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Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

aeglos wrote:

Serviettenknödel prepared for tonights future-mother-in-law-dinner

we will make Deer-Ragout with Rotkraut, Serviettenknödel, caramelised apple slices with jam

Deer stew with red cabbage, a bread dumpling, and then the apple jam?? Did I get that right?

I think it's funny peoples talking about "real Chinese food" in this part of the US or that part of the US.

I'm an expert because I watch Man Vs. Food.

Real Chinese food.......half of it an American would puke if he knew what it was.

Buncha wusses.

Scarab Sages

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Real Chinese food.......half of it an American would puke if he knew what it was.

Buncha wusses.

Made with real Chinese people?

aeglos wrote:

Subway to sally: Julia und die Räuber

...blut, blut, räuber saufen blut, mord und tod und überfall sind gut....

Good band. They're not so well known here in the States.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Gods I feel like I'm hungover, yet I didn't drink =\ man middle age sucks the root sometimes

Really? I wonder what that feels like.. flexes taut 30 y/o body

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Autocorrect is the debbil!

Have you been here?

Patrick Curtin wrote:

I have a house to store my s$$+ in

shakes fist

Freehold DM wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Gods I feel like I'm hungover, yet I didn't drink =\ man middle age sucks the root sometimes
Really? I wonder what that feels like.. flexes taut 30 y/o body

Cough, fart, take a dump, and you'll be 43 complaining of the pains that old people complain of.

I'll be here to lulz about it. ;)

Callous Jack wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
OMG! Tell me they saved the beer! PLEASE TELL ME THEY SAVED THE BEER!!!!

PBR and Bud?

I'm not sure this qualifies as a bad thing...

Hipster/old man fuel? ;-)

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:


My computer was running slow as f+!!;

I got spybot search and destroy for the free, and it found stuff, got rid of it, and like my computer is totally fast now.

I'm gonna donate to them dudez.

The computer in the second bedroom got a serious virus on it that I think I finally removed thanks to malware bytes and a few other sites...I'm still struggling to get it cleaned up.

Freehold DM wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:


My computer was running slow as f+!!;

I got spybot search and destroy for the free, and it found stuff, got rid of it, and like my computer is totally fast now.

I'm gonna donate to them dudez.

The computer in the second bedroom got a serious virus on it that I think I finally removed thanks to malware bytes and a few other sites...I'm still struggling to get it cleaned up.

I hate those haxxors so bad.

Crimson Jester wrote:
I wonder how many years it will take before they shorten the name of the day? I mean it is already St. Patty's.... soon it like St. Valentines will just be Patty's day... and people will wonder why the old man who looks like a green Santa Claus has a girls name.

Somehow, I doubt this will happen...

Moorluck wrote:

Oh, and after the kids got their faces painted, Arden got a butterfly inspired design, Riley got a tiger face, Solnes got her face painted with a sweeping shamrock/fairy dust on her left side cheek.... turned out to be very sexy.

Yes I am very domesticated... I blame the family life. :P

I don't know what it is, but when girls get that single cheek painted, it's FRAKKIN HAWT!!!!!!!!!!111!!!eleventy-one!1111

houstonderek wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Then give Riley the good stuff. Sweat Tea. ~snickers and runs for my life~
Uhh..what is sweat tea?

Oh you poor Yankee. :P

Sweet tea is sweetened Iced tea. But you have to add the sugar during the brewing phase, not after when its already cold.

Oh no! I do enjoy Sweet Tea regularly, Sharoth said you were having SWEAT tea. One of my players in my Kingmaker game and my Darklight Sisterhood game is from the south and still visits her LARGE family regularly, she has the family recipe down pat. We rely upon her for both sweetened and unsweetened Ashan-Tea(which is what we call it) at games.

Now you poor southerners and your lack of real pizza and chinese food....And to any SF based Fawlties- our chinese people are superior to yours!!!!!!!

Yeah, but your Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese suck.

Edit: and Barbecue, soul food, and a bunch of other stuff.

HD, we in NY really wish you would return to the fold. Clearly, you have been hypnotized by the unusually buxom and earthy women of Texas. Let me lay down some wisdom on you, point by point....

