Cartographer wanted for paid projects

Product Discussion

Shadow Lodge

Total Party Kill Games is looking for some cartographers (amateur or professional) that have the time and ability to create a few maps for an ongoing product line.

Maps should be designed in Campaign Cartographer, Photoshop or another suitable professional program.

I am less concerned with your experience, and more about the quality of the maps that you can provide. If you feel you have the necessary talent, feel free to contact me for more details.

Please have samples or a portfolio ready for viewing. Thank you!


Silver Crusade

Try also looking over at, they have some talented people there and a forum for this kind of thing. Two talented cartographers that I can think of who have worked on Pathfinder compatible stuff posted lots of samples there before getting paying jobs--Jonathan Roberts and Robert Altbauer. Roberts has done work for Rite Publishing and Altbauer is Frog God's "house" mapper.

I sent you an e-mail but you can view my portfolio here (the link is in the first two stories on the front page). I second the notion of checking out CG. Lots of fine mappers over there!

mearrin69 wrote:


I sent you an e-mail but you can view my portfolio here (the link is in the first two stories on the front page). I second the notion of checking out CG. Lots of fine mappers over there!

i was just about to suggest you... lol

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