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I had all four of my Wisdom Teeth impacted. They were all removed at the same time. One of the worst experiences I ever had, and I wouldn't recommend more than one removal at a time.

Edit: *Gets dressed, simply because my post was not immediately visible. Probably went out for a beer.*

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Considering your state of undress, at *least* tell us the dentist was a beautiful woman!! :D

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Considering your state of undress, at *least* tell us the dentist was a beautiful woman!! :D

No, he wasn't.

Terrinam wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

I've caught up!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Zombie dangly bit probably don't last long. really though muscle tissue doesn't last THAT long so Zombies always bother me. they shouldn't last more then 24 hours at the most. I guess resident evil zombies regenerate so at least their is some logic there.

Here ya go.


It's pretty obvious that "negative energy" in D&D actually has some sort of quasi-preservative/regenerative element to it, albeit necessarily mild. Otherwise, you can't get undead that last for any real length of time (though they do).

It's easier to term it "necrotic energy." And "positive energy" as "biotic energy."

The essential physics amount to fueling the cells of the body with necrotic energy rather than the biotic energy they are used to. The amount of preservation/regeneration depends on how the fuel is sourced and how much of it someone is focusing inside themselves. Vampires, for example, are basically converting stolen biotic energy into necrotic energy, allowing them to be the best preserved through the simple tactic of having a steady source. The typical zombie, on the other hand, is very poor at fueling their body.

I like those terms, but I was following the older pre-4E terminology (also PF terminology) and indicating the two planes (though "radiant" energy instead of "biotic"... eh, whatevs).

The thing is, though, zombies get preserved for a long time, hence something has to be keeping them together - and it's clearly not biotic processes.

Otherwise, you'd be running out of zombies relatively quickly. That's clearly not the case - the limit is the number controlled, not the duration of existence. This can be seen in how such things are borne out, and the fact that zombies don't "decay" into skeletons, and that negative energy can readily heal undead of all kinds with no real issues.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Considering your state of undress, at *least* tell us the dentist was a beautiful woman!! :D
No, he wasn't.

I am very sorry to hear that, John.

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captain yesterday wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Dentist appointment at 1 today.
I'm glad you could find a Dentist, Cap.
Finding a dentist was easy, figuring out the insurance was the hard part.

There was a wonderful article this morning that summarized the state of U.S. health care: A guy went to the hospital for surgery. It was covered. The hospital ordered some follow-up tests with a partner lab. Those tests weren't covered, so the guy got a bill for $17,000 his insurance company wouldn't pay for.

It's similar to what happened to us with Impus Minor's broken arm: The surgery was covered, the anaesthesia wasn't. Fortunately, we were in a PPO so even the out-of-network treatment was covered 80%.

But going to the hospital, getting treated by 8 different people, and having only 6 of them covered by your insurance plan is commonplace in the U.S.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
I had all four of my Wisdom Teeth impacted. They were all removed at the same time. One of the worst experiences I ever had, and I wouldn't recommend more than one removal at a time.

I think I've noted it before, but one of my favorite evenings was picking up a guy who'd just had all 4 wisdom teeth out and driving him around Berkeley on a scooter.

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I actually misspoke, it's not impacted, it's straight up broken and the sharp part is rubbing on my tongue and the back of my mouth.

Something about growing up without an emphasis on tooth brushing, and then no dental insurance the majority of my life isn't good for your teeth.

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NobodysHome wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I had all four of my Wisdom Teeth impacted. They were all removed at the same time. One of the worst experiences I ever had, and I wouldn't recommend more than one removal at a time.

I think I've noted it before, but one of my favorite evenings was picking up a guy who'd just had all 4 wisdom teeth out and driving him around Berkeley on a scooter.

I only had two wisdom teeth come in, when I was about thirty.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I actually misspoke, it's not impacted, it's straight up broken and the sharp part is rubbing on my tongue and the back of my mouth.

Something about growing up without an emphasis on tooth brushing, and then no dental insurance the majority of my life isn't good for your teeth.

Well, considering how the dentist had to break the Wisdom Teeth that were actually growing in sideways, my point still stands.

John Napier 698 wrote:

Edit: *Gets dressed, simply because my post was not immediately visible. Probably went out for a beer.*

Nyahahahahah! I dream-sniped you!

... by a hich, of course, I mean, “Sorry, John.”

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'S okay. You're good.

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Off to the dentist, it's early I know but whatever.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Off to the dentist, it's early I know but whatever.