Mexican- Normally, I'd wholeheartedly agree with you, but as we get more people from out west(meaning CA), especially vegetarians, we get better and better Mexican food. Tex-Mex I don't think we can touch, but our taco trucks are getting increasingly better, and a there are a few brick and mortar places that aren't bad at all. I still think you'll get better Mexican food where you are than where I am overall, though.

Thai- Again, we're getting more and more Thai people here. There is at least one Thai place here that's REALLY good..I will check with the wife to get the name. I think for AWESOME Thai you have to go either north or west(or really, really far east...).

EDIT- checked with the wife- the place I was thinking of is called's Tibetan, not Thai, my mistake.

Indian- Once our idea of Indian was laughable. Now, we're getting good. I think I've already mentioned that Raga is awesome(AND in Brooklyn!), there is are at least two other really good Indian restaurants here. Also, NY, for some reason, is a haven for Moroccans- there are several excellent Morrocan places here. I don't mean to lump these two VERY separate peoples together, just that I realized that an Indian place in Manhattan that I liked and a Morrocan place my wife and I went to when we were dating are not that far away from each other.

Vietnamese- The only Vietnamese places I know are in Brooklyn. I'm not sure how good they are. You may win here. The only serious concentration of Vietnamese people I've encountered was outside of NY when I lived in PA.

BBQ- Also, I may have to simply give you this one. NY has people from the south who BBQ, but we don't have the BBQ culture that the south has.

Soul Food- Surely, you've taken one too many boobs to the head. Certainly you must have passed through Harlem AT LEAST ONCE during your time here. While Manna's is the most popular one I can think of right now, we have TONS of hole in the wall Soul Food places in Washington Heights, Manhattan, and parts of Brooklyn that I'm sure will either make yours weep in defeat or battle to a culinary standstill.

Other foods you can find roundabouts- There's an up-and-coming Brooklyn tradition where the food trucks from around the Manhattan come to the Brooklyn Public Library at Grand Army Plaza once a month and have a contest. Everyone from the Korean BBQ guys(another set of up and comers) to the taco trucks to Wafles and Dingles goes there to sell food and argue over bragging rights. I'll try to get down there sometime soon and give you the skinny on it.

houstonderek wrote:
I also forgot that NY's Cajun and Creole food sucks too.

Cajun- Yeah, I don't know of any roundabouts, which is unfortunate.

Creole- Unfortunately our Haitian population is very serious about their Haitian food, and the only way(THE ONLY WAY) to get some is to date one. I've yet to see a storefront, and I'm not sure if it would count as creole food, despite the language.

Moorluck wrote:
Houstonderek wrote:
Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese.

You mean Chinese.

It's all just Chinese by my definition...
Strange meat/funny music/side of rice... CHINESE!

Bad Moorluck!

Moorluck wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Then give Riley the good stuff. Sweat Tea. ~snickers and runs for my life~
Uhh..what is sweat tea?

Oh you poor Yankee. :P

Sweet tea is sweetened Iced tea. But you have to add the sugar during the brewing phase, not after when its already cold.

Oh no! I do enjoy Sweet Tea regularly, Sharoth said you were having SWEAT tea. One of my players in my Kingmaker game and my Darklight Sisterhood game is from the south and still visits her LARGE family regularly, she has the family recipe down pat. We rely upon her for both sweetened and unsweetened Ashan-Tea(which is what we call it) at games.

Now you poor southerners and your lack of real pizza and chinese food....And to any SF based Fawlties- our chinese people are superior to yours!!!!!!!

Yeah, but your Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese suck.

Edit: and Barbecue, soul food, and a bunch of other stuff.

He's forgetting that half the population down here is transplants from up north, so anything you can bet up there we southerners have in abundance, and then some.

Sorry, but South=Win when it comes to food. ;)

Please, you guys can't even get PIZZA right. ;-P

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Now you poor southerners and your lack of real pizza and chinese food....And to any SF based Fawlties- our chinese people are superior to yours!!!!!!!

Yeah, but your Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese suck.

Edit: and Barbecue, soul food, and a bunch of other stuff.

The one thing that my end of the Rust Belt has going for it: a lot of really good authentic Indian and Korean restaurants. Still not sure why all the Indians and Koreans would want to move to Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo, but I can at least enjoy their food.

