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Off-Topic Discussions

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

Jose took my broom again (which I paid for with my own money) so I took his MT 85 (mini bobcat) and trailer.

The best part is I didn't even punch in yet so it was entirely personal.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

"All residents, be on the lookout for Naked Jesus riding a bobcat...wait a sec...Bill, are we sure about this? Yeah? Okay...I repeat, all residents be on the lookout for Naked Jesus riding a bobcat."

6 people marked this as a favorite.

And LO, He shall return, wreathed in fire and glory, naked, and riding on a bobcat.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Cross your fingers, everyone! GothBard just had her first-round interview for her dream job and "knocked it out of the park".

Hopefully she'll get to a Round 2 next week and I'll be able to provide more good news.

(Kneels and prays to naked burning holy bobcat Jesus)

Grand Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hoping with you. Had my formal interview with the infrastructure team yesterday and felt unprepared but well presented. Should hear back on the final decision next week.

NobodysHome wrote:

It is... annoying...

We're riding around in a van full of gas, in a cabinet, with duct tape plumbing connecting it to the windows. The fumes are knocking us out

We're riding around in a van full of gas, in a cabinet, with duct tape plumbing connecting it to the windows. The fumes are knocking us out

We're riding around in a van full of gas, in a cabinet, with duct tape plumbing connecting it to the windows. The fumes are knocking us out

take van down to the docks, hop underneath, pop off the bolts holding the box in place. Back the van up quickly, slam the breaks, dump the gas cabinet off in front of the workshop.

"What the ()#*$)# did you guys do THAT for?

We're riding around in a van full of gas, in a cabinet, with duct tape plumbing connecting it to the windows. The fumes are knocking us out]

"Why didn't you say something?

The kids tested positive today. I've had I t since at least Tuesday, possibly since Saturday or Sunday.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
The kids tested positive today. I've had I t since at least Tuesday, possibly since Saturday or Sunday.


Covid. It finally got us.

lisamarlene wrote:
Covid. It finally got us.

You know that I know that. But I cannot resist being a smart donkey.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sometimes my brain is like an internet browser: 17 tabs open, 4 are frozen, and for the life of me I cannot figure out which one the music is coming from.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Covid. It finally got us.

Hope it isn't knocking you all down too much - get well soon!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Covid. It finally got us.

Good luck, we're all counting on you!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I didn't throw it. I dropped it with momentum.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

1:00 I'm going to save the other half of this sandwich for later.

1:10 It's later.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sometimes the sheer incompetence of some companies boggles the mind.

We were happy to go with because we hate ComCast and AT&T. Unfortunately, because of monopolistic government agreements, Sonic wasn't allowed to run its own lines, but had to lease lines from AT&T, and AT&T ensures that these are the lowest-quality, buggiest lines they have.

Way back when we moved back into this house in 2013, Sonic promised that they were putting in their own fiber network and it would be available to us "within 18 months". We signed up to be notified when it became available in our area.

When my mother-in-law moved into a place just over a mile from us in Berkeley last year, she got fiber optic through Sonic. Surprised, I checked, and fiber optic still wasn't available in Albany. Once again, we signed up to be notified once it became available.

So this morning Sonic asked me for their "ultra simple annual review". I gave them a 0. Everyone else I know in the Bay Area has fiber. We lose connectivity 2-3 times a week because of AT&T. Both AT&T and ComCast offer gigabit at my address. So there's utterly no excuse for the utterly craptacular service I'm getting, at a price just as high as fiber.

Since I was on their site anyway, I checked availability.

Sure enough, I'm eligible for fiber right now. They just failed to notify me after 9 years of my asking for it and my signing onto not one but TWO notification lists.

If you want to sell your product, Sonic, you should at least keep track of the voluntary mailing lists people sign up for...

We have AT&T because it's bundled with the land line on the house, which we're not giving up because it's cheaper and safer than getting the kids their own phones.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I may have found the party's weakness last night: Rogues. Even when they got fully buffed up and I had to roll 18+ to hit them (nat 20s only to hit the Warpriest), I still did enough damage when I hit to drop the Paladin unconscious, nearly dropped the Warpriest, and forced the Inquisitor to fall back and spend a few turns healing. The party Rogue got off relatively unscathed because A) she used spring attack to stay out of danger for the most part, and B) even if I could get to her, I didn't get sneak attack due to her improved uncanny dodge.

