Pathfinder Sanctioned Modules

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 1/5

For Pathfinder Society sanctioned modules are we allowed to run over 4 hours to complete them?
I ran Master of the Fallen Fortress a few weeks ago and my group only made it halfway before time ran out.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Cole Cummings wrote:

For Pathfinder Society sanctioned modules are we allowed to run over 4 hours to complete them?

I ran Master of the Fallen Fortress a few weeks ago and my group only made it halfway before time ran out.

For Any Module or Scenario if it is not at a Convention or Store that is placing Time limits on you, you can place your Own Time limits.

For Example I ran Godsmouth in a for 12 hours in 1 day.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
Cole Cummings wrote:

For Pathfinder Society sanctioned modules are we allowed to run over 4 hours to complete them?

I ran Master of the Fallen Fortress a few weeks ago and my group only made it halfway before time ran out.

For Any Module or Scenario if it is not at a Convention or Store that is placing Time limits on you, you can place your Own Time limits.

For Example I ran Godsmouth in a for 12 hours in 1 day.

Thanks Dragnmoon,

I'm hoping to run Godsmouth at Conquest 2011 Melbourne next month, and though I hope to playtest it prior to the event, I was wondering what the run-time might be on this one? 12 hours is a bit of a stretch, but 9am to 10pm (with meal breaks) should be enough if we keep things moving.


The Exchange 5/5

Original Godsmouth Heresy thread

Grand Lodge 5/5

In that original thread, someone posed a question I didnt see answered, and its a good one, i think.

If you run Godsmouth (or Ebon Destroyers, now) on a single playthrough in one day (as an example), and a player has to leave early or cant play through the 2nd half or last third, depending on how you cut it, of the whole mod, what do you award them? Half the PA/EXP/gold? Whole thing? Nothing til he completes it?

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

godsDMit wrote:

In that original thread, someone posed a question I didnt see answered, and its a good one, i think.

If you run Godsmouth (or Ebon Destroyers, now) on a single playthrough in one day (as an example), and a player has to leave early or cant play through the 2nd half or last third, depending on how you cut it, of the whole mod, what do you award them? Half the PA/EXP/gold? Whole thing? Nothing til he completes it?

Pretty sure there's a guideline for this in the adaptation file.

Basically, I'd have to eyeball about how much of the adventure the PC had completed (1/3, 2/3, 3/3). Then award appropriately.

1/3 => 1XP, 1PA
2/3 => 2XP, 2PA
3/3 => 3XP, 4PA
(I'd say completing the mission gains you a little extra PA from your faction, but that's just me).

Grand Lodge 5/5

Sounds reasonable enough to me, though if I had a player not able to complete, Id probably give them the option of not taking the sheet, and taking no credit for it, so they can try to play it fully later on for full credit.

The Exchange 5/5

godsDMit wrote:
Sounds reasonable enough to me, though if I had a player not able to complete, Id probably give them the option of not taking the sheet, and taking no credit for it, so they can try to play it fully later on for full credit.

The Godsmouth Heresy may be replayed for full credit an unlimited amount of times :)

The Godsmouth Heresy rules attachment for PFS Organized Play, page 2 wrote:

As always, each player may receive credit for each

module once as a player and once as a GM in either order.
The only exception to this rule is that 1st-level modules
(such as this one) may be replayed for credit as many times
as a player wants, though no single PC may receive credit
for the module more than once.

Grand Lodge 5/5

I knew that, sorry. I was meaning specifically with that character.

Grand Lodge 4/5

A character may only have 1 Chronicle Sheet from any scenario only once. If you play and don't finish the last two rooms and decline a Chronicle Sheet, I would say, no you can't opt to replay the entire scenario again with the same character.

Grand Lodge 5/5

I wasnt talking about everything save a couple rooms being played and declined. I said half or a third. Considering how big GH is, that leaves ALOT untouched by that player.

Grand Lodge 4/5

godsDMit wrote:
last third,

Sorry. I was referring to the last third you mentioned and misread. If the player makes it through 2/3 of the module, give them 2/3 credit. If the player makes it through 1/3 of the module, give them 1/3 credit. It is in black and white in the PFS supplement.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Doh. May bad. I thought I had put 'a'third.

Thanks for the info.

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