Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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lisamarlene wrote:
I tripped over the hose for the pool vacuum and fell into the deep end when it was 38 degrees out. That was not fun. I'm normally an excellent swimmer (used to swim a mile a day after school my senior year) but in that moment, I forgot everything I knew.

It's hard to think when it's cold, especially such a sudden immersion.

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There's graffiti on the bus stop reading 'Sym your an snakes', which has a distinct Victorian serial killer vibe to it.

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captain yesterday wrote:
If anyone wants to earn extra cash I do have an opening on my route. I don't actually need help just someone to talk to so it's not as hard or intense as you'd think.

I would do this so hard.

Holy shit I am so f@$~ing drunk you guys

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captain yesterday wrote:
If anyone wants to earn extra cash I do have an opening on my route. I don't actually need help just someone to talk to so it's not as hard or intense as you'd think.

I'll think about it...

It ended up being about 4 inches of really wet and heavy snow so it ended up taking me roughly 15 hours to complete my run.

We lost the fotebule to France. O well.

Limeylongears wrote:
We lost the fotebule to France. O well.

I'm looking forward to Morocco giving France a solid a**-kicking on Wednesday.

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I was watching my favorite Christmas movie, The Lion in Winter, last night, and realized for the first time that the "chainmail" Anthony Hopkins is wearing is just thick grey knitwear painted silver.
And then Googled it and found out that this was how the armor for Monty Python and the Holy Grail was made as well.

Clearly Teensy Valeros needs a faux-chainmail hoodie for his birthday in March.

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Got called back in to work last week to finish out some last-minute jobs. Ended up laying sod two hours past sunset yesterday because half our guys kept taking extended breaks in order to watch World Cup highlights.

How about some synonyms for "history buff"?

Completely jacked with knowledge of the past.
Bulging on Mesopotamia.
An anthropological beefcake.
Shredded paleontology stud.
An absolute Renaissance unit.

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I'm tired of my nervous system. Anyone know where I can trade it in for a confident system?

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Snow. Wet. Cold. Everywhere. Shrug.

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Drejk wrote:
Snow. Wet. Cold. Everywhere. Shrug.

...not EVERYwhere... kicks rock

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lisamarlene wrote:

I was watching my favorite Christmas movie, The Lion in Winter, last night, and realized for the first time that the "chainmail" Anthony Hopkins is wearing is just thick grey knitwear painted silver.

And then Googled it and found out that this was how the armor for Monty Python and the Holy Grail was made as well.

Clearly Teensy Valeros needs a faux-chainmail hoodie for his birthday in March.

I understand that movie lead to a lot of misunderstandings with respect to how chainmail worked in some fantasy settings.

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This video is one of the most beautiful things I've seen. Forget that it's a whiskey commercial.

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Fantasy NPC: Klaaghammar Vyl, Cold Envoy Of Hell.

Cold as in "freezing his butts off".

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Completed my biggest project of the year on Friday. From a revenue perspective, the project price was 100% based on a fixed price for labor. I got it done in half the estimated hours, so that was profitable for the company. We're a small company, so that's important.

Had my latest on-call week and weekend and didn't get a single call.

Pretty good end of week and weekend.

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By Telchur's berimèd nipples, it's cold. I still went to Monday fencing, though, and as a bonus, got to have a bottle of Theakston's and a nice pie on my way home.

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Today at recess, a few of my students were playing that they were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So I decided to troll them by announcing that I was Caravaggio and my headband color was Burnt Sienna.
After being profoundly irritated with me and then deciding to ignore me, they went off to play again. After school, I decided to Google it just in case someone else had thought of the idea and decided to put an illustration on deviantART. Only to discover that Caravaggio actually was a turtle in the original comics. There really is no such thing as an original thought.

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Vanykrye wrote:

Completed my biggest project of the year on Friday. From a revenue perspective, the project price was 100% based on a fixed price for labor. I got it done in half the estimated hours, so that was profitable for the company. We're a small company, so that's important.

