captain yesterday |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

OK. This is utterly delightful.
At the corner store today there was... TOILET PAPER!!!!
So I asked the owner about it, because I was curious.
He's been ordering a resupply for a month and a half now and never got any, so he decided to take matters into his own hands and go to a wholesale supplier. The supplier notified him that there was a limit of 4 packs of toilet paper per person. So he woke his entire staff early (I think there are around 8 of them total), drove to the wholesale place, and each of them, one by one, went through checkout with exactly 4 packages of TP.
So he managed to resupply by dragging his employees with him to a wholesale outlet in the wee hours of the morning.
I mentioned going to Costco and his entire response was, "Oh, no. You don't want to go there. It's a nightmare."
I may not be going to Costco next week after all...

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Wait... Isn't Amrika the land of plenty?!
How is that we in the socialisty Europe have a plenty of toilet paper (I bought a pack of eight rolls recently, there was a standard tall stack of those) and USA doesn't have it?!
I remember times when we were happy to have papers to be used as a substitute (not long after CY's last haircut).

captain yesterday |

Wait... Isn't Amrika the land of plenty?!
How is that we in the
socialistyEurope have a plenty of toilet paper (I bought a pack of eight rolls recently, there was a standard tall stack of those) and USA doesn't have it?!I remember times when we were happy to have papers to be used as a substitute (not long after CY's last haircut).
Thirteen years ago.
For the record, my mom said she was trimming my hair 31 years ago and she gave me a mullet (for the family photo no less) so that was the last time she touched my hair.
I got a haircut 13 years ago but I just looked like a tool and so I grew it out again (which takes about 12-15 months to go from short cropped to shoulder length).

Scintillae |

Scintillae wrote:I am making Orthos watch a livestream of Cats.Did you see this announcement?
I had not seen it, but I seem to be in the minority camp of thinking Hamilton is "okay."

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:I had a dream today about the Doctor from Voyager infiltrating (with possibility on some fighting as he was sporting two revolvers) his way through some sort of skyscraper while some sort of intruders were also trying to get to the same place - either shapeshifting aliens or maybe a human-replacing androids. They were communicating through phones starting with statement "I am human" declaring that they took human form. There was some injured armed guy that the Doctor treated that was neither the local security guard nor one of the intruders that was distrustful of the Doc. It looked like a movie from eighties.Celestial Healer wrote:that is the most awesome dream I have never had.Last night I dreamed that I was touring a new resort on Mars, operated by SpaceX. You could get there in 8 hours, with no zero-G on the way. It wasn’t especially luxurious, but people were willing to shell out big bucks to go to Mars.
The biggest problem was the food. We got to try their “bog soup” made from plants that are able to survive in an anaerobic terrarium environment. Everyone said it tasted like dirt.
When I woke up, I was kind of disappointed that I still have never been to Mars.
that sounds a lot like the Rutger Hauer classic "I Come In Peace"

Freehold DM |

Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.
You're asking the wrong white person.
And in fairness to Mom she was legally blind by that point. And it was the style of the time.

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:*SIGH*. You knew it was going to happen eventually.Spoiler-y Tirade:So for me, I understand people who've lost their livelihoods and are desperate to get by. "I'm a Tesla factory worker and Elon Musk is demanding that I go back to work or not get paid, even though he could afford to pay all of us our salaries for the duration and it wouldn't noticeably affect his net worth, so I'm going in." Some people just can't avoid this catastrophe, and are forced to endanger themselves by circumstance.But... a barber?!?!?!
"Gee... I could stay at home, send my barber the check that I was going to spend anyway, be slightly inconvenienced, and yet keep both the economy and the people around me alive, or I could just say, 'Screw everybody and the rules they rode in on,' and go get a haircut!
I'm going to go get a haircut!"It soooooo frustrates me because worship of the almighty dollar has driven virtually everyone to make irrational decisions.
I was going to spend the money anyway. I send my serviceperson a check. I am not out anything I wasn't planning on being out. They aren't out anything, and are actually a bit ahead of the game because they didn't work. We both stay safe.
How hard is it?
Apparently very, very hard.

