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The Players, in alphabetical order:
Date in game: Starday 12 Pharast, 4709 AR
It may have cost me dearly in exotic items, archaic texts, and special ingredients, but I had found the perfect creature to summon, and bind to myself. It w
as a being of energy that I enticed to be bound in the material world for the simple pittance of being put in a body able to interact in the physical world.
I was pleased with our interaction, I was clearly in control of the terms and felt this being would be the one.
I chose it's form, and gave it shape from my desire. A slender waist, and athletic build, complimented by the exotic features of an elven woman's face. Her shape was pleasing to the eye indeed. I needed her to have function as well as good form though as she would be not only my assistant, but a guard, should I
need one. Her nimble fingers ended in small but sharp claws, and I gave her a feral smile. They were easily overlooked, but deadly as daggers to those that would get in my way.
I was always partial to blonds, but if you want to inspire fear- black is the way to go. I gave her long flowing tresses, darker than a shadow, and her form was complete. Naked, but complete. I had to make sure she was perfect after all. She's going to make an excellent 'under'-study.
I had completely forgotten, or at least overlooked, the fact that when a Summoner binds an Eidolon that a mental bond is created and minds become linked. So many questions this Eidolon had, so many new experiences to have. It became almost too much, which is how she earned the name Whisper, mainly due to my constant
urgings to keep her inner thoughts to a whisper so I could think.
Letter to my Supervisor
Submitted Letter to my supervisor at the law firm:
I, Will S. Preston, Esq., Do hereby request a short leave of absence from work to handle some personal affairs, Hail Asmodeous. I expect to be absent from work for no longer that two weeks time, and if this time should exceed that, I understand that my position may be back filled and I will then have to re-interview for my old job, Hail Asmodeous.
Personal Journal Entry 1:
I was approached by a pretty young woman by the name of Janiven, she knew entirely too much about me, which is never a good thing for a lawyer. I would of rremembered her- face. Yes, her face was to be remembered. If I had crossed her in some way during a trial I clearly would of remembered that. Perhaps she was a relative of a client I defended and lost, or worse, a client I prosecuted, and won.
I'm not quite sure how, or why, but I agreed to meet her at some tavern called Visio's. I really wanted to nail down who this woman was before I let her out of my sights so quickly. She was also worthy of keeping my eye on, heck both of them, and not for the reason's a man might assume, though her assets were indeed worthy of that too. No, I suspect ignoring her may cause me problems. I like to avoid problems.
Speaking of problems, I can hear one coming now.
W.S. Preston, Esq.
"Will! Will?! Where are you in here? I need my lawyer!" Bellowed the Half-Orc.
Busily bullying his way down the pit. We called our office the pit due to all the workstations the tried to cram into one small building. My colleges all stopped what they were doing and were all staring.
"I need your advice about the building we just broke into."he continued.
I ran over and pulled him into my small cubed off work area and tried to hush him.
"Keep your voice down you half wit. Do you realize where you are?" I admonished him.
"You're going to get yourself thrown in the stocks for sure." I whispered.
He did nothing to quiet down, so I grabbed my book of law, Hail Asmodeous, and briefcase and ushered him out of the building as fast as possible.
"I tried to get a runt to deliver you a message that I needed you." He snorted out as we walked the streets.
I kept darting my head back and forth beneath my flowing red cloak trying to see who may be listening on us. This fool is going to get me disbarred.
"He wouldn't do it. He said he was going to tell the guards on us and ran off. There was nothing even inside either, just a bunch of crap." he continued.
I managed to get him away from most of the city's eyes and ears, and later took him with me to my meeting, it turns out it was the same building he had broken into earlier in the day. A fact he reiterated rather loudly to my now paranoid state.
We all again met this mysterious, and comely, woman by the name of Janiven. She wasn't as sculpted as my Eidolon, but then again few could be. The dinner she promised was served. That's about the only thing it had going for it, besides the constant worried peers outside the tavern. After dinner she locked the door and shuttered the windows. It was then she told us the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard.
"I want to start a citizen's group to do good deeds, reclaim the night, and patrol the city. Drive out the Hell Knights and the corrupt influence of the three times damned house of Thrune." She pontificated.
Guilty, High Treason, no trial needed. My mind cried out in my own head, drawing a wash of mental worry and fear from my Eidolon and I's mind link. That's a sentence carried out on the spot. The Order of the Rack would execute those that simply spoke like this for having heard it. Yes, this was bad news. This would not go well at all. I couldn't help but think of how frogged this was going to be. Oh great, Gronk was here too, this couldn't get any better could it?
There was a knock at the door. Perfect timing of course, I called to my head the only offensive spell in my arsenal in ready, a minor bolt of acid. Janiven went to the door and let in a teenage boy, whom she knew and refereed to as Morosino.
