Smerg's Gamma World - Frontier Bebop


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Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Your lab is in the ancient city of Eonix. It is said that great metal birds flocked from across the world to come to the city of Eonix and die. It is said their is a great graveyard of metal bones somewhere outside the city.

Many ancient sites exist in the area including several You-ofs and a Science Corp. The Venk-Men are very interested in these ancient sites for the possibility to find Theories and Unstable Compounds that could be used to rediscover the secret of the Proton backs.

This is why you have set up your Fire Hall in the city.

The city also has a full selection of monstrosities for you to be hired to handle.

This has brought you to the Bunny Ranch where you have been asked to perform a bit of pest control.

You are to hunt down a Horl Choo aka Porcupine Bush. The creature recently moved on to the ranch and the Hoop owners of the ranch want the pests removed.

Bunny Ranch

Hoop are a lupus type of race aka intelligent rabbits. This pair are ranchers attempting to make it in the harsh world of the frontier. You've parked your vehicle well back of the map area as experience has taught you vehicles don't survive long near work zones. You have traveled to the starting spot which is the light blue 2x3 square area in the bottom left of the map.

I'll assign Gamma Cards for your Alpha Mutations after each person's first post.

Male Hawkoid/Yeti 1st

"We're here, ay? I think my tribe's guide in the spirit world, Tow Bihn, has shared visions aboot the Horl Choo. Let's see if I can remember his lessons, ay."

Nature check:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15, I don't know if the knowledges work for monster knowledge in GW. I figured I would give it a shot.

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st

Even standing still, Larry wobbles like the drive here never ended.
"Ah, yes, a wise course of action my fine-feathered friend. The Horl Choo is surely preparing its defenses even now once it heard the great Venk-Men were here to evict it!"
Larry's forehead pulses as he looks over the ground and the farm in the distance for any trace of our quarry.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

"Preparing defenses against Science! is futile. The Hoops have put their hopes (heh, heh) in us and we will prevail!"


checks Flash!Lighttm which hangs over his right shoulder, barrel down, does practice quick draw

"Pew! Pew!"

blows imaginary smoke off focusing lens of Flash!Lighttm, slings back over shoulder

edited to use two handed weapon instead of pistol

Male & Female Rat Swarm 1

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squawk."

Squeekz perches along the fence tops of the ranch preening their feathers and fur. At least one of his flock perches or hangs on to the other members of the group.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I've still got to fix up the map with the following bits.

Al Bayr:

Your background is fine for me.

Alpha Mutation is #40 Hostility (PSI)
Standard Action
Range 10
Target One Creature
Attack Level +3 vs Will
Hit 1d10 + Cha mod + x2 level psychic damage and during its turn, the target must attack the nearest creature if possible

(save ends)
Aftereffect The target is dazed (save ends)

Overcharge when you hit with the power.
10+ Targets gets -5 to saving throws against this power
9 or less the target gets +5 bonus to attack rolls against you while the card is readied

Omega Tech is #79 Headmounted Laser (Area 52)
Location Head
Power Encounter Laser
Standard Action
Range 10
Primary Target One Creature
Primary Attack level +6 vs Reflex
Hit 3d6 + Dex mod + x2 level laser damage
Miss Make the following secondary attack
Secondary Target Each creature within 2 squares of you
Secondary Attack Level +6 vs Reflex
Hit 1d10 + x2 level laser damage

Lightbulb Larry:

Alpha Mutation is #26 Gravity Well (Dark)
Standard Action
Area Burst 5 within 20
Target Each creature in burst
Attack level +3 vs Fortitude
Hit The target is pulled 5 squares towards the bursts origin square
Effect The burst becomes a zone that lasts until the start of your next turn. If the target moves away from the burst's

origin square, each square of that movement is treated as difficult terrain.

Overcharge when you use this power
10+ Whenever a creature ends its turn within the zone, make the attack against that creature as a free action.
9 or less You fall prone and can't stand (save ends)

Omega Tech is #48 All Seeing Egg (Area 52)
Power Consumable (one use)
Minor Action
Effect Until the end of the encounter, at the start of each of your turns, the egg emits a series of beeps that indicates

the number of creatures within 5 squares of you.


