, I just re-read your sheet - I don't include changeling as a playable PC race. The dark vision, natural armor, claws, hag traits, and +2 WIS/+2 CON seem overpowered to me. Sorry! Can you pick one of the core races instead? My mistake, I hope this doesn't mess up your character concept. If you want to keep the claws part, I'll give that to whatever race you want as a free mutation (some kind of devil/demon blood way back in the family tree or something).

Hey Sozin, the Changeling is +2 Wis/+2 Cha, -2 Con. It does mess up my concept a bit. I'll see what I can to either salvage it or start from scratch.


Grand Lodge

Take away the natural armor and the darkvision and I'm cool with it.

Scarab Sages

Rejigging the alchemist to be a half orc with bombs. I should hopefully get the sheet done today or tomorrow and send it to you for your viewing pleasure. :)

Scarab Sages

1/2 Orc, mad bomber sheet sent. Still has a bit of off healing ability... but makes things go BOOM! (and for those concerned I took Precise Bombs, Precise Shot and Splash Weapon Mastery... so I shouldn't light any party members on fire... hopefully! :)

Grand Lodge

Unsure where you wanted this, so here you go:

Halfling Fighter (Archer) Level 5
Str 14, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 9, hp 39
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +1
AC 19 (17 touch, 13 Flat Footed, 11 Flat Footed Touch); Init +6
Skills: Ride 5 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks, Perception 5 ranks
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Comp Longbow, Weapon Specialization Comp: Longbow, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot
Class Features: Trick Shot - Disarm, Expert Archer, Hawkeye
Equipment: Bracers Archery Lesser, Belt of Incredible Dex +2, Mighty Comp Longbow +1 (+2 Str), Riding Dog, Military Saddle, 200 Arrows, Pack, Leather Armor, 708g


I emailed you my character Sozin. No one made a healer, so I made a halfling oracle.

Grand Lodge

Great, thank you everyone! Triskaidek, just a reminder, I still need the sheet for your friend that's coming with.

EDIT: forgot to mention, if you didn't take traits, you get 2 of 'em, one combat, and one non-combat.

Grand Lodge

Triskaidek, a few notes on your build:

- PC name?
- I think you're missing a feat. you get 1 additional bonus feat as a fighter. also, please send me your two trait selections as well (I'm sozinsky at gmail dot com if you'd like to switch to email).
- I think you're one point overbought on the dex. Without the belt, I have you at 19 (+4) dex, with the belt 21 (+5). This means your reflex save is off by one as well.
- I think the gear pricing is off. I have:
- Composite Longbow +1: 2800 gps
- belt of dex +2: 4000 gps
- bracers of lessor archery: 5000 gps
So without the sundries (dog, arrows, etc) you're at 11,800, or 1,300 gps over budget.

Grand Lodge

Sorry, must've read the belt price from construction price. I'll swap the bow for masterwork, which ought to bring me down below threshold. As for pts, str 16 = 10, dex 17 = 13, con 12 = 2, wis 9 = -1, cha 7 = -4 plus racials plus 1 dex at 4th. I'll take Deadly aim for the other feat. I'll take reactionary and history of heresy traits. Name is Perudoc.

I spoke to my friend after I posted the other night and thought he would have contacted you by now. I'll call him and let him know you are waiting.

Let me know if my math is wrong on the pt buy.

Grand Lodge

ah, you had cha=9 listed in the original build post, not cha=7. with cha=7 you're good!

thanks for bumping your friend, looks like with a rogue, fighter, oracle, and alchemist we've got a good party mix so far.

Scarab Sages

Hey Sozin, just sent you an updated version of Gren. No drastic changes, just some item stuff (when I rechecked my math I had shorted myself quite a bit).

Looking forward to it!

Grand Lodge

I had cha 9 because of the Halfling racial. I think he's bringing a Summoner but not sure.

Grand Lodge

yep, thanks guys!

Trisk, any chance you can talk him down from doing a summoner? One of my DM pet peeves is I really hate summoned critters - mainly because they slow down combat. Anything but a summoner! -sobs-

Scarab Sages

Damn, I could have played a summoner... hmmm, there is still time before I catch my plane tomorrow... :)

Grand Lodge

Leysh Fighter Human

S 18
D 13
C 15
I 13
W 8
C 7

Hp 49

Feats: dodge, mobility, combat expertise, spring attack, whirlwind attack, wf great sword, power attack

Perception 5, acrobatics 5, climb 4, knowledge dungeoneering 5, swim 1

Gear: great sword +1, belt str +2, full plate +1, cloak resistance +1, amulet natural armor +1, 400g

Traits: rich parents, armor expert

Here's his guy. Look how it's not a summoner!

Grand Lodge

We're going to be in the Fir room, ideally starting around 1 ideally, but probably sometime between 1 and 2.

Sovereign Court

Btw, walking by this afternoon and saw the projection up on the wall for this. Nice touch!

The Exchange

After seeing the technological setup and the coolness of the scenario (exploding pineapples), this is a game I wish I had signed up to play.

Next year, sozin, if you do it again.


Grand Lodge

Thanks :-) If I make it back next year (fingers crossed) I'm going to continue down the Desert of Desolation proto-AP and do Temple of Set/Crypt of Badr Al Mosak/Lost City of Phoenix.

Pharaoh took ~ 10 hours of play, and the party of four NPCs/1 dervish ("Rakim the Dervish Captain!") did an admirable job powering through this classic dungeon crawl. In the end I think we were the very last game to finish at Paizocon, at 12:15 am Monday morning!

Thanks Rene, Jeremy, John, and Matt for the great game!

Scarab Sages

Thanks for running it Sozin! Although I will admit I was a tad tired after it! :)


The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Chad Patterson DM'ing the Shadows Last Stand Part 1 ended at 12:35 am. ;-)

Grand Lodge


If I make it back next year (fingers crossed) I'm going to continue down the Desert of Desolation proto-AP and do Temple of Set/Crypt of Badr Al Mosak/Lost City of Phoenix.

Sadly, I won't be doing the above, but I will be coming to Paizocon! (I have to fly back sunday afternoon.)

Liberty's Edge

Dave Gross wrote:
sozin wrote:
Dave Gross, I'm saving the 5th seat for you!
I sure appreciate your saving a seat for me, but now that I can see the film festival schedule, I know I can't make it for a Sunday afternoon game. I hope we see an after-action report and some photos!

There's a film festival? Please tell me more. Kids and I need something to do Sunday arvo/evening.

Scarab Sages

Ezekiel 25:17 wrote:
Dave Gross wrote:
sozin wrote:
Dave Gross, I'm saving the 5th seat for you!
I sure appreciate your saving a seat for me, but now that I can see the film festival schedule, I know I can't make it for a Sunday afternoon game. I hope we see an after-action report and some photos!
There's a film festival? Please tell me more. Kids and I need something to do Sunday arvo/evening.

The film festival was on as the same time as Paizo Con last year (2011). Since Paizo Con is now in July I don't think they overlap, but I haven't checked either.

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