"Arael has been captured by the Dottari, and they are giving him to the Hellknights!" he panted. He apparently did not come alone. In the apce of a few breaths, stomping boots could be heard outside the door, many boots. We were hurried to a secret door even before the slamming fist fell on the door, and commands to open up was issued. Narrowly avoiding the main group of amassed Hellknights forming outside the door, we descended into the sewers by way of this secret door in the tavern.
"There are marks like this-" Janiven pointed out the shape of small arrows etched into the wall she and Ariel left to follow. "-There is a safe house at the end, follow the arrows, I will try to get them to follow me, and lead them off of your trail. I know these sewers a little better and can probably tie them up a bit down here. Now get going." She commanded. We listened.
Following twisting paths we made our way through rotting garbage, and other unmentionables, as we proceeded through the sewers under the city. We encountered several Ooze bugs that we put down easily, and a trio of Armigers we dispatched, but not killed. We didn't need more heat coming down on us for slain hellknights- You know, as if high treason wasn't bad enough.
We thought we were close to the exit, until we ran into a writhing mass of flesh and wavering tentacles. An Outyugh blocked our path. We battled it as best we could, and were losing, luckily for us Janiven caught up to us at this point and helped us defeat it. She then led us up, and out, of the sewers into an alleyway close to an old, boarded up church.
End Game 1
DM Summary:
Grunk, Spook and Will were approached separately by a beautiful woman
named Janiven, who seemed to already know a lot about your individual
backgrounds. She got you to agree to meet her that afternoon at a place
called Vizio's Tavern. Grunk & Rad investigated the place earlier in the
day and found it abandoned and that the previous owner (Vizio) had died
of old age and his family had left Westcrown. They then broke and
entered the building, finding it mostly empty except for a few utensils,
flagons and a cask of ale. After failing to convince a small boy to get
their lawyer Will S. Preston, Esq., they headed over to the law office
were he worked and talked rather loudly about how they had just broken
into some chick's place. It turned out to be at the same place the same
woman had asked Will to meet her that afternoon.
The group meets Janiven and was served a mediocre dinner since she's a
fighter, not a cook. She was nervous, constantly looking outside, and
after dinner she locked the door, shuttered the windows and finally told
them why she asked them there. She and her partner wish to set up a
citizens' group that will do good deeds, reclaim the night, patrol the
city and drive out both the Hellknights and the influence of the
Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. Will didn't even need to consult the
legal code for the empire, the Asmodean Disciplines, to know that what
she says is high treason, treasonous enough that the Hellknight Order of
the Rack would execute you just hearing it. There's a knocking at the
door and Janiven let in a teenage boy named Morosino. He told her that,
"Arael has been captured by the dottari and they are giving him to the
Hellknights!" At this point you heard the approach of a group of 18
Hellknights and armigers. Janiven pointed out a secret entrance into the
city sewers and everyone fled. She left the group to misled the
Hellknights and you followed the marks she and Arael had left to the
exit. In the sewers you encountered ooze bugs, 3 armigers and a otyugh.
Janiven arrived at the last minute to save the group from the otyugh.
8 Ooze bugs CR 1/8: 50 XP x 8 = 100 XP each
3 Armigers CR 1/3: 135 XP x 3 = 101 XP each
Otyugh CR 4: 1200 XP = 240 XP each
Story awards
Flee with Janiven into sewers instead of fighting Hellknights and dying
or worse, 1200 XP: 300 XP each
Total: 741 XP each (2000 XP for next level)

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The Players:
Date in game: Oathday 12 Pharast, 4709 AR - Fireday 13 Pharast, 4709
Grunk finds a +1 steel shield in the otyugh's cess pit. Traveling a bit further down the sewers, he learns a valuable lesson to listen at doors before flinging them open, as he is critically hit by a fast zombie. The group destroys the fast zombies and brings Grunk back from the edge of death, then encounters 3 more Hellknight armigers. Janiven instructs them to not kill them if they can help it and the group does, leaving them wounded & unconscious in the sewers but stabilized.
Janiven brings the group to their safe house in the Rego Sacero (Priest Sector). It's an abandoned Shrine to Aroden, which has been untouched and unclaimed since his death due to a loophole in Chelaxian law. The shrine's alleyway entrance is disguised to look like it's boarded up, and heavy black curtains cover the windows to block the view from the outside. The PCs meet the other rebels:
Amaya, female Tian human, glassblower and Amiko Kaijitsu's distant cousin Ermolos, male Chelish human blacksmith who walks with a limp Fiosa, female halfling house servant who knows many halfling slaves Gorvio, male Chelish human who works for his uncle, a horse trader Larko, male Garundi human dock worker, who hopes to move outside the city Mathalen, female Chelish human porter who was fired for meditating at work too much Rizzardo, male Varisian human, stowaway with a temper Sclavo, male Garundi human scribe for the courts Tarvi, female Chelish human jeweler and perpetually fighting off arranged marriages Vitti, male Chelish human, woodcarver with green hair and who refuses to eat anything he didn't catch or grow himself Yakopulio, female gnome bartender & pimp, offensive and outspoken atheist
Grunk & Will go to sleep while Rad talks with the rebels and tells them the story of their escape from the sewers. The rebels are young and earnest but unskilled, so they are enthralled. Janiven is also enthralled and sleeps with Rad.