Alpha Mutation is #8 Beguiling (Psi)
Minor Action
Close Burst 5
Target Each enemy in burst
Attack level +3 vs Will
Hit The target can't attack you (save ends)

Overcharge when you use this power
10+ the target takes -5 penalty to saving throws against this power
9 or less when the target saves against this effect, it gains a +2 bonus to its attack rolls against you while this card is


Omega Tech is #62 Razor Grenade (Ishtar)
Weapon 1H Ranged
Power Consumable (one use) physical
Standard Action
Area Burst 2 within 10
Target Each creature in burst
Attack level +6 vs Reflex
Hit 2d10 + Dex mod physical damage and ongoing 5 physical damage (save ends)
Miss Half damage


Alpha Mutation is #38 Venemous Spurs (Bio Poison)
Standard Action
Melee 1
Target One Creature
Attack level +3 vs Fortitude
Hit 1d6 + Str Mod + x2 level poison damage and the target is dazed and takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends both)
Aftereffect The target takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)
Miss The power is not expended

Overcharge when you hit with this power
10+ you can use this power a second time while this card is readied
9 or less You also take the ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). You can't save against this effect during the turn you

overcharge it.

Omega Tech is #47 The Tangler (XI)
Location Waist
Power Encounter Electricity
Standard Action
Melee 2
Target One Creature
Attack level +6 vs Reflex
Hit 3d6 + Dex mod + x2 level electricity damage and the target is restrained (save ends)

Wow those cards are lots of typing

Al Bayr your knowledge of nature lets you know that there are several types of Porcupine Bush. There is the North Eastern Pine which is native to the northern lands that you're from and looks more like a Pine tree. The variety around here is likely the South-West Porcupine Bush which looks more like a Catctus plant. The South West tends to have the quills growing a bit shorter but attached to large paddles that it uses to swatt prey or help it to throw the quills. The quills are prized among your people and used along with beads to decorate various items of clothing. The paddles of the south-west porcupine bush are very good eating and a staple of desert survival. The thick skin is removed and the meaty interior is fried up in a pan like a large flap jack pancake.

Larry looks over the site and his heightened intellect immediately picks out the important information.

Larry notices the signs of quills along the side of the barn and a small hole there which is clear signs that the porcupine bush went into the barn likely in the search of small rodents; rodents being a favourite meal choice for the Horl Choo.

Something though disturbed the Horl Choo as there is a trail of needles leading away from the doors of the barn towards some bushes directly ahead of your current position.

Larry can't figure out what the creature was that disturbed the Horl Choo but it is clear that it tore a larger hole in the barn trying to get at the Horl Choo. There are signs of redish fur on the wood going into the barn and some signs of burn marks around the barn along the path that the Horl Choo fled. If the creature hasn't come out of the barn then likely it is inside munching on something.

Larry has also spotted a red plumaged bird on top of the Hoops home. Likely it is some sort of scavenger beast attracted by the smell of blood from either the Horl Choo or whatever might be inside the barn.

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st

Larry's heavily developed frontal lobe pumps and twitches, like it's eating up all the information.

"Oh, my. It seems we have a highly morphic situation on our hands. Something tremendous and red in that barn- I wouldn't be surprised if the Hoops' Horl Choo problem has already been dealt with and replaced with something larger. And more flammable!"

He rubs his hands together in anticipation.

"What's say we have a look in that fascinating bush over here my fellows? Perhaps our querrilous quarry has left us a...."
His brain pumps a bit more as he searches for another 'Q' word.
"... quagmire? No, query? No, no. Quiche? Golly that sounds good right now... Well, it may have left something in that bush. Let's take a look before we see what new mystery demon we might vanquish in the name of The Venk!"
Larry stumbles toward the bush the trail of quills and scorch marks had lead to.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Map with info from previous post.

Bunny Ranch Round 1

Roll Initiative

L is Lightbulb Larry
AB is Al Bayr
S is Squeek
T is T'witch

Male Hawkoid/Yeti 1st

"I'll definitely keep my eyes oot for anything suspicious, ay."

