Ghostwalker Conversion...


Dark Archive

So, I do not remember where this awesome prestige class was located in the 3.0 or 3.5 supplements. I want to say the Complete Scoundrel or the Complete Warrior. I could be wrong.

Anyway, does anyone know what I am talking about? Has anyone converted it?

At present I know of only two "Ghost" based Prestige Classes. There is the Ghost-Faced Killer from Complete Adventurer, and the Ghost Slayer from Ghostwalk campaign book.

Shenron wrote:

So, I do not remember where this awesome prestige class was located in the 3.0 or 3.5 supplements. I want to say the Complete Scoundrel or the Complete Warrior. I could be wrong.

Anyway, does anyone know what I am talking about? Has anyone converted it?

It's from Sword and Fist - A Guidebook to Fighters and Monks. It's a 3.0 supplement, and I don't know if it was ever converted to 3.5, let alone Pathfinder.

Liberty's Edge

Tobias is correct. I was actually just reading through that PrC the other day to see if it's something I'd want to update. One thing I'd probably change about it is the primary class ability. I don't have the book at hand, but I think it's called Deadly Reckoning.

The ability gives you various bonuses equal to your Ghostwalker level, but it's only effective against enemies who have beaten you to negative hit points in some past battle. The problem I always had with this comes from the fact that this makes it effective only against a very tiny proportion of enemies. Every group I've ever played with has basically had an all-or-nothing attitude toward battle. If you go into negative hit points, your companions will likely kill off whatever hurt you if they aren't killed themselves, and it's pretty rare when a creature knocks you to negative hit points and then just leaves you for dead. I like the overall concept of the Ghostwalker. It's basically like playing Clint Eastwood's "Man With No Name" character or The Crow. I just think the Deadly Reckoning power needs some changes to make it worth taking ten levels of this class.

Maybe I'll toy with it this weekend and post it here.

Dark Archive

That would be awesome!

Liberty's Edge

So here's my initial cut on the Ghostwalker. I added a capstone ability the 3.0 version didn't have, and changed the abilities up a little bit. Let me know what you think.


“You can't be you. We put you through the window. There ain't no coming back. This is the really real world, there ain't no coming back. We killed you dead, there ain't no coming back! There ain't no coming back!” – T-Bird’s final words from The Crow

Revenge is a powerful motivator. Sometimes when a man dies in a bad way or is left for dead by bad people, something happens and that man comes back. Maybe some god or spirit of vengeance takes notice of the situation or maybe it’s just plain spite, but these men come back changed, driven by some powerful need to make things right. Not quite dead, but too cold and driven to really be considered alive, these men become ghostwalkers, vengeance given earthly form, bringing recompense to all who’ve brought them low.

A ghostwalker might be a law-bringing ranger who clawed his way out of a shallow grave at the edge of some frontier town or a machete-wielding barbarian too hateful to die. He might be an alchemist seeking revenge on the thieves’ guild that set him on fire and blew up his laboratory or a bard given a second chance at life in order to avenge his own murder and the death of his true love. The powers of the ghostwalker can manifest in nearly any intelligent creature with a score to settle, but a ghostwalker’s strength comes from his ability to remain a mystery to his opponents. The terror and confusion he causes by striking from the shadows fuels his supernatural abilities and robs his enemies of their ability to cause him harm.

Hit Dice: d10


Base Attack Bonus +5
Feats: Die Hard, Iron Will, Toughness
Intimidate: 4 ranks
Stealth: 4 ranks
Special Requirement: Must have been reduced to negative hit points or died as the result of the actions of a creature hostile to the character. This creature must still live at the time the character gains this prestige class.

Class Skills:

Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival

Skill points per level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features:

Weapons and Armor: A ghostwalker gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Painful Reckoning (Su): At 1st level, a ghostwalker swears an oath to destroy the creature responsible for its suffering. The ghostwalker selects a still living (or undead) enemy, which has killed or reduced it to negative hit points in the past. From then on, the ghostwalker receives a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to her ghostwalker level whenever she faces this specific creature or its allies. These bonuses stack with the ranger’s Favored Enemy ability. A ghostwalker may have only one sworn enemy at a time but, if she slays this creature, she may find the need for revenge that fuels her abilities cannot be sated. She may select a new sworn enemy so long as the creature meets the requirements detailed above. A ghostwalker who has not selected a sworn enemy gains no other special abilities granted by this class aside from Superior Iron Will.

Resolute Aura (Su): A ghostwalker’s desire for revenge gives her strength when she might fail against the attacks of her sworn enemy and instills fear in any who might keep her from fulfilling her oath. At 1st level, the ghostwalker receives Damage Reduction 1/- against attacks made by her sworn enemy or its allies. This damage reduction increases by 1 for every level of ghostwalker the character possesses. Furthermore, a ghostwalker gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate checks equal to her ghostwalker level whenever she faces her sworn enemy or its allies. She also receives a +1 bonus to Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival checks equal to her ghostwalker level whenever she is attempting to locate or track her enemy or its allies. These bonuses stack with the ranger’s favored enemy ability.