Over breakfast the next morning, the rebels are arguing about what name they should call themselves and what they should wear as a uniform. Will suggests "Sunrise Knights" with a half sun, half moon symbol, and the group suggests red reversible hooded cloaks as their uniform. Rad suggests a hierarchy of members, with the PCs as the leaders and the other rebels as more junior members. Grunk just wants to get paid and get going.
2 fast zombies CR 1/2 * 2 = 400/5 = 80 XP each
3 hellknight armigers CR 1/3 * 3 = 81 XP each
Story Awards:
Making it to safe house: 300 XP each
Rolepaying bonus: 300 XP each
Total: +761 XP
Everyone has 1502 XP (2000 XP for next level)

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Date in game: Oathday 12 Pharast, 4709 AR - Fireday 13 Pharast, 4709
Player Journel Entry Game #2
I scrubbed that shield for at least three hours. The stench of the Otyugh's filth clung to it fiercely, but in the end my nimble hands won, and it was again clean. A great victory for yours truly.
I have no intention's of even using the shield, it would only complicate my spellcasting, but no one else wanted it. The fools. It's a magical shield! Eh, I'll train my Eidolon to use it, it'll be well worth it to have her more protected in the future. It may require me to 'reconfigure' her design, which i will have to research upon my next summon.
Still, I'm surprised we escaped that underground sewer, with no major injuries or plagues. Gronk the retarded got hsi ass handed to him rather quickly. I still smiling seeing him laying in the sewers...well a little bit. Bolsterous buffon.
After our harrowing "escape", is my sarcasm coming through? Good, yes after our escape I had wondered if it was all staged to set the mood for us to really consider joining up with these rebels. I plan to keep my eye on them. If it was indeed genuine, the though of getting a bunch of freedom fighters under my command does sound intriguing, enticing even. Janiven was very insistant, and repetitive about the whole ' no killing', perhaps they are in league with her, or she with them. I plan to watch her closely. So far this has been successful, but what happens when accidents happen? In lethal combat, a blade can be turned to the flat edge sure, but not spells, at least not my spells, or Rad's grenades for that matter. That man takes way too much pleasure in his fire bombs.
We met with the other resistance memebers, a few show promise, most seem to be just kids. But the younger the age, the softer the soil to plant your seed. There is a fine specimin named Amaya, a Tian woman, an exotic beauty that I wish to get to know a little more intimitly. Though she has been quit resistance to my charms, I may nee to work on a few subtle spells to enhance my chances. I could probably ask Deivo for some pointers with Tian women, he is dating her cousin after all.
I can hear Rad, filling their head with our recent exploits, so eager for heroics that they glaze right over all his embellishments, good to know they are so impressionable. I need my rest, so I dismissed my Eidolon and plan to catch up with some needed rest.
W.S. Preston, Esq.
"You what?" I asked, not really caring.
"Showed her the full four, you know bedded her, Janiven man, the human girl. Boom, deal sealed man." The halfling Rad exclaimed.
"Oh ya, it was like riding my board, only softer and more radical." He continued. I had already begun tuning him out. His extreme lifestyle was already wearing thin around my bubble of what I call "giving a squat."
I could hear arguing over breakfast about what to call themselves, now here is a chance to test my persuasive nature on the weaker willed. I suggested the first thing that came to mind that had some kind of tie in.
"How about the Sunrise Knight's? You could both the sun and moon as enduring symbols of power, and that like the sun and the moon, theres always one of us that will be there to guide the people."
It was as basic a trope as one could think of given the time. And They ate it like a fresh baked apple pie. I then sweetened that pie even more by adding a...
"Then for uniformity you could all don fiery red hooded cloaks, that would strike a powerful image in the minds, and also serve to hide your true identity, yet lettign everyone know still what your all about."
They ate it up I thought. High treason here we come!
Rad mentioned some nonsense about 'reversable' cloaks, red on one side, plain on the other. EH, no my radical little friend, thats a silly idea. Why, all they would have to do is search everyones inner lining for a particular shade of red and then slay them on the spot. Not too well thought out my half sized friend.
We need magical cloaks. One's that actually blaze with our righetous virtue, yes, the stuff stories are written about. Think bigger, if you can halfling, think bigger.
I have a magical design in mind, and think I can work out a blueprint for creating a run of worth uniforms. I just need a little more time to plan them and gather materials for a prototype. Don't so anything half-assed. That's my theroy.