Praying for you, my dude!

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I'm very nervous, it's been years since I was at a dentist or doctor's office for myself.

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X-rays taken!

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No oral cancer, so that's a good thing!

Tooth is smoothed out, gotta go back for oral surgery to remove the stumps of three of my teeth.

Brush your teeth people!

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John Napier 698 wrote:

I had all four of my Wisdom Teeth impacted. They were all removed at the same time. One of the worst experiences I ever had, and I wouldn't recommend more than one removal at a time.

Edit: *Gets dressed, simply because my post was not immediately visible. Probably went out for a beer.*

Same on the four impacted teeth. Had emergency dental surgery which was awful because:

1. As per usual anasthetic wasn’t working.
2. We found out halfway through the operation that nitrous oxide makes me vomit.

And that’s the second least horrific of my horrific experiences with anesthetic not working. The least horrific being the time I needed stitches in my finger and the doctor wouldn’t believe me that the numbing shot didn’t work.

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How do I brush my eighths?

They are hidden within gums. I might need to visit a dentist-surgeon to cut them out and remove one day, as did my mother many years ago. One of them grown sideways, though it might stopped growing already.

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Slept for like thirteen hours. Still feel like crap. Luckily the husband is nearly better so we’re not all three dealing with the sickness at the same time now.

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Drejk wrote:

How do I brush my eighths?

** spoiler omitted **

I sympathize.

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I should probably point out I have been taking care of my teeth for the last fifteen years, but the not taking care of them or having insurance the previous 25 years the damage was done.

Make sure your kids are brushing their teeth people! (which, as you can imagine I'm quite the stickler about).

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I also had a weakness for Starbursts and caramels, so that didn't help either.

Quitting those was harder than quitting smoking.

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Stranger Things is amazing!

Just got done with the second season, and it is definitely the best show ever! And yes I mean Ever!

There is literally nothing I would've done differently, and I've never been able to say that before.

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What grinds traffic to a halt by Tiny T-Rex's school?

A huge flock of wild turkeys.

Reminds me of WKRP every time.

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I...I really thought turkeys could fly...

Well, they technically can, but they can't land worth a d@&^.

You know what I learned today? I learned that when one of our employees is trying to call another company's phone number, that it's apparently acceptable for them to call IT when they can't dial the number correctly. That wasted 15 minutes of my tech's time, and 5 of my own since they wouldn't accept that they were dialing the number incorrectly, and even if they weren't, just what do they think we're going to do about it?

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Not a fun day, but never mind. Someone sent me a video of twirly Spanish twin sword techniques to try, so once I was home I did that, then had tofu stir-fry for tea, and am now drinking beer.

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captain yesterday wrote:

What grinds traffic to a halt by Tiny T-Rex's school?

A huge flock of wild turkeys.

Reminds me of WKRP every time.

I have no respect for any animal too stupid to get out of the way of an object over 100 times its size moving rapidly towards it. We have turkey flocks. People stop for them. I don't. I just drive as if they don't exist, daring them to get run over, because I hate them.

I have yet to hit a turkey.

They're not as dumb as people think, and you sure as heck don't have to stop for them.

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I walk so it doesn't impact me.

And to be honest, after helping dad butcher 15-25 turkeys (depending on how many are killed before we get to them) every year, I'm all murdered out in regards to turkeys. :-)

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Why does NobodysHome's food taste so good?

NobodysHome: Wow! That's a beautiful piece of meat! Wrap that up for me, too, please. Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with it.
Butcher: Make a pot roast out of it!
NobodysHome: OK. Goes home, looks up Julia Child's pot roast recipe. Buys all the ingredients
Julia Child: Now marinate the roast for at least 24 hours, basting and flipping every hour.
NobodysHome: OK.

Some days I feel like Saitama. "Here, do this impossibly stupid thing because it'll be better in the long run."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Why does NobodysHome's food taste so good?

NobodysHome: Wow! That's a beautiful piece of meat! Wrap that up for me, too, please. Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with it.
Butcher: Make a pot roast out of it!
NobodysHome: OK. Goes home, looks up Julia Child's pot roast recipe. Buys all the ingredients
Julia Child: Now marinate the roast for at least 24 hours, basting and flipping every hour.
NobodysHome: OK.

Some days I feel like Saitama. "Here, do this impossibly stupid thing because it'll be better in the long run."

The General is the same way with shopping and cooking.