My friend in Binghamton insists I visit him and eat up there..he says it's AMAZING.

houstonderek wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Houstonderek wrote:
Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese.

You mean Chinese.

It's all just Chinese by my definition...
Strange meat/funny music/side of rice... CHINESE!

Most of the Vietnamese I eat (or Thai, for that matter) is rice free. :-)

Well then you're missing out on all starch, which adds an occasionally necessary barrier against the spiciness of Vietnamese and Thai meals...

Moorluck wrote:
Scrambled sausage and eggs with grits and toast on the side for dinner tonight.

That sounds weird.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Well, if we pull off this move, maybe I'll get to meet Aeglos when he passes through NY :)


The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Somewhat personal mini-rant. Don't read if you're not in the mood for drama.

** spoiler omitted **

WHAT THE F*@#!?!?!

Shiney, you're a far better and more reserved man than I...

Sharoth wrote:
~sighs~ Is it time to go to the "Things in life that sucks" thread? Now MY dog is acting like she is hurt. She niped at me when I was petting her right rear. Plus she is not in the mood to go outside or get off the couch. That is so not like her. ARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry might be time to get her checked out, hopefully it's something minor.

I, being the foolish FHDM I am, stated that I would give 10000 XP to anyone who showed up at the Kingmaker game yesterday with red hair. Here are the results...

Freehold DM wrote:

HD, we in NY really wish you would return to the fold. Clearly, you have been hypnotized by the unusually buxom and earthy women of Texas. Let me lay down some wisdom on you, point by point....

1. Unusually buxomed? UNUSUALLY? There's nothing unusual about buxom women. ;)

2. HD, like me (I believe), is more of an ass man.

Urizen wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

HD, we in NY really wish you would return to the fold. Clearly, you have been hypnotized by the unusually buxom and earthy women of Texas. Let me lay down some wisdom on you, point by point....

1. Unusually buxomed? UNUSUALLY? There's nothing unusual about buxom women. ;)

2. HD, like me (I believe), is more of an ass man.

1- Heh.

2- I did a fetish exchange program with a roomie back in the day, I can say with confidence that I now understand and can appreciate the motivations of my rear-end appreciating counterparts. Is it weird to not really be into butts, but like curves? Cuz I'm starting to notice generous hips more and more...

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Houstonderek wrote:
Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese.

You mean Chinese.

It's all just Chinese by my definition...
Strange meat/funny music/side of rice... CHINESE!

Most of the Vietnamese I eat (or Thai, for that matter) is rice free. :-)
Well then you're missing out on all starch, which adds an occasionally necessary barrier against the spiciness of Vietnamese and Thai meals...

Oh, no. the Bun and Pad noodles are quite starchy, thank you.

houstonderek wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Houstonderek wrote:
Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese.

You mean Chinese.

It's all just Chinese by my definition...
Strange meat/funny music/side of rice... CHINESE!

Most of the Vietnamese I eat (or Thai, for that matter) is rice free. :-)
Well then you're missing out on all starch, which adds an occasionally necessary barrier against the spiciness of Vietnamese and Thai meals...
Oh, no. the Bun and Pad noodles are quite starchy, thank you.

Touche, HD.

Silver Crusade

aeglos wrote:

Pics of the Völkerschlachtdenkmal. Its one of the tallest monuments in Europe honoring the dead of the Battle of Nations in 1813, the first defeat of Napoleon and his Allies Poland, Italy, Bavaria, Würtemberg by a coalition of Prussia, Russia, Sweden and Austria.

The Monument is a mix of Wilhemian Empiore style and art deco.
It was build by the free-masons which still use the catacombs for gatherings
Password: Aeglos

I love the photo of the chapel in the woods.

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Well, if we pull off this move, maybe I'll get to meet Aeglos when he passes through NY :)

Aeglos has a lady, you're married, and I'm gay. I think the ladies of NY are safe.

Just sayin'.

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Autocorrect is the debbil!
Have you been here?

Do you remember Nab Ellie? Dad, are you ethereal? Honest to GDP.

Silver Crusade

Mostly, I'm just looking forward to good Italian (including pizza), French, deli, and bagels in the Northeast. I'll miss the Mexican in LA the most, but Mexican was never one of my favorite cuisines to begin with.