Anonymity (Su): The ghostwalker’s abilities are fueled as much by fear and confusion as they are by anger. A ghostwalker’s powers are weakened if her enemies discover her identity. She only receives half the bonus from her Painful Reckoning ability and her foes receive a +2 bonus on saves versus her Deadly Reckoning ability. Her Resolute Aura does not function against foes, which know her identity and she may not feign death, become ethereal or shadow walk in their presence (out to a distance of 100 feet.)

Feign Death (Ex): Beginning at 2nd Level, a ghostwalker may enter a cataleptic state that is impossible to distinguish from actual death once per day. The effect lasts for 10 rounds per level of the ghostwalker. The ghostwalker is aware, can smell and hear, but cannot see or feel; wounds are not felt and damage to the ghostwalker’s body is half normal (damage is halved before applying any DR the ghostwalker receives from its Resolute Aura.) Paralysis, poison and energy drain do not affect the ghostwalker in this state but poison injected into the ghostwalker becomes effective when the cataleptic state ends. The ghostwalker may choose to end the effect any time within its duration.

Superior Iron Will (Ex): At 3rd Level, a ghostwalker receives an additional +2 to Will saves. This stacks with the bonus provided by Iron Will.

Etherealness (Su): Calling upon obscure mystic forces, the ghostwalker may become ethereal once per day for up to one round per ghostwalker level. This ability follows the rules for the Ethereal Jaunt spell. The ghostwalker gains another use of this ability at 6th and 8th level.

Shadow Walk (Su): The ghostwalker can shadow walk as per the spell. The ghostwalker can use this ability once per day for up to one hour per ghostwalker level at 5th level. She gains an additional use of this ability at 7th and 9th level. The ghostwalker heals 3hp per ghostwalker level with each use of this ability.

Deadly Reckoning (Su): At 10th level, the ghostwalker’s connection to death and the spirit of vengeance becomes so strong she gains the ability to channel all her rage into a single devastating attack. Once per day, the ghostwalker may choose to channel her anger into either a single touch attack or release a burst of destructive power to a radius of 60 feet. As a touch attack, her deadly reckoning may only be used against her sworn enemy. If the attack hits, her sworn enemy must make a Fort save or die as its mind is bombarded with the ghostwalker’s painful memories. On a successful save, the ghostwalker’s enemy still suffers 10d6 damage and is stunned for one round. As a burst effect, the deadly reckoning nauseates the ghostwalker’s sworn enemy and any of its allies within 60 feet for 1d4 rounds and deals 10d8 damage. A successful Fort save halves the damage and leaves the creatures sickened for one round. The save DC for either effect is 20 + the ghostwalker’s Cha modifier. Using this ability takes a severe emotional toll on the ghostwalker and leaves her fatigued for 1d3 rounds.

Base attack bonus: 1st 1 2nd 2 3rd 3 4th 4 5th5 6th 6 7th 7 8th 8 9th 9 10th 10
Fort save: 1st 2 2nd 3 3rd 3 4th 4 5th 4 6th 5 7th 5 8th 6 9th 6 10th 7
Reflex save: 1st 0 2nd 1 3rd 1 4th 1 5th 2 6th 2 7th 2 8th 3 9th 3 10th 3
Will save: 1st 2 2nd 3 3rd 3 4th 4 5th 4 6th 5 7th 5 8th 6 9th 6 10th 7

1st: Painful Reckoning, Resolute Aura, Anonymity
2nd: Feign Death
3rd: Superior Iron Will
4th: Etherealness 1/day
5th: Shadow Walk 1/day
6th: Etherealness 2/day
7th: Shadow Walk 2/day
8th: Etherealness 3/day
9th: Shadow Walk 3/day
1oth: Deadly Reckoning

Liberty's Edge

After logging off for the night, I realized a few things about the Deadly Reckoning ability don't quite work for me. Here are some changes to that power.

Deadly Reckoning (Su):
: At 10th level, the ghostwalker’s connection to death and the spirit of vengeance becomes so strong she gains the ability to channel all her rage into a single devastating attack. Once per day, the ghostwalker may choose to channel her anger into either a single touch attack or release a burst of destructive power to a radius of 60 feet. As a touch attack, her deadly reckoning may only be used against her sworn enemy. If the attack hits, her sworn enemy must make a Will save or die as its mind is bombarded with the ghostwalker’s painful memories. On a successful save, the ghostwalker’s enemy still suffers 10d6 damage and is stunned for one round. As a burst effect, the deadly reckoning nauseates the ghostwalker’s sworn enemy and any of its allies within 60 feet for 1d4 rounds and deals 10d8 damage. A successful Will save halves the damage and leaves the creatures sickened for one round. The save DC for either effect is 10 + half the character's Hit Dice + the ghostwalker’s Cha modifier. Damage caused by this ability bypasses Damage Reduction and Spell Resistance. Using this ability takes a severe emotional toll on the ghostwalker and leaves her fatigued for 4 rounds.

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