But yeah, a Rogue7/Assassin3 human and four Rogue5 ghouls really did a number on 4 9th level characters (2 of the players couldn't make it).

Today, we all watched 'Spiderman 2' of an evening. I'm not really into superhero films, but I thought it was OK, even if Toby McGuire kept reminding me of David Mitchell from Peep Show, and Alfred Molina looked a lot like Terry Jones.

Saw this and it cracked me up.

"To whoever stole my delivery off my porch:
I hope you enjoy your chia seeds, small mirror, and coochie shave butter. By the way, you should probably order more of the shave butter, seeing as you are a giant a$@##~@ and one bottle likely won't be enough.

Someone who needs to reorder their stuff."

"We need a bunch of extra blankets. Our room is freeeeeeezzzzzziiiiiinnnnggggg."

Gee, if only there was a way that you could control the temperature of your room. Like with the PTAC in there. I bet you that if I went in there, the AC would be set to 60F and the fan on full blast.

Crap. I might or might not lost my best patron on Patreon - his payment got declined this month...

Limeylongears wrote:
Today, we all watched 'Spiderman 2' of an evening. I'm not really into superhero films, but I thought it was OK, even if Toby McGuire kept reminding me of David Mitchell from Peep Show, and Alfred Molina looked a lot like Terry Jones.

I liked that one. But it was weird to see Donna Murphy, who has one of the most powerful voices on Broadway, in a non-singing role.

(Doc Ock's wife. She originated the role of Fosca in Sondheim's "Passion".)

Drejk wrote:
Crap. I might or might not lost my best patron on Patreon - his payment got declined this month...

Oof. Good luck. Hopefully they just forgot to update when they switched cards?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Looking forward to tomorrow, so I can finally end my months-long obsession with British politics.

I'm still half-convinced that it's all been an elaborate scripted lead-up to the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary, and Johnson, Sunak and Truss are just a badly-written alien species in disguise. But the BBC doesn't have that kind of budget.

lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Today, we all watched 'Spiderman 2' of an evening. I'm not really into superhero films, but I thought it was OK, even if Toby McGuire kept reminding me of David Mitchell from Peep Show, and Alfred Molina looked a lot like Terry Jones.

I liked that one. But it was weird to see Donna Murphy, who has one of the most powerful voices on Broadway, in a non-singing role.

(Doc Ock's wife. She originated the role of Fosca in Sondheim's "Passion".)

She was also in the absolutely godawful Star Trek: Insurrection.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Today, we all watched 'Spiderman 2' of an evening. I'm not really into superhero films, but I thought it was OK, even if Toby McGuire kept reminding me of David Mitchell from Peep Show, and Alfred Molina looked a lot like Terry Jones.

I liked that one. But it was weird to see Donna Murphy, who has one of the most powerful voices on Broadway, in a non-singing role.

(Doc Ock's wife. She originated the role of Fosca in Sondheim's "Passion".)

She was also in the absolutely godawful Star Trek: Insurrection.

an excellent description of that film. hurt my soul a bit, that one. but at least it wasn't The Things of Recent Years.

Syrus Terrigan wrote:
at least it wasn't The Things of Recent Years.

Ah, yes...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Fantasy NPC: Queen Mother Unseen

lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Crap. I might or might not lost my best patron on Patreon - his payment got declined this month...
Oof. Good luck. Hopefully they just forgot to update when they switched cards?

Yeah, I hope it's only that. We'll see.

And no, it wasn't you Vany, your donation came through without any issue.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In Starfinder starting wealth is typically 1,000 credits. I've been upping that to 1,500 credits and everyone is a lot happier.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Looking forward to tomorrow, so I can finally end my months-long obsession with British politics.

I'm still half-convinced that it's all been an elaborate scripted lead-up to the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary, and Johnson, Sunak and Truss are just a badly-written alien species in disguise. But the BBC doesn't have that kind of budget.