Had my latest on-call week and weekend and didn't get a single call.

Pretty good end of week and weekend.

Got your next tech support call right here.

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A couple of things, Crookshanks moved out at the beginning of November as she is 18, competent, hard working, and has friends. Plus she's only a few blocks away and the General rides the same bus to work as she does.

One of the up sides to this is there was no one to oppose me when I pitched getting a fake tree (I'm allergic to pine).

It's probably going to look like shit as I refuse to pay 300 dollars for a high end fake tree but at least I won't spend the next month congested and grumpy.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Completed my biggest project of the year on Friday. From a revenue perspective, the project price was 100% based on a fixed price for labor. I got it done in half the estimated hours, so that was profitable for the company. We're a small company, so that's important.

Had my latest on-call week and weekend and didn't get a single call.

Pretty good end of week and weekend.

Got your next tech support call right here.

There are days. I'm so glad I'm not primarily on the front line anymore.

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You know the situation is bad, when adventurer decides to throw away magic item...

Yesterday, I had to choose to throw an accursed crown into the sea to prevent the my sister rest of the party too much to use. It gave bonus dice to Awe (respect but also coercion and intimidation) and Healing (which is not the party's strong suit), but it bore a curse that made the user behave tyrannically as long as it was worn and for an hour afterwards.

The biggest issue, however, was that it allowed the user to gain automatic, magical success on the Awe skill, and the GM said that was the only way for my sister to force a scholar (and healer) we met to let her see the contents of an ancient elven box made (judging from the appearance) in Eregion in its heyday.

We already knew that the scholar is in gripes of greed-sickness and won't let us see the contents (presumably books of ancient lore) and my sister is obsessed with knowledge of all sorts, and constantly gripes that Elrond won't let her read the darker contents of his library...

We don't need her going over the board with the Shadow points she would get for bending someone's else mind to her will because of her own greed.

Once that is over and it's time to sail into the West, I don't want to be that one elf whose sister is kept secluded together with Feanor by Valar for turning to evil.

The crown, apparently, belonged to the first king of Rhuduar, when it splintered from Arnor and fell to the evil under the influence of the witch-king of Angmar.

Before the last session, I intended to find that (nameless, as apparently Tolkien never assigned him any name) king's barrow and try to break the curse (probably by beating the hell out of the king's shade).

A bit of shame, but the danger of us using that crown in ethically challenged way was growing. We already used it once to force a local merchant and landowner to give us ride on his ship to meet with his (petty) queen. After that I took away the crown and kept it hidden.

Vanykrye wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Completed my biggest project of the year on Friday. From a revenue perspective, the project price was 100% based on a fixed price for labor. I got it done in half the estimated hours, so that was profitable for the company. We're a small company, so that's important.

Had my latest on-call week and weekend and didn't get a single call.

Pretty good end of week and weekend.

Got your next tech support call right here.
There are days. I'm so glad I'm not primarily on the front line anymore.

Playing Elden Ring sounds like an amazing job.

...flies across this thread...

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BluePigeon wrote:
...flies across this thread...

Hey man. Been a while.

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:::lands on a branch:::

I know. Life's been a roller coaster since COVID. Illness, more illness, job loss, job gain, job loss, job gain, a new car (now broken in), X-Box 1, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, stray dog, puppies, legal hassles, Wyoming, dinosaur fossils, and friend and family illnesses. You name it, I'm already to get off this decade.

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It took our family years to see why national lampoons christmas tree scene was supposed to be funny.

We mostly thought it was a "how to"

I always thought that our tree would get torn apart by the cats as soon as it was up, but besides one of them licking it experimentally, they don't seem that bothered.

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I went to a doctor because I was having trouble sleeping.

Doctor: "Describe your average night."
Me: "Well, they wear a suit of armor."
Doctor: "No, I mean at bedtime."
Me: "They probably take it off."