The Exchange

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Hmm. How finicky about food I will get? Depends. I can be quite a twitch at times and at others not so.

I mean, who plays Hearthstone while baking cakes and tells you if you smell the cake, it's ready?

I haven't had dreams much, in which I'm grateful for, since every time I dream, I wake up tired like I haven't had enough sleep.

The Exchange

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The problem with turkeys is that they aren't worth murdering. Turkey is dry and not as nice tasting as chicken.

I agree not to take out more then one wisdom tooth at a time, but some people think since it's a bad experience that leaves you having soups for several days, must as well do it all at once so you don't have to be on soups every time you pull out one, right? Or maybe they think they are all that is man and are right s*ckers for punishment.

The Exchange

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I'll chase a turkey to see if it flies.

Nah, I am really a wimp. The last time I saw some chicks with the mother hen, I thought, "Let's catch a chick and have it in my paw because it's so cuddly and fuzzy."

The mother hen came charging after me, and I decided that was not a good idea and ran away.

Yes, I bravely ran away, away.

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Ha! I had two wisdom teeth removed and then set up a Flower And Garden show at the coliseum.

But then I also wheel barrowed and raked out fifteen yards of top soil the day after breaking two ribs.

It would seem my pain was brought to me by the number 2.

The Exchange

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The ribs part is dangerous because if it pokes into your lung after you jostle the area too much, you're in trouble.

Wisdom teeth...not so.

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I never said it was smart.

I was the only one in the family working at the time, and full pay is better than worker's comp any day.

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lynora wrote:
Slept for like thirteen hours. Still feel like crap. Luckily the husband is nearly better so we’re not all three dealing with the sickness at the same time now.

i told you not to get out of the bacta tank until you were fully healed!

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If you search for Deadpool on the Toys R Us website they'll also show you the swimming pools.

How apropos.

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"Mom, I need you to make sure the Technodrome never comes to destroy the earth!" - Tiny T-Rex.

"I'll do my best!" - The General, in all seriousness.

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Home now. Tired, going to bed. Later, guys.

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I just beat the dungeon run on my first try with Warlock, the class I hate.

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Warlock is a weird one. I can't remember how I beat it it was one of the first. I wanna say the deck was one of the unique decks with double life and dude that full heals you.

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For treasures I took the one that increases the cost of the boss's minions. Twice. That helped a lot. I also had the Skull of Manari(?) and three of the guys that give you a random demon in your hand at the end of the turn. I also had a demon that makes you immune to damage.

I still don't like Warlock as a class.

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Yeah that sounds like it would do it. Warlock reminds me of MTG black decks. a lot of minions hurt you and their is some discard involved as well. Its not my favorite rogue is my least favorite. Id say druid is my favorite. I like playing mage but I hate playing against it.

The Exchange

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I can play warlock, zoo lock. I can play hunter, GO FOR THE FACE!

Any deck I can play winnie I'm fine with.

My personal favourite is mage, followed by paladin murloc.

Your demon that makes you immune to damage is Mal Ganis.

Usually in MTG I'd play white winnie decks. I didn't care for blue, nor black. Green was too much of a hassle for big creatures to come out(nor did I have those big creatures since I didn't want to invest), and red decks were a bit too slow, but pryomania was freaking fun.

There was also a sliver artifact deck but man those cost even more to create.

I think you guys are better at drafting then I am. I cannot create, I can only copy and follow prescribed deck recipes :(

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practice makes perfect.

The Exchange

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Anyway Chinese New Year Lunch was a tad...ehh. Unlucky.

My cousin and her family fell sick and couldn't make it at the last minute. Another aunt and uncle of mine fell sick and arrived late, not to mention I had to pick up an aunt and my BF because they couldn't find the place.

The restaurant, Oscars, was very nice and did not charge for my cousin and family who could not make it. Down here when you make reservations, the restaurant can charge the number you made reservations for, I was expecting only at best they gave us vouchers to dine at the restaurant at a later date.

So not an as stress free lunch as I would have hoped to have. I couldn't find any Mackerel sashimi, there was only salmon and tuna available, but what I did was to eat lots and lots of beef ribs and braised pork trotters...slurp!

And also commit blasphemy with dou hua by eating it with gula melaka, and eating it with honey.

The gula melaka one was fine, but the cold dou hua caused the honey to crystalize so the honey version was a tad weird...

Was fun though =)

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So, I just ate a serving of chicken with Chinese* five flavors sauce... With Polish kopytka.

*made in Poland

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