Vanykrye |

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captain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.
I can't speak for other white people, but I definitely don't. :P I've been letting the barber take care of it since I was a wee lad. Even now, it's my wife who is giving us haircuts at home. I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to cut my own. :P

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.
So, I have a round head and "Asian" hair: Thick, black, and straight. It is inconvenient, so for decades I just shaved it off. GothBard did not care for this solution because it made me resemble Curly from the Three Stooges until it grew out.
She tried multiple times to find a "stylist" who would give me a haircut I liked. She failed every single time because they couldn't think of a way to cut my hair in such a way that I didn't need to style it with a comb and gel every day. I went along, but after every haircut I told her how much I hated it.
Her stylist finally told her to stop looking at all the white people and just find an Asian to cut my hair. She found him, I went to him, and I told him, "I'm never going to do so much as brush it. I'm going to wake up, shower, towel it off a little, and I'm done. Show me what you've got."
He made it work with a style that makes my head look thinner. I like it, GothBard likes it, and it's easy, so I go to him.
If he moves away, I'll just go back to shaving it myself. No biggie.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:** spoiler omitted **NobodysHome wrote:*SIGH*. You knew it was going to happen eventually.** spoiler omitted **
I don't think it's "flippant" to spend the exact same amount of money you were already spending to keep your barber open so he'll be there when things let up. I think it's a wise investment.
But you do make a good point: I suspect that a significant percentage of the barber's income comes from walk-in business, and those people have no reason to pay him for no service. You don't walk into a random shop and say, "Hey, I don't need a haircut! But here's the money anyway! Buh-bye!"
I can see the barber's take on things. I can't see the patrons'.

Drejk |

Drejk wrote:that sounds a lot like the Rutger Hauer classic "I Come In Peace"Freehold DM wrote:I had a dream today about the Doctor from Voyager infiltrating (with possibility on some fighting as he was sporting two revolvers) his way through some sort of skyscraper while some sort of intruders were also trying to get to the same place - either shapeshifting aliens or maybe a human-replacing androids. They were communicating through phones starting with statement "I am human" declaring that they took human form. There was some injured armed guy that the Doctor treated that was neither the local security guard nor one of the intruders that was distrustful of the Doc. It looked like a movie from eighties.Celestial Healer wrote:that is the most awesome dream I have never had.Last night I dreamed that I was touring a new resort on Mars, operated by SpaceX. You could get there in 8 hours, with no zero-G on the way. It wasn’t especially luxurious, but people were willing to shell out big bucks to go to Mars.
The biggest problem was the food. We got to try their “bog soup” made from plants that are able to survive in an anaerobic terrarium environment. Everyone said it tasted like dirt.
When I woke up, I was kind of disappointed that I still have never been to Mars.
Why I hadn't heard of it before?!

Vanykrye |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:NobodysHome wrote:*SIGH*. You knew it was going to happen eventually.** spoiler omitted **** selected spoiler EMPHASIZED**
...it doesn't happen here because we set up a social safety net for people who had to stop working because of the lockdown right away...
I'm going to spoiler this. It's sarcastic, horrifying, and contains overt racist language and I feel dirty for being able to put the voice in my head and hear its words. But it's not far off from what a significant portion of our country believes. And says. From the halls of Congress.
No. This is simply a bridge too far. We cannot have a government that actually makes things easier on the average American. It's supposed to be hard. The only thing that keeps these disgusting mudflingers from becoming rich themselves is that they simply aren't working hard enough at it.
Vany strips naked, burns his clothes, and jumps in the shower with the water as hot as it can go after writing that disgusting crap.

Limeylongears |

captain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.
I'm gonna do it.
My hair is rather thick 'n' curly, and Mighty Pogonos only knows what I'll look like once I've taken it down to suedehead length with the clippers I have.

Limeylongears |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Was racing this morning, trying to beat the oncoming rains and get the newly planted flowers etc covered with real dirt (not the cruddy clay crud I have in my garden space. To be fair, I HAD some topsoil, but it all came out with the bushes roots) :P and then the base of the plants covered with mulch, before the rains arrived today.
Yep. Didn't make it. >_<
But its as done as it going to get right now.
After the week of rain, I'll get around to getting the bricks/whatever to line the garden area with and the rest of the mulch or Mondo Grass or whatever I'm filling in the gaps with.Then I am DONE.
I like to do a lot of odd stuff, and I'm not afraid of hard work,...
But I Can NOT believe there are people who do this nonsense for fun?!?!?
Fergitaboutit. Give me my Theatre performing, my stage combat, my building things I want to for whatever reason, But this gardening crud is for the BIRDS! :P(NO offense to those of you who like it. In fact, you are welcome to come by and visit anytime and play in my garden all you want to!) :)
One of my pals who does Aikido decided to combine raking the lawn with some of his spear katas, so it is possible to make a game of it, should you be so inclined...