It's a choice between being kicked in the nuts and being punched in the nuts, really.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Hoping with you. Had my formal interview with the infrastructure team yesterday and felt unprepared but well presented. Should hear back on the final decision next week.

Hey, wishing you nothing but the best!

NobodysHome wrote:

Cross your fingers, everyone! GothBard just had her first-round interview for her dream job and "knocked it out of the park".

Hopefully she'll get to a Round 2 next week and I'll be able to provide more good news.

(Kneels and prays to naked burning holy bobcat Jesus)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
The kids tested positive today. I've had I t since at least Tuesday, possibly since Saturday or Sunday.

Hoping everyone heals swiftly.

David M Mallon wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Today, we all watched 'Spiderman 2' of an evening. I'm not really into superhero films, but I thought it was OK, even if Toby McGuire kept reminding me of David Mitchell from Peep Show, and Alfred Molina looked a lot like Terry Jones.

I liked that one. But it was weird to see Donna Murphy, who has one of the most powerful voices on Broadway, in a non-singing role.

(Doc Ock's wife. She originated the role of Fosca in Sondheim's "Passion".)

She was also in the absolutely godawful Star Trek: Insurrection.

I paid money to see that in a theater.

Actual money.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Today, we all watched 'Spiderman 2' of an evening. I'm not really into superhero films, but I thought it was OK, even if Toby McGuire kept reminding me of David Mitchell from Peep Show, and Alfred Molina looked a lot like Terry Jones.

I liked that one. But it was weird to see Donna Murphy, who has one of the most powerful voices on Broadway, in a non-singing role.

(Doc Ock's wife. She originated the role of Fosca in Sondheim's "Passion".)

She was also in the absolutely godawful Star Trek: Insurrection.
an excellent description of that film. hurt my soul a bit, that one. but at least it wasn't The Things of Recent Years.

I will watch the things of recent years ten million times over before I watch insurrection even once.

Edit- Or f#$+ing nemesis.

Freehold DM wrote:
Edit- Or f%!~ing nemesis.

I'm really curious about the alternate universe where Michael Shanks from Stargate SG-1 played the clone Picard. Because that almost happened...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Jose took my broom again (which I paid for with my own money) so I took his MT 85 (mini bobcat) and trailer.

The best part is I didn't even punch in yet so it was entirely personal.

I got to work on Friday and my broom was back with my tools and Jose had one of his guys ask me if I was done with their trailer (I was).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, how dysfunctional is our Sunday group?

We started a new Sunday game today, so 1st-level 5e characters. Lara Craft guy chose to play a druid. When the Fake Russian expressed concern at our lack of a dedicated healer, he said, "I've got Cure Light Wounds prepared so I can provide some healing."

Unconvinced, the Fake Russian played an artificer(?) with Cure Light Wounds prepared.

The very first fight started. My rogue shot the bad guy from 60' away. Bad guy moved, then Misty Stepped, then took two attacks and the second one hit for 11 points of damage, one-shotting my rogue.

Over the next four rounds, the druid, standing 20' away, cast Magic Stone twice and missed all four throws. He never once cast a heal nor did a point of damage to the bad guy. The artificer, also 20' away, used two Fire Bolts, then used Cure Light Wounds on the fighter (who also went down), and finally another Fire Bolt.

So with 2 of 3 party members able to heal me and get me back in the fight, and both of them within a move and cast, I bled out over 4 rounds because neither of them could be bothered to do so. At least the artificer was doing damage. No idea what the druid thought he was doing.

I made a new character. We'll see how he dies next week.

EDIT: And for those not familiar with 5e, you can move in 20', cast a healing spell without provoking an attack of opportunity, and then move back 10', all in the same round as long as you keep your prone companion between you and the bad guy. So it wasn't a high-risk move for either of them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Crap. I might or might not lost my best patron on Patreon - his payment got declined this month...
Oof. Good luck. Hopefully they just forgot to update when they switched cards?

Yeah, I hope it's only that. We'll see.

And no, it wasn't you Vany, your donation came through without any issue.