Initiative: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st

Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Male & Female Rat Swarm 1

Init = 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Dozens of rats head to the front of the flock and hold up bits of metal to guard the breeders and pups at the back.

init1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

drools at the thought of Horl Choo flapjacks

Let's keep a look-out for an am-bush. (heh, heh)

blushes and ducks head at anti-pun glare recieved from party

edit: oops, forgot to add level to init, so becomes 21

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

If you look closely, you'll see the white crosses marking the corners of squares on the map. You might have to zoom in to see them.

DM only:

C 1 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

C 2 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

C 3 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Initiative Order

20 T'witch
19 Creature Omega
17 Lightbulb Larry
17 Creature Alpha
16 Al Bayr
16 Creature Gamma
6 Squeekz

Creature Omega will hold its action so T'witch and Lightbulb Larry may go first.

readies his Flash!lighttm and prepares to follow Larry

I'll follow since I'm still not sure what I'm doing.

husband half Italian Expert 15 (carpenter 5/ gamer 5/ reader 5)

Folks, I'm headed out of town with the wife as of tomorrow morning. I'll try to fill in as i can til then, but I'm running Kingmaker tonight, so time may be limited.
Run T'witch as necessary and I'll catch up when I can.

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st

Larry rolls down the window of his pickup truck shield and stumbles around the bushes where the Horl Choo fled.
I'm going to move 10 squares with my round, going around the bush to just on the edge of the circle- basically moving to be nearly parallel to where I am now, just on the other side of the bush.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

T'witch follows, whispers, What are we looking for again?

perception1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st
T'witch wrote:

T'witch follows, whispers, What are we looking for again?

perception1d20 + 1

Larry stage whispers over the clanking of his armor.

"For the cause of science, we need to find out what happened to the Horl Choo! The needles lead behind the bush- maybe it's still there, or it left something behind that can tell us about the other thing that tried to eat it! Like a note or a detailed drawing..."

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Map Bunny Ranch Round 1 A

Initiative Order

19 Creature Omega (Holding)
17 Lightbulb Larry
17 T'witch
17 Hurl Choo
16 Al Bayr
16 Creature Gamma
6 Squeekz

The Hurl Choo finding something large moving towards it reacts spontaneously and hurls several quills at Lightbulb Larry.

Standard Action Acidic Quill vs Fort 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Lightbulb Larry finds himself showered with quills and while his door and armour stop the quills from penetrating to his vitals, the quills start to crack open and begin to leak acidic goo that eats through the layers of protection and begin to burn his flesh.

Hit Damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Ongoing Effect is Acid 10 (save ends)

The Hurl Choo then hops back a bit to hide behind some large rocks to give it cover.

Al Bayr is next.

Male Hawkoid/Yeti 1st

Al decides that to get closer he may need the element of surprise. He attempts to move quietly Stealth:1d20 - 6 ⇒ (16) - 6 = 10 (full move penalty added) 10 squares around the south side of the trees, to end up behind the rock pile opposite the Hurl Choo.

the intersection that lines up with T'witch and the Hurl Choo

Attempting to use the Choo's own cover to maintain his advantage, he clues the other's in to his plan. "PSSST!! Larry! I'm gonna jump him from behind this here stone, ay!"

What is the state of the trees on the map, height, difficult terrain, cover/concealment, and will the branches hold me? Sorry to have to bring in the 3rd dimension, but with both Squeekz and I having flight...

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

The large 'trees' are clumps of larger cacti roughly 20' in height or 4 squares. The pile of rocks that the Hurl Choo is behind is around 5' or 1 square high. The Hurl Choo is size small or half a square high.

The 'bushes' that are size one square on the map are 1 square in height. The cabin is 3 to 4 squares in height as it has a peaked roof with a good amount of rafter space for storage. The barn is 4 to 6 squares in height to allow for the storage, hay, and grain (4 along the sides and 6 through most of the middle).

The column (chunk of ancient construction) to the right of the Hurl Choo is half a square high (think a low wall or park bench for height)


Smerg wrote:
The column (chunk of ancient construction) to the right of the Hurl Choo is half a square high (think a low wall or park bench for height).

T'witch brightens. She thinks, 'It's perfect for posing heroically after our victory!'

noticing the acid, thinks
'I wonder if it's Protonictm?'

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Bunny Ranch Round 1 B

The Red Plumaged bird smelling blood and wounds on Larry, moves in to make sure the wounds become fatal.