Ragadolf |

Freehold DM wrote:Why I hadn't heard of it before?!Drejk wrote:that sounds a lot like the Rutger Hauer classic "I Come In Peace"Freehold DM wrote:I had a dream today about the Doctor from Voyager infiltrating (with possibility on some fighting as he was sporting two revolvers) his way through some sort of skyscraper while some sort of intruders were also trying to get to the same place - either shapeshifting aliens or maybe a human-replacing androids. They were communicating through phones starting with statement "I am human" declaring that they took human form. There was some injured armed guy that the Doctor treated that was neither the local security guard nor one of the intruders that was distrustful of the Doc. It looked like a movie from eighties.Celestial Healer wrote:that is the most awesome dream I have never had.Last night I dreamed that I was touring a new resort on Mars, operated by SpaceX. You could get there in 8 hours, with no zero-G on the way. It wasn’t especially luxurious, but people were willing to shell out big bucks to go to Mars.
The biggest problem was the food. We got to try their “bog soup” made from plants that are able to survive in an anaerobic terrarium environment. Everyone said it tasted like dirt.
When I woke up, I was kind of disappointed that I still have never been to Mars.
That also sounds very similar to 'They Live', the 1988 movie starring the wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper.
But mentioning the Dr from Voyager, HE was also the CEO of the company building the Gremlins took over in Gremlins 2. So you may have mixed up quite a few movies in that dream! :)
Vanykrye |

captain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.
If I cut my own hair it's just with an electric trimmer. Or completely shave it all off. I don't have the skill to actually cut my hair with anything resembling style. Other than Bowl. Or Edward Scissorhands and a lot of blood on the walls.

Drejk |

Drejk wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Why I hadn't heard of it before?!Drejk wrote:that sounds a lot like the Rutger Hauer classic "I Come In Peace"Freehold DM wrote:I had a dream today about the Doctor from Voyager infiltrating (with possibility on some fighting as he was sporting two revolvers) his way through some sort of skyscraper while some sort of intruders were also trying to get to the same place - either shapeshifting aliens or maybe a human-replacing androids. They were communicating through phones starting with statement "I am human" declaring that they took human form. There was some injured armed guy that the Doctor treated that was neither the local security guard nor one of the intruders that was distrustful of the Doc. It looked like a movie from eighties.Celestial Healer wrote:that is the most awesome dream I have never had.Last night I dreamed that I was touring a new resort on Mars, operated by SpaceX. You could get there in 8 hours, with no zero-G on the way. It wasn’t especially luxurious, but people were willing to shell out big bucks to go to Mars.
The biggest problem was the food. We got to try their “bog soup” made from plants that are able to survive in an anaerobic terrarium environment. Everyone said it tasted like dirt.
When I woke up, I was kind of disappointed that I still have never been to Mars.
That also sounds very similar to 'They Live', the 1988 movie starring the wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper.
But mentioning the Dr from Voyager, HE was also the CEO of the company building the Gremlins took over in Gremlins 2. So you may have mixed up quite a few movies in that dream! :)
I don't think you are thinking of the right Voyager. (though he wore black and red uniform instead of the black and green).
Despite the presence of the intruders of the uncertain origins, there wasn't much in the dream that would resemble "They Live" - it was more like the intruders had minimal presence among humans, and they weren't secret movers and shakers.

![]() |

captain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.
Professionals can barely figure out how to cut my hair. My hair is naturally extremely unmanageable.

Limeylongears |

Trying to do anything with ALL (DE)'s daughter's hair is a proper production.
Having said that, she (mini ALL (DE)) thought that lockdown was the time to do a bit of DIY hairdressing, which means that mistakes were made, and it should be easier than usual to keep her quiet and put her coiffure into order.
ALL (DE) herself is OK (dreads), as am I (waves).
Which doesn't mean that it all isn't going to come off.

![]() |

Woran wrote:Heaven preserve me from men that try to impress me with their IT knowledge.*opens mouth*
*closes mouth*
You know, I have so many responses to that that I don't know which to pick...
I mean, the guy had an MSN import in his files. Having used computers for years does not mean you actually mean you know anything about them, demonstrated by the fact that the guy didnt get that his work from home enviroment opened in a separate window, so unless you make it fill the screen, you have two start buttons atop eachother.

