Ideas / concept for The Twelve Dark Lords

Homebrew and House Rules

Inspired by the fictional Black Zodiac of Thirteen Ghosts, The Ghosts.

Lords of an unnamed realm or plane, what would you conjured up for them? Initially I thought to have them all be undead. But I realized that wouldn't work out very at all and it doesn't bring a good variety to the lords.

Liberty's Edge

Vakr wrote:

Lords of an unnamed realm or plane, what would you conjured up for them? Initially I thought to have them all be undead. But I realized that wouldn't work out very at all and it doesn't bring a good variety to the lords.

Check out the Ravenloft Darklords.

Those should be exactly the kind of inspiration you're looking for.

I don't have the books those 'characters' pages refer to. They hardly have any information on their own pages.

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