I'm NOT your best Patreon patron? Well. That must change immediately. Wait...that's it...this is just a ploy to get me to pay for more pizza. I'm on to you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Today, we all watched 'Spiderman 2' of an evening. I'm not really into superhero films, but I thought it was OK, even if Toby McGuire kept reminding me of David Mitchell from Peep Show, and Alfred Molina looked a lot like Terry Jones.

I liked that one. But it was weird to see Donna Murphy, who has one of the most powerful voices on Broadway, in a non-singing role.

(Doc Ock's wife. She originated the role of Fosca in Sondheim's "Passion".)

She was also in the absolutely godawful Star Trek: Insurrection.

I paid money to see that in a theater.

Actual money.

But you're the Gilded Brooklyn Croesus!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Crap. I might or might not lost my best patron on Patreon - his payment got declined this month...
Oof. Good luck. Hopefully they just forgot to update when they switched cards?

Yeah, I hope it's only that. We'll see.

And no, it wasn't you Vany, your donation came through without any issue.

I'm NOT your best Patreon patron? Well. That must change immediately. Wait...that's it...this is just a ploy to get me to pay for more pizza. I'm on to you.

Well now I have to compete.


*waves to Freehold*

3 people marked this as a favorite.

when plot holes and deconstructionism take narratives from the status of "swiss cheese" to "west Tennessee backroad stop sign", it's a clear indicator that things have gone too far awry.

NobodysHome wrote:

So, how dysfunctional is our Sunday group?

We started a new Sunday game today, so 1st-level 5e characters. Lara Craft guy chose to play a druid. When the Fake Russian expressed concern at our lack of a dedicated healer, he said, "I've got Cure Light Wounds prepared so I can provide some healing."

Unconvinced, the Fake Russian played an artificer(?) with Cure Light Wounds prepared.

The very first fight started. My rogue shot the bad guy from 60' away. Bad guy moved, then Misty Stepped, then took two attacks and the second one hit for 11 points of damage, one-shotting my rogue.

Over the next four rounds, the druid, standing 20' away, cast Magic Stone twice and missed all four throws. He never once cast a heal nor did a point of damage to the bad guy. The artificer, also 20' away, used two Fire Bolts, then used Cure Light Wounds on the fighter (who also went down), and finally another Fire Bolt.

So with 2 of 3 party members able to heal me and get me back in the fight, and both of them within a move and cast, I bled out over 4 rounds because neither of them could be bothered to do so. At least the artificer was doing damage. No idea what the druid thought he was doing.

I made a new character. We'll see how he dies next week.

EDIT: And for those not familiar with 5e, you can move in 20', cast a healing spell without provoking an attack of opportunity, and then move back 10', all in the same round as long as you keep your prone companion between you and the bad guy. So it wasn't a high-risk move for either of them.

path of the berserker barbarian (or frenzy, or fury, or whateverthehell 5e calls it). only way to go for disposable funtimes in BoundedAccuracyLand.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So, how dysfunctional is our Sunday group?

We started a new Sunday game today, so 1st-level 5e characters. Lara Craft guy chose to play a druid. When the Fake Russian expressed concern at our lack of a dedicated healer, he said, "I've got Cure Light Wounds prepared so I can provide some healing."

Unconvinced, the Fake Russian played an artificer(?) with Cure Light Wounds prepared.

The very first fight started. My rogue shot the bad guy from 60' away. Bad guy moved, then Misty Stepped, then took two attacks and the second one hit for 11 points of damage, one-shotting my rogue.

Over the next four rounds, the druid, standing 20' away, cast Magic Stone twice and missed all four throws. He never once cast a heal nor did a point of damage to the bad guy. The artificer, also 20' away, used two Fire Bolts, then used Cure Light Wounds on the fighter (who also went down), and finally another Fire Bolt.

So with 2 of 3 party members able to heal me and get me back in the fight, and both of them within a move and cast, I bled out over 4 rounds because neither of them could be bothered to do so. At least the artificer was doing damage. No idea what the druid thought he was doing.

I made a new character. We'll see how he dies next week.