![]() |

I can do basic hair maintenance. Cut my ponytail. But when its longer, I cant see the back, so I need at least someone else to do that. My mom used to cut my hair before her aneurism.
I do cut my dads hair once in a while, but that is about as complicated as just cutting off a few cm. He wears it halflong.

gran rey de los mono |
The last time my Mom cut my hair I was 5 or 6 years old. She slipped with the scissors and cut my ear lobe. I refused to let her cut it after that.
I have cut my own hair since I was 18 or 19. It started because my grandpa thought my hair was too long (it really wasn't that long, I just didn't comb it most of the time) and he gave me what was essentially a comb with a razor blade in it. It worked, but was really intended more for keeping your hair cut rather than cutting it once it was longer, which is when I used it. Eventually the blades were all dull (so it pulled the hair really badly), so I bought my first cheap cordless electric trimmer. I went through 5 of them over the course of 10 or 11 years, before I bought a slightly more expensive corded one (still fairly cheap at about $35). I've been using it for about 5 years and it works great. I just clip on the guide for the length I want, and buzz my whole head. Then take the guide off and freehand the edges to clean them up. I do a decent enough job.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:I can't speak for other white people, but I definitely don't. :P I've been letting the barber take care of it since I was a wee lad. Even now, it's my wife who is giving us haircuts at home. I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to cut my own. :Pcaptain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.
So, I have a round head and "Asian" hair: Thick, black, and straight. It is inconvenient, so for decades I just shaved it off. GothBard did not care for this solution because it made me resemble Curly from the Three Stooges until it grew out.
She tried multiple times to find a "stylist" who would give me a haircut I liked. She failed every single time because they couldn't think of a way to cut my hair in such a way that I didn't need to style it with a comb and gel every day. I went along, but after every haircut I told her how much I hated it.
Her stylist finally told her to stop looking at all the white people and just find an Asian to cut my hair. She found him, I went to him, and I told him, "I'm never going to do so much as brush it. I'm going to wake up, shower, towel it off a little, and I'm done. Show me what you've got."
He made it work with a style that makes my head look thinner. I like it, GothBard likes it, and it's easy, so I go to him.
If he moves away, I'll just go back to shaving it myself. No biggie.
interesting. I know I would be up a creek if I had a badly shaped head, I guess white people need some tanning time on their head to avoid looking like Curly. Also I did not know you were part Asian.

Freehold DM |

Ragadolf wrote:One of my pals who does Aikido decided to combine raking the lawn with some of his spear katas, so it is possible to make a game of it, should you be so inclined...Was racing this morning, trying to beat the oncoming rains and get the newly planted flowers etc covered with real dirt (not the cruddy clay crud I have in my garden space. To be fair, I HAD some topsoil, but it all came out with the bushes roots) :P and then the base of the plants covered with mulch, before the rains arrived today.
Yep. Didn't make it. >_<
But its as done as it going to get right now.
After the week of rain, I'll get around to getting the bricks/whatever to line the garden area with and the rest of the mulch or Mondo Grass or whatever I'm filling in the gaps with.Then I am DONE.
I like to do a lot of odd stuff, and I'm not afraid of hard work,...
But I Can NOT believe there are people who do this nonsense for fun?!?!?
Fergitaboutit. Give me my Theatre performing, my stage combat, my building things I want to for whatever reason, But this gardening crud is for the BIRDS! :P(NO offense to those of you who like it. In fact, you are welcome to come by and visit anytime and play in my garden all you want to!) :)
wistful sigh

Freehold DM |

Trying to do anything with ALL (DE)'s daughter's hair is a proper production.
Having said that, she (mini ALL (DE)) thought that lockdown was the time to do a bit of DIY hairdressing, which means that mistakes were made, and it should be easier than usual to keep her quiet and put her coiffure into order.
ALL (DE) herself is OK (dreads), as am I (waves).
Which doesn't mean that it all isn't going to come off.
...you have waves?
I gotta see that. Not many white people walking around with those.

Freehold DM |

LordSynos wrote:** spoiler omitted **NobodysHome wrote:** spoiler omitted **NobodysHome wrote:*SIGH*. You knew it was going to happen eventually.** spoiler omitted **
barber shops are of incredible importance in the african descended community. But most know how to cut their own head, or have the tools to take care of their hair in a pinch. If you have dreads, you need a second pair of hands to wash/clean.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Professionals can barely figure out how to cut my hair. My hair is naturally extremely unmanageable.captain yesterday wrote:Drejk wrote:Honestly, I do not understand the whole ruckus about the hairdressers and barbers.
I haven't been to a hairdresser in... 23? 24 years? I am not sure. I have never been to a barber and I don't feel the need.
I had a co-worker start to complain about not being able to get a haircut and he says to me as he finishes "you know what I mean" I looked at him and said "no, I don't".
I've had one haircut in the last thirty one years.
Do white people not know how to cut their own hair?
Because that is fascinating to me.
This has been illuminating, thank you.