Harrow Points: Uprising card in Carrion Crown part 1?

Carrion Crown

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I've skimmed the adventure and saw one mention of the Harrow card called the Uprising but no info on using the card as a Harrow Point (per the Player's Guide). I expected that card's effects would be in this part of the AP. Is that card going to be included in a future part of the AP or did I miss the card in part 1?

Sovereign Court

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Charles Dunwoody wrote:

I've skimmed the adventure and saw one mention of the Harrow card called the Uprising but no info on using the card as a Harrow Point (per the Player's Guide). I expected that card's effects would be in this part of the AP. Is that card going to be included in a future part of the AP or did I miss the card in part 1?

That info appears in Pathfinder #44. The Haunting of Harrowstone went to print before the Harrow card rules were finalized, so we had to add it in after the fact. So rest assured, there is info coming!

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Rob McCreary wrote:
That info appears in Pathfinder #44. The Haunting of Harrowstone went to print before the Harrow card rules were finalized, so we had to add it in after the fact. So rest assured, there is info coming!


Liberty's Edge

Just to be picky, Towers hands only consist of three cards, not the five the adventure says. (And they are almost never laid down all at once.)

Dark Archive

Shisumo wrote:
Just to be picky, Towers hands only consist of three cards, not the five the adventure says. (And they are almost never laid down all at once.)

That's being nit-picky. Maybe they're playing harrow poker or something.

Liberty's Edge

Rusty Shackleford wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Just to be picky, Towers hands only consist of three cards, not the five the adventure says. (And they are almost never laid down all at once.)
That's being nit-picky. Maybe they're playing harrow poker or something.

I said I was being picky. ;) By my playgroup actually plays Towers alot, just because it's a fun game, and I know if I accidentally read that description verbatim it would provoke a huge immersion-destroying tirade rather than a sense of shock and horror. So I thought I'd point it out.

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