EDIT: And for those not familiar with 5e, you can move in 20', cast a healing spell without provoking an attack of opportunity, and then move back 10', all in the same round as long as you keep your prone companion between you and the bad guy. So it wasn't a high-risk move for either of them.

Pathfinder 2nd edition fixed that.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It didn't fix our party nearly getting totalled by a giant skeleton wielding a glaive last night, let me tell you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Crap. I might or might not lost my best patron on Patreon - his payment got declined this month...
Oof. Good luck. Hopefully they just forgot to update when they switched cards?

Yeah, I hope it's only that. We'll see.

And no, it wasn't you Vany, your donation came through without any issue.

I'm NOT your best Patreon patron? Well. That must change immediately. Wait...that's it...this is just a ploy to get me to pay for more pizza. I'm on to you.


NobodysHome wrote:

So, how dysfunctional is our Sunday group?

We started a new Sunday game today, so 1st-level 5e characters. Lara Craft guy chose to play a druid. When the Fake Russian expressed concern at our lack of a dedicated healer, he said, "I've got Cure Light Wounds prepared so I can provide some healing."

Unconvinced, the Fake Russian played an artificer(?) with Cure Light Wounds prepared.

The very first fight started. My rogue shot the bad guy from 60' away. Bad guy moved, then Misty Stepped, then took two attacks and the second one hit for 11 points of damage, one-shotting my rogue.

Over the next four rounds, the druid, standing 20' away, cast Magic Stone twice and missed all four throws. He never once cast a heal nor did a point of damage to the bad guy. The artificer, also 20' away, used two Fire Bolts, then used Cure Light Wounds on the fighter (who also went down), and finally another Fire Bolt.

So with 2 of 3 party members able to heal me and get me back in the fight, and both of them within a move and cast, I bled out over 4 rounds because neither of them could be bothered to do so. At least the artificer was doing damage. No idea what the druid thought he was doing.

I made a new character. We'll see how he dies next week.

EDIT: And for those not familiar with 5e, you can move in 20', cast a healing spell without provoking an attack of opportunity, and then move back 10', all in the same round as long as you keep your prone companion between you and the bad guy. So it wasn't a high-risk move for either of them.

Earlier this last month, because one of the players wasn't available for Vampire session, we played Ruins Of Symbaroum.


Because one player was (and will be) unavailable for some time, instead of Vampire, we created 1st level characters for Ruins Of Symbaroum (a D&D 5th edition rulebook of a setting that we usually play on its native Symbaroum mechanic - we wanted to check and compare).

We got our first quest, to escort prized pigs from a local farmer to a local noble for his son's wedding!

And then on the road to the farmer we encountered four wolf-thingies and got almost immediately slaughtered...

The encounter was fully following the Ruins challenge rating rules, which are intended to be more deadly than standard D&D 5th edition but it was almost immediate wipe. I was taken out in the first round (courtesy of being attack by two wolf-thingies). The scoundrel went down in second. The warrior stood the longest, because his secret corruption gifted him with a [b]Robust[/i] physique that gave him +2 to Constitution and two extra HD...

For now, the GM decided that it was a vision that the party scoundrel had while we stopped for the night before hitting being steamrolled by the encounter sent to her by the master of a dark cult that she was member in her past.

I have bad feelings about escorting the actual pigs.

The follow up session went sort of better. Except the first fight with the goblins was rather quick for me - rogue sneaked to goblin that followed us, but got her ass handed to her quickly - we run to help her, only for the first goblin score a critical hit that threw me to the ground instantly (the joys of having a mere 10 hp at first level). I should have died but the artifact that we unknowingly transported hidden in the secret compartment of the pig wagon healed me.

Then we had a fight with a group of goblins that tried to get their hands on the aforementioned artifact... This time went a much better, though we used deception, trickery, and maneuvering to trip a large number of them with a rope, followed by a bag of sleeping powder (that goblin shaman gave us moment before to put the wagon driver to sleep while we negotiated), followed by my burning hands taking out one or two of them.

Soon after a raging troll that was accompanying the goblins but stayed away of (failed) negotiations attacked us, but this time we were lucky and had superior numbers (goblins were all down by then).

We still don't have any healer...

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