I hope I can find a place with decent pho.

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Now you poor southerners and your lack of real pizza and chinese food....And to any SF based Fawlties- our chinese people are superior to yours!!!!!!!

Yeah, but your Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese suck.

Edit: and Barbecue, soul food, and a bunch of other stuff.

The one thing that my end of the Rust Belt has going for it: a lot of really good authentic Indian and Korean restaurants. Still not sure why all the Indians and Koreans would want to move to Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo, but I can at least enjoy their food.
My friend in Binghamton insists I visit him and eat up there..he says it's AMAZING.

He's right, but it will also cost you an arm, a leg, and your firstborn. EVERYTHING is expensive here. And there's no parking.

So we've made the dietary switch to two meatless meal days a week. Apparently it's supposed to be healthier. We've already cut out red meat almost completely from our diet, so lets see what this does.

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
Shiney, you're a far better and more reserved man than I...

Hi, I'm Dave. I'm not sure we've been acquainted.

Honestly, though, I'm taking extra care with this situation. If it was anyone else, they would have been lunchmeat by now. A great poet once said:

Verily, thou must know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to ambulate in another direction,
And know when to ambulate faster

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
...a fetish exchange program...

A what now?

Liberty's Edge

So apparently, what I thought was a bad case of pollen allergies was actually a really bad bacterial sinus infection that's spread to my eyes and ears. Turns out an unnaturally high tolerance for pain and discomfort combined with a bad immune system is a terrible combination. This year just keeps getting better and better.

Silver Crusade

The Minis Maniac wrote:
So we've made the dietary switch to two meatless meal days a week. Apparently it's supposed to be healthier. We've already cut out red meat almost completely from our diet, so lets see what this does.

I think that's a good approach. I've contemplated doing something similar. We have meatless dinners from time to time, but it's not that regular.

Silver Crusade

And FH, in the interest of disclosure, it's the NY suburbs we're aiming for, not the city. We've learned in this move that we're not city people, as much as we may fancy ourselves as such. We like the city, but like being able to go home to someplace quiet at the end of the day. I know, I know - people in LI or Westchester are not REAL New Yorkers :)

Crimson Jester wrote:
aeglos wrote:

Serviettenknödel prepared for tonights future-mother-in-law-dinner

we will make Deer-Ragout with Rotkraut, Serviettenknödel, caramelised apple slices with jam

Deer stew with red cabbage, a bread dumpling, and then the apple jam?? Did I get that right?

jup, correct :-)

Liberty's Edge

Celestial Healer wrote:
I hope I can find a place with decent pho.

That's one place NY is seriously lacking. The Vietnamese isn't so great outside of the West Coast, Houston, Dallas and New Orleans.

The Pho Queue in Dallas.

I'm not kidding.

Liberty's Edge

Someone told me that somewhere in Milwaukee, there's a restaurant called Pho Sho.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Well, if we pull off this move, maybe I'll get to meet Aeglos when he passes through NY :)

Aeglos has a lady, you're married, and I'm gay. I think the ladies of NY are safe.

Just sayin'.

Why does everyone keep SAYING that?

The Minis Maniac wrote:
So we've made the dietary switch to two meatless meal days a week. Apparently it's supposed to be healthier. We've already cut out red meat almost completely from our diet, so lets see what this does.

Go for it. I'm eating salads for lunch two days a week.

Celestial Healer wrote:
And FH, in the interest of disclosure, it's the NY suburbs we're aiming for, not the city. We've learned in this move that we're not city people, as much as we may fancy ourselves as such. We like the city, but like being able to go home to someplace quiet at the end of the day. I know, I know - people in LI or Westchester are not REAL New Yorkers :)

[godfather] broke my heart.[/godfather]

Looks like I gotta head to the bookstore...

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Well, if we pull off this move, maybe I'll get to meet Aeglos when he passes through NY :)

Aeglos has a lady, you're married, and I'm gay. I think the ladies of NY are safe.

Just sayin'.

Why does everyone keep SAYING that?

Probably because you're not single either? Or because I don't live there?

The Exchange

Yeah, and I am not near NY, and am married.

Scarab Sages


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