
Lost Omens Products

Scarab Sages

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Do any of the adventure paths take place in Andoran? I'm running a game that will be set in the country and I thought an adventure path set in Andoran would have more information on the country.

Other than the Andoran, Spirit of Liberty book. Any other sources I should look into?

Grand Lodge

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There are no AP's set there yet.

However, many of the modules are set there: The Falcon's Hollow adventures (Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King, Carnival of Tears, Hungry Are the Dead), The Last Baron duo (Tower of the Last Baron, Treasure of Chimera Cove), and Into the Haunted Forest. All of these are under 3.5 rules, but easily convertible.

As well, a number of Pathfinder Society Scenarios take place in Andoran. A few that come to mind are The Devil You Know series, Prince of Augustana, and Pallid Plague (also in Falcon's Hollow).

As far as other resources, any of the world guides would be useful (Inner Sea World Guide, or Inner Sea Primer) and there is a lot of detail on Cassomir in Cities of Golarion, with a corresponding map in the City Map Folio.

Scarab Sages

To answer my own question (in case anyone else is interested), the module "Realm of the Fellnight Queen" takes place in Andoran. It begins in Bellis and takes place mostly in that town and the surrounding forest.

You should check the Guide to Darkmoon Vale.

Otherwise, Cassomir is not in Andoran but Taldor. :)

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
... and there is a lot of detail on Cassomir in Cities of Golarion, with a corresponding map in the City Map Folio.

Cassomir is not and Andoran town.

Cassomir is a Taldor town.

And the The Devil You Know series takes place in Taldor too.

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