Around the bird an aura of purple ultra-violet glow washes over T'witch and Larry.

Aura 1: Creatures starting there turn in the Aura take 3 Radiation damage.

Luckily, Larry and T'witch have Resist 15 Radiation and are 'immune' to the aura.

The bird pecks at Larry hoping to open more wounds and infect him with more radiation.

Beak vs AC 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Larry rolls up the window on the door just in time for the beak to slam against the glass.

Poor bird, it picks the only two targets that are Radiation Resistant. That's what you get when you have intelligence of 2 to work with.

Squeak is up.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2


Male & Female Rat Swarm 1

Squeekz picks up some rocks then flys over to HC and begin to dive bomb it pelting it with stones.

Light one handed ranged – 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11, damage = 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Translation = Damit.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Map Bunny Ranch Round 2

Initiative Order Round 2

19 Creature Omega (Holding)
17 Lightbulb Larry
17 T'witch
17 Hurl Choo
16 Al Bayr
16 Red Bird
6 Squeekz

A large roar comes from the barn. Something seems to have been attracted by the sound of fighting.

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st

"Ladysmith Black Mombosa!", Larry shouts as he's burned with the Hurl Choo's acid.
Saving throw: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Larry lashes out at the red bird with the Stinger around his car door shield.
Melee basic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 111d10 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

"Our test area has grown... contaminated! Perhaps we should reconsider our angle of investigation!"

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Each person's turn order is (for those new to 4E mechanics and order);

Start Turn: Ongoing effects like Larry being burned by the Hurl Choo's acid.

Actions: One Minor, One Move, and One Standard Action. A standard action can be swapped for a second move or minor action. A move action can be swapped for another minor action.

End of Turn: When you get a chance to make saving throws.


Larry took 10 damage Acid from quills.
Larry is in the Red Bird's aura and takes 3 damage Radiation that he fully resists.

Larry missed the Red Bird with his attack (standard action).

Larry saves verses the Acid and ends the ongoing effect.


T'witch's turn.

Fast draws Flash!Light[smaller(tm)[/smaller], aims and fires at Red Bird.

Flash!Light(tm) is Range 10. Attack is 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 vs AC. Damage is 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

T'witch's Flash!Light(tm) lights up Red Bird and the bird's feathers com-bust and spark like tinfoil in a microwave (Don't try this experiment at home kiddies ~ use the internet and watch someone else do this foolish thing).

microwave foil


Start turn
T'witch is in the Red Bird's aura and takes 3 damage Radiation that he fully resists.

Bird takes 13 damage and is bloodied.
T'witch used a ranged attack against an opponent adjacent and provokes an Attack of Opportunity from Red Bird.
Red Bird AoO w beak 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Red Bird misses AoO.


Hurl Choo perception (has tremorsense) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

The Hurl Choo noticing the danger near it fires quills at Al Bayr before hopping back.

Firing acid quills vs Fort 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Al Bayr's thick coating of feathers shakes off the quills and suffers no damage.

Hurl Choo moves 2 squares to the right of its current position.


Al Bayr's turn.

Male Hawkoid/Yeti 1st

With what appears to be more of a leaping glide, Al takes flight to land roughly between the Hurl and the Red Bird to the east side of the small pond. moving 5 squares to end up 2sq up/5sq right of current loc

Landing with a heavy "Whump", he drops a puck in front of him and fires it with a slap shot at the Bird. puck shot range 5 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 on a hit 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Al lets out a battle cry as he swings "SQUEEEARRK! Let's get rid of the Bird so we can catch this Hurl."

Wow! Why can't I roll like that IRL. I avg 6's on a real d20

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

No need to roll damage on a critical hit (roll of 20 on d20 to hit). You automatically do maximum damage or with your puck that is 14 damage.

Since Al Bayr and Red Bird (really called a Blood Bird in the rules but need a Nature check to figure that out) had the same spot in the initiative order, I looked up the rules on what happens when two opponents or people have the same number in the initiative order. The Gamma rules lack more specification; so, I looked up the information in 4E player's guide and it then says to go by Dexterity modifier + level. If this also ties then flip a coin or roll an additional die. Al Bayr has a lousy dexterity and would go second but he rolled a critical and I had written down the order with him going first; so, I'm sticking with Al Bayr knocking off Red Bird before it can take another attack.

