Ekeebe |

Hey guys, for all you trying to find a place to play Pathfinder, 4th ed and alot of other roleplaying games, or a place to buy them, now that Tin Soldier has shut sown and moved to Penrith, allow me to introduce Hall of Heroes in Campbelltown.
Linkified for your viewing pleasure.
I walked in today for the first time, and Lo and behold, there were 4 PF core rulebooks, 2 bestiaries and an APG staring me in the face!
I enquired about gaming, and I was told by the workers that a regular group plays nearly every Tuesday, and I am going to go in this coming Tuesday to see if they are playing PFS or just running the APs.
They only picked up Pathfinder a few months ago, but are playing regularly now (+1 for PF recruitment again!)
Go ahead and check it out, It's a fairly large place, they lock all the merchandise away if you are playing longer than the 7 PM close, except on Sundays, they get Mondays off, so they want to get home early and rest up for their day off.
They also can cordon off sections of the store with black curtains for privacy, if you would prefer you game be a little more private.
The store is full of fun, friendly guys, and are new to anything Pathfinder themselves, bless their hearts, the had no idea what Pathfinder Society Organised Play was, but they want a larger customer base and more people to come in regularly so that they can get to know them and make more friends who share their love of any and all fantasy gaming!
Ekeebe :D

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With the AUS$ rate vs the US$ I'm surprised new game shops are opening up considering Tin Soldier Sydney which has been around for years closed down recently
As much as I like visiting brick and mortar stores my mortgage and bills don't. I purchased a book for $55 of Amazon which retails for $115 in Australia, go figure.

Shifty |

I know what you mean Reebo, I buy all my stuff online, as the local stores are pretty much non existent near us (as you know) and frankly I don't see the benefit in chugging over the the stores that were around.
I think a Gaming Store that just survives off booksale profits is a thing of the past, however I see a potential market in stores that provide gaming space for games (with an entry fee) as a likely market.
Hold game nights, events etc, charge $15 a head and whack on some Pizzas at night or coffee or whatever... I reckon there would be a business opportunity for a savvy operator. Not everyone can/wants to game at their house - some of us have wives that just dont want a horde of loud guys in the loungeroom :p
Thanks for the heads up though Ek :) Nice to see there ARE some stores if I DO find myself having the need.

The 8th Dwarf |

I know what you mean Reebo, I buy all my stuff online, as the local stores are pretty much non existent near us (as you know) and frankly I don't see the benefit in chugging over the the stores that were around.
I think a Gaming Store that just survives off booksale profits is a thing of the past, however I see a potential market in stores that provide gaming space for games (with an entry fee) as a likely market.
Hold game nights, events etc, charge $15 a head and whack on some Pizzas at night or coffee or whatever... I reckon there would be a business opportunity for a savvy operator. Not everyone can/wants to game at their house - some of us have wives that just dont want a horde of loud guys in the loungeroom :p
Thanks for the heads up though Ek :) Nice to see there ARE some stores if I DO find myself having the need.
I think the future is to make gaming a Club experience like a Leagues Club or Bowls club, - now if they could get a liquor licence they would be set.
Provide a venue and a "pro shop" and make your money on membership, food and alcohol.

Shifty |

I think the future is to make gaming a Club experience like a Leagues Club or Bowls club, - now if they could get a liquor licence they would be set.Provide a venue and a "pro shop" and make your money on membership, food and alcohol.
I remember waaaaaaaaaaay back (1987?) when a large group used to regularly hire out the Community Hall in Darlignhurst and we all paid a yearly membership and then a session fee to go play Car Wars all day. Worked well (or at least until the president ran off with all our money)
I reckon people would be up for that, and as you say, a "Pro Shop" and some facility to buy food/snacks and such would be great.