Guidance on Paizo Blog on Intelligent Animals Requested

Pathfinder Society

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If PFRPG rules don't allow an intelligent ape to hit someone with a stick (something unintelligent apes have been known to do), then I doubt they would allow an intelligent animal to read a book either.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

Druids have animals as companions. Animals, even the ones who modern science would say use tools, are NOT capable of fighting with weapons or acting like intelligent companions.

The summoner was SPECIFICALLY built to address the desire for some folks to have a "pet" that can use weapons and magic items and was smart enough to talk to and engage in complex tactics.

The druid doesn't really get that option; instead, he gets better spells and more of them.

yeah but even animals that modern science would say use tools don't have access to magic that would make an animal smarter. if an animal's intelligence were raised to 3 at 4 HD, and had fox's cunning cast on it, its intelligence would, at least temporarily, be a 7. smarter than some PC's ( statistically ). Its a Planet of the Apes situation. Magic makes it possible, even temporarily.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Mark Moreland wrote:
The intent is that animal companions or familiars can not activate magic items that require activation. Something like an amulet of natural armor does not require activation; it's always on (unless it's in an antimagic field or someone dispels it or whatever). That said, a creature is limited by its anatomy. Something without shoulders can't wear a cloak, and something without fingers can't wear a ring. For the sake of PFS, animal companions can wear barding and neck-slot items. All other slots aren't really appropriate for animals (or even magical beasts). The only exception to this would be an imp or quasit familiar gained with the Improved Familiar feat. One could reasonably face either of these wielding a wand or wearing a circlet of persuasion in combat, and after investing a feat to gain their service, they are not limited by the same restrictions as normal bonded creatures like animals (whether treated like animals or magical beasts and regardless of Int scores).

This absolutely must be put into the FAQ. We have a druid riding a roc with muleback cords to support his weight. Add a lance and spirited charge, and the character is breaking the game. The rules support him.

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