The hockey puck hits the bird square in the head and sends it crashing to the ground.


At that moment, the large monster in the barn attracted by the sounds of the fighting bursts forth from the barn and comes charging through the air towards Al Bayr.

Did you think you and Squeek were the only ones that could fly?

The creature looks like a large orange lion with bat like wings and ferociously long teeth. The eyes glimmer with a strange light.

Move action to get next to Al Bayr, move 6.

Standard action to attempt Bite on Al Bayr vs AC 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Luckily, Al Bayr's hockey equipment is solid enough that he isn't hurt.

Minor Action: Wing Buffet on Al Bayr vs Fort 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Damage Wing Buffet 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Al Bayr is pushed back one square (diagonal down and left) to land prone in front of the Hurl Choo.

The great bat like wings of the creature sends up a dust storm clearing the air of intruders upon its hunting ground. It is clear to see why the Hurl Choo had abandoned the barn and gone looking for a safer place to hide.


Bunny Ranch Round 2 B


Squeek is next.

Sovereign Court

Sorry for posting this here, curse the lack of a PM system... Smerg, Aron was holding a spot for you in his CC game hes recruiting for in Gamer Connection can you let him know if your interested? Thanks.

Male & Female Rat Swarm 1

Squeakz flys the rest of the way to the Hurl Choo and pelts it with the rocks it picked up.

Squeakz is flying at around 10 feet up.

Light one handed ranged – 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20, damage = 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Squeek's rats pelt the poor Hurl Choo in a cascade of rocks causing it harm.

I'll update the map shortly


17 Lightbulb Larry
17 T'witch
17 Hurl Choo
16 Al Bayr (prone on ground)
16 Red Bird (deceased)
15 Flying Lion
6 Squeekz

Larry and T'witch are up

"Larry, Let's four eye blast 'em!"

does coordinated attack help?

eye beams to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 vs Fort
dam 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 Rad dam and -2 to all defenses if damages

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st

Larry rubs at his nose with the sleeve of his Venk-Men jumpsuit.
"Wait.. T'Witch... I gotta.. Ah! Ahh! CHOO!"
I'd like to overcharge Gravity Well alpha mutation, sending it behind the Hurl-Choo and the flying lion, hoping to catch them but not Al. If it's not possible, I'll adjust to get the new monster.
Overcharge (Dark): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Larry falls face first into the dirt like a cookie cutter pressed into dough. All his fellow Venk-Men can hear is a muffled, "Excuse me."

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Lightbulb Larry wrote:

Larry rubs at his nose with the sleeve of his Venk-Men jumpsuit.

"Wait.. T'Witch... I gotta.. Ah! Ahh! CHOO!"
I'd like to overcharge Gravity Well alpha mutation, sending it behind the Hurl-Choo and the flying lion, hoping to catch them but not Al. If it's not possible, I'll adjust to get the new monster.
Overcharge (Dark): 1d20+2

Larry falls face first into the dirt like a cookie cutter pressed into dough. All his fellow Venk-Men can hear is a muffled, "Excuse me."

You need to make a roll to hit. Level +3 = +4 vs Fort to hit with this attack.

I looked at the map and there is no way that I can put the burst 5 on the map that would hit both the Hurl Choo and the New Monster (Y) and not hit Al (he is beside the Hurl Choo). The burst is going to cover a 9x9 area of the map (burst 5). Where would you like the centre of the burst located to drag the new monster towards if you hit?

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st

Gravity well vs. Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
I will center it 4 squares behind Y, south of the barn by 4 squares. That should catch him but not Al or the Hurl-Choo right?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

T'witch's eye beams cover the creature in radioactive light and Larry, prone upon the ground can barely see the creature being pulled towards a central spot of graviton disturbance.

17 Lightbulb Larry (prone)
17 T'witch
17 Hurl Choo
16 Al Bayr (prone on ground)
16 Red Bird (deceased)
15 Flying Lion (-2 defences)
6 Squeekz

Bunny Ranch Round 3

[grey area on the map is considered difficult terrain and x2 movement cost. ]


The Hurl Choo hops away from Al Bayr who is prone and unable to attack the retreating bush.