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User: "Why are IT guys such dicks?"
IT guy: "Because I just drove 2 hours to push a power button that three of you swore was on."

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Me: "10010110 11100010 01101101 00011101 00001100 11111110 10101010."
Non-binary person: "...What?"

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I tried to change my email password to "beefstew", but it wouldn't let me. Apparently it's not stroganoff.

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Tech enthusiast: "My entire house is full of smart products!"
Tech professional: "The only electronic device in my house is a printer, and I keep a gun next to it so I can shoot it if it makes a noise I don't recognize."

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How different operating systems work:

Me: "Can I install this 5 year old program?"
MacOS: "NO! IT'S TOO OLD!!!"

Me: "Can I install this 25 year old program?"
Windows: "One moment...installed."

Me: "Can I stall this 25 year old program?"
Linux: "It already is."

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Off to see Avatar 2 this afternoon. a 3.10 hour multi-color fit of violence.., wish me luck.


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I'm cutting my toenails.

Well, damn and blast. Thought I was getting a good online end-of-November deal from a known company who advertises on FB from time to time, and instead I got scammed by a counterfeit merchandise scam that pretended to be the company. What I got was not the same product I ordered (similar, but wrong size/gender/color scheme), and definitely not the quality I was expecting. So tomorrow morning, I get to call my bank and see what they can do about it.

lisamarlene wrote:
Well, damn and blast. Thought I was getting a good online end-of-November deal from a known company who advertises on FB from time to time, and instead I got scammed by a counterfeit merchandise scam that pretended to be the company. What I got was not the same product I ordered (similar, but wrong size/gender/color scheme), and definitely not the quality I was expecting. So tomorrow morning, I get to call my bank and see what they can do about it.

That sucks!

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New Guy: If it's just you, why do you take 3 (snow) blowers with you?

Me: The first one is my primary blower, the second one is in case the first one breaks down, and the third one is to remind the other two I can replace them at any time!

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captain yesterday wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Well, damn and blast. Thought I was getting a good online end-of-November deal from a known company who advertises on FB from time to time, and instead I got scammed by a counterfeit merchandise scam that pretended to be the company. What I got was not the same product I ordered (similar, but wrong size/gender/color scheme), and definitely not the quality I was expecting. So tomorrow morning, I get to call my bank and see what they can do about it.
That sucks!

I looked at the *actual* company's website this morning, they're one of those "we donate a pair for every pair we sell" places, and I'm now seeing by the difference in tags (there was a picture on the website) that these were *meant* to be donated to homeless shelters. Maybe that's what they do with their factory seconds, which would explain why they looked a little off, but the fact that someone in their giving process is making a business of selling what was supposed to be given to those in need sickens me.

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Meanwhile, the Whovian cosplay Christmas party is tomorrow night, so I've dug my old half-completed "painting a pair of knee-high boots from the thrift shop to look like Tom Baker's scarf" project out of the back of my closet and am attempting to finish them. I've got a tweed A-line skirt and waistcoat and I'm borrowing Whingey's grandfather's fedora.

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It only took me five years.

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Freehold DM wrote:

Meanwhile in Britain, two voles slap one another outside a public house in an argument over a half-eaten kebab.

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I don't want to spread panic, but the last time we saw NobodysHome, he was complaining about meat substitution...

And then there was no sign of him.

Are we all in line to be harvested?!

Drejk wrote:

I don't want to spread panic, but the last time we saw NobodysHome, he was complaining about meat substitution...

And then there was no sign of him.

Are we all in line to be harvested?!

I assumed he was in a pissy mood because I told him to Spock off in my response to his post.

lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:

I don't want to spread panic, but the last time we saw NobodysHome, he was complaining about meat substitution...

And then there was no sign of him.

Are we all in line to be harvested?!

I assumed he was in a pissy mood because I told him to Spock off in my response to his post.

Crap. Now I'm worried that something is actually wrong.

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