Mynafee Gorse

Will S. Preston, Esquire's page

1 post. Alias of Winterwalker.

Full Name

Will S. Preston, Esquire




Summoner [2]




Medium [6']








Chelish, Common, Halfling, Infernal


Lawyer, Sunrise Knight founder and Freedom Fighter

About Will S. Preston, Esquire

Will S. Preston, Esquire

HP: 18
str: 8, dex: 14, con: 13, int: 14, wis: 11, chr: 16
ac: 15, touch: 12, Flat footed: 13
fort: 1, ref: 2, will: 2

Skills: Knowledge(local) +6, Knowledge(planes) +6, Bluff +8, Spellcraft +6, UMD +7
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Arcane Strike
Traits: The pathfinder's exile (campaign), Fast Talker(social)

Spells Known:
0: Acid Splash, Mending, Open/Close, Read Magic, Light
1: Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lessor (cures 1d10+1/level), Enlarge Person (1 min/level), Feather Fall

Lead Lined Briefcase
Studded Leather Leisure Suit
"Verdict" Mace, heavy
"Objection" Crossbow, light
(free) Battered, tarnished, but working Wayfinder
Crimsen Hooded Cloak

Will works as a lawyer for anyone worth a gold in Cheliax. Manipulating the laws to serve his clients needs is his forte, though his background in local laws has actually won him cases legitimately, he prefers to take the impossible win cases and bluff his way through the proceedings by picking choice laws and interpreting them in his clients best interest. Though he has recently taken a leave of absence to do some adventuring, and see how the other side lives.

Will worked closely (giggity) with one of Cheliax's daughters on trial and learned of some shady business involving the, seemingly illegal closing of the Pathfinder Lodge, Delvehaven. Which leads to the details in the Pathfinder's Exile trait, Will however is only interested in what he can recover for himself, and is looking for like minded people to pad his chances for survival. (Ops, he mean's adventure with.)

L.E. Medium Female Eidolon (outsider)
HD: 1, (11hp)
BAB: +1
Speed: 30'
AC: 15 (+4 natural, +1 dex)
Fort: +2, Ref: +0, Wil: +2
Attacks(3): 2 claws(+4 to hit) (Dam: 1d6+3), and a Bite (+4 to hit) (Dam: 1d6+3)
Str: 16, Dex: 12, Con: 13, Int: 7, Wis: 10, Chr: 11
Free Evolutions: Limbs (Arms and Legs), Claws.
Paid Evolutions: Improved Damage(claws), Improved Nat. Armor(+2), Bite
Special: Darkvision(60'), Link, Share Spells
Skills(4): 4 free additional class skills available chosen were Acrobatics, Heal, Disable Device, and Sense Motive
Trained skills: Perception +4, Acrobatics +5, Heal +4, Disable Device +5

Crimsen Toga "Easy Access"
Black Leather Roman Sandles
Belt with a coin pouch (empty)

Whisper could pass for a Female Elf, until you noticed the claws and pointy teeth, and an Arcane Mark on her forehead as typical for Eidolons. Will being a pervert, has molded his Eidolon as pleasing as possible to his desires. She wears her long black hair tied back with a red ribbon, and her pale blue eyes reflect back a cunning desire. Will is an ass man. So that ass looks great.

Whisper prefers to communicate through Will using the Link feature of summoner rather than speak, if at all possible. Feeling more comfortable relaying emotions and desires, than actual thoughts and ideas. She is not comfortable with "words" as she is not from this plane and still learning concepts that are alien to her. She blindly follows Will and trusts his guidance and commands, and defends him at all times.

Will, being a prick, abuses this relationship constantly, though Whisper has not the Intelligence to comprehend this, and always comes back for more. There was a period of a few months she thought her name was "trap springer" but Will convinced her otherwise after growing slightly fond of his creation, and insisting she keep her inner voice to a dull "Whisper".