Movement downright one square and then right one square along the edge of the map.

Having been hurt by the rats and their rocks, the push unleashes a flurry of quills at the swarm.

Stinging Quill attack vs AC 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Damage Quills, physical damage to Squeekz 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6) + 2 = 13


Al Bayr is up

Male Hawkoid/Yeti 1st

a little rules lawyering:
Technically, prone does not prevent taking opportunity attacks, but the Hurl only moved 1 square away. If he shifts the 1 diagonal, instead of down and right, he doesn't provoke in the first place.

Sorry, for being a lawyer, it's how I play. My whole RL group is made up of them.

Al, with a heavy grunt, manages to push himself to his feet. He drops another puck and fires it at the Hurl.

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 vs AC. If hit, damage 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7. I know I didn't need to roll damage on the crit, but I roll both hit and damage in the same post, and saw the crit the same time I saw the damage.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2


Okay, I looked and Prone grants combat advantage and a -2 to hit but doesn't stop Attacks of Opportunity. Personally, I think that is weird but I'll go with it.

The Lion moves three squares to the left paying the price of difficult movement.

The Lion then fires a beam of laser light from his eyes back at T'wtich that hit it with radiation.

Laser eyes vs Ref at T'witch 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Critical so Damage is 24 and is -2 defenses (save ends)

The Lion struggles against gravity and closes upon Larry and T'witch. It glows from the radiation that has infected its flesh and it draws that energy in to fire its own eye beams at T'witch setting him ablaze.

Laser eyes was an encounter power and is now used.

Elite action - Free Action to take an extra standard action (encounter ability). Lion moves left and down three squares to put it beside Al Bayr

Wing buffet (minor action) on Al Bayr vs Fort1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Male & Female Rat Swarm 1

Squeekz will continue to pelt the Hurl Choo with rocks.

Attack = 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26, damage = 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

"Squeek squeek squeek squeeeek." Squeekz squeeks out in encouragement.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Squeekz has turned the Hurl Chuu into a bloody mess with rock throwing.

The Hurl Chuu is still moving but there are needles lying on the ground all around it and a couple of the paddles hang limply on the stem.


17 Lightbulb Larry (prone)
17 T'witch (Bloody) (should take a second wind)
17 Hurl Chuu (Bloody)
16 Al Bayr
16 Red Bird (deceased)
15 Flying Lion (-2 defences)
6 Squeekz


Lightbulb and T'witch to act.

Smerg wrote:
17 T'witch (Bloody) (should take a second wind)

Sounds good- what does it do?

Smerg wrote:
Critical so Damage is 24 and is -2 defenses (save ends)

T'witch has Resist Radiation 15, did this apply? If so 24-15=9; 28 Hp - 9 = 19, bloodied is at 14 Hp.

Also, -2 defenses (save ends), means take new save at the end of this turn to end the condition?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
T'witch wrote:
Smerg wrote:
Critical so Damage is 24 and is -2 defenses (save ends)

T'witch has Resist Radiation 15, did this apply? If so 24-15=9; 28 Hp - 9 = 19, bloodied is at 14 Hp.

Also, -2 defenses (save ends), means take new save at the end of this turn to end the condition?

The damage is listed as Laser so the Radiation resistance does not apply.

Second Wind: Once per encounter as a minor action you can recover hit points equal to your bloodied value which is 1/2 rounded down of your hit points. You also gain +2 to all defenses till the start of your next turn. Another character can also use a standard action to trigger your second wind (useful when under an effect that might prevent you from using your second wind or when an ongoing effect will drop your hit points to Zero before you can take your minor action.)

So, was at 4 hp, second wind gives plus 14 hp, so now at 18. Second wind is a minor action, so can I still use radiation eye blast to hit the lion while his saves are down? And about the save to end the -2 save reduction on T'witch, what action does that take?

Male Radioactive/Hypercognitive 1st

Larry struggles against the gravity well, pulling his head up enough to fire his radioactive eyebeam at the flying mutant lion.
Eyebeam vs. Fort, attacking from prone: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 251d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 = 11
Saving throw: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Was that a nat 20?

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